1 2 Etext90 The United States Bill Of Rights 2 2 Etext90 The Papers 466 624 etext96 Edward Bellamy Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 467 623 EdnaFerber Edna Ferber 4 One Basket 593 488 etext96 Victor MacClure She Stands http://search.cpan.org/src/RKIES/UnixODBC-0.19/dbms/titles.dat
Page Not Found BET 1692 AND 1696 d. 1762) MacClure, Roberta Macey Isaac (b. 1800 - d. 24 OCT 1887)McClure, James Evelyn Annell (b. Private) Moran, Lamuel Victor (b. Private http://mromine823.hypermart.net/jan/b_m.htm
Broome County GenWeb Queries M on the family of William MacClure (17251826 Albert Miller, Virginia married WalliceHawkins, Victor Hugo married Hawley Mooney was born in 1887 in Binghamton NY http://www.rootsweb.com/~nybroome/bnqsys/brnewqm.htm
Extractions: Madeline, b. 7/1/23, d. 10/29/86 I know nothing of my grandparents (other than names/dob/dod) and their ancestory and would appreciate any assistance in pointing this "new" researcher in the right direction. RicknGail@aol.com Richard Wagner Oct 6, 1998 MANGAN Looking for any information on John William MANGAN b c 1843 in Labasheeda, Clare, Ireland, m Catherine CLEARY 27Aug180 in Friendsville, PA, d 12Sep1882 in Binghamton, NY. Also looking for any information on the parents of Catherine CLEARY b 06Nov1844 in Friendsville, d 26Nov1916 in Binghamton. Many thanks.
Index To Bengal Marriages 1874-1896 Henry, 151, 161, 1875. Macanti, Lilla G. Muller, Victor, 171, 182, 1880. Macarthur,GMW, Rose, Louis ED, 202, 165, 1887. MacClure, John, Howitt, Mary J. 181, 296,1882. http://www.rootsweb.com/~indwgw/Bengal/BM7496M.htm
Extractions: This page is part of the Family History in India website, which is designed to help people trace their European and Anglo-Indian family history in colonial India. This particular series of pages contains tens of thousands of names and is a complete transcription of the index to Bengal marriages for the period 1874-1896. The original records are held in the OIOC , the Oriental and India Office Collection of the British Library, and microfilm copies of the original records may be hired from the LDS . Information on using LDS microfilms, including the microfilm numbers required, is listed on this website under Using LDS Microfilms Small amounts of information may be copied for the purposes of family history research. The transcriptions for these pages were done by Robin Kinloch in 2003. Chris and Mo Thomas have provided transcription notes which describe the transcription process and warn of potential sources of error for their transcriptions of 1855-1864, and these will apply equally for Robin's monumental work of 1874-1896. Return to Bengal Marriage Index main page Return to Church Records in India page
Online Books, Ebooks, E-books By Rproject.org Song and Legend From the Middle Ages Read the ebook MacClure, Victor She Stands 595,May 28, 1887 Read the e-book Various Scientific American Supplement, No. http://www.rproject.org/list.php?i=2&sv=S
Extractions: Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California * Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit " The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions. Maack, Milton L , b. 03/09/1899, d. 10/01/1943, CPL USMC, Plot: 179 A17, *
Pictou County Roots Society MacClure, Doris, Kathleen, Swan, 1913, 1988, Abercrombie, Abercrombie MacDonald,Irving, James, 1887, 1952, West Branch, NS. MacDonald, Victor, Sinclair, 1918, 1997,Cremation. http://www.careerconnections.ns.ca/roots/index.asp?index=M
MacClure V. The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/extelop/authors/m/macclure.htm
Extractions: Home/îÁÞÁÌÏ Contents ABC of Authors Authors M ... Thesaurus MacClure, Victor MacWalter, Thom ðÅÒ×ÁÑ îæ ÐÕÂÌÉËÁÉÑ - ÒÏÍÁÎ " " (" The Arc of the Covenant ", . - íÉÎÓË: éëï "çÁÌÁËÓÉÁÓ", . - í.: ïïï "íÅÖÄÕÎÁÒÏÄÎÙÊ ÅÎÔÒ ÆÁÎÔÁÓÔÉËÉ", . CD-ROM (HTML). [â.Á.] MacClure, Victor // Tuck D.H. , compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 2 . - Chicago: Advent, . P. 287. [PN/JC] MacClure, Victor // The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Granada, . P. 369. [JC/PN] MacClure, Victor // The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, . P. 749. [JC/PN] MacClure, Victor // The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0 . - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., apl_12@yahoo.com
Authors M-O M. Maag, Carl MacCaffrey, James, 18751935 MacClintock, William Darnall, 1858-1936MacClure, Victor, 1887- MacDonald, George, 1824-1905 MacGrath, Harold, 1871 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/m-o.htm
The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors M-Md MacClure, Victor1887 She Stands Accused (UVa) 1935? (466 KB)TOC (SUBJECT Femaleoffenders Biography Criminals Biography) (Gutenberg Text Zip). http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libm.htm