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The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg 15751632 Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919 Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903AKA Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Beaumont, Mary Beck, L. Adams (Lily
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Absolute Beginner S Guide To Starting A Website Advertising Joseph Crosby, 18701944 Deputy Of Arcis, The, by Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 DerrickVaughan, Novelist, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Derues, by Dumas
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Chronological List Lyall, Edna; pseudonym of Ada Ellen Bayly, (18571903) (stories) IllustratedInterview with Edna Lyall by Ellen Velvin (iv) The Windsor Magazine Jan 1895.
Chronological List, Part 55 Thomas) (1939 ); LUVANO, ARLEN; LUZZATO, JACK; LUZZI, JOYCE K. Lyall,Edna; pseudonym of Ada Ellen Bayly, (1857-1903); Lyall, J. WATSON;
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Project Gutenberg: Authors List Bayly, Ada Ellen, 18571903 AKA Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym. Beaumont,Mary. Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym AKA Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903.
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Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS 18251892 Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867 Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903 AKA Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Bazin, Rene
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LISTA DE TITULOS Case Of George Dedlow, The, by Mitchell, S. Weir (Silar Weir), 18291914 AutobiographyOf A Slander, The, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Autobiography Of
Virtual_Library Joseph Crosby, 18701944 Deputy Of Arcis, The, by Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 DerrickVaughan, Novelist, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903 pseudonym Derues, by Dumas
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Literary Encyclopedia: List People (L) 1657 1732. Lyall, Edna (Lyall, Edna pseudonym of Ada Ellen Bayly). 1857- 1903. Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn (Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn ). 1835 - 1911.
The Hardy Norseman Project Our project is to scan the 1889 novel A Hardy Norseman by Edna Lyall (pseudonymfor Ada Ellen Bayly, 18571903) and annotate it for student use. Norseman/the_hardy_norseman_project.htm
Extractions: April 2001 A HARDY NORSEMAN EDNA LYALL Edition scanned: New York [n.d.] GEORGE MUNRO, PUBLISHER, 17 to 27 VANDEWATER STREET EDNA LYALLS WORKS CONTAINED IN THE SEASIDE LIBRARY (POCKET EDITION): NO. NO. In the Golden Days. Won by Waiting. Knight-Errant. A Hardy Norseman. Donovan: A Modern Englishman The Autobiography of a Slander. We Two. The text of the novel: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3