Poetry Page Maureen. The Sail. Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov Russian, 18141841. A whitesail gleams alone out yonder Amid the ocean s pale-blue haze http://maureenj3.tripod.com/ladolcevita/id12.html
Extractions: La Dolce Vita Poetry Page Home CHAT ROOM Favourites from Gustav Klimt Gallery ... Observations Poetry Page Postings List Asian Interlude My Guest Book Photos ... Contact Me Enter subhead content here Oscar Wilde (1854-1900 We are made one with what we touch and see. . . We are resolved into the supreme air, We are made one with what we touch and see, With our heart's blood each crimson sun is fair, With our young lives each spring-impassioned tree Flames into green, the wildest beasts that range The moor our kinsmen are, all life is one, and all is change. With beat of systole and of diastole One grand great life throbs through earth's giant heart, And mighty waves of single Being roll From nerve-less germ to man, for we are part Of every rock and bird and beast and hill, One with the things that prey on us, and one with what we kill. . . . One sacrament are consecrate, the earth Not we alone hath passions hymeneal, The yellow buttercups that shake for mirth At daybreak know a pleasure not less real Than we do, when in some fresh-blossoming wood We draw the spring into our hearts, and feel that life is good. . . . Is the light vanished from our golden sun, Or is this daedal-fashioned earth less fair, That we are nature's heritors, and one With every pulse of life that beats the air? Rather new suns across the sky shall pass, New splendour come unto the flower, new glory to the grass.
USGS Astro: Planetary Nomenclature - Nomenclature L Spirits or dwarfs. Vallis H H Lermontov 15.2N 48.1W 152.0 UR RU 5 197659 AA Mikhail Yurevich; Russian poet (18141841). J io Lerna http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/alpha/alphL.html
Extractions: Home For more detailed information about planetary nomenclature see the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature P SA NAME ... ORIGIN rouse 10.7S 76.3E 77.0 EU FR 5 1935 68 AA Jean Francois de Galoup, Comte De La P rouse; French explorer (1741-1788). V V Lab P SA NAME LAT ... ORIGIN M ME Lagarto 49.9N 351.6E 19.5 SA BR 5 1976 36 AA Town in Brazil. M M Lagarto 50.2N 8.4W 19.5 SA BR 5 1976 36 AA Town in Brazil. J ga Lagash Sulcus 10.9S 163.2W 1575.0 AS BY 5 1985 1 SU Early Babylonian town. V V Lagerl P SA NAME LAT ... ORIGIN M ME Lambert 20.0S 25.3E 92.0 EU GE 5 1973 68 AA Johann H.; German physicist (1728-1777). L L Lambert 25.8N 21.0W 30.0 EU GE 5 1935 66 AA Johann Heinrich; German astronomer, mathematician, physicist (1728-1777). L L Lam
Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 40 Lermontov, Mikhayil Yurevich, 18141841 See Lermontov, Mikhail IUrevich,1814-1841 1 Lermontov, Mishel, 1814-1841 See Lermontov, Mikhail IUrevich http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aLerner, Danie
Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (112 of 39) Year Lermontov, Mikhail IUrevich, 1814-1841. 199512 A hero of our own times / Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov. 1940. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aLerner, Danie
Extractions: Lermontov, Mikhail IUrevich, 1814-1841. Boiarin Orsha Der damon, / neu ubertragen von Herbert Stegemann. Der damon, / neu ubertragen von Herbert Stegemann. The demon, and other poems. / Translated from the Russian by Eugene M. Kayden. Introd. by Sir Maurice Bowra. Demon. The demon. / Edited with an introduction, notes and vocabulary by Dennis Ward. / Illus. M. Vrubel. Geroi na nasheto vreme : kriticheski prochit i komentar Geroi nashego vremeni. Geroi nashego vremeni Geroi nashego vremeni. ... A hero of our time / [electronic resource] / by M. Y. Lermontov. Result page: Next
Untitled Document Killed in duel. Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov. 18141841. A Hero of our Time. Lyricromantic poetry. Killed in duel. Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol, 1809-1852. http://www.tulane.edu/~gcummins/russ_345/russ_345_.html
Extractions: Tolstoy and Dostoevsky Fall, 2001 Tulane University This is Tolstoy on his deathbed, Astapovo railway station, 7 November 1910 (old style). The first note quotes him as saying: "I advise you to do one thing — remember that there are lots of people in the world besides Lev Tolstoy, but you still keep looking only at this one man Lev Tolstoy." The text continues under the photograph: If we believe that everything that has happened to us in our lives has happened for our good, then what happens in our death is for our good. All misfortunes open up to us the divine, the immortal, the self-sufficient in us which makes up the basis of our life. Death, on the other hand, opens up to us our true ego What happens to us after death we cannot and should not know. We would not be able to live and do the work of God if we knew. If it should be something worse that awaited us, we would treasure this life all the more, and there is no greater impediment to the work of God than concern for this life. If it should be something better that awaited us, we would neglect this life and attempt to escape it. We do not know what awaits us, but we do know one thing without doubt: the spiritual
Extractions: Belarusian Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian (cyr.) Serbian (lat.) Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Culture Arts Literature Poetry ... Poetry by Culture Russian Poetry This category is not edited. Ever thought of becoming an editor Sister categories ... American Poetry Chinese Poetry English Poetry French Poetry German Poetry Greek and Roman Classics Italian Poetry Japanese Poetry Latin American Poetry Persian Poetry Portuguese Poetry Spanish Poetry Akmeism Russian Poetry, 19 century Formal Studies Russian "Silver Age" ... Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (1766-1826) See also Culture / Arts / Literature / European Literatures / Russian Literature Sites No filters selected ...
Www.santo-tirso.com Translate this page L. Labé, Louise (1526-1566). Lawrence, DH (1885-1930). Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1837).Lermontov, Mikhail Yurevich (1814-1841). Lisboa, António Maria (1928-1953). http://www.santo-tirso.com/literatura.htm
Extractions: Literatura Nobel da Literatura Livros na net A Akmátova, Ana (1889-1966) Aleixo, António Fernandes (1899-1949) Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321) Al-Mutamid (1040-1091) ... Assis, São Francisco de (1181-1226) B Babel, Isaak Emmanuilovich (1894-1939-40) Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850) Barca, Pedro Calderón de la (1600-1681) Bashô, Matsuo (1644-1694) ... Byron (1785-1824) C Camões, Luís Vaz de (c.1525-1580) Cardenal, Peires (1225-1272) Carvalho, Rómulo de (1906-1997) - Pseudónimo: António Gedeão Castelo-Branco, Camilo (1825-1890) ... Cummings, E. E. (1894-1962) D Desportes, Philippe (1546-1606) Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) Dinis, D. (O Lavrador) (1261-1325) ... Dostoievski, Fiodor Mihailovich (1821-1881) E Espanca, Florbela (1894-1930) Eurípedes (480-405 a.C.) F Ferro, António (1895-1956) Flaco, Quinto Horácio (65-8 a.C.) Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) Fonseca, António Branquinho da (1905-1974) ... Fortunato, Venâncio (530-603) G Garrett, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida (1799-1854)
Mikhail Lermontov - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Mikhail Lermontov. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mikail Yurevich Lermontov ( ), (October 15, 1814 July 27, 1841 Moscow Lermontov passed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Lermontov
Extractions: Mikail Yurevich Lermontov October 15 July 27 Russian poet and novelist , often called "the poet of the Caucasus ", was born in Moscow , of Scottish descent (from the Learmount family), but belonged to a respectable family of the Tula province, and grew up in the village of Tarkhanui (in the Penzensk government), which now preserves his remains. His grandmother - on whom the whole care of his childhood was devolved by his mother's early death and his father's military service - spared neither cost nor pains to give him the best education she could imagine. The intellectual atmosphere which he breathed in his youth differed little from that in which Pushkin had grown up, though the domination of French had begun to give way before the fancy for English , and Lamartine shared his popularity with Byron From the academic gymnasium in Moscow Lermontov passed in to the university , but there his career came to an untimely close through the part he took in some acts of insubordination to an obnoxious teacher. From to he attended the school of cadets at Saint Petersburg , and in due course he became an officer in the guards. To his own and the nation's anger at the loss of Pushkin (1837) the young soldier gave vent in a passionate poem addressed to the
Extractions: Your source of Visual Intoxication! Artists Paintings Library ... What's New? THE LIBRARY Galleries Burne-Jones J.W. Waterhouse Maidens of Death ... Portrait of the Artist Updated The Year 1900 Reference Abbreviations Letters Societies Article Archive New Artist Research Auction Records Books New Books Updated Links Poetry Themes Art Forum ... DVDs Updated Fine Art Videos Gift Shop Prints New 2004 Art Calendars Address Books Bookmarks Journals ... Screen Savers Poetry Click on a poet's name below to display available poems. Baudelaire, Charles (French Belyi, Andrei (Russian Blake, William (British Blok, Aleksandr (Russian (British (British (British Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (British Burns, Robert (British Byron, Lord (British Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth (British Crowley, Aleister (British Delville, Jean (Belgian Dickinson, Emily (American Eliot, George (British Gourmont, Remy de (French Gray, Thomas (British Heine, Heinrich (German Herrick, Robert
Questia Online Library - New Search Subjects Lermontov, Mikhail IUr evich18141841. John Mersereau Jr. Book byMikhail Yurevich Lermontov, Philip Longworth; New American Library, 1962. http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&keywordsSearchType=1000&keywords=Lermon
Literary Encyclopedia: List People (L) 1829 1879. Lermontov, Mikhail (Lermontov, Mikhail Yurevich ). 1814 - 1841. Lerner,Max (Lerner, Max ). 1902 - Present. Lesage, Alain-René (Lesage, Alain-René ). http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=125&golist=true&init=L
Poem Pandora Dante Gabriel Rosseti British18281882 The Daffodils William WordsworthBritish1770-1850 The Sail Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov Russian1814-1841 http://www.lain.ais.ne.jp/~iris1226/waterhouse6.html
Welcome To Slynkycat.com Poetry Kumin Unknown. Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov Russian 1814 1841. PabloNeruda Cuban. Percy Bysshe Shelley British 1792 - 1822. Peter Turner http://www.slynkycat.net/fire/arts/poetry/poettemp.asp?action=view
Welcome To Slynkycat.com Poetry 1936. Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov Russian 1814 1841. Lord LyttonBritish 1831 - 1891. Edgar Allan Poe American 1809 - 1849. Georges http://www.slynkycat.net/fire/arts/poetry/poettemp.asp?action=favorite&poetypeid
Biblioteca Virtual The Breitmann Ballads (.zip 139 Kb) The Breitmann Ballads (.zip - 142 Kb). Lermontov,Mikhail Yurevich (1814 + 1841). A Hero Of Our Time (.zip - 135 Kb). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/l.html
Extractions: Memoirs Of The Comtesse Du Barry; with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV (.zip - 351.66 Kb) Landers, J. King Memba's Point (.zip - 112.79 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912), Translator Aucassin And Nicolete (.zip - 33.9 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912) Adventures Among Books (.zip - 180.04 Kb)