Joyce Country, Harris, Frank* U 161; FW 110.17 (1856 1931) Writer on Shakespeareamong other things. Contemporary critical assessment is not kind.
Extractions: Joyce Country, an alphabetical list of persons (real, present, absent or imagined) and the places that they inhabit (mostly Dublin) H pg Hackett, Mr A Portrait 463 University student Hackett, Rev. M.A, C.C. U 261 Curate-in-charge, he was actually parish priest Hagar* U 334 Biblical Haines U FW Hairy Iopas See Virgil Hall, Elizabeth* U Hall, Jack* U 107 Journalist and raconteur [Hall, Owen]* U 210 Author of book to Floradora of which Idolores is the heroine Halliday* U Halliday, Jacob U 265 Grocer at 38A Main Street in Blackrock Halpin* A Portrait 476 Student at the university Halpin, Dr* A Painful Case 114 The Dublin hospital doctor that attended Mrs Sinico prior to her death [Hamilton, Edwin]* U FW Turko the Terrible U Hammam Hotel and Turkish Baths U 70 Not named and another of the several locations where Bloom could have had his bath Hampton Leedom and Co. U 443 Chandler, hardware and houseware store at 50 Henry Street Hancock U 125 Apparently an employee at the brewery Hand, Robert
Certificate Of Authenticity Appraisal ID 456 Appraised On November 01, 2003 Market Value $ 55.00 ReplacementValue $ 70.00 Appraiser Comments Frank Harris (18561931)was a British
WebGED: Southern Families Data Page Athey, Lenora Lucinda (Babe) (1856 1931) b. 8 JUN 1961 -child Atkinson,Hughie Frank (1967 - ) spouse Troy(*1964 - ) mother Harris, Lynda Christie
Förste Hedersledamöter Och Korresponderande Ledamöter Translate this page Adams, Frank Dawson 1859-1942 Montreal inv 1911 Barrois inv 1889 Teall, Jethro JustinianHarris 1849-1924 Washington inv 1911 Weber, CA 1856-1931 Bremen inv
Book People: Re: Life+50 Authors Davies CHAMBERS {CA} (M 1852 1931) Edward CHANNING {US} (M 1856 - 1931 Jan 7 F1863 - 1931) Ida (nee)Husted HARPER (F 1851 - 1931) Frank Harris (M 1856,1.html
WebGED: Parker Family Data Page William (~1840 ) b. ABT 1840 in Harris County, Georgia 1853 - ~1915) childDeloach, William Franklin Frank (1856 - 1931) child Deloach
Last Name 612, /, Harris, Gordon B, 54, /, 1922, 1Mar, 1995, /, 89, /, /, /, cremated, 57,James Henry Stiles, Mary J Walker, Frank W Hilton, /, 198, /, Homond, Father, 37,/, 1856, /, 1931, /, 27,
Extractions: Ref # Ckd Last Name Name Page Born Yr Born Died Yr Died Y-M-D Plot Father Mother Spouse(s) notes Haker Baby granddaughter Haker Sarah J William H Haker Haker William H Sarah J Haker ep Hall Betsy 26-Aug 30-Mar Samuel Hall Hall Frank B 20-Oct 11-Oct brother of Albert Brown's Father Hall Henry ep Hall Samuel 10-May 20-Feb Betsy Hall Hanson Baby Hanson Baby Hanson Baby Hanson Baby m Hanson Clarence F Natt J Hanson Olive A Leighton Nora E Philbrick d Hanson Frank A 21-Sep Natt J Hanson Olive A Leighton Hanson J C Hanson Mary Brown d Hanson Natt J 12-Mar Paul Hanson Sarah Langley Olive A Leighton m Hanson Nora E Philbrick John S Philbrick Eliza Philbrick Clarence F Hanson d Hanson Olive A Leighton 24-Feb Samuel Leighton Adeline Winkley Natt J Hanson d Hanson Paul 20-Mar Ebenezer Hanson Polly Stiles Sarah Langley d Hanson Sarah Langley 28-Apr Thomas Langley Lovey Hill Paul Hanson Harris Gordon B 1-Mar cremated Harvey Daniel brother of Forrest Harvey d Harvey Lillian B Page 12-Aug Hawkins Andrew 1-Aug 16-May Hawkins Betsy Winkley 3-Apr 25-Sep Hawkins Calista A 29-Aug 5-Feb Hawkins Sidney F ep Hill Andrew Neal 12-May 2-Apr Andrew Hill Sally Leighton d Hill Azariah B 22-Apr Joseph Hill Sally Caverly Hannah Hall d Hill Baby Girl 26-Aug Charles F Hill Elizabeth L Leighton b,d
Ontario History And Genealogy, Clifton Springs Cemetery, Part IV 1842 1902. Harris, Robert. 1836 - 1907. HOLMES, William. 1856 - 1931. HORNER,Mary A. 1836 - 1916; husb of Mary. LAPHAM, Frank S. 1855 - 1933; husb of Speda S.
Extractions: H - L If you would like to submit Ontario Cemetery data to this site please contact me Return to Cemetery Lists Return to Home Page CLIFTON SPRINGS VILLAGE CEMETERY HAMILTON, George died 1876; aged 38y HAND, Helen L. HAND, Silas died Jan 11, 1872; aged 47y; husb of Phalena HARMON, Chauncey died Feb 27, 1863; aged 41y,6m,17d HARMON, Minnie HARMON, Nelson HARMON, Roana 1828 - 1906; wife of Nelson; nee GILE HARRIS, Mary Frances HARRIS, Robert HART, Ingraham T. (Rev) HATMAKER, David HATMAKER, Marion R. 1859 19 Wife of David; nee BRADT HAVENS, Ada Eliza HAVENS, Mary died Sept 16, 1870; aged 62y,3m,26d; wife of Harlan P.; nee WHITNEY HAVER, Rachel died July 22, 1861; aged 78y; wife of Zachariah HAVER, Zachariah died Apr 1, 1847; aged 76y HAYTER, Elise 1871 - 1922; nee DUFEY HIBBARD, Freeborn G. (Rev) HIBBARD, Maria 1820 - 1913; wife of Rev. Freeborn; nee HYDE HICKS, James D. died Feb 23, 1862; aged 25y; Civil War Vet died in service HILL, Anna 1805 - 1892; wife of Ephraim; nee ARCHER HILL, Ephraim Dercum, Francis Xavier, 1856 1931. DeWall, Richard A. Goldenhar, Maurice, 1924- 2001. Goldfarb, Alvin Frank, 1923 -. Harris, Seale, 1870 - 1957. Haserick, JohnR.
Extractions: This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.
Index 1856 1931) John D. (1856 - 1931) John Mason 1862 - ) Florence Adelaide (1892 -) Frank Mason (1886 1783) Andrew (1928 - ) Catherine Harris (1856 - ) Child
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Bean Marean J. Marian Elizabeth Marion Alfreda Mary Almeda ... Zelotes Beane Eliza Flavel Beard Dorcas Beauhall Adam Catherine Maria Beck Adele Elizabeth Beckwith Henry Sumner Lena Chapin Bedell E. E. Edna Mason Gordon Elmo Levi Edward Beers Richard Sarah Belden Vesta Bell David Ferguson Hannah P. Lurline Rachel ... Susie Bellows Ann Foster Col. Benjamin Betsey Isaac Foster ... Thomas Belshe Cosma Joyce John Francis Bemis Abbie Louisa Anna Belle M. Bernard Forrest ... Thomas Benjamin Emma Patience Bennett Abner Abraham Abraham Abraham ... William Sylvanus Benson Fannie H. Henry John John ... William S. Bent Abigail Anna Elijah Elijah Knight ... William Lawrence Beote Albert Alfred Richard John A. John A. ... Mary Elizabeth Bernard John Sarah Jane Berry Clara Harriet Newell Kenneth Charles Kenneth Grover ... Suzanne Haskins Besse Arthur L. Marion Bessey Capt. Alden Alice May Alvin Sturtevant Ella Maud ... Wilmer Best Alvin Doris Jeanne Janet Mae Stuart Betts Julia Frances Bibbins Alice Maud Charles William Keck Clara Leona Clark Eugene ... Sarah Alexandria Bickford Marth Bicknell Agnes Maud Henry Augustus William Bigelow Abijah Abijah Abraham Alfred Castleman ... Zebiah Billing Abigail Dorothy Ephraim James ... Lieut. Jonathan
Thelema Lodge Calendar For December 1997 Ev 2413. The Irish-American-English journalist Frank Harris (1856- 1931), who editedThe Fortnightly Review and then helped to invent the twentieth century
Extractions: Lodge Members and Officers Our annual tour of the Enochian universe continues this month, as we conclude a full reading of Liber 418 on a schedule which follows the original revelations of The Vision and the Voice. "My form is not unlike a re-enactment," Caitlin explains. "I have bell, book, candle, and crystal ball. I sit down in the Temple on the date and during the time that Crowley/Neuberg were doing their invocations and recording their results, and I read the Aire. I've done this with multiple readers, pairs, and alone." She cites Crowley's own advice (Third Aethyr, note 1) that Liber 418 "should be read audibly and slowly," and Regardie's assessment (in his 1972 introduction) that "despite some rhetoric, the language on the whole is sonorous, sublime, and majestic." The twelve lower Aethyrs were read last month, with the series continuing through 19th and 20th December, when we conclude with the first and second Aires. Some readings which fall at times inconvenient for gathering may be read again later during evening hours; call Caitlin on the day of the Aire to inquire about the schedule or to request an evening repeat.
Harris, Frank Harris, Frank, Still searching the hard way? Try the Free SliderSearch Toolbar and spend less time searching!! Sponsored Link. 18561931,
Extractions: Still searching the hard way? Try the Free Slider Search Toolbar and spend less time searching!! Sponsored Link 1856â1931, British-American author, b. Galway, Ireland. He studied at the Univ. of Kansas, became a U.S. citizen, and returning to England, edited successively a number of periodicals. A controversial figure in both his private life and his writings, he is primarily known for his scandalously frank and highly unreliable autobiography, My Life and Loves (3 vol., 1923â27), which was banned in the United States and England for many years. Much of his other work, such as his first novel, The Bomb (1908), shows a similar leaning toward eroticism. His biographical series Contemporary Portraits (1915â27), portraying such men as Shaw, Wells, Galsworthy, and Kipling, many of whom he knew, and his biography of Oscar Wilde (1916) reveal his facility for maliciousness and imaginative speculation. Among his other works are the volume of short stories, Montes the Matador (1900), and the novel Great Days (1913).
Erotik 1970, 40. Fabricius-Möller, Könslivet, Forum 1954, 30-. HarrisFrank (1856-1931), Mitt liv i lust, Bonniers 1966, 40-. HegelerInge
Extractions: Medicinhistoria, hälsa, juridik, hobby, textil, mode, handarbete, spel, språk, foto, teckning, målning, erotik, livsåskådning, spåkonst, yoga, kroppsspråk, övernaturligt, UFO, alkohol, droger. Porto tillkommer Beställning Medicinhistoria, hälsa Calder Ritchie Undermedicinerna. Den fascinerande historien om hur våra moderna läkemedel upptäckts. Original-pocket Tema 1965 Dumrath O. H. Hvad hvarje kvinna bör veta. En oumbärlig rådgifvare och läkarebok för flickor, hustrur och mödrar. Med illustrationer. Tidstypiskt inbundet band. Svenska Bokförlaget 1910 Fåhreaus Robin Läkekonstens historia. Från magi till vetenskap. Illustrerad pocket Gemzell Carl Nu föds ett barn Bra Böcker 1967 Glaser Hugo ( f. 1881) Den segerrika kampen. Läkekonstens utveckling under hundra år. Gosling Nalda Örter mot huvudvärk och migrän En naturläkares erfarenheter. Häftad. Illustrerad. Reformförlaget 1981 Gustafson Jan Åsumspågen. En folklig sjukdomsbotare under senare delen av 1800-talet. Häftad LTs 1981 Henschen Folke (1881-1977) Min långa väg till Salamanca.
Descendants Of Ludwig Friedrich Freisinger 5 Martha Elizabeth Frisinger 1856 1931. .. 5Frank Merica 1856 -. . 6 Harris W. Reed.
Extractions: Descendants of Ludwig Friedrich Freisinger Source: John H. Meyer, used with permission Ludwig Friedrich Freisinger +Elizabeth Plessen John Frisinger +Anna Maria Anna Maria Frisinger +Jacob Feiser Ludwig Frisinger +Susanna Johan Peter Frisinger +Anna Catherine Aker Jacob Frisinger +Mary Hinkle William Frisinger +Narcissus Wiley Dinah Belle Frisinger Bella Frisinger Mary Jane Frisinger +Thomas Jefferson Freshour Martha Elizabeth Frisinger +Andrew Jackson Freshour Lewis B. Frisinger +Elnora Denman William Henry Frisinger Della Florence Frisinger +John E. Sluss Robert Wiley Frisinger +Ella Catherine Listenberger Emma F. Frisinger John Henry Frisinger +Lena Mead Thomas Jefferson Frisinger +Lydia Elizabeth Putnam James Frisinger Emma Frisinger +Grant Pate *2nd Husband of Emma Frisinger: +George Howerth Eva Maude Frisinger +George Goble Myrtle Belle Frisinger +John Daniel Lamb Edith Pearl Frisinger +Joseph Harding Olive Lanora Frisinger +Willard Haun William Frisinger +Catherine Harb Nathan Frisinger +Jane Ryan Nancy Ann Frisinger +Leroy Shingeldecker William Frisinger Sarah Jane Frisinger Sylvester Frisinger George Washington Frisinger +Lydie Archer *2nd Wife of George Washington Frisinger: +Delilie McDonald *3rd Wife of George Washington Frisinger: +Arena Hesser James W. Frisinger
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Catalogues - Livre Ancien - Galaxidion (1856 - 1931) du biographe d Oscar Wilde (qui avait été son ami).
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