Series 1 Halevy, Ludovic, 18341908, Abbe Constantin, The, 1882, Sentimental romance, Search,1, Hall, Charles Nordhoff, 1887-1947, Mutiny on the Bounty, 1932, Novel, Search,1, U,
Extractions: Author Dates for Author Title Date of pub. Type of Work Search in Google S AC KL W G U P Adams, Henry Education of Henry Adams, The Novelized biography Search U Aeschylus 525-456 B.C. House of Atreus, The 458 B.C. Drama Search Aeschylus 525-456 B.C. Prometheus Bound 470 B.C. Drama Search Ainsworth, William Harrison Tower of London Novel Search Ainsworth, William Harrison Windsor Castle Novel Search Alain-Fournier (Henri Alain Fournier) Wanderer, The Novel Search Alarcon, Pedro Antonio De Three-Cornered Hat, The Novel Search Alcott, Louisa May Little Women Novel Search W U Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Story of a Bad Boy, The Novel Search Allen, Hervey Anthony Adverse Novel Search Anderson, Maxwell Winterset Drama Search Anderson, Sherwood Dark Laughter Novel Search Anderson, Sherwood Poor White Novel Search Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio Novel Search U Apuleius, Lucius Golden Asse of Lucius Apuleius, The 2nd cent. Novel Search Aristophanes c.448-385 B.C. Clouds, The Novel Search Aristophanes c.448-385 B.C. Frogs, The 405 B.C.
World Literature Type of Work, Search in Google, S, AC, KL, W, G, U, P. Halevy, Ludovic,18341908, Abbe Constantin, The, 1882, Sentimental romance, Search, 1,Sherwood
Extractions: Author Dates for Author Title Date of pub. Type of Work Search in Google S AC KL W G U P Halevy, Ludovic Abbe Constantin, The Sentimental romance Search Sherwood, Robert E. Abe Lincoln in Illinois Historical chronicle Search Faulkner,William Absalom, Absalom! Novel Search U Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans) Adam Bede Novel Search W Barrie, James M. Admirable Crichton, The Drama Search Vergilius Maro, Publius 70-19 B.C. Aeneid, The Poem Search Wharton, Edith Age of Innocence, The Novel Search U Euripides 480-406 B.C. Alcestis 438 B.C. Drama Search Gordon, Caroline Aleck Maury, Sportsman Novel Search Tarkington, Booth Alice Adams Novel Search Carrol, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) Alice in Wonderland Imaginitive tale Search Fielding, Henry Amelia Novel Search Dreiser, Theodore American Tragedy, An Novel Search U James, Henry American, The Novel Search Sholokhov, Mikhail And Quiet Flows the Don Novel Search Tolstoy, Count Leo Anna Karenina Novel Search Allen, Hervey Anthony Adverse Novel Search Sophocles 495?-406 B.C. Antigone 440 B.C.
Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 09-21-01 gutbook/lookup?num=3788 Dewey Subjects 927.8 Persons in Music LC Subjects Haydn,Joseph, 17321809 ComposersAustriaBiography Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908.$1.html
VÆn Jacques Offenbach ?/18191880 /?/Hector Cremieux(1828-1892)?/Ludovic Halevy(1834-1908) 1858?10?21
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Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Hale, Edward Everett, 18221909 Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900 Halevy,Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Haliburton, Thomas
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Pleasanton Public Library /All Items Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Year Halevy Ludovic 1834 1908 1 Carmen. / Libretto.English French. 1982 2 Carmen. / Vocal Score. English French. c1958.,1901/search/a?Hal{226}evy, Lu
George Fox University 17991862 1 Halevy, Julia / 52 Beginner s Luck A First Fortunate Family EncounterJulia Halevy 200 c1993 1 Halévy, L. (Ludovic), 1834-1908 See Halévy, Anne./ahaley anne/-5,-1,0,B/bro
George Fox University Year Entries Halevy, Julia / 52 Beginner s Luck A First Fortunate Family EncounterJulia Halevy 200 c1993 1 Halévy, L. (Ludovic), 18341908 See Halévy, Gail E./ahaley gail e/-5,-1,0,B
Extractions: Extended Display Start Over Another Search Search Summit Other Resources AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT KEYWORD LC CALL NO JOURNAL TITLE MISC.# Other OCLC NO Nearby AUTHORS are: Prev Next Mark Year Entries Halevy, Julia / 52 Beginner's Luck: A First Fortunate Family Encounter Julia Halevy 200 Halévy, L. (Ludovic), 1834-1908 See Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908
Extractions: TEMPLEMAN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF KENT Theatre Collections : Programme Collection Backstage : Miscellaneous Programmes UKC/PRG/MISC/BAL MARL : F175515 Theatre programme advertising a ballet performance at the Marlowe Theatre, on 12th October 1992, by the BALLET DU NORD. Marlowe Theatre, The Friars, Canterbury, Kent, England BALLET DU NORD
Extractions: TEMPLEMAN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY Theatre Collections : Programme Collection Jack Reading's Programmes 1964 UKC/PRG/READ/THE PIC : F173457 Theatre programme advertising a play to be produced at the Piccadilly entitled WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? The programme is undated. Piccadilly Theatre, Denman Street, Westminster, London, England 1964 (circa) WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? stage manager : Ginesi, Michael, Mr. UKC/PRG/READ/THE VAU : F173489 Theatre programme advertising a new play to be produced at the Vaudeville entitled PORTRAIT OF MURDER. The programme is undated. Vaudeville Theatre, Strand, Westminster, London, England manager : Tomsett, Frank, Mr. 1964 (circa) PORTRAIT OF MURDER
This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From HaldemanJulius, E. (Emanuel), 1889-1951 Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Hale, LucretiaP. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900 Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA Halévy PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT
Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. *Écrivains* Translate this page GRAS (FELIX) NÉ A MALEMORT (1844-1901) GUEHENNO (JEAN) NÉ A FOUGERES (1890- 1978)Halevy (Ludovic) NÉ A PARIS (1834-1908) HEMON (LOUIS) NÉ A BREST (1880
Extractions: Index général aéroport affluents Centrale nucléaire et hydroélectriques Chefs-Lieux Collines de Rome Communes Compositeurs Constellations Cyclades Déesses Dieux Divinités Écrivains Fleuves Côtier FLeuves des enfers Fleuves Historiens Homme d'état Homme Politiques Lacs Massifs Mathématiciens Noms Peintres Poètes Ports et Ports Fluviaux Rivières Sculteurs Théologiens Torrents Villes ÉCRIVAINS ECRIVAINS ALGÉRIENS DID, (MOHAMMED) NÉ, A, TLEMCEN EN, 1920.
Extractions: Donors Michael May musical collection; Ad.Author Dietz, Howard Ad.Author Kanin, Garson Ad.Author Meilhac, Henri, 1831-1897 Ad.Author Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Ad.Author Haffner, Carl Ad.Author Genee, Richard Ad.Author Paulik, Anton Library use only - Click the icon to prepare the document for download to the
Extractions: Skip the explanation and go straight to the table of contents This Web page shows the table of contents of our World Literature CD. Internal links will take you to the various sections, but you cannot get to the books themselves here on the Web. For that you need the CD. Questions? If Richard Seltzer, who created this CD, is online now, you can chat with him immediately by clicking on his photo (below). If he is offline, you can send him an email by clicking on his photo. This World Literature CD, with 1164 books, in plain text format, is available for $29 at our online store. If you would like to have your PC (with speakers) read these texts aloud to you, while they are displayed in text on the screen, see below about the free ReadPlease software that we have included on this CD. For details about this publishing service, check the readme document . You can contact us at,
Food For Thought: Biographies Halevy, Ludovic (French dramatist; nephew of Fromental), 18341908.Haley, William John Clifton Bill (American musician), 1925-1981.
Extractions: Haar, Alfred (Hungarian mathematician) Haas, Joseph (German composer) Haase, Hugo (German politician) Haast, Sir John Francis Julius von (Ger.-born Brit. geologist) Haavelmo, Trygve (Norwegian economist) b.1911 Haba, Alois (Czech composer) Habakkuk (Hebrew prophet) 7th? cent. BC Habeneck, Francois-Antoine (French conductor) Haber, Fritz (German chemist; brother-in-law of Karl Bosch) Haberl, Franz Xaver (German clergyman, musician) Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Austrian botanist) Haberlin, Paul (Swiss philosopher) Habibollah Khan (Amir of Afghanistan 1901-1919) Habington, William (English poet) Hacha, Emil (Czech jurist, politician) Hachette, Louis-Christophe-Francois (French editor, publisher) Hackenschmidt, George (Estonian wrestler) Hackert, Jacob Philipp (German painter) Hackett, James Henry (American actor) Hackett, James Keteltas (Canadian actor; son of James Henry) Hadamard, Jacques-Salomon (French mathematician) Haddon, Alfred Cort (English anthropologist) Haden, Charles Edward "Charlie" (American musician, composer) b.1937
220 E-libretto - Opera E-libretti - Livrets Translate this page Akten Libretto Carl Haffner and Richard Genee (1823-1895), nach dem Spiel Le reveillondurch Henri Meilhac (1831-1897) and Ludovic Halevy (1834-1908) Première