Commencement Speakers At Ohio University Munro, Sir Leslie, New Zealand s representative to the US. 1983, Sauter, Van Gordon,Ohio University Alumnus. 1995, Ungar, Irwin A. Environmental Studies Chair.
Extractions: Useful Links No Speaker Recorded Wilson, Robert G. President, Ohio University Wilson, Robert G. President, Ohio University No Program Preserved No Program Preserved Wilson, Robert G. President, Ohio University Wilson, Robert G. President, Ohio University No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Speaker Recorded No Speaker Recorded No Program Preserved Read, Daniel Professor, Ohio University No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved McGuffey, William H. President, Ohio University No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Speaker Recorded No Program Preserved No Speaker Recorded No Program Preserved No Program Preserved No Speaker Recorded No Speaker Recorded Howard, Solomon President, Ohio University No Program Preserved No Speaker Recorded No Speaker Recorded No Program Preserved No Program Preserved Storer, Bellamy
Books For Sale: Library, Seattle, Washington $10, Edwards, J. Gordon, A Climber s Guide to Glacier $5, Irwin, William Robert,ed. Challenge, An Anthology of $65, Stephen, Leslie, The Playground of Europe, 1909
Extractions: Last updated 5/18/2004 Cost Author Title Comments Abraham, George D. First Steps to Climbing Abraham, George D. Modern Mountaineering Adams, Ansel These We Inherit, the Parklands of America 1962, Sierra Club, San Francisco The American Alpine Club The American Alpine Journal 1984, The American Alpine Club, New York Atkinson, Brooks At home in the Wild, New England's White Mountains 1978, Friends of the Earth, San Francisco Bechtold, Fritz Nanga Parbat Adventure Beckey, Fred Cascade Alpine Guide, Columbia River to Stevens Pass 1973, The Mountaineers, Seattle, softcover, Ex libris, excellent condition Beckey, Fred Cascade Alpine Guide, Rainy Pass to Fraser River 1981, The Mountaineers, Seattle, softcover, Ex libris, excellent condition
Untitled Document Edited by Leslie Wheeler Militant Suffragette by Katherine Roberts (1910); The PrisonerAn Experience of Forcible Feeding by Helen Gordon (1911 Irwin, Inez Haynes
Extractions: Full-text excerpts from some of the sources are available via hyperlink, as indicated. Books / Papers / Dissertations Videos Curricula Juvenile Literature ... World-Wide Web BOOKS / PAPERS / DISSERTATIONS Autobiographies and Memoirs of American Suffragists Blatch, Harriet Stanton. Challenging Years: The Memoirs of Harriet Stanton Blatch. (New York: Putnam, 1940) Duniway, Abigail Scott. Path Breaking: An Autobiographical History of the Equal Suffrage Movement in Pacific Coast States. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Eighty Years And More: Reminiscences 1815-1897. (New York: Schocken Books, 1971) First published in 1898. Shaw, Anna Howard. The Story of a Pioneer. (New York: Harper, 1915) Anthony, Katharine. Susan B. Anthony: Her Personal History and Her Era. (New York: Doubleday, 1954) Bacon, Margaret Hope. Valiant Friend: The Life of Lucretia Mott. (New York: Walker, 1980) Blackwell, Alice Stone. Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Woman's Rights . (Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1930)
EDWARD SYLVESTER ELLIS Paper, New York Weekly, Frank Leslie s Boys and RH Jayne, RM Hawthorne, RH Gordon,Geoffrey Randolph probably written originally for Irwin s American Novels
Extractions: GOETHE: Faust, garden scene In the summer of 1860, there was sent to the offices of Irwin P. Beadle & Co., 141 William Street, New York, the manuscript of a novel entitled, "Seth Jones; or, The Captives of the Frontier," and offered for publication in Beadle's series of Dime Novels. It was accepted and for it the author received seventy-five dollars. The story was extensively advertised. It boosted the sales of the Dime Novels † "Seth Jones" was actually not the first Ellis' publications, for he had had poems in Gleason's Pictorial as early as 1857. He also had a novel, "Dick Flinton; or Life on the Border," in the New York Dispatch as a serial, beginning March 5,1859. This novel, with the names of some of the characters changed, reappeared later as "Kent, the Ranger," September I, 1863, as Dime Novels , no. 59. However, it was the success of "Seth Jones" that induced Ellis to continue writing. He had a contract with Beadle & Co. for four novels a year, but nevertheless considered a job in hand worth two in the air, consequently continued teaching until the middle 1880's, after which he devoted all of his time to literature.
Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.: Results For : Bolton, Theodore and Irwin F. Cortelyou., Ames, Ezra (illus.). Leslie, Alfred.,Leslie, Alfred (illus.). Hendricks, Gordon., Eakins, Thomas (illus.). IZIS.,cat2,
Chicago Area Company Histories: A Selected List Dartnell Corporation* Lewis, Leslie L., and Robert S. Minor Homewood, Ill. BusinessOne Irwin, 1990. Weil, Gordon L. Sears, Roebuck, USA The Great American
Extractions: INTRODUCTION Chicagos growth has long been linked to the strength and diversity of her industries. Many excellent histories of Chicago reflect the importance of business in the citys life; for example, A.T. Andreas History of Chicago (1884-1886) or Donald L. Millers City of the Century (1996). These books and other general histories can be found listed on the Chicago Bibliography The general histories of Chicago are supplemented by works which focus on the histories of specific companies, such as the books on this list. These company histories are available at the Harold Washington Library Cente r or the Sulzer Regional Library . The books are useful for tracing the history of individual Chicago area companies as well as for the growth of industry in the Chicago area. They are also useful for History Fair projects. Historical information about local companies may also be found in business directories, such as Hoovers Handbook of American Business or manuals from Moodys. Information on individual companies is also available in many places on the internet, such as the Librarys
Index To Comic Art Collection: "Crane" To "Cranium" Campbell, Gordon. III. Summary Discusses, in relation to World War II aviation,the work of comics artists Milton Caniff, Leslie Turner, Roy Shapiro, Irwin.
Extractions: Home The New Jersey Historical Society Library Collection of Vertical Files also includes Family Vertical Files Subject Vertical Files , and Newark Vertical Files Last updated 15 December 2000 A B C D ... W X Y Z Abbett, Leon Abbott, C. Conrad M.D. Abbott, Ransford J. [ca. 1898-1956] State Highway Commissioner (1950-1953), First Chairman of the State
Library Acquisitions List - October 2002 F1412 .C64 1987. Colonial Spanish America / edited by Leslie Bethell. Rosemary A.Joyce ; foreword by Gordon R. Willey ;. Boston, MA Irwin/McGrawHill, c1998.
Extractions: Library Acquisitions List - October 2002 Philosophy Psychology Religion Gen. History ... K-12 Textbooks Philosophy Eschatological themes in medieval Jewish philosophy /Arthur Hyman. Milwaukee, WI : Marquette University Press, c2002. Hobbes : a very short introduction / Richard Tuck. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002, c1989. Spinoza : a very short introduction / Roger Scruton. Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2002. Psychology Behavior modification : an introductory textbook Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 1978, c1977. Difficult conversations : how to discuss what matters most / Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen. New York, NY : Viking, c1999. BF721 .N49 NO.96 Learning in culture and context : approaching the complexities of achievement motivation in student learning / Janine Bempechat, Julian G. Elliott, editors. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2002. Crossing the unknown sea : work as a pilgrimage of identity / David Whyte. New York, NY : Riverhead Books, c2001. Religion Seven theories of religion / Daniel L. Pals.
CollectSPACE - Auctions - Spring 2004 Regency-Superior Galleries 1716, Richard F. Gordon Autographed Portrait, $400.00. 1718, Jim Irwin (19301991)Autographed Portrait, $300.00. 1777, Leslie R. Groves (1896-1970) Autographed
Crown Rights Book Company: America's Caesar (Greg Loren Durand) F., Reidy, Joseph P. and Rowland, Leslie S. (editors Gordon, John Brown, Reminiscencesof the Civil War (New Schiff, Irwin, The Social Security Swindle (Hamden
Extractions: Abbot, W.W., The Papers of George Washington: Confederation Series (Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1994). Adams, Charles, When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case For Southern Secession (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2000). Adams, Ephraim D., Great Britain and the American Civil War (London, England: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1925). Adams, John Quincy, The Jubilee of the Constitution (New York: Samuel Coman, 1839). Adams, Nehemiah, A Southside View of Slavery: Three Months at the South in 1854 (Dahlonega, Georgia: Crown Rights Book Company, [1854] 2001). Allison, Archibald, The History of Europe From the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons (London: Eilliam Blackwood, 1848). Altmeyer, Arthur J., The Formative Years of Social Security (Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1968). American Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1861 (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1862).
THREE RIVERS GENEALOGY Families Page He is Leslie William Jones III. Steinmaier, Steinmayer), Schuck, Absalom, Einloth,Franz, Gordon, Knoll, Lehrman and his wife Dorcas Garrett Irwin Cargo lived
Women In History : A List Of Names of Native Americans Inez Hayes Irwin Brazilian writer Leslie s Chimney Corner, andFrank Leslie s Lady s Journal 1890s) Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon Low (1860
Extractions: Myra and David Sadker Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) - She went to Paris to study sculpture in the 1920s but ended up as an assistant to the surrealist photographer Man Ray, in large part because he wanted an aide completely ignorant of photography. It was in Paris that her sense of artistic aesthetics were cemented. Though Man Ray left an indelible impression, she was also deeply influenced by Eugene Atget, who documented a changing Paris before his death in 1927. She took up the same theme when she returned to New York in 1929. She may be best known for her "Changing New York," a project funded by the Works Progress Administration, which recorded both the city's soaring skyline and chaotic streets. She wanted to take on a project to photograph an endangered part of America's past "before
Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962. Papers: Guide. (424) Goodrich, Henriette de S. WS.Braithwaite; 1 Aug 19. (425) Gordon,Bertha Frances, 1879 (433) Granich, Irwin. (512) Hill, Leslie Pinckney, 1880
SLOPER OF BISHOPS CANNINGS, WILTSHIRE, C1500-present 18Doris Elaine USHER m1 sp-Raymond Leslie EARLE 2 STONEHOUSE 2111 22213 43221 45(10)17-Gordon Victor WASS 9.11.1897 Dongara WA d 13.11.1897 Irwin District WA
Extractions: Version 21.4.2004, 0.2 mgb, 80 A4-size pages Kit WITHERS 101 Allington Road Wellington 6005 NEW ZEALAND phone +64 4 934 4477 email My Genealogy home-page is at> 1. THE NUMBERING SYSTEMS USED I use the English convention for dates with month after day. For example 3.4.1770 is 3rd April,1770 not March 4,1770. (i) The number at the start of the line indicates his order of descent from the initial ancestor 0-Ralph SLOPER. For example the 3 at the end of the number 2111 2183 for 8-Mary SLOPER indicates she is the 3rd child of 12111 218 who is the 8th child of 2111 21 who is the first child of 12111 2 and so on. In many cases the order is guesswork. If there are more than 9 children the numbering after 9 is a,b,c,... (ii) The generation number precedes the name. For example the "6-" in 2132 1 5-Thomas SLOPER of Winterborne Monkton, Dorset indicates he is in the 6th generation. So to see who his siblings are one can either scan for adjacent "6-" or scan for 2132 2, 2132 3, 2132 4, .... (In this case there is only one sibling shown, 2132 2.) The gap inserted after every 5th digit is for easy of reading the number.
Cranberry Book Barn: Fiction Ferrigno, Robert, THE CHESHIRE MOON. Fiedler, Leslie A. THE LAST JEW IN AMERICA. Gordon,Mary, THE OTHER SIDE. Lewis, Irwin, THE DAY NEW YORK TREMBLED.
Extractions: Browse by category Abraham Lincoln Accounting Adv/espionage Adventure Adventure/espionage Africa African American Studies African-americans Agriculture Agriculture Organizations Alabama Alaska Amerian History American Culture American History American Indian American Indians American Literature American West Americana Americn History Ancient Cities Ancient History Animals Anthologies Anthropology Antique Antiques Archaeology Archeology Architecture Art Asia Astronomy Atlanta Audio Australia Automobile Automobiles Aviation Baseball Belgium Bibliography Biogaphy Biography Biology Birds Black Studies Books Books About Books Boston Botany Boy Scouts Britain British Royalty Building Business Cacti California Cambodia Canada Cape Cod Cats Celts Childhood Collectibles Children Children's Children's Books Children's Illustrated China Christianity Christmas Cinema Civil War Civil War Era Classical Classical Studies Classics Collectible Pb Collectibles Colonial America Compendium Computers Conspiracy Cookbook Cookbooks Cooking Crafts CRAFTS Cranberry Crime Culture Dance Decorative Arts Delaware Disasters Dogs Dolls Domestic Drama Earth Science Easter Island Ecology Economics Education Egypt Electricity Engineering England England Mystery English History English Lit English Literature Entertainers Entertainment Erotica Espionage Essays Ethnic Ethnic Studies Etiquette European History Evolution Exploration Fairy Tales Fantasy Farm Life Farming Fashion Feminism Fiction Fiction-short Stories Field Guides: Animals Field Guides: Birds, Nests, Eggs
Extractions: Scholarly Collections of Folk Songs and Ballads Allingham, William The Ballad Book - A Selection of the Choicest Old Ballads - London: MacMillan, 1887 Arnold, Byron Folksongs of Alabama - University: Univ. of Alabama, 1950 - review copy BB* Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine Songs of the West - London: Methuen, 6th rev. ed. [1905] 1922 reprint Barry, Phillips The Maine Woods Songster - Cambridge: Powell, 1939 BB Belden, Henry M. Ballads and Songs - Collected by the Missouri Folklore Society - Columbia: Univ. of Missouri, [1940] 1973 reprint London: Oak, 1973 softcover Botkin, B.A. A Treasury of American Folklore - New York: Crown, 1944 A Treasury of Southern Folklore - New York: Crown, 1949 A Treasury of Western Folklore - New York: Crown, 1951 ltd. ed. for California, inscribed A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore - New York: Crown, [1955]1984 reprint A Treasury of New England Folklore- [New York: Bonanza, 1965]- New York: Crown, 1984 reprint
TALESE, GAY, 1932 Born Apr. 29, 1914 in Collirene, Ala. Parents Francis Gordon and Carrie Manola(Middleton) Lyon. TUCKER, Irwin ST. Birmingham Leslie Printing Pub., 1912.