Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 1 DODGE, MABEL; DODGE, MARGARET; DONAHEY, MARY DICKERSON; DonnByrne, BRYAN Oswald (1889-1928); see pseudonym Donn Byrne; DONNELL, ANNIE
Extractions: THE BEST SHORT STORIES (1915 - 1917) Table-of-Contents A., I. ABBOTT, AVERY ABBOTT, ELEANOR HALLOWELL ; [Mrs. Fordyce Coburn] (1872-1958) ABBOTT, FRANCES C. ABBOTT, KEENE ABBOTT, MABEL ABDULLAH, ACHMED ; common form of name of Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan el-Durani el Iddrissyeh ; pseudonym of Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff ABERT, HANNAH ADAMS, FRANK R(amsey) ADAMS, KATHARINE ... ADKINS, FRANK HOWARD (1883-1921); see pseudonym F. St. Mars ADLER, HENRY AICARD, JEAN ALDEN, MARY DOTY ... ALDRICH, BESS STREETER (1881-1954); see pseudonym Margaret Dean Stevens ALDRICH, DARRAGH ALDRICH, ROSEMARY ALEXANDER, HARTLEY BURR ... AMID, JOHN ; pseudonym of Myron Morris Stearns ANDERSON, ELIZABETH ANDERSON, FREDERICK IRVING ANDERSON, SHERWOOD ... ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND SHIPMAN ; [Mrs. William Shankland Andrews] (1860-1936) ANDREYEV, LEONID (Nikolaevich) ANON. The Men of 1916 APPLE, E. ALBERT ... AVERTCHENKO, ARCADIE ; see under Averchenko, Arkadyi AYMAR, MAUD CHRISTIAN B., R. H. BABCOCK, EDWINA STANTON ... BARBUSSE, HENRI ; pseudonym of Marguerite Florence Helene Jervis Evans BARKER, GRANVILLE
Biblioteca Virtual Hans Brinker; or The Silver Skates(.zip 192 Kb). Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald (1889 + 1928). Messer Marco Polo(.zip - 50.16 Kb). Donnell, Annie Hamilton (1862 + ?).
Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1905) DODGE, Mary Elizabeth Mapes (1831? 1905) Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald (1889 - 1928) DONNE, John (1572 - 1631) DONNELLY, Ignatius (1831 - 1901) DOS PASSOS
Extractions: treasure-trove n treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership. Home PG Library of Australiana Works in the 'public domain' in Australia Australian Explorers ... Site Map List of birth and death dates The following list shows the birth and death dates of a number of authors. The dates shown may not be accurate, as the list has been compiled from existing sources on the internet, and dates have not been verified by Project Gutenberg of Australia. A comprehensive list of authors and translators, together with birth and death dates, is available from The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors at the Kingkong web site. Other sites which may be of interest to Project Gutenberg volunteers are listed on the Links page. SURNAME, Christian Name(s) (Born - Died) Home Updated 26 Mar 04
Letters/ Disputations/ Elaborations/ Questions Write to Prof. Bryan Beirne at the address above. Donn Byrne was really O Beirne, or was he? O Beirne, Brian Oswald (pseudo. Byrne, Donn) 1889 1928.
Extractions: B rendan Beirne was, according to English tabloid newspaper reports, a paparazzo who had been taking pictures of Princess Diana for more than ten years. In 1995 he was named Nikon Royal Photographer of the Year for one of the Princess and Prince William. In April 1997 he photographed her leaving a gym in London. She objected, and when he did not respond to her allegedly tearful pleas to hand over the film she appealed to a passer-by for help. Then followed what was described as "an ugly pavement brawl" which ended with Brendan in a powerful arm lock and forced against a wall until he released the film. The passer-by turned out to be a hotel tout named Kevin Duggan of an Irish Nationalist family in Armagh. He said that at the time he thought that it was a Di lookalike. D escendants of early Virginia immigrant Patrick Beirne celebrated the 200th anniversary of his birth by a family reunion at Lewisburg, West Virginia, on August 1-3, 1997. Patrick emigrated from Roscommon to Union, Virginia, in 1812 to join a kinsman, Andrew of Dangan, who had emigrated in 1793. Descendants of Patrick include noted authors and journalists. One of these, Professor D. Randall Beirne, is completing a history and genealogy of Patrick's family. Who was the Rev. J. Power and Where are his Writings?
Incipit Letterari Translate this page Brian Oswald Donn Byrne, 1889 - 1928 Blind Raftery and His Wife Hilaria (Raftery il cieco e la sua sposa Hilaria). Margaret Anne Doody, 19
Extractions: I N C I P I T Le frasi iniziali della letteratura di ogni tempo e paese. The beginning of literary works from every time and country. La pagina è pensata in italiano. I testi sono citati in italiano o in traduzione italiana. I testi riportati anche in lingua originale sono contrassegnati da: "*"; quelli solo in lingua originale (in attesa della traduzione italiana) sono seguiti da: (...) This page is planned in Italian. The works are quoted in Italian or Italian translation. The works also quoted in original language are marked: "*"; those quoted only in original language (waiting Italian translation) are followed by: La pagina, ovviamente, non sarà mai completata; sono perciò molto graditi i contributi di chiunque voglia partecipare. This page is a work in progress, so your contribution is much appreciated. Potete inviare gli incipit, in lingua originale o in traduzione italiana, al mio indirizzo e-mail You can send the incipit, in original language or Italian translation, to my e-mail address
Extractions: Prima di entrare nella sala del Supremo Consiglio, Gabriel Baines inviò il suo scricchiolante simulacro, prodotto delle insuperate industrie belliche Mani, per vedere se per caso avesse corso qualche pericolo. Il simulacro, ingegnosamente costruito per rassomigliare a Baines in ogni particolare, era stato inventato dagli scienziati Mani che lo avevano programmato per molti altri lavori, ma Baines lo impiegava soltanto per difendersi, o quando temeva qualche pericolo: difendere se stesso era l'unico scopo della sua vita, l'unico suo diritto per far parte del clan Para, nella città di Adolfville situata al polo settentrionale della luna. Era notte inoltrata quando l'agente Joseph Tinbane, mentre faceva un giro di perlustrazione nei pressi di un cimitero molto piccolo e fuori mano a bordo della sua aeromobile, udì suoni lamentosi e familiari . Una voce. Si diresse subito sul posto con l'aeromobile, sorvolando i ferri acuminati del malridotto cancello del cimitero, discese dalla parte opposta, e si mise in ascolto.
Donn Byrne Donn Byrne (1889 1929) " An Irish novelist gets from the Irish people a certain reverence, a good measure of kindliness, considerable latitude in conduct and thought in fine he gets his due from a
Extractions: Donn Byrne (1889 - 1929) This page is devoted to the life and works of the most under-rated Irish American author of the 20th Century, Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne, or Donn Byrne as he was known. All but one of Donn Byrne's novels are no longer in print. Some of his short story anthologies have been reprinted by the Short Story Index Reprint Series in the 1970's. The following is a list of Byrne's published works, including the original date of publication in the United States. Each title is a link to publication details of the work and a review [reviews still under construction]. If you are interested in submitting a review, please send it by email to the address below. Those listed as in print by the 1997 Books in Print (Bowker) are marked with an (asterix). For details, including ISBN number, see each entry. Some of the works were published in the United Kingdom under different titles. These are noted below the American title.