REH Bookshelf - B BACK TO TOP. Byrne, Donn. Brian Oswald DonnByrne (1889-1928). Crusade. Boston Little, Brown, and Co., 1928. REH to Harold Preece, ca.
Extractions: REHupa Home Page REH Bookshelf - B compiled by Rusty Burke BACK TO REH BOOKSHELF HOMEPAGE Babylonian Legend of Ishtar Bacon , Francis ... , Lord Babylonian Legend of Ishtar The heading of "The House of Arabu" consists of seven lines from this ancient text, also known as "Descent of Ishtar to the Nether World." The quotation seems to be from Morals in Ancient Babylon , by Joseph McCabe (Little Blue Book #1076), slightly modified (in the quotation, a second clause in each of the first two lines has been dropped; the first part of these lines, and the rest of the quotation, is identical to the McCabe text). BACK TO TOP Bacon, Francis "Of Revenge." One Who Walked Alone , p. 204: [REH makes the suggestion that Shakespeare's plays might have been written by Bacon (an idea first put forth in the mid-19th century; see "Shakespeare")] "'Can't you just see those old Elizabethans sitting around talking, trying to decide whether revenge should be done by the next of kin or by the State?
American Authors On The Web John Crowe Ransom (18881974) Academy of American Poets; Modern American Poetry. Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne (1889-1928); William Hervey Allen, Jr.
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Project Gutenberg: Authors List Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 18321898 AKA Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898. Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald 1889-1928. Donnell, Annie Hamilton, 1862-.
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Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 26 THOMAS JONES; DonnByrne, BRYAN Oswald (1889-1928 Donn-Byrne, DOROTHEA; DONNE, CAM; pseudonym of Donald Clough DOUGHERTY, Brian; DOUGHERTY, GEORGE S. DOUGHERTY, JA;
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents DILSAVER, PAUL DILUTE ... DINESEN, ISAK ; pseudonym of Karen Blixen DINGLE, [Captain] A(ylward) E(dward) (1874-1947); see pseudonym Sinbad ; Seaman and popular author of sea stories. Born in Oxford, England; lived in Cornwall, England. DINGLE, CAPTAIN ; see under Dingle, A. E. DINGWELL, JOYCE DINNEEN, JOSEPH F(rancis) DINSMORE, F. S. ... DITZEL, PAUL (1926- ); Born in Buffalo, New York. DITZEN, RUDOLF WILHELM FRIEDRICH (1893-1947); see pseudonym Hans Fallada DIVAKARUNI, CHITRA BANERJEE DIVERS HANDS DIVINE, A(rthur) D(urham David) (1904-1987); see pseudonym David Divine DIVINE, CHARLES DIVINE, DAVID ; pseudonym of Arthur D. Divine DIX, BEULAH MARIE ; [Mrs. George H. Fiebbe] (1876-1970) DIX, DOROTHY ; pseudonym of Elizabeth Gilmer DIX, EDWIN ASA DIX, HENDERSON DIX, JOE ... DODGSON, CHARLES LUTWIDGE (1832-1898); see pseudonym Lewis Carroll DODKINS, VERONICA DODWORTH, JACK DOE, JANE ... DOGBERRY ; pseudonym of Hubert Phillips DOHERTY, EDWARD J(oseph) DOHERTY, ETHEL DOHERTY, MILDRED ... DOLBEY, ETHEL M. ; see pseudonym E. M. D. Hawthorn
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Stories, Listed By Author BURLEY, Brian L. About Books, (ss) Espionage Magazine Feb 85; In Review Books, (cl BYRNE, DONN; pseudonym of Bryan Oswald DonnByrne, (1889-1928) Tale of
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Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS 18331896 Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905 Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898 AKA Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald 1889-1928 Donnell, Annie
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Food For Thought: Biographies 1945. DonnByrne, Brian Oswald (aka Donn Byrne) (American writer), 1889-1928. Donne, John (English clergyman, poet), 1572-1631. Donnelly
Extractions: Dablon, Claude (French Jesuit missionary) Dabrowska (or Dombrowska), Maria (Polish writer, critic) Dabrowski, Jan Henryk (Polish general) Dach, Simon (German lyric poet; member of Konigsberg group) Dachlan, Kijai Hadji Ahmad (Indonesian reformer) Dacier, Andre (French classical scholar; husband of Anne) Dacier, Anne Lefebvre (French classical scholar) Dacres, James Richard (British naval officer) Dadu (Hindu religious reformer, poet) Daendels, Herman Willem (Dutch soldier) Dafoe, Allan Roy (Canadian physician) Dafoe, John Wesley (Canadian journalist) Daft, Leo (English-born American electrical engineer) Dafydd ab Edmwnd (Welsh poet) fl. c.1450-1480 Dafydd ap Gruffydd (Welsh prince) d.1283 Dafydd ap Gwilym (Welsh poet) c.1320-c.1380 Dafydd ap Llywelyn (Welsh prince) c.1208-1246 Dafydd Nanmor (Welsh poet) fl. c.1450-1480 Dagerman, Stig (Swedish writer) Dagly, Gerhard (Flemish artist) c.1653-1714? Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mande (French painter, inventor) Dahl, Anders (Swedish botanist; eponym of genus Dahlia Dahl, Johan Christian Clausen (Norwegian painter) Dahl, Michael (Swedish painter)
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The Project Gutenberg Etext Of Messer Marco Polo, By Donn-Byrne Wentzell The Project Gutenberg Etext of Messer Marco Polo by Byrne Brian Oswald DonnByrne Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne (1889-1928) A NOTE
Chronological List BURLEY, Brian L. (stories) About Books (ss) Espionage Magazine Feb 1985; In BYRNE, DONN; pseudonym of Bryan Oswald DonnByrne, (1889-1928) (stories) A
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GIGA Quote Author Page For Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne (used Pseudonym Donn Byrne) GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Brian Oswald DonnByrne (used pseudonym Donn Byrne). Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne (USED PSEUDONYM DONN BYRNE) American short story writer ( 1889 - 1928) BUY BOOK RELATED TO. Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne (USED PSEUDONYM DONN BYRNE
GIGA Chronological Author List "1885 To 1889" BUY VARYING HARE USED BOOK (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK Donn Byrne (pseudonym of Brian Oswald DonnByrne), American short story writer (1889 - 1928) - BUY AMAZON BOOK
Handango - LearningToGo's Award-winning Applications by DonnByrne, Brian Oswald (1889 - 1928). See product details for synopsis and available formats's award-winni