Extractions: Mapa del web BioMed Central ... CiteSeer : Scientific Literature Digital Library The Company of Biologists : A charity - run by biologists for biologists. Scientific journals for today's researchers E-Biosci . Rubes Editorial, S.L.; Centro de Estudios Ambientales (CEA) - UAB Iberica 2000.org Infoecologia.com The National Academies Press National Academy of Sciences The On-Line Books Page John Mark Ockerbloom , de la Biblioteca de la University of Pennsylvania Dins Celebration of Women Writers podem trobar: Cooper, Susan Fenimore (1813-1894). Rural Hours (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1887)
Spring.Spring. Spring. by Susan Fenimore Cooper (18131894) From Rural Hours (Boston andNew York Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1887) by Susan Fenimore Cooper. http://cla.calpoly.edu/~smarx/courses/380/ruralhour.html
Extractions: From: Rural Hours (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1887) by Susan Fenimore Cooper. SATURDAY, March th. Tuesday th. Wednesday th. air , in the light , and in the sky Thursday th. Friday th. Saturday th. Saturday th. Monday th. At this season the sap very frequently moistens the trunk and limbs of sugar maples very plentifully, in spots where there is some crevice through which it makes its way; one often sees it dropping from the branches, and probably the Indians first discovered its sweetness from this habit. One would think that the loss of so much sap would necessarily injure the trees; but it is not so, they remain perfectly healthy, after yielding every spring, gallons of the fluid. Wednesday d. Thursday d. Friday th. Saturday th. Monday th. Tuesday th. Wednesday th. "Wake up into song, Shaking their choral locks," should make more melody than other trees; the long slender leaves are quivering in the breeze this afternoon like the strings of an instrument, but they are so minute that at a little distance we only remark the general movement of the tufted branches. The whole country is brown again, save here and there a narrow line of snow under some fence on the hills, or a patch marking a drift which all the storms of winter have helped to pile up.
Nature Writing: The Tradition In English 160, (1). From The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. 161,(2). Susan Fenimore Cooper (18131894). 163, (5). From Rural Hours. 164,(4). http://www.booksmatter.com/b0393049663.htm
Extractions: Presents a definitive compilation of masterpieces of prose nature writing in a new edition containing more than fifty new selections by such authors as Wendell Berry, Annie Dillard, Terry Tempest Williams, Vladimir Nabokov, David Quammen, Gary Snyder, and other established, recently discovered, or new authors. Editors' Note Introduction Introduction to the 1990 Norton Book of Nature Writing Gilbert White (1720-1793) From The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne Hector St. John De Crevecoeur (1735-1813) From Letters from an American Farmer From Sketches of Eighteenth century America William Bartram (1739-1823) Alexander Wilson (1766-1813) From American Ornithology; or, The Natural History of the Birds of the United States
Purple Loose-Strife that they appreciate the beauty of the purple loosestrife; perhaps they share theperspective of American writer Susan Fenimore Cooper (1813-1894), who wrote http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/lavender/loosestrife.html
Extractions: From June through early summer, walks in some of Staten Island's numerous wetlands and marsh areas reveal the bright blooms of the Purple Loose-Strife ( Lythrum salicaria ), pictured at left. The Lavender Trail in High Rock Park, which loops around Loose-Strife Pond, takes its name from this plant's colorful Spring flowers. The return of the Loose-Strife blooms raises an issue. While loose-strife is beautifulespecially against the backdrop of black marsh earth and dark green June foliageit is also an introduced plant which is classified in many ecosystems as a noxious weed. It pushes out many other freshwater plant populations, creating a less-diverse ecosystem. Many biologists share their research about the impact of these changes in online sources. To contextualize the place of purple loose-strife in a wetlands ecosystem, visit Freshwater Marshes , part of a course on Soil and Water Conservation Management at Purdue University. The US Department of Agriculture-sponsored study " Disturbance Processes and Ecosystem Management ," (1994, USDA Forest Service), by Robert D. Averill, Louise Larson, Jim Saveland, Philip Wargo, Jerry Williams, Melvin Bellinger, examines the kinds of impacts loose-strife and other introduced flora and fauna can have; "
Index Cooper, Susan Fenimore (18131894) Elinor Wyllys Volume One Volume Two FemaleSuffrage A Letter to the Christian Women of America The Lumley Autograph http://www.eshunet.com/list1/en3000/titles/index-c.htm
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Cooper, Susan Augusta Fenimore (biography) Her Heritage A Biographical Encyclopediaof Famous American Women; December 20, 1995 Fenimore 18131894 writer and http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru
DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service There is also a section on Cooper in film, drama and opera, and a page devoted tohis daughter Susan Fenimore Cooper (18131894), an author in her own right. http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/18/06/70/info-5981.html
Extractions: Established in New York, the Cooper Society is devoted to the life and works of the American author James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851), still best known for his novel The Last of the Mohicans . The site contains biographic information, articles and papers about Cooper, a bibliography, a number of his works online, with links to further texts. There is also a section on Cooper in film, drama and opera, and a page devoted to his daughter Susan Fenimore Cooper (1813-1894), an author in her own right. Type: Country of publication: text United States of America BC-CODE:
BEGIN PREVIEW - {This E-text Was Prepared A TALE. BY AMABEL PENFEATHER. {Pseudonym of Susan Fenimore Cooper (18131894), daughterof James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)} Familiar matter of today; Some http://www.franklin.com/download/ebookman_free.asp?key=1wyll10&output=preview
BEGIN PREVIEW - THE LUMLEY AUTOGRAPH By BEGIN PREVIEW THE LUMLEY AUTOGRAPH by Susan Fenimore Cooper{by Susan Fenimore Cooper (1813-1894), daughter of James Fenimore Cooper. http://www.franklin.com/download/ebookman_free.asp?key=lumly10&output=preview
Bibliography Of American Literature, Table Of Contents + Cooke, Rose Terry 18271892. + Cooper, James Fenimore 1789-1851. + Cooper,Susan Augusta Fenimore 1813-1894. + Cozzens, Frederic Swartout 1818-1869. http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/bal/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content=toc_
Browse Subjects Cooper, JAMES Fenimore, 17891851 FILM AND VIDEO ADAPTATION (1). ·Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 (1). · CooperATION PERIODICALS (1). http://infomine.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/browse?browse_key=list;subjects;liberal;expert&n
Browse Subjects Cooper, JAMES Fenimore, 17891851 FILM AND VIDEO ADAPTATION (1).· Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 (1). · Cooper-HEWITT MUSEUM (1). http://infomine.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/browse?browse_key=list;subjects;all;all&node=C&p
U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Subject, Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 18131894. Natural history literature United States. Alternate au, Johnson, Rochelle. Patterson, Daniel, 1953-. http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dCooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894./dcooper
Extractions: Search History) AUTHOR: Peary, Marie Ahnighito, 1893-1978. AUTHOR: RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra KEYWORD: ml 429 m64 a3 AUTHOR: Nikulin, S. K. AUTHOR: Guenther, Johannes von, 1886-1973. TITLE: Economic quarterly (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) AUTHOR: González Núñez, Gerardo AUTHOR: Gantt, W. Horsley (William Horsley), 1892- SUBJECT: Intertidal fishes KEYWORD: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. AUTHOR: East European Program (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) AUTHOR: Heusden, Ammy van, d. 1986. AUTHOR: hilton john 1599 1657 (Clear Search History) (End Search Session) AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT MEDICAL SUBJECT WORD KEYWORD CALL NO Brescia University College Library Business Library Choral/Band/Orchestral Curriculum Resource Centre Education Library Huron University College Library King's University College Library Law Library Music Library St. Peter's Seminary Library The D. B. Weldon Library Western Libraries Information and Media Studies Int'l Centre for Olympic Studies Pride Library Electronic Resources Journals View Entire Collection Title Susan Fenimore Cooper : new essays on Rural hours and other works / edited by Rochelle Johnson and Daniel Patterson.
Virginia Tech Libraries: New Book List Author Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 18131894. Publisher Athens Universityof Georgia Press, c2002. Location NEWMAN. Call QH96 K24 2002. http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/June2002/QH-QR.html
Velnet Search l ( MSN ) More Like This 8 . Lumley Autograph, The Lumley Autograph, The Cooper,Susan Fenimore, 18131894 Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 Cooper http//rdrw1 http://www.velnetsearch.co.uk/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=The Lumley Auto
Penn State Harrisburg Library Individual Personal Name Files In Terry, 18271892 COOLIDGE, Grace Goodhue, 1879-1957 COOLIDGE, Susan, 1835-1905 Cooper,Diana, Lacy, 1892- Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 CORDAY, Charlotte http://www.hbg.psu.edu/library/womenslist.html
The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Norman, 1932 Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851AKA Morgan, Jane (pseud.) Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 Cooper, Susan http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm
Extractions: Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.net Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts). It intends to put as many books on-line as possible and to gather these on line works into one central location. It is a terrific service of the University of Illinois. Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia
Extractions: Van Wyk, Abraham E. Hydrogeological map of Namibia / compiled by A. E. van Wyk, H. Strub and W. F. Struckmeier. 1st ed. Scale 1:1,000,000 ; Albers equal area proj. Windhoek, Namibia : Dept. of Water Affairs, Division Geohydrology : Geologigal Survey of Namibia : Namibia Water Corporation ; Hannover, Germany : Federal Institute for Geosciences and Mineral Resources, 2001. Bioscience G8621.C3 2001.V3 Shelved: Text in stacks, maps in Map Case 1 Earth Sci G8621.C3 2001 .V3 Norin Suisan Seisaku Kenkyujo (Japan) Annual report / Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Tokyo : Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, [2001] Continues: Nogyo Sogo Kenkyujo (Japan). Annual report Bioscience HD1401.N63 Shelved: Unbound issues in Government and Miscellaneous Publications section Library has: 2001/02-
CENTRO CULTURA LUDICA 17891851 Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 AKA Morgan, Jane (pseud.) Cooper,Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894 AKA Penfeather http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html