Ashkenazi Burials Middelburg Kroon 5 Tebet 639 3112-1878 BH-2 ChAba/Eva b. Juda Bannet, w. Josef Cohen 1 Siwan 21-12-1885BF-7/8 Mordechai b. Chaim Boasson 1 Shebat 646 07-01-1886 BF-4
Extractions: Ashkenazi burials Middelburg Burials at Ashkenazi cemetery, Walensingel, Middelburg, 1759-1946 (for Sephardic burials click here) N.B. Family names officially adopted in Middelburg in 1812 are marked with an asterisk (*) in the alphabetical index. Transcriptions have not been adapted to English spelling conventions. Codes refer to photographs available at Gemeentearchief Middelburg, Postbus 6000, 4330 LA, Middelburg. Inscriptions on headstones have been copied and translated, and are available from our off-line database ( Indexes and texts, both Ashkenazi and Sephardi, are published on paper by the Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy: see Publications. This information has been copied from a manuscript very kindly made available by its compiler, and has not been checked by us; thus the NKvJG cannot be held responsible for any errors. Errors detected by users will be corrected if reported to the Forum Editor Alphabetical index *** Leben Mit Style - Wellness, Urlaub, Hobby, Freizeit Translate this page 1932 Künstlerin (Epsom GB) Sänger(in) Cohen, Robert, 15.11 F) General Guenon, Rene,15.11.1886 Philosoph (Blois F San Francisco USA) König, Josef, 15.11.1843
Site Map 1929); Naaman Belkind (1889-1917); RachelJanait Ben Zwi (1886-1979); 1955); Dr. Josef Burg (1908-1998); T. Carmi (1925-1994
Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - C [86kB] 1934 Cohen, Morris R. 1880 1947 Cohen, Yehuda ben 1902 Cohen Gerstel, Yulie Èejka,Josef 1886 - 1932 Èejka, Josef Jan Radomil 1812 - 1862 Èejka, Petr 1968 Cogan, David Glendenning, 1908 1993. Cohen, Jr, M. Michael, 1937 -. Gerald,Park S. Gerstmann, Josef, 1887 - 1969. Goodpasture, Ernest William, 1886 - 1960.
Extractions: This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.
Extractions: Heute, 59 Jahre nach der Rettungsaktion der beiden Frauen, sind einige der originalen Fotografien im Jüdischen Museum in Berlin zu sehen. Hinter der Kabinettausstellung "Eine Schachtel voller Schicksale" verbirgt sich die Dokumentation der Zwischenergebnisse einer bislang 15 Jahre andauernden Recherche. In einer 12 Meter langen Glasvitrine im Untergeschoss des Museums kann der Besucher selbst der Geschichte des Erdnusskartons nachgehen. 1988, nach einer 33-jährigen Odyssee, war der Erdnusskarton mit den Fotografien in den Händen des Jüdischen Museums gelangt. Schon während der ersten Ausstellung der Dokumente im Herbst 1988 erkannten Besucher Angehörige wieder. So veranlasste am 23. Juni 1989 die damalige Leiterin Vera Brandt die Veröffentlichung sämtlicher Namen in der deutsch-jüdischen Exilzeitung Aufbau. Seitdem konnten 434 Schicksale der 537 bekannten Zwangsarbeiter aufgeklärt werden. Unter ihnen auch das Schicksal von Ruth Prager, der Mutter von Stefan Prager. Die Geschichten hinter den Bildern
The Tambourine --19th Century (Cohen Gravures musicales. no. Parables Prodigal Son Fürich Dr? Führich,Josef von (18001876). Other Steinle Dr Steinle, Edward von (1810-1886).
Extractions: [GB] BRITISH ARTISTS I: Old Testament Miriam/Crossing the Red Sea: [Westlake Gl] Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John (1833-1921). Miriam Rejoicing. British art market (1981). stained glass. Miriam dances to her tambourine. Others play lyre, ribbed horn, tambourine and triangle (child). (sale, Boardman, Haverhill [Suffolk] 17.VI.1981; Die Weltkunst 51 [1981] 1756 [minuscule reproduction]) V: Mythology Muses: [Leighton Pa] Leighton, Lord Frederic (1830-1896). Terpsichore. London art market (1982). She dances to her tambourine. There is also a nude child dancing to a double woodwind. (sale Sotheby's June 1982; Die Weltkunst Four Studies of a Draped Female Figure with a Tambourine. drawing. London art market (1981). ( Burlington 123 [1981] April ad p. xxvi) Other: [Alma-Tadema Pa] Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (1836-1912). The Consecration of the Priestess of Bacchus (1889). no location. There is perhaps a player of a woodwind, and there are at least eight tambourine players. (H. J. Hansen, ed. Das pompöse Zeitalter; zwischen Biedermeier und Jugendstil.
HIAS > Find Family > Current Listings In the famine in the 1930 s, the Cohen family sent of Elli and Leiba Fleisher, born18861888 in their wedding; their names were Elli, Leib, Josef, and Peisah
Extractions: Success Stories ... I J K L M N ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The following information might help you to re-establish contact with the relatives or friends you lost track of long ago or with those whose existence you may not even be aware of. Please contact HIAS if you think you are the person we are trying to locate, if you might belong to their family, or if you know of any information regarding the family in question. We will make sure that information from both sides is relevant and, with the permission of both parties, we will help to bring you together. Again, the consent of both parties is required for establishing contact. If you are unsure of your decision to make contact with an inquirer listed below, please do not hesitate to contact the HIAS Location Service . We will help to provide any additional background information available to us; we may also contact the inquiring party in order to obtain further information. If you would like to initiate a HIAS Location Search, click here We wish you good luck in your search.
Index For First Names Beginning With I (Family Pages) Translate this page BRILIN (d. 17 MAR 1678) Isaak BRILIN Isaak Cohen (b. MAR b. 7 AUG 1847 - d. 26 DEC1886) ISAAK VAN B THÖBUS Isak ben Salomon WILNER Isak Josef TEOMIM-FRAENKEL
Index For First Names Beginning With J (Family Pages) Translate this page d. 24 JUN 1806) Jonas Ezechiel Cohen JONAS Jacob ABT 1700 - d. 1765) Josef Wolf WERTHEIMERJosef YUZEK ROTTENBERG 1937) Joseph ASSCHER (b. 30 JUN 1886 - d. 7
Naiman Genealogy Josef NAIMAN (1883 1887) Bejla NAIMAN (1886 - ) Rywka NAIMAN 1901- 1871) RuthSeroka (1908-1975) Louis GOODMAN (1903-1987) Mae Cohen (1903-1989
NLFamBook V. 1.3: Slægtsbog: Gerda ROTHENBORG Kap. 2.11 7 Jette GOLDSCHMIDT (17801858) Heyman Josef LEVIN (1767-1832 Meyer GOLDSCHMIDT(1789-1861) Jette Cohen (1794-1869 med Joseph MELCHIOR grosserer (1818-1886).
THE FAUST LEGEND IN MUSIC Faust II. Henri COHN or Cohen 18081880. Faust et Marguerite. Song. Faust I. JohnLiptrot HATTON 1808-1886 pseud. Czapek. Faust I. Franz Josef HAYDN 1732-1809.
Extractions: INTRODUCTION Since the original publication online of The Faust Legend in Music in early 2001, the number of web sites, university courses, and publications with a general interest in Faust as well as a particular interest about Faust in music has grown enormously. Numerous suggestions have been received from readers of the original pages; this has encouraged me to add their submissions and corrections in this revision as well as to continue my research in this fascinating subject. The original music compilation sought to base the Faust compositions on a known text or representation, from the medieval era's German puppet plays to the well-known works of Goethe and Marlowe, and on to contemporary literature. There are so many variants of the Faust theme that I considered how to make a discrete separation between the Faust ur-texts and the variants. I had first decided to limit the compilation to the Faust legend based on these ur-texts. However, there are many "pact with the devil" themes in literature and in the arts quite independent of the historical Faust character and of Goethe's and other texts. Such variations of a Faust-like character exist in many guises. A reader's suggestion that Weber's and Stravinsky's L'Histoire du soldat be added to The Faust Legend in Music seems warranted in light of the wide acceptance of these variants as falling within or near the Faust tradition. Many other examples of such variants are now to be found in this catalogue.
Namen U - Z Translate this page 1900 VON BENZ, Helene Freiin 29.01.1886 VON BENZ Cohen 16.09.1659 WERTHEIM, LiebmannCohen WERTHEIM, Samson um Löb 1698 12.02.1763 WERTHEIMER, Josef Josel 1626
Genealogie Aptroot Leek 161-1886. vader, samen met de getuigen Hermannus Ruding (55 jr, winkelier) enJuda Cohen (37 jr Goudsmid), haar ooms Josef Goudsmit (41 jr, veehandelaar.
Extractions: Vanuit Leek trok de familie onder andere naar de stad Groningen, Amsterdam en Martenshoek (Hoogezand). Meerdere familieleden zijn omgekomen tijdens WOII. Generatie I I Heiman Mozes Aptroot ; zv Mozes en Goltje Aptroot; geb. Kiehaus (= Gehaus, Dld) 27-5-1780, ovl. Leek 15-2-1870, begr. Leek (Joodse begr.plaats) 17-2-1870. tr. Martha Simons de Vries ; geb. Hoogezand 7-4-1780, ovl. Leek 20-3-1867, begr. Leek (Joodse begr.plaats) 22-3-1867, dv Simon de Vries, chawer te Hoogezand. Uit dit huwelijk: Mozes Heiman Aptroot ; geb. Leek 26-10-1808, volgt onder II-a. Henderina (Hendel) Aptroot ; geb. Leek 18-7-1811, ovl. Hoogezand 3-12-1879. tr. Leek 2-7-1837 Berend Nathans de Vries ; geb. Hoogezand 17-3-1801, ovl. Hoogezand 7-8-1874, begr. Kolham (Joodse begr.plaats), zoon van Nathan Simons de Vries en Sara Jochems. Berend was slager te Hoogezand. De familienaam 'Aptroot' werd in het bevolkingsregister van Hoogezand van 1850/1860 geschreven als 'Abtorood'. Goltje (Golda) Heimans Aptroot ; geb. Leek 16-12-1813, ovl. Winsum 13-3-1869, begr. Winsum. tr. Leek 7-3-1841 Meijer Benjamins van Berg Roosje Heiman Aptroot ; geb. Leek 16-6-1816, ovl. Groningen 25-2-1894. tr. Leek 12-4-1840
Periodika In Der Daniel J. Cohen-Bibliothek Translate this page Cultusgemeinden in Oesterreich-Ungarn, Wien, 1865-1886 MF von Hermann Cohen ua, vonJg Hoeflich, Eugen (Schriftleitung), Max Eisler u. Josef Hahn (Kunstredaktion
Extractions: Newsletter Mai 2004: Kalonymos Nr. 1/2004 erschienen ... mehr mehr Januar 2004: Biographisches Handbuch der Rabbiner erschienen ... mehr Januar 2004: Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Juden in Schlesien II erschienen ... mehr Oktober 2003: Netiva Bd. 4 und 5 erschienen ... mehr Home Kontakt aktuell ... Gastseiten Periodika in der Cohen-Bibliothek Alphabetische Liste der Periodika in der Daniel J. Cohen Bibliothek des Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Instituts (Stand 10.02.1998) Zusammengestellt von: Thomas Kollatz 3. Ahava, Nr. 1 (1985) 4. AISG Bollettino, Nr. 1 (1991) 6. Anne Frank Zeitung, Unterrichtsmaterial, Amsterdam 1993 7. Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, Publications of the Year ..., (1953 bis 1963) 9. Arbeit, Die. Organ der zionistischen volkssozialistischen Partei Hapoel-Hazair, Berlin, 1919-1924 [MF] 10. Archivum. Revue Internationale des Archives, Bd. 9 (1959), Bd. 10 (1960) 11. Areshet (hebr.). Jerusalem (1943) 12. Ariel. Eine Zeitschrift zur Kunst und Bildung in Israel, Nr. 61 (1985), Nr. 84 (1992) 13. Aschkenas. Jg. 1 (1991)-
German Translate this page Chemie der Kohlenstoffenverbindung, oder, Organische Chemie. Bonn Cohen, 1882(Bonn Georgi). German language. 1886 Moeller, Josef, 1848-1924.
Names Translate this page Miri Ofer (b.1976) Smadar Cohen - Bechor Neta b.1974) Sartoretti Luisa (b.1886) SchellingDorothea (b b.1746) Johann Friedrich (b.1795) Josef Friedrich Schultz