Bbooks resource A story of the green land and the blue sea./ By F. Clinton Barringtonpseud. from Online Belize / Peggy Wright and Brian E. Coutts, compilers.
J Thru M Mary Ethel, sister. Conroy, Helen (Sister Mary Ethel, pseud.) ALL9050 38 ADU9219 788797 Raymond Edward Brown . . . B72.M76. Moore, Barrington Jr.
Extractions: The HAM library's J-M holdings are listed on this page. Our Library use policy is delineated on our main library page. Our down loadable Free Thought files are located on the Free Thought page . Directly below is our List Format Description which explains the cataloging our holding. We hope that our library's offerings provide you with a plethora of interesting reading. List Format Description First Line: Author) The first line begins with the main entry, which is generally the author if a personal author. If the authority name is not shown on the work, differences are shown in [brackets]. For works not by a personal author the first line shows the title. Non-Author) Editors are noted (ed); translators are noted (trans); compilers are noted (comp). Copies) For multiple copies the quantity is shown in (parentheses). LCCN) At the end of the first line is the Library of Congress Catalog Card Number (LCCN). If no LCCN was found, the entry (LCCN not found) is shown. Paperback) If the work is softbound, the notation (PB) is shown. Pamphlet) If the work is in pamphlet form, the notation (PL) is shown. In this list a pamphlet is anything bound as a single signature and stapled.
Indice Ragionato Della Rivista Di Sf Robot pseud.di James 36 La tempesta ( TheStorm ), di Alfred E.van Vogt The Bees of Knowledge ), di Barrington J.Bayley
Extractions: ROBOT Rivista di fantascienza Armenia Editore INDICE PROGRESSIVO DEI FASCICOLI Ritratto d'autore /Giuseppe Lippi e Piergiorgio Nicolazzini, "Fritz Leiber" Panorama internazionale/ Vittorio Curtoni Patric Duvic, "Intervista con Harlan Ellison" (trad.Giuseppe Caimmi) Fumetti Sf /Franco Fossati, "Buck Rogers, il primo" Temi classici della Sf Opinioni /Giuseppe Lippi, "Fantascienza e letteratura popolare" Libri /AAVV (Robert Silverberg, "Oltre il limite", di Giuseppe Caimmi; AAVV, "Utopia e fantascienza", di Franco Fossati; Isaac Asimov, "La chiave e altri misteri", di Giuseppe Caimmi) Cinema /Giuseppe Mongini, "Monster Movie (I)" Copertina: fotocolor dell'agenzia Grazia-Neri (Milano) Anno I, n.2, maggio 1976 Ritratto d'autore /Giuseppe Caimmi e Piergiorgio Nicolazzini, "Arthur C.Clarke" Panorama internazionale /Vittorio Curtoni Patrice Duvic, "Intervista con Gordon Dickson" (trad.Giuseppe Caimmi) Fumetti Sf /Franco Fossati, "Il fantastico Superman" Temi classici della Sf Opinioni /Vittorio Curtoni, "Fantascienza italiana ieri e oggi" Cinema /Giovanni Mongini, "Monster Movies (2)"
Bolerium Books - Lesbiana Gomillion, E. Sharon, Forty acres and a mule; illustrated by Casey L. pseud., Gewaltund Zärtlichkeit lesbengedichte. Barrington, Judith, History and geography
Extractions: Purveyors of rare and out-of-print books, posters, and ephemera on social movements. Browse by Category Abolitionism Aborigine Abortion Abyssinia Advertising catalogue Afghanistan AFL-CIO Africa African American African Communism Agriculture AIDS Alabama Alaska Albania Alberta Algeria American Civil Liberties Union American Federation of Labor American Indians American Legion American Revolution Americana Anarchism Angola Animal Rights Anthropology Anti-Fascist Anti-Semitism Anticatholic Anticommunist Antiques-Craft-Furniture Antiquities AntiZionism, AntiZionist Apartheid Appalachia Arab Arabia Arabic American Archaeology Architecture Argentina Arizona Arkansas Armaments manufacture Armed struggle Armenia Arms, weapons Art Art Young Ashanti Asia Asian American - Pacific Islander Asian American history Assassinations Astronomy Atlantic alliance Atmosphere; weather Atomic energy Australia Australia/New Zealand Austria Autobiography Automobile avante-garde Avian, birds Aviation Baja California Banking history and economics Banned books Bantu baseball Basque Beatniks Belgum Belgian Ben Shahn Biafra Bible Biblical scholarship Bibliography Bicycle, velocipede, skate
Utländsk Skönlitteratur: Författare Vonnegut, Kurt Jr., 1922, USA. Wain, John Barrington, Great Britain.Walcott USA. Wharton, William (pseud.), USA. White, Elwyn Brooks, USA.
Extractions: Svensk litteratur Utländsk skönlitteratur Utländsk vetenskaplig litteratur Pseudovetenskaplig litteratur ... Referenser Författare Född Nation Abbey, Edward USA Abé, Kobo (Abe) Japan France (writing in Latin) Abish, Walter USA Achebe, [Albert] Chinua [lumogu] Nigeria (writing in English) Acker, Kathy USA Ackroyd, Peter Great Britain Adams, Alice [Boyd] USA Adams, Douglas [Noel] Great Britain Adams, Henry [Brooks] USA Adams, Richard [George] Great Britain Aeschylus (Aischylos; Aiskylos) ~525-456 BC Greece (Ancient) Aesop (Aisopos; Aesopus) 620-560 BC Greece (Ancient) Agee, James [Rufus] USA Agnon, S[hmuel] Y[osef Halevi] (Josef) Israel Ajtmatov, Tjingiz (Chingiz Aitmatov) Russia Aksakov, Sergey [Timofeevic] (Sergej) Russia Aksenov, Vasilij (Aksionov; Aksyonov) Russia Akutagawa, Ryunosuke Japan Alain-Fournier, [Henri] France Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de (Alarcon) Spain Alas [y Urena], Leopoldo [Enrique Garcia] Spain Albee, Edward [Franklin] [III] USA Alcott, Louisa May USA Aldiss, Brian W[ilson] Great Britain Alegria, Ciro Peru Alexander, Lloyd [Chudley] USA Algren, Nelson
Utländsk Skönlitteratur: Böcker Trevanian (pseud.), Eiger Sanction, The (Uppdrag Eiger) 1972, 2. Forster, EdwardMorgan, Howard s End -1910 - 48 Wain, John Barrington, Hurry on Down -1953, 7.
Extractions: Svensk litteratur Utländsk skönlitteratur Utländsk vetenskaplig litteratur Pseudovetenskaplig litteratur ... Referenser Författare Bok Poäng Moravia, Alberto Orwell, George [Eric [Arthur] Blair] Clarke, Arthur C[harles] Clarke, Arthur C[harles] 2010 - Odyssey Two -1982 Grafton, Sue A is for Alibi (A står för alibi) -1990 -M51 Proust, Marcel Huysmans, Joris Karl A Rebours (Against the Grain) -1884 Queiróz, [José Maria] Eça de (Queiros) A Relíquia (The Relic) -1887 Sábato, Ernesto [R.] Abaddon, utplånaren -1974 Abélard och Héloïse: en kärlekssaga (Letters) ~1100 Faulkner, William [Cuthbert] Tyler, Anne Lively, Penelope [Margaret] According to Mark -1984 Nabokov, Vladimir [Vladimirovich] Ada or Ardor: a family chronicle Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans) Adam Bede -1859 Townsend, Sue [Susan Elaine] Adrian Mole: the Wilderness Years (Adrian Moles ljuva liv) Green, Julien Adrienne Mesurat (The Closed Garden) -1927 Bellow, Saul Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The -1885 Dickens, Charles [John Huffam] Adventures of Oliver Twist, The -1839 Smollett, Tobias [George]
Anglo-Amerikanische Literatur Und Literaturwissenschaft Translate this page 03fl- Barrington The divine Lady (ll95/6) 10 EUR. 03fl- Baum, Vicki hier. 03fl-BROWNING, Rob./BARRETT-BARRETT, E. Briefe. 03fl- BULWER-LYTTON, auch pseud.
Extractions: zurück AGB Abkürzungen/Abbreviations Bestellung per E-Mail 03fl- BYRON: MAUROIS, André: Byron. 1.-12.Tsd. Mchn, Piper, (1930). OLn, 595 S., 24 Taf., Einband von E. R. Weiß: ** Deutsche Erstausgabe. Wichtige Biographie (ll97/5 u/0 ll97/29) 22,50 EUR 03fl- ADAMS, Richard: Das Mädchen auf der Schaukel. Roman. Aus dem Englischen. Mchn, C. Bertelsmann 1981 OPp, 414 S. *** (ll95/8) 14 EUR 03fl- ADAMS, Richard: Unten am Fluß. Aus dem Englischen. 3. Aufl. Mchn, Ullstein, 1981. OPp, OU, 440 S. ** (ll96/78* 03fl1) 13,30 EUR 03fl- ADAMS, Richard: Unten am Fluß. Aus dem Englischen. Mchn, Ullstein, 1983. OPp, 440 S. ** (ll96/78 + ll96/35) 12,30 EUR 03fl- Adams, S.H.: Zwei Frauen. (mag91) Neu diese Woche! 03fl- ADAMSON, Joy: Frei geboren. Eine Löwin in zwei Welten. Ein Bericht... Bln,..., DBG, 1963. OHldr, 263 S., 64 Abb. auf 63 Taf., Ecken bestossen sonst gut erhalten ** (ll97/30) 9,20 EUR 03fl- Aiken, Joan: Du bist ich. Die Geschichte einer Täuschung.
Extractions: HUMOR, COLLECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS E 169.12 .S823 1988. Steed, Robert L., 1936-THE SASS MENAGERIE / ROBERT L. STEED ; ILLUSTRATIONS BY JACK DAVIS. Atlanta, Ga. : Longstreet Press, 1988. E 748 E93 A34 1983. Ervin, Sam J. (Sam James), 1896-1985.HUMOR OF A COUNTRY LAWYER / SAM J. ERVIN, JR.Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1983. E 876 .T78 1984. Trudeau, G. B., 1948- DOONESBURY DOSSIER : THE REAGAN YEARS / G.B. TRUDEAU ; INTRODUCTION BY GLORIA STEINEM. New York : Holt, Reinhold and Winston, c1984. F 326.6 .B34 1987. Baldwin, Joseph G. (Joseph Glover), 1815-1864. THE FLUSH TIMES OF ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI : A SERIES OF SKETCHES / JOSEPH G. BALDWIN ; WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY JAMES H. JUSTUS. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c1987. F 391.2 H46 1992. Herring, Charles F. DON'T THROW FEATHERS AT CHICKENS : A COLLECTION OF TEXAS POLITICAL HUMOR / CHARLES HERRING, JR., WALTER RICHTER. Plano, Tex. : Wordware Pub., c1992.
Selected Literature On The Male High Voice pseud Ollincan, C. d Traité Trimestrale di musica e cultura,Milano. magazine for music listeners, Great Barrington, Mass. Billboard
Extractions: in: Mozart: gli ornamenti della critica moderna; atti del convegno internazionale, Cremona, 24-26 novembre 1991 , edited by Giacomo Fornari, Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 1994, (Studi e testi musicali, N.s. 1), ISBN 88-7096-099-4, pp. 27 - 45 Amstad, M.: "Das berümte Notenblatt des Porpora",
Books 1950 To 1999 art and Japanese landscaping to America s gardens; Barrington, IL Country C/E Hu,Kemin The Spirit of Gongshi Chinese C Huawang-chou (pseud.) P ên tsai yü p
Extractions: J All About Black Pine Added to 07/13/03 J All About Japanese Black Pine, Part II ; pre-1988. 160 pp. J All About Japanese Five-Needle Pine J Artistic Bonsai Pot Masterpieces: Chinese and Japanese Sets ; 1985? All color. J Bonsai ; Tokyo: Sanseido; 1954. LCC #88146806. 172 pp. Illustrations. New 08/11/02 multi Bonsai Art Europe 1 J Bonsai, kizukuri no hiketsu ; Tokyo: Shufu no Tomosha; 1981. 223 pp. New 12/08/02 Bonsai: A Kodansha Postcard Book ; Tokyo and New York: Kodansha International Ltd.; 1994. ISBN 4-7700-1805-3. 56 pp. Twenty-four colour photos. J Bonsai: Sono Bi To Dento Bonsai: The Beauty and Tradition ; Mainichi Shinbunsha; 1976.
Devon Local Studies. Author Catalogue Not acquired WSL NDA D823/WEA WeareGiffard, J. pseud.. E. Cyril man of Devon/ by Stanley E.Weeden. no 23571) WSL sx929.3/WEE/1813 Weekes, Barrington.
Devon Local Studies. Author Catalogue 9327) WSL px387.24/BRI/CAB Cachemaille, JLV The island of Sark / by JLV.Cachemaille;edited by Laura E.Hale. Barrington s women / by Stephen Cade Sir pseud.
Rome Run Started On Fri Oct 25 132757 1996 -i/var/sitesearch3.0 00(l)/bahr, bets(l)/band(l)/Barrington(l)/bauernkale(l l)/neuhaldens(l)/newcomen(l)/nicholse (l)/niven probabilit(l)/profession(l)/propaganda(l)/pseud(l)/publics
Extractions: rome run started on Fri Oct 25 13:27:57 1996 -i/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrindx.db -p/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpost.db -d/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpdir.db -n/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/nips/dbnr.snip -r/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/logs/dbnr.rome.restart -s/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/nips/dbnr.sparse.nip -fis 1 reading 13 nips generated for the 1996 database on Fri Oct 25 96:96:96 1996 reading database description from the nip file Opened post file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpost.db' Opened pdir file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpdir.db' Opened indx file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrindx.db' /0(l)/0253356555(l)/04027664(l)/0674066588(l)/08022341(p)/0898621887(l)/100(l)/12(l)/1300-1600(l)/1452-1519(l)/1512-1594(l)/1558-1615(l)/1600(m)/1635(l)/1659(l) ***rome: delete_rec failed for term: '17'/43 and record number: '5443' /1700-1900(l)/1712-1780(l)/1732-1796(l)/1743-1818(l)/1752-1833(l)/1767-1848 (l)/1777-1851(l)/1786-1851(l)/1791-1871(l)/1798-1871(l)/1803-1885(l)/181-182(l)/1815-1874(l)/1818-1908(l)/1822-1909(l)/1827-1902(l)/1832-decem(l)/1838-1900(l)/1843(l)/1846-1931(l)/1849-1945(l)/1853-1928(l)/1857(l)/1860-1938(l)/1864-1914(l)/1867-1954(l)/1872-1938(l)/1877-1946(l)/1882-1944(l)/1888(l)/1896(l)/19006431(l)/1911(l)/1926(l)/1940(l)/1955(l)/1981(l)/2 etc(l)/223(l)/255th(l)/27th(l)/30(l)/330-341(l)/36(l)/4(m)/44a(l)/5-nichi(l)/530(l)/562(l)/61007502(l)/63015272(l)/7-8(l)/75th(l)/81120110(l)/86148258(l)/90019359(l)/93026703(l)/973.3092(l)/abhandlung(l)/academie d(l)/achsisches(l)/ad(l)/adrien 18(l)/affidavit(l)/agricultur(l)/al alcance(l)/alessandro(l)/allen(l)/alternatin(l)/american f(l)/analyse du(l)/anderte(l)/anglo-saxo(l)/annuale(l)/antonio(l)/applicando(l)/arantave(l)/archives(l)/arm(l)/art united(l)/asheville(l)/astronomer(l)/atmittelal(l)/atti(l)/auroras(l)/autobiogra(l)/b(l)/b0751.00(l)/bahr, bets(l)/band(l)/barrington(l)/bauernkale(l)/beauty(l)/behrend(l)/bell rock (l)/bennett ab(l)/bernhardt(l)/beta(l)/bibliograp(l)/bicentenai(l)/biographie(l)/bis(l)/blumtritt,(l)/bonn(l)/bortolotti(l)/bowen(l)/brande(l)/briefwechs(l)/bronze(l)/bryant(l)/bumpus(l)/byerly wil(l)/cables sub(l)/calif(l)/candles(l)/cardoso(l)/carteggio(p)/catalogue (l)/cd-rom(l)/centre det(l)/chalmers(l)/charles 1(l)/chemische(l)/chimie(l)/christmas(l)/circuit(l)/class(l)/clinical(l)/cognitive(l)/collection(l)/color(l)/commercial(l)/comp(l)/complex(l)/concerning(l)/conformal(l)/considerab(l)/contempora(l)/controul(l)/cornell pu(l)/corso(l)/county(l)/crehore al(l)/cs481(l)/curriculum(l)/d 632(l)/dams(l)/darwin geo(l)/dawson(l)/decembr(l)/delivered (l)/denkmaler (l)/des(l)/det(l)/developmen(l)/diamonds(l)/die mathem(l)/digital(l)/discharges(l)/distributi(l)/documentaz(l)/donor(l)/dr 1805-1(l)/ds_0838.5(l)/durias(l)/dynamomasc(l)/early radi(l)/echoes(l)/ed(l)/editions(l)/ee(l)/eigenen(l)/einschlies(l)/electric a(l)/electric l(l)/electric u(l)/electricit(l)/electrique(l)/electrode(l)/electromet(l)/electrosur(m)/elektroche(l)/elementare(l)/elettrotec(l)/eme(l)/employes(l)/engineer(l)/engravings(l)/eod(l)/epuscule(l)/erected(l)/erkende(l)/esor(l)/etail(l)/etrologiqu(l)/evans, f j(l)/examiner(l)/experiment(l)/expos(l)/fabrik(l)/falero(l)/farish(l)/feldmann(l)/ferroelect(l)/figure his(l)/firma(l)/fl 1775(l)/folke-kale(l)/foreign(l)/foundation(l)/france eco(l)/franklin b(l)/freiburg(l)/fritz(l)/fundaci(l)/gakujid(l)/galvano-th(l)/gaseous(l)/geddes(l)/geneesmidd(l)/gentium(l)/georg simo(l)/gesammelte(l)/gibson(l)/giudizio(l)/gn_0021.00(l)/goods(l)/gramme(l)/gray, andr(l)/greenwich(l)/groups(l)/guillaume(l)/h2s(l)/hall(l)/handb(l)/hares(l)/has(l)/haywards(l)/heathcott(l)/heisch, ch(l)/henry(l) *** rome: nip_type 'i' (del) or 'p' (rep) and term not found: 'herbal'/70 and record number: '3777' ***rome: delete_rec failed for term: 'herbal'/91 and record number: '3777' /herrn(l)/hft(l)/hiroshi(l)/history(p)/hittorf(l)/holbrook j(l)/hon(l)/hospitalie(l)/hsi, kan(l)/hundred(l)/hydrostati(l)/ideologie(l)/iiletters(l)/imbert(l)/inaugural(l)/inder(l)/industriel(l)/inglesa(l)/institut(l)/instrument(l)/internatio(l)/inventeur(l)/iron and s(l)/issn(l)/iv(l)/jahrbuch(l)/january-ap(l)/jefferson(l)/job(l)/joint(l)/joubert j(l)/juillet(l)/kaiserlich(l)/katsushika(l)/kennelly a(l)/kinenkai(l)/kittler er(l)/knowlton, (l)/konrad 14(l)/kries frie(l)/ky(l)/laboratory(l)/lambertus(l)/langlebert(l)/larsen(l)/lawrence(l)/leburt(l)/lehfeldt(l)/leipzig(l)/leonardo(l)/lettere(l)/lezione(l)/licht(l)/lifework(l)/lincoln ab(l)/lippmann(l)/liverpool(l)/lois(l)/lorcks(l)/lowry(l)/luno(l)/macdonald(l)/magee(l)/magnetism(l)/mai(l)/malpighi m(l)/manual of (l)/mapa(l)/marconis(l)/mars(l)/masers(l)/matematich(l)/mathematik(l)/maver(l)/mccord(l)/measuring(l)/medical el(l) ***rome: delete_rec failed for term: 'medicine'/69 and record number: '3777' *** rome: nip_type 'i' (del) or 'p' (rep) and term not found: 'medicine herbal'/69 and record number: '3777' /meeson, ro(l)/memorial(l)/merrill, e(l)/metallurgy(l)/methoden(l)/michaud(l)/migliorame(l)/mineral(l)/mit besond(l)/moderne(l)/monadnock(l)/monthly(l)/morris, pe(l)/motoren(l)/muller, e (l)/museum(l)/nachschalg(l)/national(l)/naturalium(l)/navigation(l)/nella(l)/neuhaldens(l)/newcomen(l)/nichols e (l)/niven(l)/noad(l)/north john(l)/nouveau(l)/numerische(l)/observa(l)/ocm0008896(l)/ocm0063284(l)/ocm0123336(l)/ocm0195649(l)/ocm0279390(l)/ocm0379441(l)/ocm0503586(l)/ocm0727490(l)/ocm0916582(l)/ocm1129110(l)/ocm1346368(l)/ocm1601772(l)/ocm1874649(l)/ocm2222163(l)/ocm2602329(l)/ocm2984166(l)/ocm3208953(l)/ocm3273393(l)/ocm3284245(l)/ocm3289600(l)/ocm3302078(l)/ocm3318861(l)/ocm3345387(l)/off(l)/ohren(l)/ome(l)/one great (l)/operating(l)/orages(l)/organized (l)/orsteds(l)/ostwald(l)/ouvriers(l) ***rome: delete_rec failed for term: 'p'/43 and record number: '5443' /pace anton(l)/palmieri l(l)/parent(l)/part(l)/patent off(l)/pays(l)/penrose(l)/perkins el(l)/petrology(l)/phillips(l)/philosophy(l)/physical m(l)/physics re(l)/pictorial (l)/places(l)/pluralit(l)/polarizati(l)/pop(l)/post(l)/practical(p)/practical(p)/preece(l)/presso(l)/principien(l)/probabilit(l)/profession(l)/propaganda(l)/pseud(l)/publics(l)/q0143.00(l)/qa_0571(l)/qc_0016.00(l)/qc_0615(l)/qd_0571(l)/quantities(l)/quintessen(l)/rabanus ma(l)/radiology (l)/rapporteur(l)/re-examina(l)/rechenmasc(l)/reed germa(l)/reichsanst(l)/remarkable(l)/report on (l)/research d(l)/revisada(l)/richard ph(l)/rivers(l)/rockefelle(l)/roosens, l(l)/royal inst(l)/russell(l)/saggi su g(l)/sangamo(l)/schelling(l)/schriften(l)/science bi(l)/scientia(l)/scienza(l)/search(l)/sehnentafe(l)/selskab(l)/seriatim(l)/seventy-se(l)/sheet(l)/short jame(l)/silent(l)/sir 1743-(l)/size(l)/smith-rose(l)/societe fr(l)/some remar(l)/souterrain(l)/speech(l)/spurr, r t(l)/stars trip(l)/steamboats(l)/stewart jo(l)/stoughton(l)/struktur(l)/stueber(l)/suggestion(l)/suo(l)/survey(l)/symposium(l)/t0026.00(l)/talbot, wi(l)/technical(p)/teil(l)/telegraphe(l)/temperatur(l)/terrarum(l)/textes(l)/theodore v(l)/thermodyna(l)/thomson(l)/time capsu(l)/tk_0147(l)/tk_5118.00(l)/to 1868(l)/torino(l)/tr(l)/traitement(l)/transmitti(l)/tresor(l)/tsushinkyo(l)/typical(l)/uchtbauer(l)/ulfsappara(l)/unfinished(l)/universell(l)/untersuchu(l)/useful(l)/v 39 no 6(l)/vaporizati(l)/ventes(l)/verse(l)/vicinities(l)/vindicated(l)/vol 1087(l)/von karman(l)/wa(l)/warburg ot(l)/waves(l)/weidenfeld(l)/werk(l)/wh(l)/wiederkehr(l)/william ed(l)/windsor(l)/wit(l)/women scie(l)/works(l)/wymans(l)/y(l)/yutaka(l)/zeitschrif(l)/zwecke(l) rome run ended by detecting an e nip for file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrindx.db', num_ios=217437, real_ios=1835 pool=0 waited reads=1331 unwaited_reads=0 waits=0 for file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpost.db', num_ios=307767, real_ios=3301 pool=0 waited reads=1667 unwaited_reads=0 waits=0 for file '/var/sitesearch3.0/ssdot/dbs/dbnr/db/dbnrpdir.db', num_ios=167878, real_ios=654 pool=0 waited reads=350 unwaited_reads=0 waits=0 at successful end of run on Fri Oct 25 13:33:48 1996 351 seconds elapsed time 171036 nips read 693082 i/o's performed, 5832 of which actually went to the disk scratch writes attempted that were not needed 383 full find_terms and 53058 short find_terms pnipit was called (611) times # postings regions allocated= 1440 # postings directory regions= 1 # postings regions in use= 462 # postings regions full= 448 # postings regions empty= 975 % of postings file in use= 31 # of terms added to database= 30616 # of terms deleted from database= 46 added 365 synonyms # of terms in the database= 257442 # index regions allocated= 1440 # index regions in use= 736 % of index file in use= 51 ****************************************************** ********** CAUTION ******** ****************************************************** ** ** ** AN ERROR/WARNING HAS OCCURRED DURING THIS RUN. ** ** PLEASE CHECK CONDITION CODES AND RESPOND AS ** ** DIRECTED IN THE CURRENT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ** ** ** ****************************************************** ******************************************************
1905 Political Cult Bibliog Bely,Andrei pseud. Three Visions, Two Cultures, One Peasantry Bern, etcPeterLang,1997 ((rfr txt mnt.hst plt.ekn nrd.svt.e xtx krx Moore,Barrington,Jr a
Recent Additions To The Library VESTAL, STANLEY, pseud., Sitting Bull, Champion of the PYRTLE, E. RUTH, Early VirginiaFamilies, Pyrtle, Davis J., History of Great Barrington (Berkshire County
Extractions: THE books received in the past year are from three sources, purchase, gift and exchange, and fall largely into the following classifications: Kansas; the West; Genealogy and Local History; and General. We have been fortunate in receiving as gifts several genealogies, and we receive regularly valuable publications containing history and genealogy through our exchange with many historical societies. We also subscribe to several historical and genealogical publications which are not available by exchange. These add greatly to the usefulness of the library. KANSAS ABILENE, Ordinances of the City of Abilene Published by Order of the City Council . [Abilene, Strother Brothers] 1892.
Discovering National Elites : Part F, Chapter 35 Long, Norton E. Power and Administration, 9 Public Administration Review,no. Malaparte, Curzio.(pseud.) Coup detat. Moore, Barrington, Jr.
Extractions: The bibliography which follows is presented in two parts. The first part encompasses general works dealing with political leadership and many related aspects. The second part deals with biographical directories and dictionaries, organized on an area basis. No attempt at completeness has been made but it is believed that most of the important works in the field are included. The first part of the bibliography is followed by a section of cross-references which attempts to bring together all works dealing with a particular aspect of political leadership, as indicated by the section headings. These section headings also correspond to those used in the manual entitled "Elite Target Analysis". A number of items in the first section of the Bibliography are borrowed from the bibliography contained in Lasswell H.D., Lerner D., and Rothwell C.E., The Comparative Study of Elites
NOVA SCOTIA $25.00. 4627. Green Head (pseud). 3017. Marble, Allan E. Nova Scotians at Home andAbroad. Perry, Hattie A. In and Around Old Barrington. Lescarbot Editions,.
Extractions: [All prices are in Canadian Dollars and all items are subject to previous sale] NOVA SCOTIA 12177.[ Acadia University ]. The Acadia Athenaeum May, 1935 Vol.LX. No.7 What Have You Done For Me Lately Glimpses of Nova Scotia Archibald MacMechan Canadian Man of Letters George Dawson the little giant Frederick Street Life and Death on Canada's Love Canal Images of Lunenburg County The Pictou Plantation 1767 The Town That Died: The True Story of the Greatest Man-Made Explosion Before Hiroshima A fascinating account of the Halifax Explosion. Ernest Buckler Remembered A Natural History of Kings County Down East Another Cargo of Tales Told Under the Old Town Clock The stories which make up this and the other titles of Major Borrett were first heard on CHNS radio as told by the author. As stated on the tp "A series of broadcast talks designed to make us familiar with Our City and Province, and to revive memories of bygone days and events which have made Nova Scotia, Canadas most storied province" East Coast Port and Other Tales Told Under the Old Town Clock Dear Old St. John's A History of the Parish of St. John the Baptist New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
Bell Catalog - Bs escrito por don Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano pseud.. Relatione delle missioni, e Christianitàche appartengono alla prouincia di Barrington, Daines, 17271800
Extractions: Call Number: 1754 Ba Backus, Isaac, 1724-1806. A history of New- England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists : containing the first principles and settlements of the country, the rise and increase of the Baptist churches therein, the intrusion of arbitrary power under the cloak of religion, the Christian testimonies of the Baptists and others against the same, with their sufferings under it, from the begining [sic] to the present time : collected from most authentic records and writings, both ancient and modern / by Isaac Backus, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Middleborough. Boston : printed by Edward Draper, at his printing-office in Newbury-Street, and sold by Phillip Freeman, in Union-Street, 1777-1796. 3 v. ; 20 cm.
Autograph Collection, 1621-1985 Folder. 061, Barrington, Ruthland. Autograph; undated. Folder. 320, Dewey, ThomasE. to Samuel Wechsler; November 6, 1946. Folder. 371, Forrester, Alfred H. (pseud.
Extractions: Title: Autograph Collection, Dates: Quantity: 10 boxes, 989 items Identification: unnumbered Access to the collection is in accordance with the policies of Brandeis University Libraries, Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections Department. Requests to publish material from the collection should be directed to the Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections Department. Letters were given by various donors. Silvio Dos Santos. The following catalog entries provide controlled subject access to the collection. All these entries are searchable in the Brandeis University libraries' on-line catalog LOUIS to find materials of related interest. Folder Abbey, E. A. to Harry Harper; undated Folder Abe, Komei to Charles Munch; May 26, 1960 Folder Abt, Franz to [Anonymous]; December 5, 1879
CENTER H2 Sociology Social Science (Surnames TZ) /H2 893. Wolff, Kurt H. Moore, Barrington, Jr., eds. Introduction by Robert Ezra Park(18641944). 902. Young, Wayland pseud. for Wayland Kennet (born 1923).
Extractions: Inquire When ordering, please specify the catalog or list number as well as item numbers. Our online inventory uses a secure server for credit card orders. It is only necessary to order the first book from our lists through the secure server. Subsequent items can be ordered as a group via ordinary e-mail, since we will already have your credit card and shipping information from the first order. 810. Tattum, Delwyn. Inquire Order 811. Tawney, R[ichard] H[enry] (1880-1962). The Acquisitive Society. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, [1947]. 12mo. Later printing. [First published 1920]. [iv]+188pp. Black cloth. Corners bumped, covers moderately scratched, about a very good copy in tattered dust jacket. (OP). Inquire Order 812. Taylor, W[illiam] Cooke (1800-1849). The Atheneum Inquire Order The Transition from Welfare to Work: Processes, Challenges, and Outcomes. New York / London / Oxford: The Haworth Press, Inc., [2002]. 8vo. 1st Edition. [xvi]+182pp. Trade paperback. A near fine copy. Weight: 11 ounces = 319 grams. SIZE: 21 x 15 x 1.3cm. Inquire Order 814. Tennant, F[rederic] R[obert] (1867-1957).