Informatie Over Artiest 'Elizabeth Von Arnim' Algemene gegevens Elizabeth von Arnim (18661941) Vragen stellen/discussiërenover Elizabeth von Arnim? Gooi het in de groep op ons web-forum.
Extractions: Borstvoeding verdient tijd. Wat vind jij? artiesten zoeken gedetailleerd lijst weergave ... zoeken Informatie over artiest 'Elizabeth von Arnim' Informatie en index van filmtitels uit de database over 'Elizabeth von Arnim'. Aantal resultaten: 1 film Max/pag.: Pag.: Huidige weergave: tabel weergave Standaard weergave: tabel weergave Opmerking: geregistreerde gebruikers kunnen standaarden wijzigen ( meer info LET OP: De lijst filmtitels maken deel uit van een index. De films die worden genoemd zijn de films die op de site staan beschreven. Wij beweren op geen enkele manier dat de lijst compleet is. Het is ons streven om alle films die op de site worden beschreven, waar deze persoon aan heeft meegewerkt, in het overzicht op te nemen. Indien er naar uw mening films (die WEL op de site beschreven staan) missen in dit overzicht, kunt u dat melden via e-mail. Algemene gegevens - Discussie-forum alfaguara Translate this page Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941) nació en Sidney (Australia) y seeducó en Inglaterra. En 1889 conoció a su primer marido, el 'Elizabeth v
Alfaguara Translate this page Una comedia de enredo, intriga y humor de Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941), una delas escritoras más leídas de principios del siglo XX, a quien los comienzos
A Celebration Of Women Writers: GERMANY Arnim, Elizabeth von aka Mary Annette Beauchamp;Elizabeth; Alice Cholmondely (1866-1941) Elizabeth and Her
Extractions: WRITERS FROM GERMANY Abenheim, Albertine Abrie, W. Abt, Hedwig Ackermann, Uta (1964-) Adelmann, Helene (1841-) Adelmann, Margarete (1811-) Adelung, Sophie von (1850-1927) Adelwip [aka Adelheid von Schaerbeck; Adelviva] (-1000) Adlersfeld, Eufemia von (1854-) Agricola, Catharina (1628-) Ahlefeld, Charlotte Elizabeth Sophie Louise Wilhelmine von (1781-1849) Ahlefeld, Henriette Airoldy, Emilie Akermann-Hasslacher, Bertha (1846-) al-Juburi, Amal (1967-) Alami, Shahnaz Alberti, Marie Alberti, Sophie [aka Mathilde Elise Sophie Alberti] (1826-) Albertus, Catharina Albrecht, Sophie (1757-1840) ; In German Alexandra, Prinzessin von Bayern Allesch, Elly (1853-) Alves, Eva-Maria Alvtegen, Karin Amalie, Prinzessin zu Sachsen [aka Amalie Heiter] Amalie, Prinzessin zu Schleswig-Holstein Amerlau, Frieda (1841-) Ammer, Sigrid (1936-) Anders, Henriette Anderson, Edith (-1999) Anderssen, Marie Andreae, Sophie [aka Henrik Lou] (1861-1937) ; In German Anna von Munzingen Anneke, Mathilde Franziska Giesler Arendt, Hannah Arnim, Bettina Brentano von [aka Elisabeth Catharina Brentano] (1785-1859) ; In German Arnim, Elizabeth von
A Celebration Of Women Writers: E Listings Elizabeth aka Elizabeth von Arnim; Mary Annette Beauchamp; Alice Cholmondely(18661941) Elizabeth and Her German Garden (Gutenberg
Extractions: WRITERS WHOSE NAMES START WITH E Eagle, Kathleen (fl. 2000) Eaglesham, Isabelle (fl.2002) Eakins, Patricia (fl.1999) Eames, Elizabeth J. [aka Stella] (fl.1836) Earle, Alice Morse (1851-1911) Earle, Florence [aka Florence Van Leer Earle Nicholson Coates] ( Earling, Debra Magpie fl.2002 Early, Eleanor Early, Jack [aka Sandra Scoppettone] (1936-) Early, Margot (fl.1996) Early, May Agnes [aka May Agnes Fleming; Cousin May Carleton] (1840-1880) The Baronet's Bride, or, A Woman's Vengeance (Chicago: M.A. Donohue, ca.1868) (page images at Kate Danton, or, Captain Danton's Daughters: A Novel (Toronto: Belford, 1877) (page images at Lost for a Woman (Toronto : J.B. Robertson, 1880) (page images at The Midnight Queen (Gutenberg text) The Rival Brothers (New York: Federal Book Co., c1875)
Food Quotes - Food For Thought thought of having breakfast anywhere but in bed. Elizabeth Russell (Mary AnnetteRussell, Countess von Arnim) (18661941) English novelist, Elizabeth and
Extractions: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German author, natural philosopher 'When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,' said Piglet at last, 'what's the first thing you say to yourself?' 'What's for breakfast ?' said Pooh. 'What do you say, Piglet?' 'I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?' said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. 'It's the same thing,' he said.
Vol 5 No. 1 January 7, 2004 the Graces never thought of having breakfast anywhere but in bed. Elizabeth Russell(Mary Annette Russell, Countess von Arnim) (18661941) English novelist
Elizabeth Von Arnim - Vera Translate this page Verleumdung. Die Kritiker allerdings feierten das Werk als Meisterstückder berühmten Autorin Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941). Arnim, Elizabeth - Vera.html
Extractions: Nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres geliebten Vaters droht für die 22jährige Lucy eine Welt zusammenzubrechen. Doch dann führt ihr ein, wie es zunächst scheint, gnädiges Schicksal mit Everard Wemyß einen Menschen zu, der ihr mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht und die so schmerzlich vermisste Geborgenheit bietet. Doch schon während der Flitterwochen beginnt sie zu begreifen, dass ihr eigener Wille in Zukunft nicht mehr gefragt sein wird... In der gehobenen Gesellschaft Englands wusste jeder, wer das Vorbild zur Figur des Everard Wemyß geliefert hatte, dessen grenzenlose Egozentrik und Launenhaftigkeit seine Ehefrauen bis an den Rand des Selbstmordes treibt.[...]Bertrand Russell berichtet in seiner Autobiographie über die dritte Ehe seines Bruders Francis: "Elizabeth ihrerseits verließ ihn und schrieb einen unerträglich grausamen Roman mit dem Titel 'Vera' über ihn." Der gekränkte Ehemann selbst drohte sofort nach Erscheinen des Buches mit einer Klage wegen Verleumdung. Die Kritiker allerdings feierten das Werk als Meisterstück der berühmten Autorin Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941).
Stories, Listed By Author Countess von Arnim, MARY ANNETTE (18661941); see pseudonym Elizabeth (chron.)von BERCHAM, BEDA (chron.) * From Top to Bottom, (ss) Argosy Nov 14 1931.
Chronological List Elizabeth; pseudonym of Mary Annette von Arnim, (18661941) (stories)Day of Reckoning (sl) The Delineator Jun 1928. Elizabeth, NURSE
Enchanted April (in MARION) Walker, Polly. Elizabeth, 18661941. Enchanted April. Closed captioned for thehearing impaired. Rated PG. Based on the novel by Elizabeth von Arnim.
The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Eliot, George, 18191880 AKA Evans, Mary Anne, 1819-1880 Eliot, TS (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965 Elizabeth, 1866-1941 AKA Arnim, Elizabeth von Ellis, Edward
Extractions: Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts). It intends to put as many books on-line as possible and to gather these on line works into one central location. It is a terrific service of the University of Illinois. Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia
UCSB Special Collections von Arnim, Elizabeth (18661941). English novelist who spent the falland winter 1916-1917 in Montecito. Works include Elizabeth
Extractions: AND PUBLISHERS A B C D ... Santa Barbara Publishing/Presses T Teague, Charles Collins (1873-1950). Santa Paula resident and author of 10 Talks on Citrus Marketing: A Series of Radio Broadcasts (1939) [SRLF X-61811], and Fifty Years a Rancher (1944) [Main and Spec HD9247.C3 T4 1944 and Spec, Printers Z239.W35 T43 1944]. Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933). Well-known lyric poet, who spent several months in Santa Barbara during 1919-1920, and wrote poems celebrating the area, such as "In Spring, Santa Barbara" and "Full Moon, Santa Barbara" from Santa Barbara Songs, 1872-1922
Littérature Anglaise (1800-1900, A-F) Translate this page Arnim, Elizabeth von E (1866-1941). Arnold, Matthew P, Cr (1822-88) Cultureet Anarchie (1869). Bailey, Philip James P (1816-1902) Festus (1839).
Extractions: Accueil Tout sur tout Villes et villages de France Atlas Sélections Web ... Web pratique Jeudi 3 Juin St Kevin sur votre PDA Données Quid 2000; Accéder à plus de 400 000 faits nouveaux avec Quid 2004 Littérature anglaise (1700-1800) Table des matières Littérature anglaise (1800-1900, G-O) Ackerley , James Richard E (1897-1976). Aldington Arnim , Elizabeth von E (1866-1941). Arnold , Matthew P, Cr (1822-88) : Culture et Anarchie (1869). Bailey , Philip James P (1816-1902) : Festus (1839). Bain Baldwin Baring Barrie , sir James D, R (Ecosse, 1860-1937) : Peter Pan (1904). : l'Admirable Crichton.
Readers' Connection Booklists: Nonfiction For Dog Lovers Elizabeth, 18661941 All the Dogs of My Life (1999) LGE-TYPE 636.7 E43a Firstpublished in 1936, the story of Elizabeth von Arnim s life and her equally
Index Translate this page Evans, Mary Anne, 1819-1880 Gutenberg Eliot, TS (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 GutenbergElizabeth, 1866-1941 AKA Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941 Gutenberg Ellis
Index Translate this page 385 BC Gutenberg Aristotle, 384-322 BC Gutenberg Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941AKA Elizabeth, 1866-1941 Gutenberg Arnim, Ludwig Achim, Freiherr von, 1781
Central Library PR6035.U8E5 A749e 1992, Arnim, Elizabeth von, 18661941, The enchanted April/ Elizabeth von Arnim retold by Margaret Tarner series editor, John Milne.
Extractions: Library Services : Central Library : Resources June 2003 CALL NO AUTHOR TITLE Ruch, Floyd L. Psychology and life / Floyd L. Ruch, Philip G. Zimbardo CD-ROM 0044E Disc 1 International Forum on Frontier Technology for the 21st Century and Potential Collaboration with Kasetsart University (2002 : Bangkok, Thailand) The international forum on frontier technology for the 21st century and potential collaboration with Kasetsart University, 30 May - June 2002 Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand [computer file]/ Kasetsart University CD-ROM 0044E Disc 2 International Forum on Frontier Technology for the 21st Century and Potential Collaboration with Kasetsart University (2002 : Bangkok, Thailand) The international forum on frontier technology for the 21st century and potential collaboration with Kasetsart University, 30 May - June 2002 Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand [computer file]/ Kasetsart University CD-ROM 0044E Disc 3 International Forum on Frontier Technology for the 21st Century and Potential Collaboration with Kasetsart University (2002 : Bangkok, Thailand) The international forum on frontier technology for the 21st century and potential collaboration with Kasetsart University, 30 May - June 2002 Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand [computer file]/ Kasetsart University
The Lost Continent Of - Look Out! They're Behind Us! 385 BC Aristotle, 384322 BC Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941 AKA Elizabeth, 1866-1941Arnim, Ludwig Achim, Freiherr von, 1781-1831 Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden : Elizabeth Von Arnim Translate this page Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941). Cousine de Katherine Mansfield, Elizabethvon Arnim est née en 1866, en Australie. Elle reçoit
Extractions: Cousine de Katherine Mansfield, Elizabeth von Arnim est née en 1866, en Australie. Elle reçoit une éducation européenne avant d'entamer un "grand tour" au cours duquel elle rencontre le comte Henning von Arnim- Schlagenthin. Après quelques années passées à Berlin, elle découvre le domaine familial de Nassenheide et décide de s'y installer. Véritable événement littéraire de la fin du siècle, Elizabeth et son jardin allemand sera suivi de vingt et un romans. Elle meurt en 1941.