Extractions: Home Page The Whitehall Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation which is focused exclusively on assisting basic research in vertebrate (excluding clinical) and invertebrate neurobiology in the United States. Investigations should specifically concern neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior. Please select from the menu of topics on the left to learn more about the Whitehall Foundation, our grant programs, and the application process.
Brain, Behavior, And Evolution Evolutionary psychology, neurobiology, and sociobiology. Professional journal. Abstracts, archives, selected fulltext articles at no charge. Complete articles downloadable for a fee. BioMedNet registration required. http://www.biomednet.com/library/bbe
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Research in cancer biology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and neurobiology. http://www.cshl.org/
Extractions: Sunday, June 06, 2004 CSHL is a research and educational institution. The Laboratory has research programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and a broad educational mission, including the recently established Watson School of Biological Sciences. Celebrating 100 Years of Genetics,
Neurobiology & Anatomy Department At DUCOM Drexel Department of neurobiology and Anatomy Itzhak Fischer, Ph.D Chair. The Department of neurobiology and Anatomy at the Drexel http://neurobio.mcphu.edu/
Extractions: The department has recently expanded by recruiting 6 new faculty members and has currently 36 research grants, including 26 NIH grants, with over $4 million in annual direct cost as well as several endowments. Recent grant awards included the renewal of the spinal cord Program Project, several major NIH grants and subcontracts. The Department promotes a highly interactive and collaborative environment and shared facilities that encourages training, research and lab meetings outside the confines of one laboratory, thus providing flexibility and diversity in the training process. June 2004 S M T W T F S Current faculty research interests include the following areas: Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology with emphasis on neuronal cytoskeleton, guidance molecules, the neuromuscular junction, neuronal migration, and growth cones.
MRC Laboratory Of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. Introduction, history, openings, and projects in neurobiology, cell and structural biology, and protein and nucleic acid chemistry, in Cambridge, England. http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/
CSHL - GenomicsÊ&ÊBioinformatics Sequencing and database maintenance, related to cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, at Cold Spring Harbor Loboratories, New York. http://www.cshl.org/public/genome.html
Nathan Kline Institute For Psychiatric Research The Institute conducts research in cognitive neuroscience, psychopharmacology, neurobiology, genetics, and mental health policy to improve care for people suffering from severely disabling mental disorders. http://www.rfmh.org/nki/
Neuroscience Graduate Program Founded in 1992, the Neuroscience Graduate Program at OHSU consists of about 40 predoctoral students and more than 100 faculty. Training is multidisciplinary, allowing students to choose research areas ranging from molecular to behavioral neurobiology. The school is the site of the medical and dental schools for the Oregon State System of Higher Education. http://www.ohsu.edu/som-neuroscience/
Cell -- Archive Of Issues By Date Published biweekly, it includes original research articles of exceptional significance in areas including molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer research, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology. http://www.cell.com/contents-by-date.0.shtml
Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies Publishes articles for insect biochemists and physiologists in the areas of endocrinology, development, neurobiology, behavior, pharmacology, nutrition, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, molecular biology and toxicology. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=35786
Child And Adolescent Bipolar Disorder: Review Of The Past 10 Years Abstract covering topics such as developmental considerations, clinical characteristics, naturalistic course, neurobiology, psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatments. http://www.bpso.org/bpreview.htm
Extractions: A Review of the Past 10 Years Barbara Geller, M.D. and Joan Luby, M.D. J Am Acad Child Adoles Psychiatry 36:1168-1176, 1997 Abstract Objective: To provide a review of the epidemiology, phenomenology, natural course, comorbidity, neurobiology, and treatment of child and adolescent bipolar disorder (BP) for the past 10 years. This review is provided to prepare applicants for recertification by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Method: Literature from Medline and other searches for the past 10 years, earlier relevant articles, and the authors' experience and ongoing National Institute of Mental Health-funded project "Phenomenology and Course of Pediatric Bipolarity" were used. Results: Age-specific, developmental (child, adolescent, and adult) DSM-IV criteria manifestations; comorbidity and differential diagnoses; and episode and course features are provided. Included are age-specific examples of childhood grandiosity, hypersexuality, and delusions. Differential diagnoses (e.g. specific language disorders, sexual abuse, conduct disorder [CD], schizophrenia, substance abuse), suicidality, and BP-II are discussed. Conclusion: Available data strongly suggest that prepubertal onset BP is a nonepisodic, chronic, rapid cycling, mixed manic state that may be comorbid with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and CD or have features of ADHD and/or CD as initial manifestations. Systematic research on pediatric BP is in its infancy and will require ongoing and future studies to provide developmentally relevant diagnostic methods and treatment.
Pharyngula Study the neurobiology of the zebrafish using several imaging techniques, such as timelapse video microscopy, epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, and various quantitative fluorescence methods. http://pharyngula.org/
Extractions: @import "http://pharyngula.org/index?css=weblog/weblog_css"; I don't take joy in the death of any man, and I regret the loss to the family of Ronald Reagan. Reagan, however, was a disaster for American politics: I sincerely believe that his presidency, even more so than Nixon's, was the point where the Republican party went off the rails into outright lunacy, where a figurehead idiot could be elected to the highest office in the land, where Religious Right took over, where the party endorsed insane economics and corruption, where the environment became something to be plundered rather than preserved. Reagan made George W Bush possible...and it's hard to believe, as much as I despised Reagan during his presidency, that now we would have someone in office who actually makes him look respectable. The Talent Show has a good quote to summarize the Reagan legacy: As someone who served with President Reagan, and in the interest of historical accuracy, please allow me to share with you some of my recollections of the Reagan years that I hope will make it into the final cut of the mini-series: $640 Pentagon toilets seats; ketchup as a vegetable; union busting; firing striking air traffic controllers; Iran-Contra; selling arms to terrorist nations; trading arms for hostages; retreating from terrorists in Beirut; lying to Congress; financing an illegal war in Nicaragua; visiting Bitburg cemetery; a cozy relationship with Saddam Hussein; shredding documents; Ed Meese; Fawn Hall; Oliver North; James Watt; apartheid apologia; the savings and loan scandal; voodoo economics; record budget deficits; double digit unemployment; farm bankruptcies; trade deficits; astrologers in the White House; Star Wars; and influence peddling.
Autism Society Of America: Autism Society Of America The primary mission of ASAF is to raise and allocate funds to address the many unanswered questions about autism. ASAF sponsors work as diverse as the people affected by autism, spanning such fields as neurobiology, education, behavioral science, adult services, and disability law. http://www.autism-society.org/
Extractions: Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. The result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, autism and its associated behaviors have been estimated to occur in as many as 2 to 6 in 1,000 individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2001). Autism is four times more prevalent in boys than girls and knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries. Family income, lifestyle, and educational levels do not affect the chance of autism's occurrence. Frequently Asked Questions
Department Of Cell Biology & Anatomy The scope of the department includes most subspecialties of cellular and systems biology, including biological anthropology, cancer cell biology, neurobiology, endocrinology, reproductive biology, and developmental biology. http://www.cba.arizona.edu/
Extractions: encompasses the complementary areas of cell biology, developmental biology and neurobiology with an emphasis on fundamental problems in cell signaling and communication. Current areas of focus are biomolecular recognition and cell communication as well as molecular mechanisms of neuronal signaling and synaptic plasticity. Instruction
Oregon Hearing Research Center Focuses on the fundamental neurobiology of the auditory and vestibular systems in order to understand how pathologies occur and to develop and test new solutions for hearing problems. http://www.ohsu.edu/ohrc
Biological Sciences Library Collection with strengths in the areas of molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics and neurobiology. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/biology
Kerry R. Delaney Associate professor of neurobiology in the department of Biological Sciences. Includes Delaney Laboratory, current research program and selected publications. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/faculty/delaney/
Extractions: DELANEY LAB WEBSITE Current Research Program I am primarily a synaptic physiologist who is interested in a broad range of neurobiological questions all of which ultimately link neural activity and changes in synaptic connection strength to learning, behaviour, sensory perception and brain disorders. This work involves study of neural function at many levels of brain organization, from ion channels in single cells to modulation of complex neural circuits to behaviour in whole animals. In this work we often combine classical electrophysiological techniques such as intra-and extracellular recording and stimulation with optical techniques such as calcium (Ca ) and voltage-sensitive dye imaging. Several model systems have been used but presently, preparations of crayfish neuromuscular junction and whole frog brain maintained in vitro are being studied. Two themes central to our work are: 1) the role of Ca dynamics in determining the time course of activity-dependent and neuromodulator-mediated synaptic enhancement and the 2) role of distributed oscillatory neural activity in sensory perception and stimulus recognition.