Extractions: Dick and Bonnie Helms of Arapahoe, Nebraska welcome you to Flying H Genetics - home of champion Gelbvieh GelPLUS TM and Angus cattle. Our sixteen quality standards ensure that our cattle that will take your operation into the next millennium. Feel free to browse our web site and please contact us if you have any questions. We would love to talk cattle with you.
BSHG British Society for Human genetics. ..representing UK human genetics professionals. BSHG is an independent body representing UK human genetics professionals. http://www.bshg.org.uk/
Extractions: British Society for Human Genetics ...representing UK human genetics professionals. What's New... BSHG is an independent body representing UK human genetics professionals. Its constituent organisations are: Clinical Genetics Society (CGS) Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists (ACC) Clinical Molecular Genetics Society (CMGS) Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC York 2004 Conference- Call for Papers Results of two Genetics White Paper Initiatives announced Report on Genetics IT systems published. Contact us Dr Phil Zack Search BSHG for: visits since 21st April 2004 Last updated: 9th May 2004 Registered UK Charity 1058821
Genetics Australia Australian supplier of genetic materials for the dairy cattle industry. http://www.genaust.com.au/
Genetics -- Stanford University Department of genetics The apply. More information and an overview of the Department can be found at http//genetics.stanford.edu/. http://genetics.stanford.edu/
Extractions: Department of Genetics The Ph.D. program in the Department of Genetics at Stanford University School of Medicine provides opportunities for graduate study in all major areas of modern genetics, including identification and analysis of human disease genes, molecular evolution, gene therapy, statistical genetics, application of model organisms to problems in biology and medicine, and computational and experimental approaches to genome biology. The Department also includes the Stanford Human Genome Center , the , the Saccharomyces Genome Database ( SGD ), the Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base ( PharmGKB ), and the Stanford Microarray Database ( SMD ); together, these provide resources and opportunities for large-scale and/or high-throughput approaches to biomedical research. An underlying theme in our Department is that genetics is not merely a set of tools but a coherent and fruitful way of thinking about biology and medicine. To this end, we emphasize a a spectrum of approaches based on molecules, organisms, populations, and genomes. We provide training through laboratory rotations, dissertation research, seminar series, didactic and interactive coursework, and an annual three-day retreat of nearly 200 students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and research staff. The mission of the Department includes education and teaching as well as research; graduates from our program pursue careers in many different venues including research in academic or industrial settings, health care, health policy, and education. We are especially committed to increasing diversity within the program, and to the training of individuals from traditionally underrepresented minority groups to apply. More information and an overview of the Department can be found at
Extractions: U S LGE is a nationwide livestock-specific, not-for-profit, trade association representing the International Market Development interests of the U. S. dairy, beef, sheep, swine and horse breeding industries. Our representation encompasses the embryo and semen industry, livestock export sector, plus leading State Departments of Agriculture from top livestock producing states across the United States. Whatever your U. S. livestock genetic needs, U S LGE can help direct you to the livestock breed association, semen or embryo supplier, livestock export services provider, State or Federal government agency to assist you in making your livestock genetic selection process easier and more productive.
Trends In Genetics Trends in genetics Aims and Scope Trends in genetics is a forum for all aspects of current research in genetics, developmental biology and genomics. http://www.trends.com/tig/default.htm
Extractions: Trends in Genetics is a forum for all aspects of current research in genetics, developmental biology and genomics. Every issue of Trends in Genetics contains concise, informed and timely reviews that synthesise for a non-specialist readership current topics in these fields. Also provided in Trends in Genetics are perspective articles, in which novel hypotheses are discussed, and comment pieces, which feature key recent developments in genetics. A new and popular addition to Trends in Genetics is the Genome Analysis section, a forum for original observations concerning the function, organisation and evolution of genomes. Also featured in the journal are meeting reports, literature alerts, updates on new internet resources, and book, software and CD-ROM reviews.
Genetics Education Network A Classroom Guide To Yeast Experiments These articles describe genetics and radiation experiments using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a popular eukaryotic http://www.phys.ksu.edu/gene/
Whitehead Institute The Whitehead Institute is a nonprofit, independent basic research and teaching institution recognized worldwide for pathfinding programs in cancer and AIDS research, developmental biology, structural biology, infectious disease, and genetics. http://www.wi.mit.edu/
Extractions: Principal Investigators F A C U L T Y David Bartel Andrew Chess Gerald R. Fink Rudolf Jaenisch Eric S. Lander Susan L. Lindquist Harvey F. Lodish Paul T. Matsudaira Terry L. Orr-Weaver David C. Page Ilaria Rebay David Sabatini Hazel L. Sive Robert A. Weinberg Richard A. Young F E L L O W S Mark Daly Ernest Fraenkel Alan Jasanoff A F F I L I A T E M E M B E R S David Altshuler Dave Gifford Todd Golub Labs by Subject Agrobiology AIDS Angiogenesis Antibiotic Resistance Biocomputing Group Bioengineering Bioinformatics Biomaterials BioMEMS Chips Biotechnology Brain Brain and Spinal Cord Development Cancer Cancer Genetics Catalytic RNA Cell Biology Cell Cycle Cell Cycle Clock Cell Death Cell Division Cell Signaling Cell-Cell Signaling Chaperone Proteins Chemical Genetics Cloning Combinatorial Chemistry Computational Biology Cytoskeleton Data Mining Developmental Biology Diabetes DNA Arrays DNA Methylation DNA Rearrangement DNA Replication Drosophila Drosophila Genetics Expression Cloning Eye Development Frog and Zebrafish Genetics Fungal Infections Gene Expression Gene Mapping Genome Project Genomics HIV Immune System Infection Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary Science Leukemia Male Infertility Molecular Evolution MRI Nanotechnology Neural Networks Neurobiology NMR Origin of Life Plant Genetics Prions Protein Chemistry Protein Folding Rapamycin Receptors Ribozymes RNA Sensory System Sex Chromosome Evolution Single Neuron Imaging Small Molecule Screening Smell SNPs Statistical Genetics Stem Cells
Department Of Molecular Genetics, UIC HOME A resource on graduate study and research opportunities in the department's PhD program. Information on departmental affiliates, curriculum, seminars, links to numerous molecular genetics resources, and an online application. http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcgn/
Science -- Science Collections: Genetics genetics. News of the Week genetics Genome Resources to Boost Canines Role in Gene Hunts Elizabeth Pennisi Science 304 1093a1095a. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/genetics
Genetics And Molecular Research FunpecRp About The journal Editorial Board Current Issue All Issues Search Indexers Instructions For Authors Contact Sponsors Links. http://www.funpecrp.com.br/gmr/
Biology Online. Life Science Reference Dictionary, links and tutorials on cell biology, genetics, genetics and evolution, control of growth and development, regulation of biological systems, adaptation and freshwater ecology. http://biology-online.org
Extractions: Comments and suggestions about the site at present, or any future enhancements you would like to see are most welcome! If you want to see something specific on this site, simply e-mail the webmaster. If the site lacks something you have in mind, do not complain, be pro-active, tell us about it. Check out the biology dictionary consisting of thousands of terms, working alongside the tutorials. Not sure of some terminology? Use the dictionary in conjunction with the tutorials to develop your understanding of the wording used. The biology tutorials aim to give an introductory to intermediate understanding of various biological concepts and disciplines, split up into sections for ease of use. Within each tutorial are references to the biology dictionary, intending to give an easy reference to the terminology used.
Fairfax Cryobank The human sperm bank division of the genetics IVF Institute. http://www.fairfaxcryobank.com/
Genetics In Medicine - Home Provides content on the clinical application of genetics. Features journal contents, abstracts and http://www.geneticsinmedicine.org/
Extractions: Already a respected part of the genetics community, the outstanding editorial content and uniqueness of Genetics in Medicine makes it a necessary acquisition for both individuals and libraries. Genetics in Medicine , devoted to the clinical application of genetics, is a must read for physicians wishing to apply new genetic findings to their medical practice. Topics covered in the journal include clinical genetics, biochemical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, common disease genetics, and genetic counseling. Indexed by Index Medicus and Journal Citation Reports.
The New York Times Genetics Collection of articles assembled to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of DNA. Topics include history, recent developments, ethical concerns and other issues related to the genetic revolution, and the role of the news media in science. http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2003/02/25/health/genetics/index.html
MiraiBio - Welcome To Miraibio Hitachi Genetic Systems, by MiraiBio Inc, offers quality instruments, software, consumables and supporting applications for the genetics/molecular biology laboratory. http://www.miraibio.com/
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HumGen - Policies University of Montreal CRDP. Access to a wide range of information credible, relevant policy statements on topics related to human genetics around the world. http://www.humgen.umontreal.ca/en/