Www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=34583 The leading y2k site on the net y2k.hotmessage.com (sponsored listing). Gardening Genealogy Halloween, Health History Politics Hobbies Home Improvement Horoscope Jewelry law Mortgages Mothers http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=34583
CataLaw : Information Technology Law y2k AustLII Australia Subject Index - Cyberspace - Year 2000 Victoria law Foundation The Year 2000 (y2k) Problem. Canada. http://www.catalaw.com/topics/Technology.shtml
Y2K--Hidden Dangers Of Martial Law And A Police State Will President Bill Clinton use the y2k computer bug crisis as a pretext to declaremartial law in the USA and usher in a brutal Gestapo police state? http://www.texemarrs.com/041999/hiddan.htm
Extractions: In this thoroughly documented video, Texe Marrs points to a startling plan by the federal government for mobilization of the National Guard and FEMA in all 50 states. He examines White House executive orders that give the federal government awesome dictatorial powers and also discloses secret preparations by the FBI, BATF, the U.S. Army's "nightstalker" Delta Force unit, and other Federal police state agencies. You'll also see shocking evidence uncovered proving that the Y2K emergency could well be a pre-planned, contrived crisis. The powerful men behind this incredible plot are unmasked as Texe Marrs lays bare their hidden objectives. This mind-jarring video reveals that there's far more to the Y2K crisis than Americans could ever imagine!
Y2K & Martial Law y2k Martial law. In The degree and extent of a Martial law situationdepends on the severity of the disruptions y2k will bring. They http://www.angelfire.com/or/truthfinder/martial.html
Extractions: Said John Koskinen , chairman of President Clinton's Y2K council As farfetched as this may seem, the probability of State and Federal Government officials and generals declaring a form of ' martial law' is quite high in 2000. Unlike a bad Hollywood movie or edgy conspiracy plot, however, plans to do so are actually occurring and soberingly real. Given the infrastructure failures and civil disorder that will surely accompany y2k, a state of national emergency as declared by the President and state governors may occur shortly before (or after) 2000. The laws are on the books and militaries around the world are preparing for y2k.
Extractions: This date is based on the universally recognized Gregorian calendar. Years in this calendar begin with the year one A.D. (January 1, 1 Anno Domini), not with the year zero. Main Index Philippine Y2K Resources Articles on Y2K Presidential Commission on Year 2000 Compliance [Executive Order No. 14 (August 19, 1998)] Philippine Commission on Year 2000 Compliance Official Website f Global Y2K Resources By Country United States Department of the Navy DISA, Joint Inter-Operability Test Command (JITC) FDIC's Year 2000 Glossary Federal Reserve Bank - Year 2000 Alert ... Year 2000 Information from the Air Force Electronics System Center Other Countries Australia Canada Finland France ... Year 2000.Com Bookstore
All Law - Experts - Y2k Tools Calculators. Child Support. DWI. Home Experts y2k Dr.Anthony P. Strande Expert witness providing preparation assistance http://www.alllaw.com/legal_support_services/experts/y2k/
Extractions: Find A Lawyer Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware DC Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico
All Law - Experts - Y2k Maine Trial Lawyers Association Legal Portal Powered by. Free OnlineAttorney Directory. Home Experts y2k Dr. Anthony P. Strande http://www.alllaw.com/legal_support_services/experts/y2k/default.asp?ID=ME
How To Get Started On Y2K Debugging In The Law Office How to Get Started on y2k Debugging in the law Office. These programs,unfortunately, are not a cureall for a law firm s y2k worries. http://www.lacba.org/lalawyer/tech/comp1-99.html
Extractions: Daryl Teshima is the editor-in-chief of Legal Assistant Today and Law Office Computing, two bimonthly magazines published by James Publishing. He can be reached on the Internet at dteshima @netcom.com Some predict that the year 2000 (Y2K) problem will bring disaster. Others label it as a bogeyman in the service of technology consultants. To many lawyers, Y2K appears distant, remote, and trivial compared to the daily demands of judges, opposing counsel, and clients. Besides, most law firms do not employ mainframes-the computers most susceptible to the problem-but instead primarily use recently purchased personal computers and software. What if, however, a fraction of the predicted Y2K problems occur? Then attorneys could have a major and long-lasting office hangover after January 1, 2000. Besides computers and programs, Y2K can affect such office systems as telephones, voice mail, automated security, elevators, and anything else that relies on a microchip. For this reason, the estimated cost of dealing with Y2K in Europe and the United States is now $858 billion. Ignoring Y2K could have catastrophic consequences for a lawyer's practice. Y2K is one deadline that even judges cannot extend. A lawyer can, however, start debugging today. The Date Set Test A dramatic Y2K problem will occur if a computer's clock and operating hardware cannot recognize the correct date after December 31, 1999. Most applications rely on the computer's internal clock for the date and time. For example, if the operating hardware gives erroneous or unreadable date and time information to a calendar and datebook program, it will not work properly. Although most computers sold within the past three years do not have this problem, the average older PC-especially one still running DOS-may.
Y2K And The Law y2k and the law. Well, I ve got a new job after January first ExpertWitness! The lawyers think that the Year 2000 is the best thing http://home.comcast.net/~lkrakauer/WWSSC99/law.html
Extractions: Y2K and the Law Well, I've got a new job after January first: Expert Witness! The lawyers think that the Year 2000 is the best thing to come along since silicone breast implants. Wouldn't you know the lawyers would make something out of this; hey, "Same shit, different millennium." Kronos is a Massachusetts corporation, and Massachusetts has tons of lawyers, sort of like New Jersey has toxic waste. Why did New Jersey get the toxic waste, and we got the lawyers? 'Cause they got to pick first. I caught a nasty virus from Alyce Moore in our legal department. It was a computer virus, of course, one of those "Melissa" Word macro things. You know, these days, when you get a message from someone, it's like getting a message from everyone they've ever gotten a message from. I told her she's got to start practicing "safe text". But of course, we appreciate lawyers when they're on our side, and I've gotten a great deal of help on Y2K from our Kronos attorneys, John DeLuca and Alyce Moore, and particularly Sally Wallace, who's taught me the art of thinking twice before saying nothing. Click here to continue
Trinidadlaw.com | Y2K And The Law a perspective on several legal issues arising out of the y2k challenge. Formingpart of a broader series on Information Technology and the law they were http://www.trinidadlaw.com/Y2K/content.html
Extractions: In these articles Christopher Hamel-Smith provides a perspective on several legal issues arising out of the Y2K challenge. Forming part of a broader series on "Information Technology and the Law" they were first published in the "Business Guardian" over the period June 10, 1999 to September 9, 1999. Additionally, in the final article "Y2K- Some Taxing Questions" Myrna Robinson-Walters Y2K Legal Risks Focusing Y2K Efforts Y2K And Relationships With Key Business Partners Y2K Communications With Third Parties ... Charity E-mail: mhs@trinidadlaw.com IMPORTANT NOTICE : Trinidadlaw.com contains general information about doing business in Trinidad and Tobago. Nothing in these pages constitutes legal advice. Always consult a suitable qualified lawyer on any legal problem or issue. As a service to you, we also provide numerous links to other web sites. We have no control over such sites and are in no way responsible for their contents.
Law Spot - Y2K OKAY in the overhaul of this country s computer equipment, even if the y2k bug failedto We accept that everyone should have recourse to the law when they have http://www.law4u.com.au/lil/ls_y2k.html
Extractions: The culture of litigation What's it about? Recently the author received a letter from his friendly local Council Officer. To make a long story short, I was informed that the roots of a tree in our front yard had allegedly dislodged a section of footpath. And just to make the point in demanding payment to cover the expense, the Council claimed that any injury suffered by a pedestrian as a result of the broken footpath would be the fault of the property owner (myself) and could land my family in court with a hefty personal injuries claim to settle. I was not amused, as you can imagine (not the least because the letter was dated 31/12/99 and the Council offices had already closed for a number of days). I immediately wrote back with a little legal analysis of my own. Yes, I agreed, it may in fact be dangerous, but since I was quite prepared to pay for the rectification of the problem, and authorised such in my reply, the ball was most definitely in their court. As I had no legal recourse to barricade the offending public area, I suggested that they do so or fix the problem forthwith (a month later I have not even had the courtesy of a reply, let alone any remedial activity in front of my house). The fact that nothing has been done might suggest that the threats of looming legal actions were the stick with which to obtain my payment for the work.
The Year 2000 Problem LEGAL. law OFFICE y2k MANUAL Univ. FED. of INSUR. CORP. COUNSEL USERS GUIDE; y2klaw SITE - Williams, Mullen, Christian Boddins; YEAR 2000.COM - law CENTER; http://home.earthlink.net/~laanderson/y2k.htm
Extractions: March 28, 1999 Following this list that I have moved from other pages you will find how I personally have prepared for this world dilemna. Texas Congress has a 1999 bill that will limit liability and/or establish statutes of limitation for Y2K problems. U. S. Congress has a "Y2K ACT" that establishes a S/L to end 2/1/2002S.96, by Sen. McCain. The House has a "Year 2000 Consumer Protection Plan Act of 1999" that is sponsored by Rep. Donald Manzullo, R-IllH.R.192. "LAW OFFICE COMPUTING" has a Feb/Mar 1999 article "Y2K Action Guide" - "Steps you can take now to protect your firm and your clinents from Y2K fallout." David P. Vandagriff, Daryl Tehima, Joesph L. Kashi, Traci Savide, Thomas Boedecker. LAW OFFICE Y2K MANUAL - Univ. of Florida AMERICAN BAR ASSN - Y2K C.P.A., Amer. Instit. of Federal Acquisition Regulation on Y2K GSA policy ... Novell NetWare - used by law firms PETER DE JAGER - access to Law Center for Year 2000 PRACTISING LAW INSTITUTE - Y2K Events PLI-Y2KLAW@PLI.EDU
Y2K, Martial Law And The Feminist Equation The only way an effective post y2k martial law plan could possibly be implementedwould be for Klinton to invite a few million Chinese troops over to keep http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001Qpb
Extractions: May 5 TechLaw Digital Recordkeeping uch of what you do every day is recorded some place on some computer somewhere. Whom you called on the telephone, your emails, your ATM withdrawals, what toll booth you passed through, when you turned your office alarm on and off and so on are all logged somewhere. Where theres a record, there is always a risk that somebody will use the information against you. If that makes you feel a bit paranoid, your fears may not be irrational. written by Mark Grossman. he Technology Law Group is directed by Mark Grossman , an experienced business law attorney who concentrates his practice exclusively in the area of computer and Internet law. Mark has a great deal of experience and insight into solving problems and identifying opportunities for his clients regarding computer purchases intellectual property rights corporate law and planning employment law and technology ... vendor liability and software development , and numerous other cutting edge issues that affect the way businesses use computers and modern technology. Welcome to our Technology contact us with any comments or suggestions.
Bounds Law Library -- "Focus On..." Exhibit -- Y2K CNN InDepth Specials - Looking at the y2k bug. UA Home Please email any comments,questions or suggestions for this website to cmiller@law.ua.edu. http://www.library.law.ua.edu/foarchiv/12_1999.HTM
Part 1 - Could Y2K Failures Bring Us Martial Law? www.ericbarger.com. Could y2k Failures Bring us Martial law? Part 1 of 2 -. ibid.Read Part 2 - How People - NOT y2k - Could Bring on Martial law CLICK HERE! http://www.ericbarger.com/Martial_Law_part_1.htm
Extractions: Take A Stand! O N L I N E "Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word" www.ericbarger.com Could Y2K Failures Bring us Martial Law - Part 1 of 2 - by E ric B arger Andrew Gause, Y2K action chairman for the city of Hawthorne, NJ and author of Y2K Chaos says: "I really cannot believe the scope that he (Clinton) has gone to to insure that the president (whoever that might be at the time) had absolute authority up to seizing private property. When you look at the scope of Executive Orders that Mr. Clinton has put into place I think he’s really planning that the President have the power to deal with the situation (Y2K) in the most dictatorial fashion imaginable." If you believe Mr. Gause is exaggerating then read on. without without any constraints from Congress. In fact, EO’s become law unless they are revoked by Congress. Knowing that Bill Clinton has expressed that he would not be a "lame duck" leader it appears that he intends to legislate his will with the use Executive Orders. Depending on your political persuasion you may not view that as all bad - until you find out what the Clinton EO’s contain. Even died-in-the-wool liberals would find many of Clinton’s EO’s and PDD’s troubling and puzzling if not down right hair-raising. The concern is multiplied times over when one adds up what the sum total effect of these EO’s and PDD’s. First of all, Executive Order 13107 decrees that human rights descend not from God but from worldly governmental authorities - with the ultimate authority represented by the United Nations. From all we see, it seems that the UN believes people have the right to dissent, unless it is dissent against the United Nations. Now with that as the basis of his logic, consider that all things terrifying, socialistic and unconstitutional are possible, at least in the mind of globalist Bill Clinton.
CA Law Net's Y2K Page For one go to www.y2k.com and related links or use the search enginesto locate further information. Back to Computers law pages. http://www.calawnet.com/computers/y2kindex.html
Extractions: After you read this brief intro, check out the PC Year 2000 Alliance pages - click here What is Y2K or the "Year 2000 bug"? Y2K is an acronym for "Year 2000" and a glitch in our computer technologies - The result is that computers and other technologies [like the power transformers at the base of the electric grid, computer chips in cars, etc.] may have difficulty operating normally when the year changes on December 31, 1999 or when the computers attempt to process information requiring using dates in the year 2000+. Extent of the Problem Recent discussions about the impending effects of the Year 2000 (Y2K) computer bug include predictions that it may lead to widespread and random disruption in basic services involving electrical power, transportation and other basic services we now take for granted. The commentators run the gamut from the unconcerned to the hysterical, so it is hard to evaluate the real probabilities of significant disruption of basic services or local impacts, including issues in programs and computer systems at the local home and office level. There are preventive solutions for hardware and software within our control, obviously the "big picture" solutions will have to come from those responsible for the infrastructure of our industrialized and, now computerized, societies. Y2K Solutions There are software and hardware fixes for some of the Y2K issues.
Y2K - Laws And Legislation y2k, Year 2000 laws and Legislation. Millennium Time Bomb Clock. A Year2000 bill was signed into law by President Clinton. The federal http://notebook.ifas.ufl.edu/y2k/law/y2klaws.htm
THE WHITE HOUSE Today I am pleased to sign into law S. 2392, the Year 2000 Information and ReadinessDisclosure Act. . As our Nation prepares for the year 2000 (y2k), we face http://notebook.ifas.ufl.edu/y2k/law/finalst.htm
Extractions: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 19, 1998 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Today I am pleased to sign into law S. 2392, the "Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act." As our Nation prepares for the year 2000 (Y2K), we face an urgent need to address the Y2K problem, which may cause computers and embedded systems that run America's critical infra-structure to malfunction or even shut down. With little over a year until January 1, 2000, this is a serious global challenge that businesses and governments around the world must address. Today, my Council on Year 2000 Conversion is launching "National Y2K Action Week," to urge small- and medium-sized businesses to take the necessary steps to ensure that the technologies they and their business partners depend upon are ready for the year 2000. Over the next 5 days, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Commerce, and several other Federal agencies will host Y2K educational events at their field offices across the Nation. As part of this week, we are also urging State, local, tribal governments, and community organizations to address this critical problem. More than 160 national organizations representing industries, professions, government, and the nonprofit sector have joined the Council in promoting Y2K action during this week. This legislation will help provide businesses, governments, and other organizations with the necessary informational tools to overcome the Y2K computer problem. This Act, which builds upon a proposal my Administration submitted to the Congress in July, is an important bipartisan accomplishment. I particularly want to thank those in the Congress whose hard work and support of this legislation made its passage possible. Representatives Horn, Kucinich, Morella, Barcia, Leach, LaFalce, Hyde, Conyers, Dreier, and Eschoo and Senators Bennett, Dodd, Hatch, Leahy, and Kyl were integral to getting this work done and done quickly.