Staff Main Just for staff Internal Communication. Adults shaking hands New staffOrientation. Look up a Telephone . District Vehicles.
Wisconsin Lutheran College:Class Schedule Spring 2003:Education You are unable to see the navigation elements because they are created using JavaScript. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please enable JavaScript, or use our Site Map to find your way around the
Extractions: @import url(../../ui/css/new.css); You are unable to see the navigation elements because they are created using JavaScript. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please enable JavaScript, or use our Site Map to find your way around the college website. Course# Course Title Cr. Days Time Instructor Room EDU 201 Education and Society TR Dusseau EDU 211 Educating the Exceptional Indivdual TR Edens EDU 221A Instructional Strategies + EDU-292 TR Rahn EDU 221B Instructional Strategies + EDU-292 TR Rahn EDU 292 PST Clinical: General (EDU-221) TBA TBA Rahn *EDU 316 Home, School, Community Partnership TR Burow Clubhouse *EDU 321 Teaching ART (4th Quarter) T Schaewe *EDU 322 Teaching Music M Brightsman *EDU 323 Middle School Strategies M Brightsman *EDU 394 PST Clinical: Middle W Brightsman *EDU 324 Teaching Social Studies TR Dusseau Off-Campus *EDU 390 PST Clinical: Service Learning TR Dusseau Off campus *EDU 327 Teaching Science W Teuteberg *EDU 391 PST Clinical : Science TBA TBA TBA *EDU 332 Language Arts Dev. in Content Area MWF Brightsman/Natzke *EDU 334 Reading Interests: Middle Childhood T Lanphear Clubhouse *EDU 341 Instr. Strategies - Minor
Updates For Staff Development Update 5/03/99. staff DEVELOPMENT UPDATE 5/03/99. 1. Remember the PC Boot Camp, LRC 205, this Weds, 5/5/99, and Thurs, 5/6/99, 10 130 PM information on PC Bootcamp is located at http// bootcamp/ 2.
Extractions: STAFF DEVELOPMENT UPDATE 5/03/99 1. Remember the PC Boot Camp, LRC 205, this Weds, 5/5/99, and Thurs, 5/6/99, 10 - 130 PM information on PC Bootcamp is located at 2. Join in Web Project, and help us develop and implement new webpages at Mission 3 museum of modern art (new york) 4. if you need to order last minute gift for Mothers Day, then use (the right gift, right away) 5. the leading resource for information executives on line 6.. concepts of collaboration 7. gardening on the web 8. twenty seven ways to remember students names 9. Laws of wisdom, great thinkers, and visionaries. Chinese laws of creativity and wisdom IChing, and Theory of Inventive Problem solving