Lesson Plan lesson Plan. Elementary Level. Math. 2.16 Relates whole numbers up to 999 to concrete and pictorial models, relates models to numbers and orally names. http://www.aug.edu/teacher_development/PBL/Elementary Units/Outdoor Learning/Lak
Extractions: Outdoor Learning Environment Lesson Plan Elementary Level Subject : Language Arts, Social Studies, Math Grade Level nd rd QCC Objectives nd Grade Language Arts Math 2.16 Relates whole numbers up to 999 to concrete and pictorial models, relates models to numbers and orally names. 2.29 Recognizes in a problem-solving situation that addition reflects combining elements of sets and that subtraction reflects taking away or comparing elements of sets. 2.30 Employs problem-solving strategies such as draw a picture, guess and check, and make a chart. 2.31 Solves one- and two-step word problems related to appropriate second-grade objectives. Includes oral and written problems and problems with extraneous information as well as information from sources such as bar graphs. 2.32 Constructs and interprets simple bar graphs and pictographs with up to five columns using unit data.
LESSON PLAN lesson PLAN. 8. Tell students if you have trouble with today s lesson, do the have mastered the four arithmetic operations with whole numbers, positive fractions http://webpages.csus.edu/~sac86436/lessonplan.htm
Extractions: LESSON PLAN EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Author: Doralyn McPeake Date Created: VITAL INFORMATION Subject(s): Mathematics Topic or Unit of Study Equivalent Fractions Grade/Level Ojective Find equivalent fractions. Summary: Teach students about finding equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same counting number. Model equivalent fraction theory on the board. Have students do guided practice in class on white boards, then independent practice with partners. IMPLEMENTATION Learning Context: his lesson fits into the overall Chapter 3 of Houghton Mifflin Mathematics regarding Fractions and Number Theory. Procedure: Anticipatory Set: Tell students: make sure you have Red binders to math notes section; textbooks, pencils sharpened and white boards and sharpies. Eyes on me. Pencils down. State anticipatory set: Samuel and Matthew ate half of their own pizzas. Draw two pizzas with 1/2 of them eaten. Sam's pizza had 8 slices. Draw pizza with 8 slices. Matthew ate 2 slices of his pizza.
The Math Forum - Math Library - Lesson Plans/Activities The Math Forum's Internet Math Library is a comprehensive catalog of Web sites and Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites relating to lesson plans and Activities . http://mathforum.com/library/resource_types/lesson_plans
Extractions: By Topic: Arithmetic Lesson Plans Collections Algebra Lesson Plans Collections Geometry Lesson Plans Collections Pre-Calculus Lesson Plans Collections Calculus Lesson Plans Collections Prob/Stat Lesson Plans Collections Discrete Math Lesson Plans Collections By Level: Elementary Lesson Plans Collections PreK-2 Lesson Plans Collections Lesson Plans Collections Middle School Lesson Plans Collections High School Lesson Plans Collections There are so many items in this category that we recommend using the keyword search and math topic or grade level menus to narrow down your results. What is Infiltration? Math objectives: 1. Define the term "percent." 2. Solve problems using percentages. Energy objectives: 1. Define infiltration. 2. Describe the major areas of infiltration in the home. An activity guide from the Energy Conservation ...more>> 100th Day of School Celebration - Loogootee Community Schools, Loogootee, Indiana
The Lesson Plans Page - Music Lesson Plans, Music Ideas, & Music Activities This section of The lesson plans Page contains music lesson plans, music ideas, music lessons, music thematic units, lesson plans for teachers. Features . lesson plans . Teacher Discussions http://www.lessonplanspage.com/MusicJH.htm
Extractions: About Search Forums Newsletter ... Tell-A-Friend Printable Version for your convenience! Sarah Zubrowski Math Number Sense Grade One Prerequisite Knowledge: the ability to count to at least 12. the story of If You Take a Pencil by Fulvio Testa (New York, Dial Press, 1982). Objective: the first grade students will draw pictures to represent the numbers one through six. Materials: If You Take a Pencil pencils (colored and regular) markers and crayons white drawing paper construction paper stapler Set and Initiation: Announce that it is circle time and once the children are seated on the carpet, draw on the board a picture of two trees, five clouds, and eight little boys and girls. Ask the students what they see and how many of each. Ask the students to name off a few of their favorite things and how many of each there are. Hold up the book If You Take a Pencil and ask them to guess what it is about. Begin reading. Procedure: Ask the children what part of the book they enjoyed the most and ask them to recall the number associated with that "favorite" part. Ask questions such as, "What number did the book start off with?" and, "What number did the book end with?"
Unit Plan For Adding And Subtracting Whole Numbers Unit Plan for Adding and Subtracting whole numbers. Curriculum Unit Plan. Mathematics. Third Grade. Unit 1 Adding and Subtracting whole numbers. Abstract. http://www.michigan.gov/scope/0,1607,7-155-13481_13482_13484-36457--,00.html
Extractions: Unit Plan for Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers Curriculum Unit Plan Mathematics Third Grade Unit 1: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers Abstract This unit focuses on the addition and subtraction of whole numbers. Students develop strategies for adding and subtracting one-to four-digit whole numbers. They apply computation to situations they face in daily life Unit Title Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers Grade Level/Course Title Third Grade/Mathematics Focus Questions How can quantities be added or combined How can one find the difference between two quantities Benchmarks Children will: use appropriate numbers and represent-ations in solving problems (IV.2.E.5). use manipulatives to model operations with numbers; develop their own methods of recording operations; and relate their models and recordings to standard symbolic expressions and algorithms (V.1.E.1). develop and apply the appropriate method of computation from among mental computation, estimation, paper-and-pencil, or use of a calculator (V.1.E.2). apply addition and subtraction operations efficiently and accurately in solving problems (V.1.E.4).
Lesson Plan Grade 4( Term 1 ) Sub Topics, lesson No. Specific Objective of the plan, Related Pages in the Math Text Book, Teaching Materials. 1, Multiplication, 1, Multiply a whole number by a 1 http://www.education.gov.lc/mathjocv/ATG/G4/Lesson41.htm
Extractions: Grade 4 ( Term 1 ) Lesson plan consists of specific objective of the plan, related pages in the Math Text Book (Caribbean Primary mathematics Level 5, GINN) and Teaching Materials ATG also includes pre test and post test for each major topic. Pre test can be utilized to see studentsf abilities before post test can be utilized to examine now much students achieve. *Annual Plan *Pre Test - 1 Sub Topics Lesson
Extractions: What kind of patterns and things can you notice? Based on your observations, try the following problems: a. b. c. d. e. Dividing a number by 2 is the same as finding of the number. Dividing a number by 3 is the same as finding of the number. Dividing a number by 4 is the same as finding of the number. Complete the number sentences and compare:
SCORE Mathematics Lessons Let s make pumpkin pie for the whole class! to find facts needed to arrive at a number on the 100 This lesson plan may be adapted to any grade level and maybe http://score.kings.k12.ca.us/number.sense.html
Extractions: You will soon be in the position of getting your driver's license and looking for a car. In all of the excitement, you are faced with a number of decisions which need to be made before you actually purchase your car. Through this unit you will research every aspect that a person goes through when purchasing a car. Gr 6: A trip across the USA. Each team will choose any state capital on the east coast as their starting point. They will travel west stopping at each state capital along the way and record miles traveled. Each student group will create a chart or table showing the number of miles traveled from state capital to state capital and then total number of miles driven. Be the team to reach Sacramento, California with the fewest number of miles traveled to win the prize. Gr 4:
Lesson Plan Say As you recall from earlier lessons, we have been studying slope and yintercept Lets devise a plan. When it is a whole number, will it be steep or not http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/courses/mat764fa03/folders/brownapr/Standards_Project_I
Extractions: The student will compare slope and y-intercept of a linear equation using a graphing calculator. The student will observe changes in the values for slope and y-intercept and the subsequent graphs produced, and then formulate general rules for the line behavior with respect to slope and y-intercept. Problem solving skills will be incorporated as the students form their conjectures. This lesson meets goal 3 of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Goal 3 states: the learner will graph and use relations and functions to solve problems. Lesson Type Format
Lesson Plan: Probability Plus Which layouts will not work? Why? This lesson should be modified to match the students level related to whole number operations and computations. http://smtc.uwyo.edu/wcms/math/Lesson/probPlus.asp
Extractions: Probability Plus: By Mary Arth The main focus of this lesson is probability– the study of what "might be," in contrast to the study of "what is." There is still much to know about this area of mathematics. During studies of probability in the classroom, it is important to reinforce several key concepts: This project also allows both teachers and students to enjoy working with the full range of K-4 NCTM Standards in one lesson. During this lesson the students: problem solve use statistics and probability communicate use geometry and spatial sense reason use number sense and computations estimate make mathematical connections use fractions and decimals discover patterns and relationships Definition of a cube: three-dimensional object with six square faces of the same size. Various ways to construct a cube from a paper grid: GAME "BOARD"
K-5 Lesson Plan Curriculum Guides, Curriculum Guides. K5 lesson plans. Operations/Computation. Grade Level Kindergarten. Content Area Operations/Computation. http://www.acorns.k12.tn.us/staffdev/curricu/lp_k_o_1da1ds.htm
Extractions: Activity: Have students count out a given set of manipulates and put them in a designated work area on desk. Teacher will show how to make a "cave" by cupping her hand. The teacher tells how many objects are to be hidden and the students read the problem. The children take away the "cave" and reread the problem. (See Mathematics Their Way, Chapter 7, Page 192.)
Extractions: 1. The beans will be placed in a jar and the students will be asked to guess the number of beans in the jar. After the students have guessed, the teacher will count what appears to be half of the beans in the jar. After half of the beans have been counted the students will be given a chance to change their estimation.