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Ghost Photography All web cams don t have the button on top, but you will need one that does. We useda regular web cam called DLink which has a live mode and a capture mode.
Extractions: How We Photographed Ghosts The room where you are trying to take pictures of a ghost must be dim. If there is too much light you will be able to see through the ghosts and you won't get any pictures. If the room is too dark use a dim flashlight around certain areas of the room. We did this with a few pictures and were still able to capture their image. Experiment with the lighting till you see one. To take pictures, aim the camera at the spot where your trying to capture a ghost image and slowly move the camera at different areas in the room, clicking on the capture button on the top of the camera every second. At the same time keep an eye on the picture you took. When you see a ghost image stop and save it to your hard drive . If you don't see one right away keep trying. There are times when we don't see anything. After you take the pictures you can open them in a paint program. If you see a faint image, turn the contrast up and see if you can see the image better. Always save your original picture.You don't need an old house to capture ghost pictures. Ghosts are every where. On rare occassions you can capture them in the day time if they appear in full apparation. Have fun. We will not be responsible if you see a ghost that frightens you or that causes you mental problems or other health problems. A few people we know have used this method and were terrified of what they saw and deleted their pictures. Take pictures at your own risk.
Reality X: Visual Arts worldclass fine art, graphic design, painting and photography pieces made Berlin- Ambitions art foto project includes 360-degree panoramas; web cams; art and
Extractions: ArtDaily - Guide to the international art scene with information about exhibitions by museums worldwide. Blind Spot - Web site of this printed photography journal. Presents previously unpublished work by the world's leading photographers as well as up-and-coming artists. Communication Arts - A resource for graphic design, advertising, photography, multimedia, illustration, art direction. Digital Directions - Covers the people, techniques and new technologies in Macintosh-based advertising and design. DoubleTake Magazine - Web site of the magazine published by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Ixion - A quarterly magazine of international art and literature. Includes articles, book reviews, humour and more. Journal E - A web magazine presenting in-depth photo essays. Lots of great photos. Photo District News - The web edition of the trade magazine of professional photography.
Jackson Hole Wyoming Web Cams Togwotee Mountain Lodge web Cam » The togwotee Mountain Lodge is located high SiteDesign by Circumerro Creative Group photography by Latham Jenkins/ JHStock
Extractions: The togwotee Mountain Lodge is located high in the Togwotee range. A guest lodge known for it's quick easy access to amazing snowmobiling and horseback riding. Site Map About Us Legal + Usage Site Design by Circumerro Creative Group ... CURRENT WEATHER Mostly Sunny mI = newImage('/pics/headers/moose.jpg'); changeImages('','mainImgHead','mI'); RAFTING FISHING CLIMBING BIKING ... winter Jackson Hole Activities
Gatherings - Scrapbooks, Photography & Video Ideas Ideas Kids Activities Party Invitation Ideas Scrapbooks, photography Video anddigital cameras, including digital camcorders and web cams, are quickly
Extractions: Hamburger/hot dogs According to a study conducted by Harris Interactive and sponsored by Modern Woodmen of America, well over half of Americans utilize the Internet for communicating via e-mails and passing along photos. And, while only one in six have created a family Web site, nearly 40 percent of us are interested in the possibility. Family Web sites, instant messaging and digital cameras, including digital camcorders and Web cams, are quickly taking their place along with the telephone and postal service as popular methods for communicating from afar.Web sites an exciting answer to sharing news. For the Kiechle family of Valbonne, France, the family Web site plays an important role in maintaining connections with family and friends in the United States. "When we first moved here [France], all our relatives, friends, and acquaintances went into mild shock, wondering what in the world we were doing," comments Daniel Kiechle, who created his family Web site in 1995, five years after his job transplanted him, his wife and two sons from Huntington, Long Island. "The responses have been great. Grandma even learned how to use a Mac and subscribed to Earthlink when she found out that this enabled her to receive photos of her grandchildren the day they were taken!"
ETNA - Links To Other Web Sites These webcams are all active at the time of the October-November 2002 Among the highlightsare the photo pages, mostly with photography by genius Marco Fulle.
Extractions: Geology Geological history Cones and craters ... Etna and Man References Web sites Weather forecasts FAQ Latest news Other Etna web sites There are numerous web sites that deal in some way with Etna, and with the eruptions of 2001 and 2002 their number is growing rapidly. Some are more scientifically oriented while others are focused on tourism, and many simply present a personal perspective on the volcano and its activity. The following list, while being far from complete, should serve as a starting point to Etna information on the WWW. This was once a little site created by Andrea Fiore, one of those few people in Catania who love the volcano not simply as a scenic background to the city, but also CLIMB it. Then it became bigger and bigger, and now it is actually the server which hosts THIS site (which is, "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology"). But is more than this. Andrea has his own section with countless photographs from numerous photographers, including himself, videos and news. And, last but least, there are the Italian versions of most of the pages of "Italy's Volcanoes". Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Catania The geophysical and visual monitoring of Etna as well as basic research are now being carried out in the framework of this structure. Information on this site is much improved compared to previous years (and its predecessors, the Poseidon and IIV sites) and includes frequent information bulletins concerning the activity of the Sicilian volcanoes (most of them, however, are in Italian). The
Rob's Amateur Astronomy Guide - Astrophotography Print films can also be used, especially for planetary photography; however, theygenerally require special processing to web cams and Retail Digital Cameras.
Extractions: Astrophotography and CCD Imaging Astrophotography and CCD Imaging Astrophotography is a challenging subject. With advances in technology, it is now possible for the amateur to take visually pleasing images of space. There are several types of photography possible for the amateur; these are: 35mm SLR film photography Digital photography using specialised CCD astronomy cameras Digital photography using webcams and retail digital cameras For serious astrophotography, a solid equatorial mount with dual axis drive is recommended. Equatorial mounts with motor drive enable the telescope and camera to move at the sidereal rate so deep sky objects, such as stars, nebulae and galaxies appear to remain stationary. Widefield, deep sky imaging is possible by mounting the camera directly on some type of equatorial mount, such as a German Equatorial Mount, or home made Scotch Mount. Dobsonian and fork mounts are suitable for planetary imaging, but not deep sky imaging, unless some form of equatorial wedge is used. 35mm SLR Camera This is the conventional method of astrophotography that has been around for over 50 years. It is a pleasure using film and SLR cameras, so unlike the electronic digital methods of today. The 35mm SLR method is probably the lowest cost way of getting into serious astrophotography. A 35mm SLR camera with full manual settings is required. These can be obtained secondhand or new. The photo lens of the camera is removed and a T-mount with T-ring for your specific brand of camera is attached to the lens mount. The T-mount slides into the 11/4" focuser on refractors and Newtonians. On SCT the T-mount usually attaches to the visual back of the telescope. The camera does not require a working exposure meter, as exposures will be set manualy using the shutter speed setting.
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Extractions: When someone owns a restaurant called the White House, the owners almost feel a sense of duty to promote patriotism as often as they do the special of the day. So the least they could do Friday at the East Naples eatery was serve food in Ronald Reagan's honor. Tucked inside their red, white and blue menus were fliers advertising a $5.95 tribute meal, Ronald Reagan Beef Stew. With the bill came crayon-colored jelly beans stacked in small sauce cups. On the house, of course. Full story...
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