Volcanoes: On The Edge Of An Eruption will help volcanologists understand the processes deep within the Earth s mantle,which drive volcanoes and help avert potential disasters and prevent http://www.exn.ca/volcanoes/satellite.cfm
Extractions: Browse exn.ca SCIENCE TODAY Webisodes Skylights Objects of Desire Discovery Challenge Fact or Fiction Mind Bender Numbers Game YAFI TECHNOLOGY Computers Objects of Desire The Science of Cars HUMANITY Human Genome Forensics How to be Human Science of Sports The Sex Files ANIMALS Animal Tracks Endangered Species Audubon's Birds Cats Dogs Deadly Bugs Dinosaurs Bears Sharks! Snakes Raisinig the Mammoth African Animals Arctic Animals Asian Animals Australian Animals North American Animals FLIGHTDECK SPACE Astronomy Canada in Space Doom Hubble Mars Mir Skylights Space Shuttle Apollo 11 ISS Liberty Bell 7 Science of Star Trek StarDust Star Wars ENVIRONMENT Avalanche Cold Drought Earthquake Earth Tones El Nino Floods Global Warming Hurricane Lightning Tornado Tsunami National Parks Urban Jungle Volcanoes HISTORY Ancient Egypt Ancient Mummies Hominids Liberty Bell 7 Mystic Places Napoleon's Lost Fleet Titanic Tales ABOUT US Newsletter Contests Link To Us Producer's Guide Archive Site Map TV SCHEDULE Program Guide Daily Listings Weekly Grid Door to Door Audience Relations Explore the Earth's mysteries with exn.ca
Bilambil Primary School - Disasters And Survival Excellent weather links including natural disasters. Earthquakes. lots of information(US). Earth s Active Volcanoes. - a map showing active volcanoes around http://www.bilambil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/disasters2.html
Extractions: Australian Disasters There have been many natural and man-made disasters in Australia. This country of contrasts regularly suffers floods, cyclones, bush fires, drought, earthquakes, earth tremors and landslides. Major disasters have included: Ash Wednesday Bush Fires - when around 180 bushfires broke out on 16 February 1983, devastating the Adelaide hills. Newcastle Earthquake - 28th December, 1989. The Newcastle earthquake, the first fatal one in Australia, claimed 13 lives. The devastation to buildings and other structures was extensive. Shipwrecks: 1999 Pandora Chronicle - the Port of Townsville expedition to the wreck of the infamous Pandora Hurricane Elena Photo from the
Volcanoes Conclusion. Although volcanoes are commonly considered natural disasters,they are bearers of new life. It is important to understand http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/brooklyn/volcano/
Extractions: The Process Find a partner to work with. Print out or obtain a sheet of the questions from your teacher or print them from this page. Explore the sites under resources and search for the answers. When you have completed researching all 4 questions, pick one volcano and report to the class your findings. As a final project you and your partner will click on projects and choose one of the volcanoes to build. Evaluation When you have completed all research, your report, and the final project, your peers will complete a rubric on your findings.
Earthquakes And Volcanoes Eruptions of volcanoes produce pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris flows, and landslides.Although these natural disasters have been studied extensively and http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/nat_hazards/nat
Extractions: In this lecture, we learn: Jump to: [ Earthquakes Intensity Earthquake Location and Magnitude Energy ... Format for printing It hardly needs to be said that natural hazards have devastating effects on society. The death and destruction associated with earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis (tidal waves), hurricanes and other natural phenomena is unbelievably large. Beside the tragedy of loss of human life, natural hazards increasingly take their toll on the economies of nations. Take the US, for example, where one or more natural phenomena always threaten. Life in California occurs in the shadow of major earthquake threats. Activity along the San Andreas Fault, which passes through several major cosmopolitan areas, is a classic example. Elsewhere along the Pacific coast of the US, volcanic activity is an additional threat. The eruption of Mt. St Helen's in Washington State occurred in an isolated area, with relatively minor loss of human life. An eruption of Mt Rainier, on the other hand, poses a major threat. Along the East coast, the on-land arrival of hurricanes devastates coastal areas, including cities. Even the relatively quiescent interior regions of the US have their share of problems. Tornadoes appear unexpectedly and work their terror quickly, while flooding of major river systems occurs on a regular basis. A nice website by
Disasters And Humanitarian Assistance: Topic Index .. more . Natural disasters Volcanoes. Volcanic Eruption in Montserrat.disasters Preparedness and Mitigation in the AmericasApril 2003, No. 91. http://www.paho.org/English/DD/PED/topics.htm
Extractions: Homepage About PAHO Data Topics ... Search Disaster Mitigation Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation in the Americas-April 2004, No. 95 - New! Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation in the Americas-January 2004, No. 94 Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation in the Americas-October 2003, No. 93 ... ... more .
Vic Camp - Volcano Links Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases; IAVCEI Commission of Cities and Volcanoes;IAVCEI Commission on Mitigation of Volcanic disasters; IAVCEI Commission http://www.geology.sdsu.edu/how_volcanoes_work/volcano_links.html
Extractions: For the generalist, perhaps the best web site on volcanoes is Volcano World which encompasses a wide range of general information about volcanoes. More specific links on volcanoes are given below. If you find broken links, or if you have links you would like to see added to this page, please contact Vic Camp at vcamp@geology.sdsu.edu EDUCATIONAL LINKS ON VOLCANOES (K-12): Surfing Earthquakes/Volcanoes (Grades 6-8)
Earthquakes & Volcanoes Volcanoes AUTHOR Seymour Simon ISBN 0688140297 Publish Date March 1995 Format America sGreat disasters AUTHOR Sandler, Martin W. ISBN 0060291079 Publish http://www.bookfinder.us/Science/Earth_Sciences/Earthquakes___Volcanoes.html
Disasters And Hazard Mitigation - Hot Heads Hot Heads. Volcanoes are close cousins of earthquakes, arising as theydo from the same powerful motions of the planet s tectonic plates. http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/publicat/nsf0050/mitigation/hotheads.htm
Extractions: Volcanoes are close cousins of earthquakes, arising as they do from the same powerful motions of the planet's tectonic plates. Despite their fiery reputation for chaos and destruction, however, only about sixty volcanoes erupt each year. What's more, most volcanoes are on the ocean floor where plate boundaries are converging or spreading over "hot spots"large subterranean pools of magma. This is not to say that volcanoes pose no peril. Over the last 300 years more than 260,000 people have died from volcanic activity. The 1991 eruption of the Philippines' Mount Pinatubo killed more than 300 people and devastated the area's economy. When Mount St. Helen's blew its stack in the State of Washington in 1980, 57 people died, nearly 7,000 big game animals were killed, more than 12 million salmon perished, forests were devastated, and the economy took a nearly $1 billion hit. All of this reinforces the need for better ways to model and predict volcanic activity. One way to both study and monitor a volcano is to place a gas sensing device called COSPEC along the volcano's flanks. COSPEC (for "correlation spectrometer") measures how much sulfur dioxide gas is escaping from the volcano's interior. A jump in the amount of sulfur dioxide suggests an imminent eruption. Still, a few hours' or, at most, a few days' warning is the best that scientists can manage with current knowledge and technology. And sometimes, of course, there is no discernible warning at all.
Disasters And Health In The Caribbean and Montserrat Volcano Observatory (http//www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/west.indies group/caribbeandisasters/links) the most complete links on disasters in the http://www.disaster-info.net/carib/links.htm
Extractions: http://www.oas.org/en/cdmp/ DIPECHO - Regional Office of the Caribbean ( http://www.disaster.info.desastres.net/dipecho/ up Data bases International Disaster Database of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)/Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) ( http://www.cred.be/emdat/ Virtual Disaster Library (http://www.helid.desastres.net/) Regional Disaster Documentation Centre - CRID, Costa Rica ( http://www.crid.or.cr Caribbean Disaster Information Network - CARDIN ( http://wwwcardin.uwimona.edu.jm:1104/
Homework Help--Science And Technology--Earth Sciences USGS. Links About Earth Planet Links to sites dealing with natural disasters,from drought to landslides to volcanoes. Natural Hazards http://www.kcls.org/hh/geology.cfm
Volcanoes historicalnotes. Volcanoes Can we predict volcanic eruptions? Look atsome of the contributing factors and impending disasters. Cascades http://www.easternct.edu/depts/edu/textbooks/volcanoes.html
Extractions: Compiled by Scott Trepanier http://www.nps.gov/havo/ Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, established in 1916, displays the results of 70 million years of volcanism, migration, and evolution processes that thrust a bare land from the sea and clothed it with complex and unique ecosystems and a distinct human culture. http://www.nps.gov/havo/images/halemaumau0098.jpg Above Image is of Kilauea, the world's most active volcano. http://educeth.ethz.ch/stromboli/index-e.html Recent and ongoing activity of Stromboli and other volcanoes http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/volcus/ Though few people in the United States may actually experience an erupting volcano, the evidence for earlier volcanism is preserved in many rocks of North America. http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/world.html
Anchorage Weather Wind Natural Disasters Earthquake Hurricains site is a list of links to other Web sites grouped by disaster type, listing hurricanes,fire, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, terrorism and other disasters. http://www.online96.com/anchorag/weather/
Natural Disasters Homepage Of Bianca & Jan This example lesson is made with use of http//cotf.edu/ETE/scen/volcanoes/vmodulep1.html. V.VolcanoesBasic geology and background information. http://projects.edte.utwente.nl/ism/online96/project/kiosk/team11/bc11a.htm
Extractions: However, Pierce County officials have refused permission to build the high school on county lands because they feel the location is hazardous. Geological surveys show that both Orting and the proposed high school site are on top of solidified mud flows that originated on the slopes of nearby Mount Rainier. Based on the location of older flows around Mount Rainier and on experience gained from observing mud flows during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, county officials argue that any new mud flow coming down the valley could easily destroy the high school and anybody that happened to be in it. The city has tried three times to pass a bond issue enabling the high school to be built on city lands, but so far without success.
ENVIRONMENT VOLCANOES MADE EASY FOR KIDSEasy to learn and fun. Reduction-Due to a change in theenvironment there has been an increase in the number of natural disasters. http://www.indianchild.com/environment.htm
Extractions: ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND EARTH SCIENCES This page loads slowly, but it's worth the wait :) Useful Learning environment sites :- Do you know what we mean by the Greehouse Effect ? VOLCANOES - Learn about Volcanoes, eruptions etc WATER- scenery pictures winter scenery christmas scenery tornado pictures STORMS AND HURRICANES- Tropical storms, how they move, how the environment is affected, and more. Includes illustrations and photos. ROCKS, FOSSILS AND MINERALS- You will enjoy learning about rocks, fossils and minerals, pictures etc AIR, LAND, WATER, NATURAL DISASTERS, WEATHER ETC- Studies of world weather, natural disasters, Earth's crust, Planet's water cycle, and more. FORCES OF NATURE- About EARTH'S atmosphere, powerful storms, ice and snow, weather forecasting, Earth's changing climate etc. Environmental Information Servers
Lesson Plans - Prepare Yourself! volcanoes, and severe thunderstorms;; see where these natural events are most likelyto occur in the United States;; discuss why certain natural disasters occur http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/07/gk2/prepare.html
Extractions: Prepare Yourself! Big Island Pool: Igneous Rocks and the Anatomy of a Volcano El Niño: More Than Just Hot Air? How's the Weather Today? Introduction to Waves Splish, Splash: Water's Journey to My Glass Why It's Essential Complete Index Prepare Yourself! Overview: This lesson introduces U.S. students to natural hazards that occur across their country and in their home region. Students will learn where tornadoes hurricanes earthquakes volcanoes , or severe thunderstorms are likely to occur and will find out which type of event is most likely to happen near their home. They will practice some safety steps and will make signs to educate other kids and adults about these precautions. Before beginning the lesson, determine which natural disaster is most likely to occur in your area: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, or severe thunderstorms. Then locate a list of prevention and safety steps for this type of disaster. FEMA for Kids will be helpful.
Lesson Plans - The Three Little Pigs In Earthquake Land sturdy buildings;; view pictures of an earthquake fault and volcanoes,and discuss these two types of natural disasters;; listen to http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/15/gk2/threepigs.html
Extractions: The Three Little Pigs in Earthquake Land What is a Tornado? Complete Index The Three Little Pigs in Earthquake Land Overview: This lesson teaches students some of the basics of earthquakes and volcanoes . It also asks them to think about how people living in cities and suburbs must plan ahead by constructing sturdy buildings and preparing their homes and themselves for the possibility of a natural disaster. Students will therefore be introduced to some basic concepts of physical geography, as well as some of the ways in which the physical environment affects people's lives. Connections to the Curriculum: Geography, physical science Connections to the National Geography Standards: Standard 7: "The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface"
LookSmart - Directory - Volcanoes Of Central America YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Earth Environment Natural disasters Volcanoes Central America. Volcanoes of Central America http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53775/us221719/us331324/us11
ISBN.pl - Natural Disasters The author has always been fascinated by volcanoes, and he has written an enthrallingaccount of some of the biggest natural disasters the world has known. http://www.isbn.pl/2261-4-Natural-Disasters.html
Extractions: In the night of August 21, 1986 1746 people and a large number of animals died of suffocation from CO rich gases emitted from a volcanic maar, lake Nyos in NW-Cameroon (Figures 1 to 3). The gas burst occurred asymmetrically, uprooting the trees at the southern end of the lake approx. 30 m above water level. Animal cadavers were found to an elevation of 150 m above the lake. Volcanic eruptions bring gas up from the interior of the earth crust and from the upper mantle. Primitive, alkaline magmas of basanitic, ankaramitic and basaltic composition are often accompanied by large amounts of volatiles, particularly of CO , H and CH . The origin of CO in the magma reservoirs and in the hydrothermal systems is rather complex. We favour the hypothesis of mantle origin by the reaction: CH + 2 H O = 2 CO + 4 H O. The production of CO runs parallel with the generation of primitive alkaline melts by partial melting from a lherzolitic mantle source.