Wauu.DE: Recreation: Pets: Exotic: Sugar Gliders buying a glider, diet, health, care, pictures and http//www.sugargliders.net/. Three Sugar Gliders Personalized discussing the adventures of pet sugar gliders http://www.wauu.de/Recreation/Pets/Exotic/Sugar_Gliders/
Wauu.DE: Recreation: Pets: Page 2 Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and Includes descriptions, care information, prices, and ratkateersrodentry. Simplypets Features pet news, pet http://www.wauu.de/Recreation/Pets/more2.htm
SUGARGLIDERS Of AMERICA - A Bravenet.com Free Links sugargliders of AMERICA Add your SugarGlider or other pet site! Misc pet Sites cat behaviour,cat?s intelligence and memory,cat training,cat care,cat products http://pub39.bravenet.com/freelink/show.php?usernum=3321527165&cpv=1
Exoticpets.com - Links pet mouse, caresheets, pet rodents, exotic rodents, marsupials, sugargliders and more! our time to ensure that all of our pets are well taken care of and http://www.exoticpets.com/links_index.asp?petid=15
Exotic Pets - 239 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans UK Raising Opossums -The Exotic Animals care and Conservation Sugar Glider -Honey of a pet - The Sugar Central -Sugar Glider Fun -sugargliders.net -Choosing http://www.cbel.com/exotic_pets/?order=alpha
UGN - Top - Recreation - Pets of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and hedgehogs. Includes descriptions, care information, prices, and shipping information. Simplypets Features pet news http://www.undergrounds.com/tree.php3/catid=2235
GliderLINKS: Glider Care/Diet & Nutrition petPro pet™ Food http//www.pet-pro.com regulations and laws, detailed diet information, care and housing of http//www.sugargliders.org (Added Thu Oct 09 http://www.sugarglider.net/links/pages/Glider_Care/Diet___Nutrition/
Extractions: "Those readers that frequent the internet may have noticed several articles written about sugar glider nutrition that state that gliders are lactose intolerant and, therefore, should not be fed dairy products. However, this information is misleading." Topics Covered: cataracts and fatty deposits in the eyes, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, symptoms of intolerance, milk replacer, beta-galactosidase, calcium absorbtion. Here is a healthy, simple and easy to prepare glider diet that has been used successfully by numerous generations of captive sugar gliders. It is a nutritionally balanced diet designed to provide the correct Ca:P ratio with a wide variety of commonly available fruits and veggies and is one of the most popular diets currently in use.
Innovative Teaching - Projects 2002 Classroom pets http//www.sugargliders.org/pets.htm. create an information sheet about their pet(s), including the jobs assigned to care for pets. http://surfaquarium.com/newsletter/projects2002.htm
Extractions: I submit for your consideration the annual online collaborative projects issue of the newsletter. Listed below are a variety of projects which are just getting underway and are looking for creative, dedicated, connected teachers like you to help make them a success! Not sure where to start or what to do? Consider my guidelines for collaborative projects at http://surfaquarium.com/cpguide.htm and then peruse these listings for something that catches your fancy. Check out the project web site and then email the contact person with questions you may have. You'll be a seasoned pro in no time! You'll find many projects now state learning objectives and some even correlate to state and national standards. I can promise you that if you dive in and include a project in your classroom this year, you'll increase student interest, excitement for learning, and academic achievement as the project unfolds! You may also be interested in reviewing last year's projects issue at
Petfo.com - Exotic Pets: Chinchilla care Info, Rescue, pet/Show Breeding Inc RATS Also information supplies for exotic pets. sugargliders,degu,Hedgehogs,rabbits, black bear hamsters,guinea pigs http://www.petfo.com/dir/Exotic_Pets/Chinchilla/
Sugar Glider Resource Center Welcome to sugargliders.org, home of the Sugar Glider accurate information about domestic sugar gliders and their care. What Makes a Good Exotic pet Regulation http://www.sugargliders.org/
Extractions: Death Database Death Database If you have had a glider die, please honor your glider by filling out the death database survey . It is important that we learn more about how and why gliders die. If we know why they die, we can learn how to keep them alive. The form is located here . It is long but it needs to be so we can gather information as thoroughly as possible. It may take you 15 minutes or more to fill it out. Thank you for being part of this ongoing project to aid our gliders.
Sugar Glider Resource Center doesn t mean they won t be a good pet. information, including information about basic glider care and a Glider Resource Center, located at www.sugargliders.org http://www.sugargliders.org/downloads/soyouwanttogetasugarglider.htm
Extractions: home about sugar gliders death database laws and regulations ... about this website T hink carefully, as these delightfully cute marsupials require great care. Many sugar gliders end up needing new homes or are abandoned to rescue homes within their first year of life. Their irresistible cuteness wears off, and their care and expense becomes too demanding. Please consider another pet if any of the following are true for you: You live in a state or a community where exotic pets are restricted or banned, or you live in a house or apartment where animals are restricted or banned. You are young and your parents are not willing or able to pay for sometimes expensive vet and food bills. You cannot commit to vet bills should your glider get sick - gliders should have vet checkups 1-2 times a year with a specialty exotic veterinarian and may need expensive emergency care. You do not have an abundance of patience for sometimes finicky and demanding personalities.
Exotic - Simply Pets Directory Pygmy Pets Exotic Animals care, feeding, breeding and raising wallabies as pets. Rodentry - Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and http://www.simplypets.com/pet-directory/Pet_Companies/Exotic/
Extractions: Sites About: Exotic Animal Lovers Pet Shop - Supplying domestic hand fed baby birds, reptiles, and small mammals, as well as supplies and accessories. Animals Exotique - Informative site and animal care tips; list of exotic animals for sale, foods, cages, supplements and books. AntsAlive.Com - A reliable source for live harvester ants to use in ant habitats and as food for horned lizards. Backwoods Farm - Backwoods Farm breeds pet and feeder rodents, as well as many other small exotic pets. Located in Florida. Breeder Listings USA - Offers exotics breeder listing for sale.
Sugar Gliders - Simply Pets Directory sugargliders.net Personalized site offering web cam viewing information on the Sugar Glider as a pet. Discusses its care, diet, breeding, and offers other http://www.simplypets.com/pet-directory/Pets/Exotic/Sugar_Gliders/
Extractions: Sites About: Sugar Gliders American Sugar Glider Society - General information, a message board and downloads, dedicated to raising, education and awareness, rescuing and advocating for gliders. Chaffee Zoological Gardens: The Sugar Glider - List of common names, classification, definition of species name, range in Australia, and a physical description of sugar gliders. Choosing the Right Sugar Glider as a Pet - Physical signs to look for when purchasing a Sugar Glider to determine if it wil be a healthy pet. Christie Family's Sugar Glider - Personalized information with pictures of pet sugar gliders. Critterville Sugar Glider Rescue and Sanctuary - A rescue for sugar gliders, and a place for sugar glider information on diet, bonding, health, buying a sugar glider, joey rescue, orphaned joeys, and other issues.
Exotic Sugar Gliders Directory - Petssquare website with info on diet, care, housing, breeding sugargliders.net Personalized site offering web cam viewing discussing the adventures of pet sugar gliders http://www.petssquare.com/Exotic_SugarGliders.html
WWW.BOOKOL.NET Directory - Recreation Pets Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and Includes descriptions, care information, prices, and ratkateersrodentry; Simplypets Features pet news, pet http://www.bookol.net/recreation/pets/
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Extractions: Order HOTLINE or questions Cart Total = $ 0.00 US Wish-Gift List View cart My Account Aquaria ... Reptiles World's largest online pet supplies store Chat Forums Help searchkeyword = "Product Search by " + "" + "" + "" + " "; document.write (searchkeyword); var frmvalidator = new Validator("keywordform"); frmvalidator.addValidation("keyword","req","Please enter your Keyword Search"); frmvalidator.addValidation("keyword","minlen=3","3 characters minimum are required"); searchsku = " by " + "" + "" + "" + ""; document.write (searchsku); var frmvalidator = new Validator("skuform"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","req","Please enter your SKU Search"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","alnum","Please enter only Letters and Numbers"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","minlen=4","4 characters minimum are required"); document.write ("");
Extractions: Established 1974 Wish-Gift List View cart My Account Aquaria ... Reptiles World's largest online pet supplies store Chat Forums Help searchkeyword = "Product Search by " + "" + "" + "" + " "; document.write (searchkeyword); var frmvalidator = new Validator("keywordform"); frmvalidator.addValidation("keyword","req","Please enter your Keyword Search"); frmvalidator.addValidation("keyword","minlen=3","3 characters minimum are required"); searchsku = " by " + "" + "" + "" + ""; document.write (searchsku); var frmvalidator = new Validator("skuform"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","req","Please enter your SKU Search"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","alnum","Please enter only Letters and Numbers"); frmvalidator.addValidation("ccode","minlen=4","4 characters minimum are required"); document.write (""); Home Sugar Gliders Sugar Gliders Sugar Gliders are small arboreal marsupials from Australia and New Guinea. Like other marsupials, the females carry their young (joey) in a pouch. Adults weigh 4-6 ounces and measure about 12" from their nose to the tip of their tail. At least half of this length is tail! Sugar Gliders have a thin membrane that stretches from their wrists to their ankles. This allows them to glide from branch to branch like the American Flying Squirrel.
:: Ez2Find :: Sugar Gliders sugargliders.org/; Sugar Glider Squirrel Site Info - Translate - Open New Window General information on the Sugar Glider as a pet. Discusses its care, http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Recreation/Pets/Exotic/Sugar
Extractions: Any Language English Afrikaans Arabic Bahasa Melayu Belarusian Bulgarian Catala Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Cymraeg Czech Dansk Deutsch Eesti Espanol Euskara Faroese Francais Frysk Galego Greek Hebrew Hrvatski Indonesia Islenska Italiano Japanese Korean Latvian Lietuviu Lingua Latina Magyar Netherlands Norsk Polska Portugues Romana Russian Shqip Slovensko Slovensky Srpski Suomi Svenska Thai Turkce Ukrainian Vietnamese Mode Guides Sugar Gliders Web Sites American Sugar Glider Society [Site Info] [Translate] [Open New Window] Chaffee Zoological Gardens: The Sugar Glider [Site Info] [Translate] [Open New Window] List of common names, classification, definition of species name, range in Australia, and a physical description of sugar gliders. URL: http://www.chaffeezoo.org/animals/sugarGlider.html
Forum Message: 'A: Taking A Glider With You' http//www.sugargliders.org/modules.php?name=News file=article sid=30 Neutering a male will take care of those problems Female gliders are wonderful pets, too. http://www.practical-pet-care.com/sugarglider_question.php?ID=3.2004042214091463
Forum Message: 'A: Taking A Glider With You' http//www.sugargliders.org/modules.php?name=News file Neutering a male will take care of those problems, though. Female gliders are wonderful pets, too. http://www.practical-pet-care.com/sugarglider_question.php?ID=4.2004042312372182