ND Endangered And Threatened Species Federally Listed endangered, threatened, and Candidate Species 1995. grass prairie,particularly where there are burrows created by large rodents, such as http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/species/athecuni.htm
Index Of Texas Endangered Mammals endangered and threatened Animals Texas threatened and endangered. Mammals. If you have questions, you may contact 512/9127011 for additional Corynorhinus rafinesquii. T. rodents. State Status. Federal Status http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/animals/animalia.htm
Endangered Mammals In Texas Contact UsNature threatened and endangered Species Animals information on Texas threatened and endangered Species, please call (512) 9127011. Bats. rodents. Marine Mammals http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/animals/mammals
Extractions: Maincontent Local Navigation Supplemental Navigation/Info Printer friendly ... Mammals Endangered Mammals in Texas State of Texas Threatened and Endangered Species Links Additional Links Rare Resources Review Requests (Including Threatened and Endangered Species) Microsoft Word Document KB For additional information on Texas Threatened and Endangered Species, please call Bats State Status Federal Status (Listed) Greater Long-nosed Bat
Threatened Or Endangered Mammals threatened or endangered Mammals. Beach Mice. Bears. New World rodents Quick Reference Sheet. Squirrels. Wildlife in Danger of Extinction series. Return to Mammals. threatened and endangered Species. Mammal/Human Conflicts http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_Threatened_or_Endangered_Mammals
The Endangered Lake Erie Water Snake for most of them are insects, fish, amphibians, birds, rodents, eggs, and was proposedto be added to the US List of endangered and threatened Wildlife and http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/7951/lewsnk.html
ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW Maximum Size 3 ft (1 m); Food - rodents; Litter Size - Up to 20 (usually10 or less); Some subspecies are endangered or threatened!! http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2802/Start.htm
Extractions: NOTE - Suppliers of these snakes are listed for your information as to those advertising on the Web. I have no experience of their services or quality and no endorsement of their business is implied either directly or indirectly (see note below). The WWW Herp Dealers Page is located here. Consult the latest postings on rec.pets.herp if you need contacts or information on purchasing snakes. Also browse through the various herpetology sources available on the WWW via Yahoo Herpetology or check out the advertisements and classifieds in magazines like "Reptile and Amphibian", "Reptiles", "Vivarium" etc. at your local bookshop.
THE PRAIRIE DOG prairies, endangered, mammals grasslands, colonies, Saskatchewan, pets,threatened, rodents. THE PRAIRIE DOG. photo courtesy of Leah Verre. http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/animals/pdog.html
Rare, Threatened And Endangered Species Of The Rio Grande/ Rio Bravo Rare, threatened and endangered Species. of the Rio Grande/ Rio Bravo Basin A Bibliography By Karine Gil and Neal Wilkins April 2003 Rio Grande BasinMexico TWRI Technical Report 214 Contents. Acknowledgments 2 Mammals Bats. rodents. Marine Mammals. Carnivores. Herbivores. Birds Waterbirds http://towtrc.tamu.edu/reports/2003/tr214/tr214.pdf
The Action Plan For Australian Rodents - References rodents The late invaders. Melomys rubicola, an endangered murid rodent endemicto the Great Towards a re-evaluation of IUCN threatened species categories. http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/action/rodents/rodap7.html
Extractions: April 1995 Contents Previous Aitken, P.F. 1970. South Australian Mammals . South Australian Yearbook. Government Printer, Adelaide. Baverstock, P. 1984. Australia's living rodents: a restrained explosion. pp. 913-919 in Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia . Eds. M. Archer and G. Clayton, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia. Baverstock, P.R., Watts, C.H.S. and Hogarth, J.T. 1977a. Chromosome evolution in Australian rodents. I. The Pseudomyidae, Hydromyinae and Uromys/Melomys. Chromosoma Baverstock, P.R., Watts, C.H.S., Hogarth, J.T., Robinson, A.C. and Robinson, J.F. 1977b. Chromosome evolution in Australian rodents. II. The Rattus group. Chromosoma Baynes, A. 1990. The mammals of Shark Bay. in
Extractions: and Regulations A petition dated August 9, 1994, was received by the Service from the Biodiversity Legal Foundation on August 16, 1994. The petition requests the Service to list Preble's meadow jumping mouse as endangered or threatened throughout its range and to designate critical habitat within a [[Page 13951]] reasonable amount of time following the listing. The petitioner submitted information that Preble's meadow jumping mouse populations in Colorado and Wyoming are imperiled by ongoing and increasing urban, industrial, agricultural, ranching, and recreational development; wetland and riparian habitat destruction and/or conversion; and inadequacy or lack of governmental protection for the subspecies and its habitats. The use of pesticides and herbicides have increased with the urbanization and agricultural development of the Front Range. These chemicals could be contaminating this mouse's food sources and could cause direct poisoning of the species, itself. Finding The Service has reviewed the petition and accompanying documentation on the status of Preble's jumping mouse and information concerning potential threats to the species. On the basis of the best scientific and commercial information available, the Service [[Page 13952]] concludes that substantial information exists to indicate that the requested action may be warranted. The Service believes that habitat destruction and modification are the main cause for the species decline.
By Subject | Zoology | Electronic Texts & Documents are presented for all threatened taxa (Critically endangered, endangered, and Vulnerable) and taxon action plan for Australian rodents / Action plan for seabird conservation in http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Zoology/dr/eltxt.html
Extractions: Provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution information on taxa that have been evaluated using the IUCN red list categories. Includes information on taxa that are categorized as extinct, taxa that cannot be evaluated because of insufficient information and on lower risk taxa Abbott's booby (Papasula abbotti) recovery plan
Threatened And Endangered Wildlife The bald eagle is on the US endangered Species List. It is classified as threatenedin all of the continental as well as its population of rodents and rabbits http://www.yampavalley.info/ag_and_envir0158.asp
Extractions: Agriculture/Natural Resources/Wildlife Threatened and Endangered Wildlife There are a number of wild species in Colorado that are either endangered or threatened. An endangered species is one that is in such danger that it could become extinct. A threatened species is a species that is in risk of becoming endangered. It is very important that everyone realizes what wildlife species are already endangered and are threatened, so we all can help protect the diverse wildlife Colorado has to offer. Colorado Native Fish Bald Eagles Top Description: The bald eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus), named because of its white head, is found only in North America, and it's the continent's second largest bird of prey. Only the California condor, also on the federally endangered list, is larger.Here in the United States, the bald eagle is recognized as the country's national symbol, a distinction it has held since 1872. Young bald eagles are dark brown in color when they fledge the nest at about 12 weeks of age. Their head and tail feathers turn predominantly white in the fourth or fifth year. Adult males weigh about eight to nine pounds. Females are slightly larger, about 10 to 14 pounds. The birds' length is 31 to 37 inches with a wingspan of 6 to 7.5 feet. Range: Historically, bald eagles lived throughout North America from Alaska to Newfoundland, and from Florida to California. But numbers started to decline in the last century due to nest damage caused by pesticides, human disturbance and loss of trees for nesting habitat. Since the bald eagle was placed on the Endangered Species List and the pesticide, DDT, was banned, bald eagle populations have rebounded.
JEWELRY By the year 3000, in a worse case scenario, we could have a very smalllist containing rodents (endangered), roaches (threatened) and http://members.aol.com/actsy/JEWELRY.html
Extractions: For THE COMPLETE SELECTION SELECTION and free catalogue and direct EMail inquiries CONTACT US. or call the charlotte joseph company DEALERS AND COLLECTORS WELCOME The jewelry of Bob Fowler began, years back, with tiny neck pieces of welded steel which were cast into limited, signed, editions of silver and solid gold. Currently the artist is doing castings of endangered, threatened and exotic animals as well as limited editions. What is the annual rainfall along the Jinsha River? Since there is no one taking count, I doubt if either of us will ever know. It is the same with animal species disappearing worldwide. There is no accurate count. Now, suppose it did not rain or snow along the Jinsha for several years. All life in Western China would be severely affected and all China would know something was wrong; no one would have to look at statistics. It is inaccurate to point out an animal as endangered, threatened, even extinct and get a real picture of the threat to our world . Many animals bob on and off and up and down the endangered ÒlistsÓ. As if all this is not confusing enough, nature itself also has a way of embarrassing the best of scientists. About five hundred sea otters (long thought extinct) suddenly appeared off California and have been around there ever since. We think the Caribbean Monk Seal is extinct because it has not been seen lately... Is it gone?
Wildlife In Iowa which thrive in gardens, eat insects and small rodents. rattlesnake, and the copperheadare state endangered species. Iowa and is a state threatened species. http://www.iowadnr.com/education/wldresbs.html
Extractions: About the DNR DNR News Contact Us DNR Site Map DNR Education Action Involvement Programs Camps/Other Programs Citizens DNR Education ... Resource Professionals Commissions Environmental Protection Client Contact Group Natural Resource State Preserves Board Other Links State of Iowa US EPA NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service pdf version (284KB) ... WILD Activities What is Wildlife? Wildlife is defined many ways. Some think of animals in a zoo. Others think of predators and preya hawk catching a mouse. Wildlife includes animals that live free and find their own food, water, shelter, and other needs. This means spiders, insects, backyard birds, and moles, as well as lions, tigers, bison, and elk. Domestic animals (e.g., dogs, hamsters, cows) are not wildlife. They have been bred by humans for a specific purpose and depend on humans for food, water, shelter, and survival. Some wild animals can be tame (conditioned to accept and tolerate human presence). Some normally wild animals (e.g., elk, bison, white tail deer) are raised as domestic animals for food or aesthetics. People often purchase skunks, raccoons, or even mountain lions from captive breeders as pets without considering the adult size of the animal, the specialized care it will need, and the potentially dangerous behaviors it will develop. These animals do not make good pets and are sources of zoonotic diseases (diseases that can be transmitted from wild animals to humans). People sometimes release these animals into the wild after they realize the amount of time and expense needed to properly care for them. They usually starve to death or seek out humans because they are unable to take care of themselves in the wild.
Mammals » Rodents » Prairie Dog - Utah Main Page wild. Theirstatus ranges between endangered and threatened. The rodents). Category Mammals » rodents. Animal http://centralpets.com/pages/critterpages/mammals/rodents/ROD4266.shtml
Extractions: Animal Description: The Utah Prairie Dog is the smallest of all Prairie Dogs. The diminutive Utah Prairie Dog has a brownish cinnamon body with a near white tail. Their bellies tend to be brighter colored than the rest of their bodies. In addition to the white coloring on their tails the Utah Prairie Dog also has a white chin and upper lip. They have large expressive eyes, marked by dark spots above and below them. The average mature Utah Prairie Dog measures a mere 30.5 to 36 centimeters in length and weighs approximately a half of a pound to two pounds. The Utah Prairie Dog is native to the American State after which it is named. Sadly the Utah Prairie Dog populations have been diminished in the wild. Their status ranges between endangered and threatened. The original decline in population was the result of many factors including draught, disease, habitat destruction, and poisoning. Conservation efforts have been successful and are helping these beautiful animals to regain their past populations.
Rodents - United States Species Act as endangered and threatened 21 plants from the island of Hawaii. http//www.coconutprotectors.com/.Bait Stations for rodents. Bait stations for rats http://www.allhealthlinks.com/dir/937/2/21.php
Extractions: General Health Information Allhealthlinks Directory is a human edited directory, which only includes quality sites that we have approved, in the interest of creating a comprehensive directory of quality health resources. Inclusion in Allhealthlinks directory can help your health related website in many ways, including: Increased Traffic Increased Link Popularity Increased Sales Reaching a Targeted Audience google_ad_client = "pub-2815073187333366"; google_ad_width = 160; google_ad_height = 600; google_ad_format = "160x600_as"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "f7f7f7"; google_color_bg = "ffffff"; google_color_link = "blue"; google_color_url = "blue"; google_color_text = "000001"; Results 21 - 30 of 36 found in "Rodents - United States": Environmental Foam of Vermont
NJDEP Species Of The Month - Northern Pine Snake eat mammals as large as rabbits, as well as small rodents and birds staff would liketo learn about your sightings of an endangered or threatened species in http://www.nj.gov/dep/fgw/ensp/somsept.htm
Extractions: New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife If unexpectedly encountered on the trail or in the woods, this large, white-and-black patterned snake would most likely vibrate its tail, hiss loudly, and then try to escape. Though its bold appearance and actions may fool or scare some people, this particular species of snake is not venomous. In fact, it is harmless to people and is a beneficial predator in nature. The Northern pine snake Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus ) is a threatened species in New Jersey and is the September Species of the Month . The designation is part of a yearlong program to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the New Jersey Endangered Species Conservation Act and the formation of DEP's Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP). Northern PIne Snake In Search of a Secretive Snake... There are four types of pine snakes that can be found in the United States. The northern pine snake is found in the Northern and Eastern-Central regions of the country, in areas with sandy soils and dry upland forests. The population distribution of this pine snake is spotty and all indications suggest that pine snake abundance is decreasing throughout the Northeastern region. As a result, all states in which they are found have listed them as either endangered or threatened.
SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Bald Eagle A SchoolWorld Internet Education Project endangered/threatened Species Report. Thebald eagle s favorite prey are small rodents, dead or injured fish in shallow http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/eagle.html
Extractions: Michael Radford, photographer Bald eagles are about three feet long (including long tail feathers). They weigh 8 to 13 pounds, about the same as an average house cat. Eagles have strong, broad wings. Their wings spread to measure from six to eight feet (nearly twice as long as your outstretched arms). The Bald eagle is not really bald, but it has snow white feathers on its head and neck, so the bald eagle appears to be 'bald'. The rest of it's body is either black or dark brown. Their bills are bright yellow. Bald eagles are fish eagles. They are not very good hunters, so they sometimes feed on dead animals. If they can not find any food, they may try to chase a duck, or steal fish from a smaller bird. The bald eagle's favorite prey are small rodents, dead or injured fish in shallow waters. The bald eagle's main characteristic is it's white feathers on it's head. It is light but strong. The eagle has powerful talons which can grip it's prey easily. It has a wingspan of 6-7 feet long.
SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Giant Panda A SchoolWorld Internet Education Project. endangered/threatened Species Report. Giantpandas are an endangered species. of fish, pikas, rodents, vines, irises http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/panda.html
Extractions: Photographer Unknown Giant pandas are an endangered species. They are often called pandas or panda bears, although their scientific name is Ailurpoda Melanoleuca. The giant panda is a large mammal weighing between 165-353 pounds. Its body length is between 4-5 feet including a tail that is five inches long. Their vision is poor but their sense of smell is excellent. They have a woolly black and white coat, which is slightly oily to prevent water penetration. Giant pandas are a very beautiful animal.This is why we have to so everything we can to save them. If panda breeding habits can be perfected maybe the giant pandas will not become extinct. There are a few reasons why the giant panda is endangered. One reason is that the panda breeding season takes place only from March to May. This makes it harder to breed a lot of pandas and increase the panda population. A second reason that pandas are endangered is because of where they live in the wild. Giant pandas are restricted to certain areas of China, their habitat, so that means that there is not enough space for all the pandas to live in.