PVM Implementations Of Fx And Archimedes goes a long way to making parallel programs portable, we found it was necessary tomake minor (Paragon) to major (T3D) modifications to run pvm programs on MPPs http://www.cs.northwestern.edu/~pdinda/Talks/fxandarch.html
Extractions: Talk Abstract Ports by: Peter A. Dinda (Fx) and David R. O'Hallaron (Archimedes) This talk discusses two parallel compiler systems that were ported from the iWarp supercomputer to PVM , and our experiences with PVM as a compiler target and a user vehicle. The first of these systems, Fx , compiles a variant of High Performance Fortran ( HPF ) while the second, Archimedes , compiles finite element method codes. In general, we found PVM was an easy environment to port to, but at the cost of performance. PVM was considerably slower than the native communication system on each of the machines we looked at (DEC Alphas with Ethernet, FDDI, and HiPPI, Intel Paragon, Cray T3D). Much of this slowdown is probably due to the extra copying needed to provide PVM's programmer-friendly semantics, which, as compiler-writers, are unnecessary to us. Although PVM goes a long way to making parallel programs portable, we found it was necessary to make minor (Paragon) to major (T3D) modifications to run PVM programs on MPPs. The details of running PVM programs are hard to hide from users. Although our toolchain hides the details of compiling and linking for PVM, once an executable is produced, the user is left to deal with hostfiles, daemons, and other details of execution - issues that are nonexistent under the operating systems of MPPs.
2.9 Parallel Applications In Condor: Condor-PVM Then we give some hints on how to write good pvm programs to suit the Condor environmentvia an example program. 2.9.5 A Sample pvm program for Condorpvm. http://cluster.yars.free.net/condor-V6_1-Manual/2_9Parallel_Applications.html
Extractions: 2.9 Parallel Applications in Condor: Condor-PVM Condor has a PVM submit Universe which allows the user to submit PVM jobs to the Condor pool. In this section, we will first discuss the differences between running under normal PVM and running PVM under the Condor environment. Then we give some hints on how to write good PVM programs to suit the Condor environment via an example program. In the end, we illustrate how to submit PVM jobs to Condor by examining a sample Condor submit-description file which submits a PVM job. Note that Condor-PVM is an optional Condor module. To check and see if it has been installed at your site, enter the following command: ls -l `condor_config_val PVMD` (notice the use of backticks in the above command). If this shows the file ``condor_pvmd'' on your system, Condor-PVM is installed. If not, ask your site administrator to download Condor-PVM from http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/condor-pvm
Extractions: LSF Documentation Title Contents Previous ... Index Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) is a parallel programming system distributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. PVM programs are controlled by the PVM hosts file, which contains host names and other information. The pvmjob shell script supplied with LSF can be used to run PVM programs as parallel LSF jobs. The pvmjob script reads the LSF environment variables, sets up the PVM hosts file and then runs the PVM job. If your PVM job needs special options in the hosts file, you can modify the pvmjob script. For example, if the command line to run your PVM job is: myjob data1 -o out1 the following command submits this job to LSF to run on 10 hosts: bsub -n 10 pvmjob myjob data1 -o out1 Other parallel programming packages can be supported in the same way. The shell script runs jobs that use the P4 parallel programming library. Other packages can be handled by creating similar scripts. Top LSF Documentation Title Contents ... Index
Extractions: Administrator's Guide LSF Documentation Title Contents Previous ... Index Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) is a parallel programming system distributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. PVM programs are controlled by the PVM hosts file, which contains host names and other information. The pvmjob shell script supplied with LSF can be used to run PVM programs as parallel LSF jobs. The pvmjob script reads the LSF environment variables, sets up the PVM hosts file and then runs the PVM job. If your PVM job needs special options in the hosts file, you can modify the pvmjob script. For example, if the command line to run your PVM job is: % myjob data1 -o out1 the following command submits this job to LSF Batch to run on 10 hosts: % bsub -n 10 pvmjob myjob data1 -o out1 Other parallel programming packages can be supported in the same way. The shell script runs jobs that use the P4 parallel programming library. Other packages can be handled by creating similar scripts. Top LSF Documentation Title Contents ... Index
Pn-Pz implementation details and complexity from the user to ease parallel programmingtasks of make jobs simultaneously on different computers connected by pvm as is http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/linuxlist/linuxlist/node38.html
Extractions: Next: Qa-Qm Up: Linux Software Encyclopedia Previous: Pa-Pm Contents Last checked or modified: Oct. 29, 1998 home linux CATEGORIES NEW ... P ortable N etwork G raphics is a format for portable graphics, as you might surmise from the name. PNG unofficially stands for P NG's N ot G IF, which originates from the decision of Unisys and CompuServe to require royalties from programs using the GIF format since Unisys has a patent on the LZW compression format used therein. The main advantages which PNG has over GIF are: It also compresses better in almost every case, with the difference generally ranging from 10% to 30%. Since PNG is intended to be single-image format only, it doesn't feature multiple-image support. PNG also has the advantage that it has one and only one official pronunciation, i.e. ``ping.'' Standard PNG features include: support for three main image types, i.e. truecolor, grayscale, and palette (with JPEG supporting the first two and GIF only the third);
Articles Automatic performance analysis of pvm programs. Zipped, postscript version pvm_mpi98.zip.Congreso Nacional Argentino sobre las ciencias de la computación. http://www.caos.uab.es/~antonio/kpi/articles.html
Extractions: http://www.gmd.de/SCAI/parco97/info.html Knowledge-based automatic performance analysis of parallel programs This short contribution describes briefly the stages of the automatic performance analysis of parallel programs performed by the KAPPA-PI tool. This description is completed by a classification of the performance problems to be found at the execution information obtained in the trace file. Traditional parallel programming forces the programmer, apart from designing the application, to analyse the performance of this recently built application. This difficult task of testing the behaviour of the program can be avoided with the use of an automatic performance analysis tool. Users are released from having to understand the enormous amount of performance information obtained from the execution of a program.
Supercomputer Applications Debugging pvm programs can be difficult at times because slave processes are notable to print information to the programmer s screen since they are running on http://www.tjhsst.edu/~dhyatt/superap/pvm3.html
Extractions: 1.0 Introduction PVM is a computing environment that will allow a "master" program to run parallel "slave" processes on other computers. The programmer must decide how to design the code in order to take advantage of increased speed through concurrent computation, but not lose too much time to overhead since processes must communicate by passing messages over a network. Debugging PVM programs can be difficult at times because slave processes are not able to print information to the programmer's screen since they are running on remote systems. Sometimes programmers will write debugging messages to a file, but that can be difficult too because all the processes may share the same file space on the network. Therefore, the programmer must consider how to avoid having two or more processes try to write to the same file at the same time. It is best to write error-free code that runs perfectly on the first compilation so that there is no need to debug. (Ha! Ha!!) 2.0 Setting up the Environment
Chapter 4: PVM Tutorial Example pvm Program. Onward . . . Congratulations! Doing good! The pvm tutorialis history. Move on to Chapter 5 MPI Information and Programs. http://www.arsc.edu/support/howtos/t3e/PVMTutorial.html
Extractions: Using the first method, the labs are available on Yukon directly. All you have to do is copy them to your account and then un-tar them to access the labs. The labs are located in the /usr/local/examples/mpp/ directory. If you were in your home directory, this would be the copy command used: cp /usr/local/examples/mpp/Lab2.tar . Don't forget the space and period at the end this copies the tar file to your current directory.
PVM--(On_line_Help)-----------Mathematics Department pvm. pvm is a package of software to facilitate parallel programmingon a set of computers that are connected by a fast network. http://www.sci.wsu.edu/math/helpdesk/on_line_help/pvm.html
Extractions: PVM is a package of software to facilitate parallel programming on a set of computers that are connected by a fast network. PVM stands for "Parallel Virtual Machine", and this acronym describes the software well. Classical parallel computers comprise a collection of processors, each connected by a fast bus to the others, and possibly to a segment of memory. The virtual machine described by PVM is a collection of processors (inside the individual computers), connected by a network. Each processor has access to the local memory on the computer in which it resides, and may also have access to a shared memory area for the network. PVM does not require the machines which constitute it to be identical. Indeed, they do not even have to run the same operating system. Thus, PVM provides a very flexible framework in which to run parallel computations on an arbitrary number of heterogeneous processors. The intent of this document is to provide a brief description of the architecture and details of PVM at the computing site in Mathematics at WSU. For details of the operation of PVM, you must consult the PVM book that may be found in Neill Hall room 3. PVM at math.wsu.edu
TOOL-SET - An Integrated Tool Environment For PVM - Ludwig Cited by More Managing Nondeterminism in pvm Programs Oberhuber (Correct) OMIS2.0 - A Universal Interface for Monitoring Systems - Ludwig, Wismüller http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/26885.html
MDB Development Tool of linking with libpvm3.a and libgpvm3.a libraries distributed with the pvm 3.xdistribution from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the pvm programs should be http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/cic/cic8/para-dist-team/mdb/mdb.html
Extractions: (SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris, AIX 2.3, HP-UX, IRIX 5.3, Cray Y-MP) Prior to running a program one may run a message preprocessor (mpp: distributed with Xmdb) on the program source files, if message contents need to be displayed or used by Xmdb. The collection of these messages in RQ is done at regular time periods (1 sec by default). The commands "slow" and "fast" can be used to control this time period. This feature is useful in correctly detecting race conditions in computationally intensive programs. Symbolic debugging can be done on any of the processes at any Spoint by using any sequential debugger that is available in a particular machine. The debugger to be used can be specified to Xmdb. Replay mechanism is provided to capture bugs that occurred in a previous execution.
General User Information {pvm_ROOT}/bin/${pvm_ARCH}${HOME}/pvm3/bin/${pvm_ARCH}. A way of starting pvmand have a pvmprogram named pvm_master_program to run on n. nodes, is http://www-id.imag.fr/Grappes/icluster/UsersGuide.html
Extractions: Quoting ID support inside publications The cluster is reachable using ssf/ssh onto frontal-grappes.inrialpes.fr . From this machine, you can connect to one of the login servers of the icluster to compile or launch jobs on the cluster by using the command icluster which balances among login servers. To connect:
Computer-Assisted Generation Of PVM/C++ Programs Using CAP This contribution introduces CAP (ComputerAided Parallelization), a languageextension to C++, from which C++/pvm programs are automatically generated. http://diwww.epfl.ch/w3lsp/publications/gigaserver/cgoppuc.html
Extractions: Parallelizing an algorithm consists of dividing the computation into a set of sequential operations, assigning the operations to threads, synchronizing the execution of threads, specifying the data transfer requirements between threads and mapping the threads onto processors. With current software technology, writing a parallel program executing the parallelized algorithm involves mixing sequential code with calls to a communication library such as PVM, both for communication and synchronization. This contribution introduces CAP (Computer-Aided Parallelization), a language extension to C++, from which C++/PVM programs are automatically generated. CAP allows to specify the threads in a parallel program, the messages exchanged between threads, and the ordering of sequential operations required to complete a parallel task. All CAP operations (sequential and parallel) have a single input and a single output, and no shared variables. CAP separates completely the computation description from the communication and synchronization specification. From the CAP specification, a MPMD (multiple program multiple data) program is generated that executes on the various processing elements of the parallel machine. This contribution illustrates the features of the CAP parallel programming extension to C++. We demonstrate the expressive power of CAP and the performance of CAP-specified applications. Download the full paper: Postscript 60KB