Illinois Loop: PTA And PTO pta vs. pto. pto vs. pta National pta Faces Key Decisions and those who teach their children. Increasingly, that image comes not from pta's, but from 'pto's' or Parent teacher
Extractions: More Taking the Parent out of the National PTA by George A. Clowes, School Reform News, February 2003. Excerpt: "Charlene K. Haar made what she thought was a routine request to the National PTA, the reaction she received was so surprising it piqued the former public school teacher's curiosity to learn more about the century-old Parent-Teacher Association. Instead of a parent organization dedicated to the enhancement of the nation's schools, Haar discovered a group dominated by teacher unions and little attuned to the interests of parents and their children." (PDF) National PTA's Liberal Politics Cost Parental Support , February 2003. This report from the Capital Research Center (CRC) concludes, "The national Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) lost a significant number of members in the last 40 years because of its focus on politics rather than education." What Next For The PTA? Parents Turn Away From The Century-Old Group by Mary Lord, U. S. News and World Report, May 31, 1999: "... When it comes to tackling the larger issues that affect the quality of education, parents are stuck on the sidelines. How do they get to influence the debate over academic standards and school choice? Who speaks for [them]? Not, it seems, the country's most venerated parent group - the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, or PTA. ... [One] reason the PTA is playing hooky on education reform ... may be its cozy relationship with the teachers unions."
The Latest PTO/PTA News | PTO Today Parent Involvement Night , to help parents teach their children This Elementary school pto in Rhode Island fights MARCH 11, 2003 Maryland state pta active in
Extractions: Check this space frequently for the latest news and notes from the PTO world. Run into an interesting PTO tidbit? email us the news or a link to: SEPTEMBER 22, 2003: Starting today, we'll no longer be updating this page. Instead, we'll be updating our new PTO Today Blog. The new page will have all the news links you've come to love, as well as PTO Today updates, idle parent group thoughts, and various other musings on the crazy parent group world. Enjoy! (Tip: you might want to change your bookmarks.)
PTA/PTO Thrift Shop Shares Profits With Schools its Tradition of Excellence, recognizes the uniqueness and worth of all students and will teach each student pta/pto Thrift Shop Shares Profits with Schools.
Extractions: LCS ACHIEVEMENTS Quick Links - 2003-04 School Calendar Alumni City of Lynchburg Email Guidance Connections Homework Hotline Inclement Weather Job Vacancies Policy Manual School Contacts School Finder School Map Student Nutrition Student Records VA Education Sites - VA Dept. of Education No Child Left Behind SOL's General Information School Board Superintendent Departments ... Education Foundation
PTA/PTO Thrift Shop Check Distribution with its Tradition of Excellence, recognizes the uniqueness and worth of all students and will teach each student the pta/pto Thrift Shop Check Distribution.
Extractions: LCS ACHIEVEMENTS Quick Links - 2003-04 School Calendar Alumni City of Lynchburg Email Guidance Connections Homework Hotline Inclement Weather Job Vacancies Policy Manual School Contacts School Finder School Map Student Nutrition Student Records VA Education Sites - VA Dept. of Education No Child Left Behind SOL's General Information School Board Superintendent Departments ... Education Foundation Lynchburg, VA The PTA/PTO Thrift Shop, Inc. will distribute to the Lynchburg City School division each schools share of the profit made during the 2001-2002 school year. The PTA/PTO Thrift Shop is a unique thrift shop operated by the parents, teachers, and students of Lynchburg City Schools. The net profits benefit students in all sixteen Lynchburg City Schools. The PTA/PTO Thrift Shop experienced tremendous success during the 2001-2002 school year and is ready to share that success with the schools. Each school will receive a distribution check based on the number of volunteers hours earned for that school during the 2001-2002 school year.
COMPUTER EXPLORERS - PTA/PTO Change Section. Elementary Programs. Preschool Classes. On Site Classes. Own a Business. teach for Us. Site Index. Need to raise money on an ongoing basis to support your pta/pto? Your pta/pto receives up to 10% of proceeds from this program!
ECW - COMPUTERTOTS & COMPUTER EXPLORERS - Just The Facts Additional services include pta/pto fundraiser, which is affiliated with the After for Technology Integration we train the teachers to teach the children.
Extractions: ECW Corporation, franchisor of COMPUTERTOTS/COMPUTER EXPLORERS, delivers children's computer enrichment classes and services with approximately 175 franchise units worldwide and thousands of child care center, preschool and elementary school partner sites. The company serves preschool and school age children and offers consulting solutions, including technology planning and staff training, to educators and administrators. COMPUTERTOTS/COMPUTER EXPLORERS reach extends to such countries as Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea. Karen Marshall (M.Ed., Ed.S.), president, co-founder and owner, is also an Adjunct Professor of Education with the University of Virginia and has been active in all areas of education for over 30 years. Ms. Marshall is a Board Member (1996-2002) of the International Franchise Association. She was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year for the Greater Washington Area in 1996 and was a finalist in Working Woman's Entrepreneurial Excellence Award 2000 for Innovative Products and Services. She is also a founding member of the Strategic Advisory Board for the University of St. Thomas Institute of Franchise Management. COMPUTERTOTS/COMPUTER EXPLORERS is committed to excellence in computer instruction, delivering weekly classes for students, as well as teacher training in preschool and elementary school settings. Educational technology experts design the self-contained instructional learning packets that teachers use in classes. All teachers are trained in the company's instructional methodology and receive ongoing professional development, teaching enhancements and materials designed for parents/educators. The company brands include:
LookSmart - Directory - PTA & PTO Involvement National pta presents a six part series that will help teach parents how Join the Zeal community and help build the pta pto Directory Category
Kittery PTA Links The National pta site. Lots of information, Excellent links, Nationwide pta/pto locator. Maine State pta. Maine's oldest and largest membership organization dedicated to improving the lives of children. The fun and easy way to teach nutrition.
About Mrs. Malin have served as pta/pto teacher liaison, language arts mentor, site communicator, demonstration teacher, and a member of the calendar committee. I also teach in
Extractions: About Mrs. Malin I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and provide you with a little information about my teaching philosophy and what we, as a team, can do to insure a successful year. I have been married for 24 years and have been a resident of Arizona since 1974. I am a mother of 4 children. My son Matt graduated from Boston University this past spring, and my other three children, Ben, Melanie, and Emily will all be attending Arizona State University. As a mother of 4 children and former Kyrene parent, I spent 8 years volunteering at my childrens' schools in one form or another. With each passing year, I expanded my role to cover different subject areas and grades, and a direct by-product was the awareness of my interest in teaching. Thanks to this involvement, I am starting my 9th year of teaching. I have taught 2nd, 3rd, 3/4 multi-age, 4th. and now 5th grade. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to give back to the children what they have given meimagination, creativity, enthusiasm, understanding, and respect. I play many roles both in and out of the Mirada community. I have served as PTA/PTO teacher liaison, language arts mentor, site communicator, demonstration teacher, and a member of the calendar committee. I also teach in Milenio's A.S.U. partnership with the Incite Program where post-bac students become certified to teach. I was lucky to be on the design team for this program, and currently teach both Reading Methods and Language Arts Methods classes. With this partnership, we are lucky to have highly qualified students teachers and interns working with our students. I am proud to mentor these adults as they help our students strive to succeed.
TJ PTO MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 2003 FLASAP, FLASE, PAGE, and pta council which involves reps from all of the. pta/PTOs in Fair Lawn 6th grade houses have 2 teachers who teach two subjects each
Bulletin Board Of Best Ideas : April/May 2001 | PTO Today Pizza Night, each class sets up experiments to teach their parents made 18,288 telephone calls, welcomed 2,438 parents to pto/PAC/pta meetings, collected
Extractions: RECEIVE EMAIL UPDATES: SEARCH PTO TODAY: By Alicia Miller The Pioneer Elementary School PcTO of Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin, has developed a trailblazing project to support their states academic goals of research and independent learning. As part of the Kids Explore Boxes program, parent group members compile books, games, puzzles, and software into themed kits. Twice a week, Pioneer students visit a parent-guided classroom, where they explore the boxes, research a topic they discover that appeals to them, create a project to show what theyve learned, and then share it with others. To know how special our PTO is, you have to realize where we started from. At times, we felt like the only thing the PTO did was raise money. The only thing the teachers did was spend money. Attendance at PTO meetings was low. But through diligent effort, teacher and parent participation has increased in every area, with two family nights per year, one major fall fundraiser, parent involvement in the classroom, science fairs, Earth Day, a publishing center, and new playground equipment. A long list of volunteers now helps our school motto come to life: Parents and teachers working together striving for excellence.
McCormick Elementary PTO years of experience in the leadership roles as pta/pto President in several schools as well as many I also teach math at UC in the evenings with a M
Extractions: Don Schlunt I am a parent of a 10 year old daughter, Jordon, who will be in the 6th grade at McCormick. I also have two grown sons, Donovan and Brandon, who went through the Milford Schools. I have always been very involved in my children's education and have worked with children as a coach, teacher, and counselor. I have logged many years of experience in the leadership roles as PTA/PTO President in several schools as well as many other committees and organizations. I am extremely excited to be a part of our new school and to have the opportunity to enhance the lives of the children and families at McCormick. Vice President Dee Thompson I have three children, Alex 7, Abigail 4, and Grace 4 months. My husband Chris and I are about to celerbrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. I have lived in this area most of my life. I have a l-8 teaching degree, a career I truly love, but have taken time off to spend more time with my family. I am SO excited about our new school and I am looking forward to a great school year! Secretary Theresa Chumley I have three children, ages 5(Abby), 2.5 (Tommy) and 1 (Samantha). My husband, Mark and I recently moved into the Milford School District and are excited to be involved with the community. My background is in Computer Science, I graduated from Xavier University and worked for Star Bank as a Systems Analyst before staying home with the kids.
Extractions: (August / September 2003) PTA? SEPTA? PTO? Are you confused by all of these acronyms? Do you wish there was someone who could explain the terms and the differences between each of these organizations? If so, your wish is about to come true. Let's start by defining the acronyms. Most people know that PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. SEPTA stands for Special Education Parent Teacher Association and a SEPTSA includes the students. While PTO is shorthand for a Parent Teacher Organization. So now you know what the letters stand for, what do they mean to you as a parent? PTAs are local groups that affiliate with the national PTA, an organization with more than 6 million members nationwide and overseas. These local groups pay state and national dues, but in exhcnage, receive benefits from the state and national organizations. PTAs allow members to network with fellow members/volunteers who help one another, share resources and ideas. SEPTAs are community-wide organizations. They aren't associated with a single school, like the vast majority of PTAs. And unlike most PTAs, SEPTAs focus primarily on special education issues and advocacy for children with disabilities. National PTA first introduced the concept of SEPTA in 1996 to address the unique needs of parents of children with special needs. SEPTA members should also consider participating in their school PTA or PTO. School-based parent organizations can provide parent involvement opportunities that many SEPTAs do not.
Fairview Elementary PTO WHEN YOU teach A CHILD YOU TOUCH THE FUTURE" There are still some pta's around, but pto's are being more prevalent today
Subscribe : PC Teach It home becomes easy to implement with the help of the experts at PC teach It . Perfect for educational foundations, pta, pto, school or school district purchases
Extractions: PC Teach It is the premier how-to magazine for educators and home schoolers. Now, learning to integrate the teaching power of the computer into your classroom and home becomes easy to implement with the help of the experts at PC Teach It . The ten-times a year education resource publication contains cross-curricular thematic units that include technology-driven lesson plans and projects with creative assessments and extensions.
Extractions: Principal Connections ... Calendar Consider these items: H ighlight key messages about what your school stands for throughout the profile. Example: Reading Works at NSPRA Elementary. Give third-party anecdotal endorsements of how great your school really is. Include comments from parents, visiting dignitaries and community leaders. Highlight awards that your school, staff and students have received. Break out the test score progress of students who have been with your school for three or more years. Highlight accomplishment of former students. Use photos of children as well as photos of academic work. Show the extra-enrichment programs you offer at your school. Remind parents and others that they too have responsibilities in making your school great. Describe how parents have helped you in the past year. Weave in the technology enhancements you have made in the past year.
Character Education: How Do You Involve Parents And Guardians? Rich Educator and author of the article You Can t teach What You Don Letters/Notes/Memos; pta/pto Meetings; School Councils/Committees; Home visits by school;
Extractions: How Do You Involve Parents and Guardians? I. Whose Responsibility? A common plea heard throughout the nation is that we must put our "Children First!" That is, first in consideration for school funding, after school programs and physical protection. Politicians have been among the earliest converts to this type of thinking, as evident in the frequency with which the "educating for the future" and "Children First" epitaphs are used during election campaigns. Unfortunately, these notions are premised on the assumption that parents/guardians, as well as educators, already have all the tools needed in order to teach children how to be successful, safe and well-behaved students. For example, many parents/guardians believe strongly that no one has the right or the obligation to teach morality to others, especially to their children, citing freedom of expression and fear of excessive governmental intrusion as key motivators. While people of good intention disagree on whether these concerns are valid, the fact remains that parents/guardians believe (and rightly so) that the job of teaching children right from wrong is theirs. However, parents/guardians have a hard enough time juggling work, family obligations and the often ill-fated attempts at maintaining a social life, that they are already struggling to keep up with the "responsibility" of helping their children with homework, teaching them about sex, AIDS and drugs. And most importantly, it is probably an understatement to say that parents/guardians struggle to find the time (and techniques) to "consciously" teach their children character and moral development.
Ethics News & Opinions: Ask The Expert The fact is that, intentionally or unintentionally, all schools teach values. Letters/Notes/Memos; pta/pto Meetings; School Councils/Committees; Dropin visits to
Extractions: Question: Should schools be teaching values? And if they do, how can we know that they are teaching values with which parents agree? Answer: This question is answered by Katie Sutliff , Associate Consultant for Character Education First, should schools be teaching values? The fact is that, intentionally or unintentionally, all schools teach values. Whether schools take the time to nurture values or decide not to discuss them, they send a message about the significance of character. Any school that condones cheating, racism or sexism, whose teachers are unfair, or which is not a caring institution will have an adverse effect on its students that parents must struggle to overcome. On the other hand, schools can foster and encourage students to become ethical people people of good character. Schools are tasked with creating knowledgeable individuals of good character. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence, plus character, that is the goal of true education." The classroom is a professional environment for learning, and character must be explicitly taught there. Teachers can use the classroom both as a forum for direct instruction and as an opportunity to lead by example. Administrators can aid in the development of good character by creating a moral community at school.
SchoolGrants Links To Parental Involvement This is a wonderful opportunity for businesses and individuals and pta/pto groups to help in high poverty schools aren t even qualified to teach the subject
Extractions: Index to Grant Opptys Sample Proposals ... Join the SchoolGrants Team! L inks - Parental Involvement Research shows that parent involvement in their kids' lives and in the schools is often the key to higher achievement and more successful schools and communities. It is at least a component of many federal and state grant opportunities. Parent involvement makes a difference. I hear from many concerned parents who are doing great things at and for their children's schools. This page is dedicated to those parents. If you have favorite online resources that are not listed here, please let me know! Remember, all links on the SchoolGrants site open in their own windows. Parents! Here's a great way to help raise funds for your child's school! The Funding Factory The FundingFactory helps schools can earn leading edge technology, sports and recreation equipment (including playground equipment) by recycling empty printer cartridges and used cell phones. It's simple! Schools collect empty printer cartridges and used cell phones and send them to The FundingFactory. Over 20% of US schools currently participate in the program that is the recognized gold standard for innovative fundraising.
CHARACTER COUNTS! And Texas Launch Character-Development Initiative in 1993 to raise awareness of the need to teach and model core leaders including school board members, superintendents, principals, pta/pto presidents, mayors
Extractions: Texas and CHARACTER COUNTS! Launch Character-Development Initiative C apping off national CHARACTER COUNTS! Week (October 17-23, 1999), Jim Nelson, Texas Commissioner of Education, and Michael Josephson, president and founder of the Josephson Institute of Ethics and the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition Under the terms of a two-year $900,000 state grant to the nonprofit, nonpartisan Josephson Institute, CHARACTER COUNTS! will team up with the Texas Education Agency to develop materials and programs designed to help young people learn core ethical values. According to Mr. Josephson, "The Texas program will be, far and away, the most comprehensive and creative character-development initiative in the nation. It recognizes the primary role that can and should be played by families and the home and will provide parents and other care-givers with specific tools to help them become more effective character builders." Mr. Josephson added: "There will be no attempt to mandate the program. Our strategy is to provide communities and school systems throughout the state with resources and training. Every school district will retain discretion to determine how and whether they will use these resources."