IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species - Procolobus Badius to extinction while the subspecies badius and temmincki are endangered. T. Membersof the Primate Specialist Group 2003 IUCN Red List of threatened Species. http://www.redlist.org/search/details.php?species=18240
IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species threatened by habitat loss due to urban growth bicolor) also moves from endangeredto Critically endangered. Only one primate species has shifted into a lower http://www.talkwildlife.citymax.com/page/page/837155.htm
Extractions: Meanwhile, continental species are not faring well either. Of the Neotropical primates, three species have moved up into higher threat categories. The Mexican black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) moved from Least Concern to Endangered. There has been a 56% loss of habitat already and with continuing loss, the population is expected to decline by over 70% in the next 30 years. The variegated spider monkey (Ateles hybridus), found only in Colombia and Venezuela, moves from Endangered to Critically Endangered, and is at extreme risk. Threatened by habitat loss due to urban growth, agriculture and cattle grazing, the pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) also moves from Endangered to Critically Endangered. Only one primate species has shifted into a lower threat category - the golden-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia), from Critically Endangered to Endangered. After nearly 30 years of conservation efforts, including the establishment of a new subpopulation through translocation to a new protected area, the population size has increased. Asia's Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), one of the world's largest freshwater fish (growing up to 3m in length and weighing up to 300kg), is found only in the Mekong River basin area (Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand and Lao PDR) and has been upgraded from Endangered to Critically Endangered. This is largely due to over-fishing, habitat loss (such as through siltation and dredging) and obstruction of migratory routes through dam construction. Its population has declined by more than 80% over the last
Water Links Lemur; Lemur 2; International Primate Protection League; PBS Orangutans. Cells-; Hawaii s endangered and threatened Species; UNEP World Conservation http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/writing/h2o_links.html
Extractions: Conservation Genetics Some Prairie Species Genebanks Primates, Simians ... Nature North - Soil - Problems In The Soil NAP: Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture (1993) Alkaline Soils - What to do about them by Rusty Dobkin NMSU: Agro/Hort 100 Intro to Plant Science - Soils ... Marietta x - Saskatoons - Saskatoon Farm Saskatoons Berry Sask. - Saskatoon Berry Research - Poplar - Poplar - Populus grandidentata - Big Tooth Aspen Poplar - Populus tremuloides - Quaking Aspen Poplar - Populus balsamifera - Balsam Poplar - Willows - Willow - Salix sericea Marsh. Silky willow Willow Types - Gophers, Ground Squirrels - Woodchuck (Groundhog, Marmot) Marmota monax Biology and Control of the Northern Pocket Gopher (Thomomys talpoides) in Alberta New Mexico Species List Mammals Small Mammals of North Dakota - Richardson's Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii) ... ENature - Gopher - Canines - Dog Genetics - Birds - Bird Species Birds of North America 2.5 ENature on Birds Species accounts for grassland birds - Sparrows - Vesper sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) Sparrow pix - Ravens - Raven and Corvid Links Ravens, Crows, and the Corvidae
Endangered Species List Grows Long - 10/25/2000 - ENN.com reveals that critically endangered primates increased from 13 to 19 and threatenedalbatross species jumped from three to 16 due to longline fisheries. http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2000/10/10252000/specieslist_39528.asp
Extractions: Site Index: Home News ENN Earthnews Affiliates News In-Depth Topics Interact Online Quizzes Postcards Marketplace Business Center Store Advanced Search Advertise Join ENN e-mail Subscription Take our Survey Affiliate Tech Center Post Press Release Help About ENN Site Map Endangered species list grows long Wednesday, October 25, 2000 By Marilyn Bauer On the 2000 Red List of Threatened Species, the short-tailed albatross is listed as an endangered species in the United States. World Conservation Union director general Maritta von Bieberstein Kock-Weser has had time to study the numbers, and the shock hasn't worn off. The findings come from a World Conservation Union (IUCN) "These findings should be taken very seriously by the global community," said Bieberstein Kock-Weser. In the wake of the report, the IUCN is joining forces with various conservation groups, governments and local communities to bring awareness of the plight of planetary biodiversity. Since the IUCN's last assessment in 1996, the 2000 Red List of Threatened Species reveals that critically endangered primates increased from 13 to 19 and threatened albatross species jumped from three to 16 due to long-line fisheries. The report has disquieting indicators at every turn. Endangered freshwater turtle species, heavily exploited for food and medicinal use in Asia, increased from 10 to 24.
[enviro-vlc] The World's Top 25 Most Endangered Primates-2002 three of the world s apes, monkeys, lemurs and other primates are now threatenedwith extinction The World s Top 25 Most endangered primates2002, complied by http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/envirovlc/102002/post103.htm
Aa-squirrel They are the smallest of the Primate family Cebidae. and subspecies, and vertebratepopulations are considered for endangered or threatened status according http://www.antenna.nl/nvda/bprcapenhel/aa-squirrel.html
Extractions: Neotropical: Squirrel monkeys live in the tropical rainforests of South America, except in the southeastern coastal forests of Brazil. Distinguishing Characteristics Squirrel monkeys are up to 12.5 inches long (body length), with a tail of approximately 16 inches. They have a slender, lithe build, with a short grayish coat and bright yellow legs. Their non-prehensile tail often curls over one shoulder when they are resting. They have 36 teeth, and their teeth are sexually dimorphic in that males have large upper canines.
Untitled countries, says that since its last assessment in 1996, critically endangered primatesincreased from 13 to 19, and the number of threatened albatross species http://www.edie.net/news/Archive/3307.html
Extractions: Keeping you up to speed with news and events from around the world. Front Page UK Europe North America ... World Global extinction crisis is as bad or worse than believed The world's largest conservation-related organisation says that there have been dramatic declines in populations of many species, including reptiles and primates since 1996. The Red-shanked Douc Langur faces imminent extinction The World Conservation Union (IUCN), released its report 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species , which it says is the most authoritative global assessment of species loss on 29 Sepember, and which is full of alarming facts. The organisation, which brings together government agencies, scientists and NGOs from 181 countries, says that since its last assessment in 1996, critically endangered primates increased from 13 to 19, and the number of threatened albatross species has increased from three to 16 due to long-line fisheries. Freshwater turtles, heavily exploited for food and medicinal use in Asia, went from 10 to 24 critically endangered species in just four years. A total of 11,046 species of plants and animals are listed as threatened, facing a high risk of extinction in the near future, in almost all cases as a result of human activities. This includes 24% of mammal species and 12% of bird species. The total number of threatened animal species has increased from 5,205 to 5,435.
Nat'l Academies Discovery Engine the eight Regional Primate Research Centers have the responsibility for habitat conservationplans needed to protect endangered and threatened species and http://lab.nap.edu/nap-cgi/discover.cgi?term=primate species&restric=NAX