Extractions: Mediation Skills The teaching of conflict resolution and mediation skills has been one of the primary responses to violent behaviours in schools. Explanations (Summaries, Articles) Schwartz W. (1994). Anti-bias and conflict resolution curricula: Theory and practice. ERIC Digest U.S. Department of Education, (1996). Conflict Resolution in Creating Safe and Drug Free Schools: An Action Guide Morton I, (1991). Conflict resolution programs in schools. ERIC Digest Girard KL (1995). Preparing teachers for conflict resolution in the schools. ERIC Digest Inger M, (1991). Conflict resolution programs in schools. ERIC Digest Crawford D, Bodine R. (1996). Conflict Resolution Education. A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice Settings Pendharkar M. (1995). School-Based Conflict Management Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools: An Action Guide. (1996). Conflict Resolution Cueto S. (1993).
The Schools Commitment Delton Kelloggs mission statement illustrates that peer mediation is a program that could We accept the responsibility to teach all students in a safe and http://homepages.wmich.edu/~j0ryan1/mediation303/The School.htm
Extractions: The Schools Commitment A summary provided by Taking Action for Conflict Transformation (TACT) It is important to establish administrative and faculty support for this program. Ideally, if administrators and faculty are trained in conflict management techniques, they will be better suited to support the program. At least on staff person needs to be designated as program coordinator, and should attend the training of the peer mediators. Students need release time to attend the training sessions. Students, with their teachers, will decide how missed work will be made up. There needs to be a place set aside for mediation. It should be a quiet space with a table and four chairs available for the mediation sessions. A place designated for this purpose, with supporting posters, highlights the dedication of the school to the process of mediation. Staff plays an integral role in referring cases to mediation. Both teaching and non-teaching staff need to be willing to trust the process and place responsibility for problem solving into the hands of the student mediators. Staff must allow students to create their own solutions, as long as those solutions are within the current discipline code and rules of the schools.
Extractions: As you know, conflict is an unavoidable part of life. Passengers in a carmight disagree about a wrong turn on a road trip. A person may play music more loudly than others would like. Friends may argue over who is to blame for a broken possession. These are all types of conflict. Conflicts are not always minor and harmless. Assaults or threatened assaults often happen between people who know each other and, in many of these cases, start off with small arguments or disagreements. The mediation process provides a way for these people to resolve their disagreements before either party resorts to violence. It also helps people reach agreements without feeling they have had to give in. In this way, both sides in mediation come out winners! Curriculum focused on conflict resolution. Staff orientation designed to help teachers exhibit the communication skills they are trying to instill in their students. Peer mediators help the disputants rechannel anger and reach peaceful agreements. When a disagreement or conflict arises, a teacher, an administrator, a concerned student, or the fighting students themselves can refer the issue to peer mediation. A peer mediator is quickly assigned, and the mediation process begins, resolving the issue and preventing further discord. Playground mediators in elementary schools similarly help prevent fights and resolve disagreements between much younger students.
Exeter News-Letter News: Peer Mediation Expands group of Cooperative Middle School students are trying to teach their peers According to peer mediation coordinator Laurie Loosigian, the essence of the program http://www.seacoastonline.com/2003news/exeter/01212003/news/8797.htm
Extractions: news@seacoastonline.com STRATHAM - In the face of a conflict, a respectful discussion can be far more powerful than throwing punches or hurtful words. At least, thats what a group of Cooperative Middle School students are trying to teach their peers. Members of the group, made up of sixth- through eighth-graders, are called peer mediators. Their mission: To assist students in resolving their own conflicts. According to peer mediation coordinator Laurie Loosigian, the essence of the program is violence prevention. Mediators sit down with two or more students in conflict and help them to talk through their problems in a respectful, nonconfrontational way.
About The Mediation Center a method of mediating disputes we teach citizenship. work in terms of conflict management and mediation. interests; activities such as a peer mediaiton program http://www.tech.purdue.edu/orgs/mediate/about.htm
Extractions: ABOUT THE MEDIATION CENTER The process of resolving conflict is educational. By establishing a forum where each party is heard, we teach listening. By creating an environment where each party can speak, we teach communication. By developing the processes that seek resolution, we teach the importance of dialogue. And, by building these processes into a method of mediating disputes we teach citizenship. The Purdue Mediation and Conciliation Center is founded on the principle of Partnership and Service Learning. Embedded in its mission is the intention to support existing conflict resolution processes and procedures while conducting research on the discourse of mediation and its effectiveness. Recognizing that the mission encompasses both the process of effective mediation and the product of an informed citizen, the Centers purpose is both functional and educational. This website identifies faculty, students and administrators at Purdue University at the West Lafayette campus who define some aspects of their work in terms of conflict management and mediation. Also, activities identified here indicate research interests; activities such as a peer mediaiton program, participation in a cross-cultural discussion group and teaching interests. High School Peer Mediation Courses in Conflict Resolution Papers Bibliography ... Faculty / Staff
Diversity Training Circle Focuses On Conflict Mediation students in the peer mediation Program. program sparked an interest, students can also take mediationrelated. The goal of this course is to teach students how http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/Response/UM/articles/out.html
Extractions: Diversity Training Circle Focuses on Conflict Mediation Thirty members of the university community, including students, staff, faculty and administrators, representing numerous campus units participated in the Diversity Training Circle's Training of Trainers (TOT) for Conflict Mediation last Sept. 17. Hugh O'Doherty, director of the College Park Scholars (CPS) Public Leadership Program, facilitated the day-long training sponsored by the Office of Human Relations Programs. O'Doherty, a native of Northern Ireland, has been involved formally in facilitation work for 25 years. His vast experience-he was the director of the United States Ireland Public Leadership Program and participated in the Reconciliation Center in Ireland (a center that tries to promote dialogue between Nationalists and Unionists)-proved very useful throughout the day. "The goal of this training was to introduce people to the theory and method of mediation to give them a beginning sense of what it would take to really learn these skills-a foundation for future learning," says O'Doherty. "I think this training session succeeded
Extractions: T H E W H I T E H O U S E One America - Partners in Peer Mediation: A Collaborative for Safe Harris County Schools Help Site Map Text Only Program: Partners in Peer Mediation: A Collaborative for Safe Harris County Schools , Harris County, TX Contact(s): Dr. Ellen Harrison, Director of Staff Development: (713) 694-6300 Purpose: To institutionalize peaceful methods of resolving personal conflict in schools Background Program Operations Outcomes Background Partners in Peer Mediation (PPM) started in 1994 as a collaborative effort among the Harris County Department of Education, the Houston Bar Association, the South Texas College of Law Center for Legal Responsibility, the Dispute Resolution Center of Houston, the county government, and others. The goal is to bring the best techniques on peaceful conflict resolution and peer mediation to the 720 Harris County public schools, some with enrollments of 80 to 90 percent Hispanic and African American students. The PPM program enables educators to tailor their training to the racial and cultural needs of their schools. Program Operations Outcomes and Significant Accomplishments Since the program's inception, over 2,000 students and 500 teachers have received initial conflict-resolution training. The Partners in Peer Mediation program won the 1996 Leadership Houston Award in the youth category, and it won the Volunteers Award in Public Schools for Houston Independent School District's Northwest District.
Office Of Public And Indian Housing (PIH) - HUD one roof to teach youth leaders the necessary skills for conflict resolution, mediation, youth violence prevention, and developing tolerance for their peers. http://www.hud.gov/pih/programs/ph/de/pcemaker.html
Extractions: HHS CMS Real Choice Systems Change Grant NOFA [Public Housing for Seniors with Supportive Services] Integrating Long Term Support with Affordable Public Housing Flexible Voucher Program Updates White Paper The Flexible Voucher Program: Why A New Approach to Housing Subsidy Is Needed (Adobe PDF, 16 pages) Flexible Voucher Program: Legislative Proposal - Presentation slides (Adobe PDF, 32 pages) FREE for PHA Representatives: Homeownership Voucher Training (Adobe PDF) PHA Audit Findings: The Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) has performed a study of audit findings contained in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit reports performed on Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that receive funding from PIH. Attached please find information and examples of four of the most common and frequent PHA Audit Findings . (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Subordinate Courts Of Singapore - Juvenile Justice used for the development and training of peer mediators and the to the Roll of Community Mediators in the as quizzes, which were designed to teach societal and http://www.subcourts.gov.sg/Juvenile/prog_reaching_out_com.htm
Extractions: Public Education and Awareness Peer Group Advisers Programme The Peer Group Advisers programme provides students the opportunity to experience the workings of the Juvenile Court, as they are given a chance to sit in Court proceedings and take part in discussions with the Juvenile Court judge in chambers. The programme was first initiated in 1996. For the year 2000, the programme included the presentation of a paper entitled "Proactive Strategies to Stem Juvenile Delinquency", by each of the participating schools, with cash prizes awarded for the top three presentations. In 2001, a mock trial was orchestrated to provide students with real hands on experience of how dispositional orders are made in Court. Students had to play the parts of Advisers, Defence Counsel, juvenile, juvenile's parents and prosecution respectively during the mock trial.
Community School - A Peacable School Some do this through peer mediation programs and conflict resolution workshops. News. peer Mediators Conduct a Pet Food Drive For the SPCA April-May 2004. http://www.communityschool.net/peaceableschool.htm
Extractions: A Note From Our Director Schools around the country are looking for ways to integrate conflict resolution into their curriculum. Some do this through peer mediation programs and conflict resolution workshops. Others, like Community School, are becoming Peaceable Schools. The Peaceable Schools approach is more integrative in that all members of the school community including administrators, teachers, students, support staff, board members, and parents are included in the conflict transformation plan. The concept of a Peaceable School is a comprehensive whole-school methodology that uses conflict resolution as a system of operation for managing the school as well as the classroom. Conflict resolution principles and processes are learned and utilized by every member of the school community. Working with the Conflict Resolution Center in Roanoke, Community School conducted an introductory workshop on Peaceable Schools for parents and families on November 27, 2001.
BBB Of Southern Colorado and mediators are available to teach students at elementry, middle, and high school levels to settle problems with their peers by using mediation techniques. http://www.coloradosprings.bbb.org/index.php?CAT_UID=27
Student Activities peer mediators are chosen carefully, and then trained to assist in the problem solving process. They teach others to talk about and solve their problems. http://www2.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/fairview/students.htm
Extractions: Announcers Peer Mediation Jump Rope for Heart - K-5th Grade Hoops for Heart - 6th and 7th Grade ... Wizards Jump Rope Team Cadets Basketball Bowling Soccer Special Olympics Track Volleyball Piggy Bank Accelerated Reader J.A.C.K. Girls Scouts Band/Instrument Lessons Piano Lessons Student Council Cross Country Newsletter Desktop Publishing Accelerated Reader A program which helps to focus attention on careful reading of books, which improves students' critical thinking skills and builds the intrinsic love of reading. Students in second through fifth grades participate. Announcers - At Fairview, students are selected to be the morning and afternoon announcers. They go on the P.A. system and announce the time, date and weather, Pledge of Allegiance , and important notes and happenings. Announcements are read aloud in the morning at approximately 9:10 a.m. and 3:10 p.m. To be a Fairview announcer, you have to be in 4th - 6th grade. In the beginning of the year, our assistant principal asks interested students to write a short page of why they should be an announcer. New kids are picked every year. Back to Top Bowling - Grades 3-8 students are coached by Fairview Staff and bowling alley staff on the basics of bowling.
ED378108 1994-12-00 Mediation In The Schools. ERIC Digest. This digest discusses mediation as a form of conflict management that is receiving widespread attention in schools. mediation involves a neutral third person, called a mediator, who assists the http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed378108.html
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education Bloomington IN., Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse for Law-Related Education Bloomington IN. Mediation in the Schools. ERIC Digest. THIS DIGEST WAS CREATED BY ERIC, THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ERIC, CONTACT ACCESS ERIC 1-800-LET-ERIC Concern about violence in the schools has made the study of conflict and conflict management an urgent matter for educators today. Mediation is one form of conflict management that is getting widespread attention in schools across America. Mediation involves a neutral third person, called a mediator, who assists the disputants in resolving their problem with the consent of all parties. It offers a risk free way to settle disputes for the parties involved in the dispute. No agreement, no deal. HOW SHOULD SCHOOLS ADDRESS THE PROBLEM OF VIOLENCE?
Trust, Not Cameras, Called Best Prevention (washingtonpost.com) violence say educators are increasingly turning to programs that teach youngsters to resolve conflicts peacefully, to mediate disputes among peers and to tell http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7022-2004Feb2.html
Extractions: Tuesday, February 3, 2004; Page A07 D.C. high school principal Reginald Ballard knows the difficulty of keeping his students safe. His school just purchased a $70,000 security system designed to keep the side and rear doors of his school locked from the inside, except in case of fire or other emergency. But he declined yesterday to explain how it works, because he knows such information would allow a student who is determined to smuggle in a gun or knife to figure out how to circumvent the system. Such is the reality of trying to keep violence out of the District's many struggling public high schools from Cardozo, in Northwest, where Ballard has been principal since 1995, to Ballou Senior High School in Southeast, where one student was killed and one was wounded in a shooting yesterday outside the school cafeteria. Most D.C. high schools have metal detectors at the main entrance, and security guards search students who set off the machines. Police officers at each school work with students on crime prevention and respond if there is violence. Surveillance cameras are located throughout the buildings.