IK Monitor 2(2) Calls information about local examples of indigenous people s harvest activities in the tropics using indigenous remedies Southern africa region SARCIK is compiling a http://www.nuffic.nl/ciran/ikdm/2-2/communications/calls.html
Extractions: The Center for Field Research, at Earthwatch, invites researchers to submit proposals for field research on indigenous knowledge systems worldwide. Earthwatch provides researchers with non-specialist, English- speaking volunteers who will help them to collect data. The volunteers are selected to suit the needs of the project. Field grants average $20,000; the exact amount is determined by the number of volunteers engaged in the fieldwork. Proposals are reviewed monthly. They should be received one year in advance of the date on which fieldwork would begin. To discuss your research goals and their appropriateness for Earthwatch support, please contact: Many case studies in the literature on indigenous knowledge feature examples of projects that did not work because they did not build on IK. The editorial board of the Monitor welcomes all papers, articles, and references that present positive examples of projects that did build on IK. Documents illustrating the economic viability of IK would be greatly appreciated as well. Please send all relevant information to the editor, Ms Akke W. Tick, Nuffic-CIRAN, P.O. Box 29777, 2502 LT The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: +31-70-4260321. Fax: +31-70-4260329. E-mail:
PGA Bulletin 5 Engl. worldwide resistance roundup inspired by. peoples Global Action. BULLETIN 5 - FEB 2000 - UK EDITION. ' We do not want your charity, we do not want your loans. and culturally distinct peoples and http://www.geocities.com/kk_abacus/pgabulletin5en.html
Extractions: Return to the Hot Tide Page 'We do not want your charity, we do not want your loans. Those in the North have to understand our struggle and to realise it is also part of their own. Everywhere the rich are getting richer, the poorpoorer, and the environment is being plundered. Whether in the Northor South, we face the same future... Globalisation should mean wewant to globalise human society, not business. Life is not business.' "In a very real sense, the Zapatista movement emerged as atentative and transitory solution to precisely the problem whichconfronts us everywhere: how to link up a diverse array oflinguistically and culturally distinct peoples and their struggles,despite and beyond those distinctions, how to weave a variety ofstruggles into one struggle that never losses its multiplicity." Peoples' Global Action (PGA) is an international network thatwas originally inspired by the Zapatista struggle in Mexico. PGA hada hand in events such as the June 18th Global Day of Action which sawLondon's financial centre shut down, and the 'Battle ofSeattle' anti-World Trade Organisation protests, alongside hundredsof other not-so-(in)famous events. Due to its diffuse and fluidnature as well as not having any offices, paid staff, funds or bankaccounts, the role of PGA and its link between different events hasremained obscure. We hope this publication clarifies these links andhelps to further build the PGA network and the whole movement ofpositive resistance to capitalism.