Teacher Certification astronomy; geology; meteorology; oceanography; physical geography. to contemporary,historical, technological, and societal to meeting the general Criteria for http://www.pittstate.edu/services/scied/Certify/nsta.htm
Extractions: NSTA Teacher Certification An Overview T he National Science Teachers Association offers certification to elementary and middle level teachers of science and to teachers of biology, broadfield science, chemistry, earth and space science, general science, physics, and physical science. To become certified, teachers must meet specific standards of education and experience based on the grade level and/or subject they teach. A teacher is eligible to apply for certification after completing three years of full-time teaching. NSTA certification seeks to improve the quality of science teaching by recognizing teachers who are well qualified. NSTA certification gives teachers an edge in seeking or keeping a teaching assignment for which they are qualified and, where possible, in ascending the salary ladder. The NSTA standards have been adopted by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and by the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science. NSTA offers certification in the following categories: NSTA Certification in Science for Elementary Teachers:
Crisis Preparedness Disasters Other Transportation Accidents Terrorism technological Disasters International general. NavyPacific Meteorological and oceanography Center; US Naval http://travel.state.gov/crisismg.html
Extractions: Bureau of Consular Affairs Crisis Awareness and Preparedness Current Crisis Overseas Crisis Awareness Keeping Informed About A Crisis: When a crisis occurs abroad involving large numbers of U.S. citizens, such as a natural disaster, transportation accident, civil or political unrest or a terrorist incident, the Department of State and the U.S. Embassy abroad utilize a variety of means of communicating with the American public, including the Internet. Monitoring the Consular Updates on the Internet: Monitor the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs home page and the home page for the U.S. Embassy in the foreign country for up-to-date information about the crisis. Communicating With Families of U.S. Citizens Involved in a Crisis: Families in the United States whose U.S. citizen relatives abroad are directly affected by the crisis can also communicate with the Department of State through our Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management at (202) 647-5225. If a 24-hour task force or working group is established in the Department of State Operations Center to manage the crisis, you will be directed to the Task Force at (202) 647-0900. Letting Your Family Know You Are Okay: If a crisis occurs in a country you are visiting, contact your family in the United States to reassure them regarding your safety.
Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Advances in Natural and technological Hazards Research 20 Caribbean Tsunamis A500Year History from 1498-1998 by general. oceanography Thursday May 13, 2004. http://www.powells.com/psection/oceanography.html
Extractions: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography's (RDANH) contribution to the safety of navigation also includes obtaining data and presenting information about the sea and the sea floor. RDANH also functions as the Ministry of Defences Centre for Operational Oceanography. The Centre is responsible for the collection, validation, storage and administration of oceanographic and hydrographic data to support the planning and execution of maritime operations, to improve the safety of activities at sea, to assist in the preparation of charts as well as being responsible for oceanographic and hydrographic research and development. The Centre also serves as a point of contact and coordinator for relevant national and international projects. In addition, the Centre is expected to provide assistance and support to other public authorities in Denmark and other countries as well as to the maritime industry. back to top
Oceanography Databases - Academic Info databases listed in the general section, particularly in marine biology, oceanography,fisheries, aquatic and freshwater scientific and technological research http://www.academicinfo.net/oceandata.html
Extractions: "From the University of Calgary's Arctic Institute of North America, the Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) database "contains over 46,000 records describing publications and research projects about northern Canada." This service, which has recently been made free with help from the Canadian Polar Commission, covers all of the major branches of science. The simple and advanced search features lead to citations of Canadian government and industry reports, journal articles, conference papers, theses, and books, from 1978 to present. Citations contain bibliographic information, an abstract, detailed subject and geographic terms, and a library symbol to aid in locating a publication. The database also holds close to 11,000 descriptions of research projects conducted in Canada's three northern territories (Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut) since 1974. Information about obtaining publications is provided at the search page. [KR]"
Extractions: Preparing for the exams Exams will mostly be short answer questions, like the quizzes. You may need to do some simple math. The two books, lectures, presentation materials, quizzes, exercises, and the video tapes overlap in many respects. Each reinforces the other and each is of value for understanding the oceans. Learn from and review each. Concentrate on concepts rather than isolated facts and terminology. I will avoid terminology as much as possible. EXAMPLES: Do not memorize people's names or dates! Do not memorize the many terms for parts of the shore system! Do not memorize the names of all of the ocean currents. Do understand how waves interact with the shore, including the formation of longshore drift currents. Do understand the plate tectonic system, its parts, and how it works. Do understand the forces that drive the winds and ocean currents, and how equatorial currents and the subtropical gyres work. Try to understand how things work as a system rather than just memorizing the details. EXAMPLES:
Extractions: Melbourne, 25-28 th March, 2002 Such initiative has been set in a moment of profitable collaboration between the two Countries by visits between the respective Ministries of Research (from which has emerged a common strategy in relation to the individual objectives with regards to national programs of research) and with stronger ties of collaboration between universities, centers of research and firms. The Conference aimed to satisfy the following objectives: to create a strong synergy between the academic worlds and the centers of public and private research of the two Countries. In particular, the Italian technical science was presented as a partner able to promote a significant flow of students and researchers in the respective areas of excellence. In fact, on particular themes, Italy could be a valid alternative to the natural attraction that American, or in general the Anglo-Saxon Universities exert over Australia; to respond to the current needs of research and innovation of the firms of the two Countries and, at the same time, address the commercialization of the specific research outcomes towards a vast entrepreneurial network;
General Physical Science Syllabus Ð Spring, 2004 including astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and natural the conceptsof general science to contemporary, historical, technological and societal http://www.ecok.edu/dept/chemphys/physics/gpssp04.html
Extractions: General Physical Science Syllabus Ð Spring, 2004 Mr. Fred Pfeffer PHYSCI 1114 General Physical Science: Sect. 4340 Lecture [10:00 am Ð 10:50 am MWF] Sect. 4344 Lab [1:00 pm Ð 2:20 pm W] Prerequisite: none. Instructor: Fred Pfeffer Office: Phone : 310-5735 [answ. machine] email fpfeffer@mailclerk.ecok.edu Office Hours: Posted on office door. MWThF: 8am -10am; MThF: 1pm -3pm 3. Course/Section Requirements Text Conceptual Physical Science Explorations Lab Manual A Laboratory Manual for Physical Sceince 3 rd Ed Other Requirements Students will need an inexpensive scientific calculator. Note taking materials and the textbook should be brought to class. Students will be called upon to access the internet for various sites related to the topics covered in lecture. Students will need to access the internet web site supplied with the text. Students may use a lab or campus computer or their own personal computer. Attendance Students are responsible for all assignments and announcements made in class, whether they are present of not. There will be a seating chart and possibly pictures taken by the instructor in order to keep track of attendance and to help Òput a name with a faceÓ.
Science topics will include geology, astronomy, meteorology and oceanography. their importancein our technological society This is a general level course for students http://www.paulvi.net/academics/science/science_course_guide.htm
Extractions: Science (FULFILLS EARTH AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENT IN PLACE OF 416) Applied Earth and Physical Science is a freshman science course that will cover the basic concepts of measurement, laboratory skills, the scientific method, chemistry, and earth and space science. Appropriate group and laboratory activities will help reinforce material that will enable the student to relate Earth and Physical Science to life beyond the classroom. Current events will be integrated into the curriculum. PREREQUISITES: None 1 CR REQUIRED Earth and Physical Science is a beginning course in high school science. The students will cover an introduction to laboratory techniques, the scientific method, and SI measurement. Earth Science topics will include geology, astronomy, meteorology and oceanography. In addition, the physical science topics include structure of matter and its physical and chemical properties. Appropriate laboratory procedures will reinforce the text and lecture material. Current events will be integrated into the curriculum. PREREQUISITES: None. (An exemption from the Earth/Physical Science requirement may be given to 9th grade students enrolled in Honors Biology. However, if the student drops the Honors Biology course as a freshman, the exemption is forfeited and the student will be placed in Earth and Physical Science).
Evaluation Of Four Danish Research And Technological Institutes oceanography and marine environment; Offshore structures and by the Council for TechnologicalService. therefore Danish society in general directly subsidises http://www.efs.dk/publikationer/rapporter/eval-rti/kap02001.htm
Extractions: Danish Hydraulic Institute DHI covers the following activity areas: Within each of these seven areas of activity, three basic methods or disciplines are used: DHI is also one of the GTS institutes affiliated to the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV). The Academy appoints the boards of directors of the institutes, normally from the academic world or potential clients of the institutes and approves the by-laws governing the work of the institutes. DHI's vision is to be the world leader in selected technologies pertaining to coastal zone management, water resources management, flood management, and the urban infrastructure.
Florida Institute Of Technology scientific and technological university in the general Science* general Studies*Humanities Interdisciplinary Science, oceanography Biological oceanography http://www.fit.edu/CampusLife/services/career-serv/employers/careerguide.html
Extractions: Florida Institution of Technology was founded in 1958 in Melbourne, Florida. Since then it has grown rapidly into a major scientific and technological university, with both undergraduate and graduate programs. Today, Florida Tech is a fully accredited, coeducational, independently controlled, and supported university committed to the pursuit of excellence in both teaching and research. Florida Tech offers more than 125 degree programs in science and engineering, aviation, business, humanities, psychology, and communication. Doctoral degrees are offered in 18 disciplines, while master's degrees are offered in more than 40 areas.
International Participation the development of scientific, technological and computer economic and social benefitsof operational oceanography. is represented in its general Assembly and http://www.ncmr.gr/frame/International.html
Extractions: I. Participation in International Programs As a result of its development, the NCMR participates increasingly in several International research Programs and activities. A selection of the International Programs in which we participate are outlined below. 1. European Union MAST (Marine Science and Technology Program) The objective of the research under the MAST program, is to understand the functioning of marine systems around Europe, both in-shelf and deep seas, and thus to contribute to establishing the scientific and technical basis for their exploitation, management and protection. Projects are distributed over a wide range of disciplines in marine science, in coastal zone research and in marine technology. Programs conducted within the framework of the MAST Program include: PELAGOS / CINCS MTP-I MATER MTP-II METROMED ENV (Environment and Climate Program) The European Union Web Page concerning this Program can be entered through here. ELOISE FAIR (Fisheries and Agriculture Program) The FAIR program aims to obtain a better knowledge of the deep sea ecosystems, which are now more and more intensively exploited by bottom fisheries. The program concentrates on those deep sea ecosystems which may initially provide high cpue for various target species, but their potential for a sustained exploitation is still unknown. The program covers most of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean waters; its major objectives are to review all the information on past and present deep sea fisheries (catches and dumping's), to make available the considerable scientific knowledge already collected about these areas and to improve the biological knowledge about the species caught.
Science, Earth Sciences, Oceanography: Journals of marine life and its technological applications. zoology, ecosystem research, biologicaloceanography, ecological aspects on special topic and general issues http://www.combose.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Oceanography/Journals/
Extractions: Related links of interest: Science:Earth Sciences:Publications:Journals An A to Z of Oceanography Textbooks. Applied Ocean Research - encourages the submission of papers that advance the state of knowledge in a range of topics relevant to ocean engineering. Published by Elsevier. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research Atmosphere-Ocean - a medium for the publication of the results of original research, survey articles, notes, and comments on published papers in all fields of the atmospheric, oceanographic, and hydrological sciences. Publication of the Canadian Meteorological And Oceanographic Society. Botanica Marina - covers the entire field of marine botany including marine microbiology and marine mycology. Its purpose is to disseminate original knowledge, to provide synopses of global or interdisciplinary interest, and to stress aspects of utilization. Published by Walter de Gruyter. Bulletin of Marine Science - Provides quality research dealing with the tropical and subtropical waters of the world's oceans and marine science. Published by the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami. Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute - Includes articles by authors worldwide who are involved in marine biology, ichthyology, physical and biological oceanography, fish processing and technology, fishing techniques as well as topics concerned with the protection of the marine environment.
Extractions: Journal databases and other online services for study and research in fisheries, oceanography, marine studies, food science and related disciplines. Many of these are UW restricted . A complete list of databases at the University of Washington is available. For journal abbreviations see All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources A B C ... AGRICOLA, 1970- Agricola covers over 3 million records covering every major agricultural subject, including aquaculture. 1970 to the present. Updated monthly. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, 1978- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, 1978- Index to world's literature on marine, brackish and freshwater environments. Covers biology, marine pollution, aquaculture, fisheries, ecology, and oceanography. Updated quarterly. Available through SilverPlatter's or CSA's interface. Arctic and Antarctic Regions, 1800- Covers aspects of the life, physical, and social sciences, related engineering, navigation, legal and military use of the polar caps and surrounding areas. Indexes journal articles, monographs, technical reports, and conference proceedings. BIOSIS, 1975-
FSU 97 / 98 General Bulletin University Professor Kasha; Coordinator of general Chemistry Laboratories careersin medical technology, oceanography, or the technological aspects of law http://registrar.fsu.edu/Webtest/gen_prog14.htm
Extractions: Chair: John G. Dorsey; Professors: Allen, Choppin, Cioslowski, Clark, Dalal, DeTar, Dorsey, Dougherty, Fulton, Gilmer, Holton, Kasha, Krafft, Light, Linder, Mann, Marshall, Rhodes, Rill, Safron, Saltiel, Schwartz, Vickers; Service Professor: Sheline; Associate Professors: Cooper, Dahmen, Goldsby, Hilinski, Schlenoff; Assistant Professors: Blaber, Chapman, Greenbaum, Logan, Sang, Stiegman; University Professor: Kasha; Coordinator of General Chemistry Laboratories: Pulliam; Professors Emeriti: Eichinger, Herz, Johnsen, Leffler, Mandelkern, Mellon, Walborsky; Professor Emerita: Hoffman T he department offers the undergraduate degrees of bachelor of science (BS) and bachelor of arts (BA) in chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical science. Students seeking BS or BA degrees in chemistry may major in chemistry or environmental chemistry. A degree in chemistry or biochemistry is suitable preparation for a variety of career choices, including immediate employment in the chemical, biochemical, environmental, and related industries, or graduate study in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical physics, biophysics, or medicine. The degree in chemical science is recommended as preparation for those who intend to pursue careers in medical technology, oceanography, or the technological aspects of law, public policy, and business. The baccalaureate degree in chemical science is offered to meet the needs of those students whose career goals lie outside chemistry but require a strong foundation in science. This program is appropriate, for example, for a student interested in anthropology, the earth sciences, food sciences, or criminology, or for students planning a career in business or law with an emphasis in technology. Compared to the other degree programs in chemistry, this program has a smaller core of required courses to which students are expected to add elective work in other areas after consultation with their adviser. The chemical science degree is not appropriate for students interested in graduate study in chemistry or closely related disciplines such as biochemistry, environmental chemistry or marine chemistry, or for students seeking employment in the chemical industry immediately upon graduation.
General & Earth Science Biology, Journal of general Physiology, Journal marine biology, physical oceanography,fisheries, aquaculture as environmental, technological, and legislative http://lib.radford.edu/Resources/gen&earthsci.asp
Extractions: Menu Make a Selection Library Catalog Find Articles and More... Course Reserves InterLibrary Loan Information and Services How Do I...? Extended Campus Hours Search Library Tutorial Contact Us MultiMedia Center Harvey Center University Archives Radford University breadCrumbs("http://lib.radford.edu","","index.asp","None","None","None","0"); Magazine, Journal, and Newspaper Indexes Aluminium Industry Abstracts - provides coverage of literature on aluminum, production processes, products, applications. Article First -(1990-present) contains bibliographic citations that describe items listed on the table of contents pages of more than 12,500 journals in business, humanities, medicine, popular culture, science, social science, and technology. Updated daily. ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts - the premier reference in the field of aquatic resources, including aquaculture, conservation, environmental quality, fisheries, marine biotechnology, meteorology, oceanography and wildlife management.
FindingWeb Directory - /Science/Earth_Sciences/Oceanography unmanned vehicles at the Southamton oceanography Centre conference will discuss thelatest technological improvements, deepwater EGS XXIII general Assembly, Nice http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Science/Earth_Sciences/Oceanography/Conferences
Extractions: You're in the right place... check it out the following sites and directory about Conferences, or search Conferences at FindingWeb Search. See also: Links 100 Years of Science under ICES. Helsinki, Finland, August 1-4, 2000. - The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the world's oldest intergovernmental marine science organization, will celebrate its Centenary in 2002. To commemorate this historic occasion, a number of activities, events, and celebration 10th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, Chiba, Japan. July 21-26, 2002. - The biennial Congress brings together scholars and resource persons to address key issues concerning marine technology related to the ocean's economic potential from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The Congress facilitates an exchange of views and idea
Marc Gagné also complete the University s general Education Requirements context of scientific,technological, and real meteorology (ESS270), oceanography (ESS230), biology http://www.wcupa.edu/_academics/sch_cas.esc/ughb/ughb.8addtionallnfo.htm
Extractions: Competencies, Requirements, and Assessments Admission to Teacher Education All students seeking a Bachelor in Science in Education degree must formally apply for admission to Teacher Education. Minimum criteria for admission to Teacher Education are: A cumulative GPA of 2.5. Undergraduates with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or higher are eligible for admission to Teacher Education upon completion of 45 to 63 semester hours of coursework; Passing scores as established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education on the Communication Skills and General Knowledge exams of the Praxis II Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers; and
EOO - Oceans/Seas - General Society of Limnology and oceanography (ESLO) to Oceans/Seas general - Non-US- Australia. world-class scientific and technological research. Founded http://www.ekas.org/sites/oceans_gen.html
Extractions: Non-U.S. USEDUC Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) Located: Unknown, CA. INTMISC Aquatic Network - Seacoast Information Services, Inc. Lots of info, news, more. Located: Unknown, Unknown. INTMISC CoralRealm "Our purpose is to provide scuba divers, aquarists, biologists, reef naturalists, and even armchair explorers with a premium, Internet resource for continuing marine life education." Located: Unknown, International. INTPNP Cousteau Society "... dedicated to the protection and improvement of the quality of life for present and future generations. Jacques Cousteau founded the Society " Founded: 1973. Located: Chesapeake, VA. NUSPUB Dolphin Island Greenware Creates and encourages creation of sotware which contributes to protection of the oceans. Founded: 1994. Located: Brussels, Belgium. USEDUC Franklin Institute Oversea and UnderSea "Your online ocean voyage will take you to websites around the world where you'll explore the latest ocean information." Located: Philadelphia, PA.