Extractions: WSIS in Canada To prepare for the World Summit on the Information Society, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO will undertake a series of consultations around Canada. The consultations will guide the Canadian government in developing its final position for the Summit and will also help to define the essential elements to be included in the Action Plan and Declaration following the Summit. Consultation # 1 (Ottawa, Ontario)
Extractions: Register My Profile My Trips Newsletter ... Canada > Northwest Territories Ecotourism Northwest Territories! If you're looking for Northwest Territories ecotours or ecotourism vacations in the Northwest Territories, Canada, you've come to the right place! Experience ecotours and cultural tours alongside knowledgeable guides with years of ecotourism experience. The following is a list of eco tourism companies that operate eco tours and cultural tours in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Begin your search for Northwest Territories ecotourism destinations by studying our listing of ecotourism companies, narrowing your selection to 2 or 3, and contacting those companies for more detailed information. If you prefer, we also have available an Advanced Search In addition to ecotourism and cultural tours, we also have related ecotourism adventures in our category. Northwest Territories Ecotourism Companies
Searchalot Results For Northwest Territories on distance learning, libraries, museums, and cultural centres. Category Top Regional North America canada northwest territories Education http http://searchalot.com/texis/open/global?ss=s&q=Northwest Territories
Extractions: For information about other vital records, researchers are advised to contact the Northwest Territory Archives which is located in the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The Heritage Centre is dedicated to preserving the culture and heritage of the Inuit, Inuvialuit, Dene, Metis, and non-aboriginal peoples of the NWT. The Northern Heritage Centre houses the territorial museum, the NWT Archives, and other heritage programs which extend beyond the walls of the Centre.
Extractions: Natural Resources Canada Provinces and Territories - The origins of their names CANADA While the Dictionary of Canadianisms lists ten possible explanations for the word (ranging from Spanish Acan Nada to a form of Canara or Canata , a place name in southern India), the generally accepted origin may be traced to the writings of Jacques Cartier in 1536. While sailing up the St. Lawrence River, Cartier noticed that the Indians referred to their settlements as kanata , which, from its repetition, the French took to be the name of the entire country. Such it was destined to become in 1867. Source: Hamilton, William B. (1978): The Macmillan book of Canadian place names, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, p. 21. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Although Newfoundland is one of the oldest place names on the eastern seaboard, its evolution may be easily followed. It was the "new founde isle" of John Cabot who sailed westward from Bristol in 1497; although Norsemen, Basques, and Bretons (among others) had undoubtedly preceded him. By 1502 "New found launde" was being used in official English documents with the French version "Terre Neuve" appearing as early as 1510 - a clear indication of the acceptance of the designation. Giovanni da Verrazano used the term "Terra Nova" on his map of 1529. Newfoundland entered Confederation as the tenth province of Canada on March 31, 1949.
Canadian Education Association is the Electronic Library canada, a research Students in the northwest Territorieshave been involved in projects reflect traditional culture and languages http://www.cea-ace.ca/foc.cfm?subsection=pol&page=lan&subpage=pro&subsubpage=nwt
Extractions: Grassroots Action Yukon Northwest Territories British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba ... Eastern Canada Click on the map to view larger version * There is intense pressure to construct a gas pipeline down the Valley and to develop oil and gas resources before adequate protected areas and other conservation mechanisms are in place. * There is a window of opportunity to make large conservation gains in the Northwest Territories through the NWT Protected Areas Strategy, national park expansion, and land use planning. Our achievements over the next five years will significantly determine the long-term health of the land, Aboriginal cultures and wildlife in the NWT. On this page Protecting the boreal forest Aboriginal people live in small communities in the valley and still depend heavily on the land, water, and wildlife for their cultural, spiritual, nutritional and economic needs. CPAWS-NWT is working hard throughout this region, in partnership with local Aboriginal communities, to achieve a vision of large landscape conservation that will protect wilderness and wildlife over the long term while supporting the needs of human communities.
Media Education In Northwest Territories | Curricular Overview northwest territories Education Links. northwest territories Department of Education,culture and Employment. Western Canadian Protocol Development Site. http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/teachers/media_education/nwt_curricular_ov
Extractions: Media Education in the Northwest Territories Last updated July 2002 Curricular Overview The Northwest Territories is a member of the Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education (WCP), formed in 1995 for curriculum development by the four Western provinces and two territories. (Nunavut joined the WCP in 2000.) The Northwest Territories Department of Education, Culture and Employment adheres to the WCP's Framework for English Language Arts which contains a strong media education component. At present, the department is in the process of implementing the WCP framework at the Kindergarten to Grade 9 levels. For Grades 10-12, the department follows the Alberta curriculum for English Language Arts. Within the WCP framework for English language Arts, students are expected to interact with oral, literary and media texts: Students use a variety of strategies before, during, and after interacting with a variety of oral, literary and media texts. Before interacting with texts, they preview, ask questions and set purposes. While interacting with texts, they attend to the ideas being presented, make and confirm predictions and inferences, and monitor their understanding. After interacting with texts, students respond by reflecting, creating, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating. Effective language learners adapt these strategies as they construct meaning from a variety of texts.
Government Of The Northwest Territories - Home Page The Official Homepage of the Government of the northwest territories. Government departments, arctic image gallery, map, politics, investments and opportunities. http://www.gov.nt.ca/
Millennium: Foundation Archive of Press Releases. Department of Education, culture and Employment of NorthwestTerritories and canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation sign agreement. http://www.millenniumscholarships.ca/en/foundation/publications/archivepress/jul
Extractions: Archive of Press Releases Department of Education, Culture and Employment of Northwest Territories and Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation sign agreement Yellowknife, July 13, 1999 - The Department of Education, Culture and Employment and the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation have signed an agreement that will enable students in the Northwest Territories to access awards from the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation. These awards will total $4.3 million over the next 10 years. In 1998, the federal government announced the establishment of the Canada Millennium Scholarship fund. The fund was established to assist and encourage students enrolled in post-secondary studies. In the Northwest Territories, students who are enrolled in full time post-secondary studies in the 1999-2000 academic year will be the first group eligible to receive these awards. There are two main categories of scholarships that will be awarded. Under the General Awards category, which is based on financial need and academic merit, 133 awards will be issued. Under the exceptional merit category, which factors in leadership, academic excellence and community service, there will be 5 awards determined at the community level and 2 awards at the territorial level. The names of the recipients of the territorial level awards will be forwarded to the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation for the award of a national level scholarship. All scholarships awarded will be $3000 each.
Adventure Sports Northwest Territories & Nunavut Climbing, Nature Tours, Cultural Tours.Canadian Arctic. Associations / Clubs Outdoor. Fort Smith Paddle Club - Canoeing, Kayaking, northwest territories. http://www.out-there.com/nt_spt.htm
The Government Of Canada Announces The Signing Of An Agreement contributions of the governments of canada and the The Government of the NorthwestTerritories action plan the Department of Education, culture and Employment http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/newsroom/news_e.cfm?Action=Display&code=1NR102
Extractions: Nunavut Online Travel Planner RESEARCH and learn about Nunavut opportunities, Inuit art and culture, and the natural history of Canada's Arctic. PLAN your trip and activities from start to finish using the extensive links directory. CONTACT licensed accommodations and tour operators who can provide the tourism services needed for an unforgettable experience. Untamed. Unspoiled. Undiscovered. Planificateur de voyages en direct du Nunavut CHERCHEZ et découvrez tout ce que vous vous devez de savoir au sujet des occasions au Nunavut, de lart et de la culture inuites, ainsi que de lhistoire naturelle de lArctique canadien. PLANIFIEZ votre voyage et vos activités, du début à la toute fin, à laide du répertoire complet de liens. COMMUNIQUEZ avec les lieux dhébergement et les voyagistes autorisés qui pourront vous fournir les services touristiques dont vous avez besoin pour vivre une expérience inoubliable.
CanLearn Interactive - Living about culture, languages, education, communications and economy in the NorthwestTerritories, take a look at the territorial profile on the Canadian Heritage http://www.canlearn.ca/living/quickfacts/clnt.cfm?langcanlearn=EN