Effin' Eh libaries could be modeled on the videorental business. Ms. Townsend has alienatedMaryland s black democrats and is facing allegations of corruption. http://jamesonpenn.blogspot.com/2002_08_18_jamesonpenn_archive.html
Extractions: All compliments of the Smoking Gun. I suggest you listen to the audio of it the entire episode at St. Pat's is recorded and it's really, really wrong. I can't overstate this. Who who knew that they've already been fired once before, on April Fools Day, 1998 at a Massachusettes station in Boston when they announced Mayor Thomas M. Menino was killed in a car crash So now the Dept. of Justice is gonna be prosecuting all those college kids who have been downloading music through peer-to-peer networks. I want to know what length of prison term Jamie can look forward to. Despite the fact that we have a sad little dial-up connection, Jamie has managed to download more music than most people ever hear in a lifetime. Props to Radley for alerting me Southwest has decided to kick the big dogs now that they are down . In a very smart move they have decided to take advantage of the inability of the big guys to cut prices and do just that. They are also getting into the long-distance market. Washingtonians can look forward to non-stop service from BWI to Los Angeles on new 737s. The unrestricted walk-up fares on longer flights have been cut from $399 to $299 one way. The idea is to move into the business-traveler market. I'm willing to bet that once the fat starts getting trimmed from the airline industry we'll see anti-trust suits coming out against Southwest. Isn't that the pattern that we have established? Do well in an industry, redefine it and shut down the inefficient competitors and get sued for anti-trust violations.
Judaica Libraries And Archives On The Web University of maryland University of maryland Libraries - SL andEileen Shneiderman Collection of Yiddish Books; University of http://www.bibliomaven.com/judaica.html
Extractions: About this page American Jewish Archives - Presents information on the history, publications, and scholarly activities of the Archives. Includes brief descriptions of hundreds of archival-manuscript collections in ten categories: personal and family papers, Reform Judaism, local organizations, national organizations, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, synagogues, women, rabbis, Cincinnati Jewry, and the Holocaust. Detailed finding aids are available for some of these collections.
Komm-25: Designtips Translate this page Infowiss/papers/hompart.html UMD-Tips University of maryland at College Park LibariesStyle Guide for Authors of Web Pages (Version vom 4.6.1996), http//www http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/cafl/kurse/komm/komm-25.html
Extractions: e-mail: krueger@nfask2.fask.uni-mainz.de Grundprinzipien Dokumentdesign : Regeln für die einzelne "Seite" Serverdesign Optimale Performanz von Graphiken Technische Feinheiten: Tips und Tricks zu HTML Selbst erstellte Unterlagen zu HTML sowie die "offiziellen" WWW-Dokumentationen Zusammenstellung der Literatur Aber gerade in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen ad-hoc in der Praxis erstellten Web-Dokumenten und wissenschaftlich-theoretischen Prinzipien und Anforderungen liegt vielleicht der Reiz dieser Form des elektronischen Publizierens. Denn noch zu oft wird im elektronischen Dokument das Papierdokument auch in den Elementen "nachgebildet", die die elektronische Nutzung eher einschränken bzw. so nicht zutreffen. Denn medientypische Regeln und über Jahrhunderte herausgebildete klare Prinzipien wie beim "traditionellen" Medium Papier existieren in diesem neuen Medium so gut wie noch nicht. Ganz im Gegenteil - der Charakter und die optimalen Gestaltungselemente von elektronischen bzw. speziell Web-Dokumenten sind noch sehr unklar und somit ergibt sich ein weites Experimentierfeld, daß nicht nur den - oft damit betrauten - EDV-Technikern überlassen werden darf, sondern von den Anwendern selbst übernommen werden sollte.
Extractions: Related links of interest: Science:Science in Society:Skeptical Inquiry:Critical Thinking Reference:Libraries:Library and Information Science:Digital Library Development Reference:Bibliography:Digital Resources Society:Issues:Fraud ... 10 C's For Evaluating Internet Sources - Criteria to consider when evaluating Internet resources. An Educators' Guide to Credibility and Web Evaluation - Paper/course written in 1999 with a 2002 update. Covers why evaluate, methods of evaluation, and why and how to teach it in the schools. Better Read That Again: Web Hoaxes and Misinformation - Categorizes problematic sites and gives many examples of each type. Ends with a section which points to sites which give people accurate information as well as warnings about hoaxes and half-true stories. Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources - A list of Internet and print resources, with links to example sites and newsgroups. Caught in the Web - A journalist's guide to web searches. Covers when to use the library, obstacles to finding what you need on the web (including unreliable information), tips for searching, and links to content-rich sites. Checklist for the Evaluation of Information - Printable form with hyperlinks to explanations of the criteria used, namely authority, content and scope, design and functionality.
Extractions: ' ) # Recursively call a sub-make in with target # Usage is deprecated, because make do not see this as an invocation of make. descend =$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(srctree)/)scripts/Makefile.build obj=$(1) $(2) # Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build obj= # Usage: # $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=dir build := -f $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(srctree)/)scripts/Makefile.build obj
Linux Headquarters - Kernel V2.5.45 /scripts/Makefile.lib m))) + + C++ Object (.o) files compiled from .cc files +hostcxxobjs = $(sort$(foreach m,$(host-cxxmulti),$($m)-cxxobjs))) + + Shared libaries (only .c http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v2.5/45/scripts/Makefile.lib
IAWA Newsletter No. 5 reflect differing, highly professional solutions to design problems posed by civiclibaries. from 1967 of a sixunit apartment building in Wheaton, maryland. http://spec.lib.vt.edu/IAWA/news/news5.html
Extractions: IAWA Special Collections University Libraries CAUS ... Virginia Tech Table of Contents Wena Dows was born in the California Central Valley on April 1, 1928. She decided to go to the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) because that is where all her family went. However, she decided NOT to study architecture because her older sister had studied architecture. Wena decided to study mathematics instead. After a couple of years she realized that she did not want to be a mathematician, so she started casting about other departments at UCB. She took Architecture 1, and, in Wena's words, "This is work? This is FUN!" She transferred to architecture, doubled-up on her course load, took one extra year to complete her studies, and graduated in 1950 with a bachelor degree in architecture. She married after graduation, just as one was supposed to do back then. She worked four years for an architect and consulting engineer while her husband finished his Ph.D. She bore three children, and then gradually began her practice. From 1957 her children and her practice grew until it was, "Super Full-Time." As an architect, Wena has never lost her feeling of gratification and excitement to see her creations grow into three dimensional reality. She prefers small buildings to large ones because people who live and work in small buildings are grateful for whatever she can do to make their lives better. Wena is sensitive to her clients, and she always listens to them. "I don't have a style. I just try to do what I do well," she says.
Washingtonpost.com: Live Online Calif. Why did Andrew Carnegie give so much money to build and fund libaries? MarylandCan you tell us about Carnegie and music and how Carnegie Hall was http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/02/sp_book_krass100302.htm
Extractions: Thursday, Oct. 3, 2002; 3 p.m. ET In the new biography " Carnegie " author Peter Krass paints a portrait of the life and mind of Andrew Carnegie, pioneering industrialists and arguably a genius, villian and emotionally troubled man depending on who you ask. Krass will be online Thursday, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. ET , to discuss the life of Andrew Carnegie the legend and the reality. The transcript follows. Krass' other books include "The Book of Business Wisdom," "The Book of Leadership Wisdom" and "The Book of Investing Wisdom." He has also contributed articles to Investor's Business Daily and Across the Board . His family roots are in the Pittsburgh, Pa. area where Carnegie made his fortune and his own great-grandfather worked in a Carnegie steel mill.
MizMoz Directory - Education Web Site Evaluation A document from the University of maryland libraries. National Network of Libariesof Medicine Evaluating Health Web Sites - Jana Allcock gives tips on http://www.mizmoz.com/dir/Reference/Education/Instructional_Technology/Evaluatio
SCOSAA: Resources of the American Society for Information Science Technology SCALA Student Chapterof the American Library Association SLA - Special libaries Association. http://www.ils.unc.edu/saa/resources.htm
Extractions: By Heidi Yacker At the federal level: Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service Co. Non-creative database producers argue that they need protection from this "piracy" of their work. Vast technological improvements have made copying information much easier. For example, in 1991 it took 6 months to download an average database; it now takes 2 minutes. Producers feel they need protections to encourage database development and to close the gaps created by the courts. They also argue that the European Union, which provides protection for non-creative European databases, will extend this protection to U.S. databases only if a comparable law is passed here. Some recognize the importance of protections but don't want them to be overly restrictive. These include compilers many of which are small businesses of "transformative" of "value-added" databases that take information from one database and combine it with other material to form a new database. For example, a database compiler might extract information from a directory of diseases that is marketed to doctors and create a directory of children's diseases to market to parents. Overly restrictive legislation could also have a negative impact on research activities and could contribute to increased costs in accessing databases.