Extractions: Liens vers d'autres sites Le Consulat Général de France à Tananarive s'efforce de diffuser des informations exactes et tenues à jour. Toutefois, les informations contenues dans ce site ne sont données qu'à titre indicatif; elles peuvent, notamment sur les questions liées à l'actualité, être incomplètes et ne constituent pas une garantie. Leur but est d'informer et d'aider les internautes dans leurs démarches. Ces derniers sont donc invités à vérifier auprès des personnels du Consulat Général si d 'autres informations sont disponibles ou nécessaires. En conséquences, la responsabilité du Consulat Général ne saurait être engagée sur la seule base des informations dispensées dans ce site. Par ailleurs, le Consulat Général décline toute responsabilité quant à la disponibilité ou au contenu des sites extérieurs vers lesquels des liens sont établis.
Extractions: Madagascar: Up Close and Personal This site provides pertinent information about Madagascar for scholars, students of all ages, and tourists. The site provides up-to-date travel and cultural information that is useful for reports and traveling in Madagascar. Malagasy Proverbs Malagasy use proverbs to relay important messages to each other.... Malagasy: Izay mitambatra...vato, izay misaraka ...fasika.
Extractions: Fety Gasy Forums Business Namana Taloha ... Miss Sobika EDITO /* SCRIPT EDITE SUR L'EDITEUR JAVASCRIPT http://www.editeurjavascript.com */ document.write(messageDate); " MManja Suite et Fin : La soirée" La galerie de portraits compte presque autant que les miss ! C'est toujours un plaisir inavoué que de regarder avec curiosité " qui y était". Il n'y a pas de mal, c'est fait pour ! " Le concours Logo Sobika :" Nous aurions pu le réaliser en interne mais on s'est dits " place aux talents malagasy "! Vous êtes créatifs, imaginatifs, pleins d'idées...Participez à la réalisation du futur logo de sobika.com ! Clickez pour connaitre les modalités !! " Madagascar et les informaticiens:"
Madagascar : A Portuguese Settlement madagascar a mysterious settlement The big island of madagascar was discoveredin 1500 by a Portuguese fleet under the command of Diogo Dias. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/6497/madag.html
Extractions: Madagascar a mysterious settlement: the Portuguese fort near Tolanaro. « FORT DES PORTUGAIS » Written by Marco Ramerini visits to this page from 26/02/99 The big island of Madagascar was discovered in 1500 by a Portuguese fleet under the command of Diogo Dias. The Portuguese called the new discovered island Ilha de São Lourenço. The island was visited several times during the XVI and XVII centuries but never permanently settled. Lots of shipwrecks wasted along its coasts. In the year of 1613 the Vice Roy Dom Jeronimo de Azevedo sent a Portuguese expedition to explore the shores of the island. This expedition discovered that "gente branca" (white people) were lived in a place in the southern side of the island. These white people had settled in a river island they had called the island of Santa Cruz. The Portuguese expedition visited the place. In the island, was found a stone tower or a fort with two doors, there was then a fine marble "Padrão" with two faces. On one side was carved the coat of arms of Portugal with the following words underneath: REX PORTUGALENSIS.
Madagascar: Une Mystérieuse Colonie Translate this page madagascar une mystérieuse colonie. La grande île de madagascar fut découverteen 1500 par une flotte portugaise sous le commandement de Diogo Dias. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/6497/madagfr.html
Extractions: Madagascar : une mystérieuse colonie. Le fort portugais près de Tolanaro, dit « FORT DES PORTUGAIS » Written by Marco Ramerini Traduction: Anne et Joaquim Gonçalves visits to this page from 20/06/01 La grande île de Madagascar fut découverte en 1500 par une flotte portugaise sous le commandement de Diogo Dias. Les Portugais appelèrent cette nouvelle île « Ilha de São Lourenço. » ème et 17 ème siècles, mais ne fut jamais colonisée. Beaucoup de naufrages eurent lieu le long de ses côtes. En 1613, le vice-roi Dom Jeronimo de Azevedo envoya une expédition portugaise explorer les côtes de lîle. Cette expédition découvrit des hommes blancs ("gente branca" ) qui vivaient en un endroit situé dans la partie sud de lîle. Ces hommes blancs sétaient installés sur une île au milieu du fleuve, quils avaient appelée île de Santa Cruz. REX PORTUGALENSIS. était gravée la Sainte Croix et, près du « Padrão», sur le sol, se trouvait une croix en pierre. On suppose que cette colonie fut établie par des Portugais qui, au début du 16 ème siècle, (1505 ? 1527 ?)
Madagascar National, subnational, presidential, political, military, and historical flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/mg.html
Extractions: "Many Malagasy are descended from settlers who originally came from South-East Asia, suggesting that its red and white flags (see Indonesia) influenced similar red and white flags flown by the Hova empire in 19th century Madagascar. Those Hova flags were the basis for the tricolor adopted shortly after Madagascar became the Malagasy Republic. Green was added for the coastal people.
Madagascar Recipes Recipe for a fruit compote, and a chicken dish with garlic and ginger. http://www.elca.org/dgm/country_packet/madagascar/recipes.html
Extractions: Recipes from Madagascar Madagascar , the 4 th largest island in the world, is home to many unique species of plants and animals thanks to its geographical isolation. Unfortunately, much of the land is suffering because the Malagasy people have herded and farmed land that once was tropical forest in order to survive. Many fruits and vegetables grow in Madagascar, including mangos, grapes, pineapples, avocados, lichee nuts, tomatoes, bananas, scallions and turnips. A famous food product is the vanilla bean, which is grown for export, but also is used extensively in flavoring local dishes. The native people are Malayan Polynesian, with Indian, African, Arab and European heritage as well, all of which contributes to an interesting cuisine. A good resource, from which the fruit salad recipe below is taken, is the African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania, whose web site address is http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/. Fruit Compote with Lichee Nuts (Madagascar) yields 1 quart, serving app. 8
Peace Corps - Madagascar PEACE CORPS madagascar The first group of Peace Corps Volunteers being sworninby Peace Corps Director Carol Bellamy at the US Ambassadors residence in http://www.usmission.mg/pc/pcmada.htm
Extractions: 1992: A memorandum of understanding was signed by US Ambassador Howard K. Walker and Minister of Foreign Affairs Césaire Rabenoro that spells out Peace Corps activities in Madagascar. 1993: The first group of 10 Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) arrived in Madagascar and served as TEFL teacher trainers. 1994: A new sector was added to the Education Program and the first group and the first group of Environment would start working in natural parks and protected areas. 1995: The Ministry of Health invited the first group of Health Peace Corps Volunteers. 1996: Recruitment of Peace Corps Volunteers was momentarily put to a hold following the murder of Environment Volunteer Nancy Coutu at her site.
Www.madagascar.it Le risorse ambientali, naturalistiche e turistiche della quarta isola al mondo per grandezza oltre alle proposte vacanza della Novatour. http://www.madagascar.it/
Extractions: aggiornamento giugno 2004 (02.06.2004) b envenuti nel sito www.madagascar.it ci proponiamo di farvi conoscere questa straordinaria isola attraverso immagini, testi e itinerari di viaggio dall'esperienza Madagascar sono nati gli altri nostri siti www.myanmar.it viaggi nella terra dorata www.ayurveda-india.it viaggi nel sud dell'India per rigenerarsi con l'aiuto dell'antica medicina ayurvedica www.myanmar.it/kolanta relax sulle spiagge di Ko Lanta, arcipelago di Krabi, Tailandia