Lupus Foundation Of Illinois Provides information and resources that will help site visitors better understand and manage this disease. Online store, donations, facts and figures, sponsors, and contacts are featured.
Extractions: elcome to the Lupus Foundation of Illinois. Whether you are a long time or newly diagnosed lupus patient, or the family member or friend of a patient, this website will provide you with information and resources that will help you better understand and manage lupus. Lupus, a serious and chronic autoimmune disease, is hard to diagnose, difficult to manage, incurable, and at times life threatening. Current statistics indicate that lupus affects adult women approximately 10 times more frequently than men. Even though lupus is more prevalent in this country than AIDS, sickle cell anemia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis combined , it is the least known of all major diseases. Our goal with this website is to increase lupus awareness, and to improve the quality of life of those affected by lupus through education, community outreach services, and support of research leading to better treatment and an eventual cure. Join the Lupus Foundation of Illinois via our secure website and receive a complimentary orange loop awareness pin. See Membership details.
LUPUS ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE) About Systemic lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in Singapore, for the layperson and the patient. Chinese guide also available.
The Lupus Boards -- Index A dedicated, centralised discussion forum for members of the many and varied IRC wolf roleplaying communities and packs.
St. Thomas' Lupus Trust St. Thomas lupus Trust. Welcome to the official website of the St. Thomas lupus Trust and Dr. Graham Hughes. This website contains
SLE Pathology of Systemic lupus Erythematosus. Return to the tutorial menu. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic disease with many manifestations.
Extractions: Return to the tutorial menu. The images as described below have file sizes ranging from 50 to 250k. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic disease with many manifestations. SLE is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune system is directed against the body's own tissues. The etiology of SLE is not known. It can occur at all ages, but is more common in young women. The production of autoantibodies leads to immune complex formation. The immune complex deposition in many tissues leads to the manifestations of the disease. Immune complexes can be deposited in glomeruli, skin, lungs, synovium, mesothelium, and other places. Many SLE patients develop renal complications. The presence of autoantibodies can usually be determined by the antinuclear antibody (ANA) test performed on patient serum from blood. The titer, or strength, of the ANA gives a rough indication of the severity of the disease. Not all positive ANA tests indicate autoimmune disease, particularly when the titer is low. After a positive screening ANA test, more specific tests for SLE include detection of autoantibodies to double stranded DNA and to Smith antigen. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) test with homogenous pattern, Hep2 cell substrate, FITC immunofluorescence.
PÁGINAS PARA PACIENTES > Lupus Eritematoso Cuando a una persona se le diagnostica de lupus eritematoso sistémico (lupus), parece que el mundo se le viene encima.
Lupus Foundation MA Support and services for those with lupus, and family members. Information about the disease, list of support groups statewide and an event calendar. The website for can be found by clicking here. is registered through - get
Lupus Foundation Of New Hampshire Provides education, support groups, and doctor referrals for those afflicted with lupus. Disease facts, local support group directory, membership information, message board, and related links.
Extractions: Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances (antigens) and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed againt "self." These antibodies, called "auto-antibodies," react with the "self" antigens to form immune complexes. The immune complexes build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain. For most people, lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs. For others, it may cause serious and even life-threatening problems. More than 16,000 Americans develop lupus each year. It is estimated that 500,000 to 1.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with lupus. For information about the Lupus Foundation of NH
Suden (Canis Lupus) Ekologiaa Suden ulkon¤k¶, lis¤¤ntyminen, k¤ytt¤ytyminen, ravinto ja suhde ihmiseen.
Extractions: Väritys vaihtelee mustasta harmaan kautta valkoiseen. Aikuisilla yksilöillä saattaa olla tummempaa karvaa etuselässä, hartioissa, hännän kärjessä ja Fennoskandian susilla etujalkojen etupuolella pitkittäisjuovina. Selän karvat ovat muita karvoja pitemmät: muilla noin 11 cm, tundrasusilla 11-13 cm. Sivun alkuun Susi tulee sukukypsäksi 22 kuukauden ikäisenä, mutta lisääntyvät yleensä vasta paljon myöhemmin. Laumassa ainostaan johtajapari lisääntyy, vaikka kaikki sukukypsät naaraat tulevatkin kiimaan. Johtajapari estää muita naaraita lisääntymästä häiritsemällä niitä fyysisesti. Laumaan syntyy pentue joka vuosi. Kiima-aika on helmikuusta huhtikuuhun ja naaras ja uros parittelevat useita kertoja. Synnytys tapahtuu touko-kesäkuussa. Pesänä voi olla, luola tai maahan kaivettu käytävä (vanhat ketunkolot kelpaavat emon suurennettua niitä). Pesä saattaa sijaita myös tiheän pensaan suojassa. Emo synnyttää 5-6 sokeaa ja kuuroa pentua. Pennut ovat pienikorvaisia, pyöreäpäisiä ja tylppäkuonoisia. Ne eivät reagoi aluksi kuin emon lämpöön. Noin kahden viikon kuluttua silmät aukeavat ja kolmen viikon kuluttua ne alkavat kuulla, liikkua ja reagoida ulkoisiin ärsykkeisiin. Niistä tulee hyvin aktiivisia ja leikkisiä. 4-7 vkon välinen aika on tärkein vaihe pentujen elämässä, sillä silloin syntyvät ensimmäiset sosiaaliset suhteet. 6 kk:n ikäisenä pennut kykenevät syömään kiinteää ravintoa ja aikuiset alkavat ruokkia niitä. Aikuiset syövät lihan saaliin tappopaikalla ja oksentavat sen pennuille pesällä. Pennut nuolevat ja näykkivät aikuisen huulia ja tämä saa aikaan oksentamisreaktion.
Vanessa's Story Vanessa, a twelve year old shares her story about having morphea and discoid lupus.
Extractions: When I was eight years old my mom noticed that I had two little bumps on my cheeks. My mom thought they were just mosquito bites. Only one went away and the other one on my right cheek did not go away. My mom took me to see the doctor. The doctor gave me some ointment to put on my face, but it still didn't go away. My mom took me back about two months later to my doctor. My doctor then sent me to a Dermatologist.
Faces Of Lupus See the faces of the real people affected by this illness.
Lupus Erythematosus lupus erythematosus diagnose, behandeling, oorzaak, erfelijkheid, klachten, symptomen, zwangerschap, etc. Wie kan lupus krijgen? Hoe dikwijls komt lupus voor?
Federación Española De Lupus Todas las asociaciones de lupus de Espa±a. Foro, chat , noticias e informaci³n sobre lupus, nuevos tratamientos.
Extractions: lupus Lupus asociación felupus asociacion que es española español foro chat enfermedad medicina reumatologia interna "la enfermedad" "lupus" pernio discoide sistemico medicamentoso resochin dolquine plaquenil hidroxicloroquina cloroquina quinina corticoides glucocorticoides prednisona preznisone deflazacort dezacort zamene fotoproteccion cremas solares factor proteccion ana anticuerpos positivo positivos anti-sm anti-dna sjögren la ro sjogren seco ojo boca sindrome antifosfolipido síndrome antifosfolípido seco raynaud reynaud rainaud reinaud autoinmune inmunologia inmunes autoinmunes nefrología nefritis glomerulonefritis membranosa proliferante proliferativa colagenosis colageno colágeno sistémica sistemica conectivopatias conectivopatías conectivo conjuntivo mixta tejido reumatologia reumaticos reumatismos mujeres joven jovenes antiinflamatorios esteroides esteroideos ¿Qué es la Federación Española de Lupus? Todas las asociaciones de España