- The Third Revolution by Anthony F. Lewis, 2010-04-03
- Teach Yourself Political Philosphy (Teach Yourself: Philosophy & Religion) by Mel Thompson, 2008-10-21
- Where did it all go wrong? A thrilling and dispiriting year for libertarian politics.(Column): An article from: Reason by David Weigel, 2009-02-01
- The real Bill Richardson: is the presidential contender a libertarian Democrat?(Columns): An article from: Reason by David Weigel, 2007-08-01
- An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard by Justin Raimondo, 2000-07
- Grinding sausage.(Flotsam & Getsam): An article from: New Hampshire Business Review by Gale Reference Team, 2007-11-23
- Bringing the Market Back In: The Political Revitalization of Market Liberalism by John Kelley, 1997-06-01
- Conservatives & the GOP by James R. Carlson, 2010-01-25
- Why We Shouldn't Ban the British National Party (Political Notes) by Donu Kogbara, 1994-01
- Nolan Chart: David Nolan (Libertarian Party), Economic Freedom, Left-Wing Politics, Right-Wing Politics
- Does Britain Need a Libertarian Party? (Tactical Notes) by Neil Lock, 2007-11-01
- Tea-O-Conned: The Hijacking of Liberty in America: Exposing the Neoconservative Infiltration and Takeover of the 21st Century Tea Party Movement (Volume 1) by Jake Shannon, 2010-08-28
- Personal and Economic Ideology: British Party Politics and the Political Compass (Political Notes) by Nigel Meek, 1999-01
- The British Communist Movement and Moscow: How the Demise of the Soviet Union Affected the Communist Party and Its Successor Organisations (Political Notes) by Mike Mosbacher, 1996-01