Extractions: Many minorities have been marginalized in America and have had less than the American Dream. No where is this more apparent than in the metropolises of California. Californias location has bred enclaves of minority communities that make up the population of its thriving inner cities. Currently, California is home to 22,726,683 blacks, Hispanics and people of mixed Hispanic race . The minority that has long been the largest part of the makeup of Californias demography are those of Latin American decent, primarily from Mexico. Statistics show that 42% of all (documented) Mexicans and 31% of all Hispanics in the United States currently live in California. Population projections show that in the near future, minorities , or rather marginalized racial groups, will in fact comprise the majority of Californias population: people of Mexican decent outnumbering any other race in the state. This fact says much about the demographics of Californias metropolises and governs many factors within its economic and social policies. Our research will entail an overview of the demographic, economic and social implications of the growing Latino and Mexican presence in California. Our study of the communities of Mexican Americans and other Latinos in California seeks to analyze the impact of their presence on the future of the American West. More precisely, because of the nature of American conquest of the New World and the Western frontier, it follows that our research deals mostly with the impact of the growth of the American West on the past and future of Mexicans and Latinos; any analysis of American society that ignores the consequences of US colonization on indigenous North American populations is incomplete and inadequate.
SOAW personnel of latin American nations, and for other purposes. For the complete bill and updates on status and cosponsors, visit http//thomas.loc.gov http http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=609
League Of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Unity Luncheon - HUD The concerns of latin America are the concerns of this but your members are working actively in America s communities to HUD web site at www.hud.gov offers an http://www.hud.gov/news/speeches/lulacunityluncheon.cfm?&lang=en
Economic Commission For Latin America And The Caribbean promotion and advocacy in latin America and the on government Procurement Organization InterAmerican Development Bank FTAA Working Group on gov t Procurement http://minisis.eclacpos.org/scripts/minisa.dll/144/SCDL_DIRECT/SCDL_PROFILE_SUMM