Underlying Causes Of Deforestation: Japans Overseas Forests were widely spread including Shii (Red oak= Castanopsis Cuspidatavar), Kashi , Tabu and kusu (Camphor tree indigenous Ainu people suffered from this http://www.wrm.org.uy/deforestation/Asia/summary.html
Extractions: Resources After the Modernization Period Japan is a country of mountainous long archipelago, with more than 10,000 islands, located in the eastern edge of the Asian region. Its humid and warm climate provide ideal condition for forest growth. The annual average rainfall is about 1,800 mm. Famous heavy rain area are Yakushima island (southern part, close to sub-tropical aone) and Owase area, Mie prefecture located in the Kii peninsular of the main island, where more than 4,000 mm annual rainfall can be observed. Eastern part of Hokkaido, the northern island, has 900 mm, and lower plain of Nagano prefecture has about 1,000 mm. Even those lower rainfall can support forest formation easily. Japan has diverse type of forests, which are influenced by different temperature in this south-north long archipelago. Average temperature gap between Kushiro (Hokkaido) and Naha (Okinawa, the southern island) reaches 10? in the warmest month, 23? in the coldest month. Diverse topographical, geological as well as geographical condition influence the variety of vegetation formation. Yet chronological details of human arrival and their evolution have not been clearly determined at this stage, recent active archeological studies began to reveal more and more details of human activities during the earthen ware age at least as early as around 13,000 years ago. Since human population and their intervention to the natural process had increased for the last 10,000 years, the original forest vegetation became to be substantially altered.
SRI LANKAN NEWS ONLINE - SINHALAYA'S FULL COVERAGE The Pontiff has also established Pope John Paul II Institute, Populorum Progression Institute for the indigenous people of South africa. http://news.sinhalaya.com/wmview.php?ArtID=1040
Citrusaurantium Introduced plants in the indigenous pharmacopoeia of northern South America. Herbal drugs used by the tribal people of Lohit district of kusu, F., XD Li, et al http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/listing/citrusaurantium.htm
Extractions: [formerly Listing of Potential New Crops for Australia] NOTICE: Information on the background to this Listing is available. The analysis of numbers of papers/mentions over time was completed in 1997, using the Agricola database (1970-1996). Hard copies of the Listing (553 pages; over 4200 new crops listed with the analyses of numbers of papers over time included) are available from the publisher, Dr Rob Fletcher; see Advice on Publications Available The references listed below are from the Biological Abstracts database (1988-2000) and are courtesy of SilverPlatter Information. For more information re Silverplatter, go to www.silverplatter.com Citrus aurantium Analysis of numbers of papers/mentions over time (Agricola database 1970-1996): Source: AGRICOLA database (1970-1996) Common Name(s): sour orange syn seville orange syn bigarade syn naranja agria syn Amarga syn bitter orange syn pomeranze syn bergamont syn sweet orange
US-Russian Relations if a team of experts worked with indigenous Afghans Air Forces; MGEN Nusret Tasdeler; COL kusu, briefer; Namik one nationality, because we have people who have http://www.house.gov/curtweldon/speechoct2us-russiarelations.htm
Extractions: A NEW VISION FOR U.S.-RUSSIAN RELATIONS (House of Representatives - October 02, 2001) [Page: H6112] The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker's announced policy of January 3, 2001, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. WELDON ) is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight to lead a Special Order that we expect will involve a number of our colleagues who just returned last evening, as I did, from a whirlwind 5-day trip around the world to try to deal with the issue of, not just the terrorism that occurred on September 11, but to improve and change our relations with Russia. Mr. Speaker, this trip was not scheduled after September 11, but rather had been scheduled in August, when our Russian friends contacted me and asked me to bring over some ideas that I had to improve the relationship between our two countries and to give them some of the ideas I was working on as the basis for the upcoming Bush-Putin summit and to change direction in our relationship. The preparation of a document entitled ``A New Time, a New Beginning'' was, in fact, the subject of that presentation; and the delegation that traveled with me that I had the pleasure of chairing, along with the gentleman from Texas (Mr.
World Cultures 7 Sub World Geography 9. SubSaharan africa Resources. Charles R. Henson. Hilltop High School. 555 Claire Avenue. Chula Vista, CA 91910. ( Last update 02/15/2004 ) africa beyond belief. africa a land http://crhenson.mswin.net/Sub-saharan africa links.htm
Extractions: Chula Vista, CA 91910 Last update Africa... a land of many cultures, exquisite art, early technological advances, centers of trade rivaling those in Europe, unique architecture, highly developed cities and rich kingdoms, all painting a picture of a continent full of accomplishments beyond belief. Africa... a land of diverse ethnic composition, including the indigenous Pygmy peoples and the Bantu speaking peoples moving in from West Central Africa about a 1,000 years ago. Africa... a land with so much to offer. Explore the links below to discover for yourself this amazing continent and its peoples. Photos cultural groups (jewelry, headdresses, instruments, baskets, etc.) / Virtual African art museum / Collections (artifact photos) from Mead Museum of Art / Internet African Sourcebook / Peoples grouped by language and dialects Resources on Africa / Zulu items worn for adornment and decoration / additional Zulu archives and pictures / Art of the African continent / Search Africa "south of the Sahara" - a reference directory / Kenya
The Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission the local community i.e. the indigenous community under individuals on few issues. indigenous Rights We find a boy and the rights of its indigenous people including rights of http://www.kenyaconstitution.org/docs/06ad084.htm
Extractions: Com. Raiji: Kwa niamba ya tume ya kurekebiza Katiba ya Kenya tunafuraya sana kuwakaribiza wananchi wa District katika kikao hiki rasmi cha tume. Leo ni siku ambayo nafasi ya kutoa mapendekezo na maoni kuhusu Katika ambaye tuanaendelea kurekebiza yatachukuliwa. Na kabla hatanjwanza kama kawainda ya Wakenya wote tungetakwa kumwomba mmoja wenu Rev. yuko hapa ituongoze na maombi ili mwenyezi mungu ambariki kiako cha leo.