SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies is an independent executive branch agency of the States Served Colorado, kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North PREL (Pacific Resources for education and Learning).
Extractions: Index to Grant Opptys Sample Proposals ... Join the SchoolGrants Team! Links - Federal Agencies G et into the habit of regularly checking the various federal Web sites. These agencies frequently publish grant information as well as other useful data. If you know of links that should be included here, please let me know . If you encounter a "dead" link, I would appreciate it if you would let me know - please include the Web page on which you encountered the problem so I can find it to correct it. (Links on SchoolGrants always open in their own windows so you will always be able to return to your spot on this site.) Federal Agencies Regional Educational Laboratories Federal Agencies Department of Education Education Publications Related to ESEA Programs
SchoolGrants: Links To State Agencies State agencies. A C D F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W. K. kansas State Department of education kansas Exemplary Educators Network kansas Arts Commission
Extractions: As always, if you know of links that should be included here, please let me know! (Links on SchoolGrants always open in their own windows so you will always be able to return to your spot on this site.) Links to " Full-text state statutes and legislation on the Internet ": This site links to sites containing full-text state constitutions, statutes (called codes or compiled laws in some states), legislation (bills, amendments and similar documents) and session laws (bills that have become laws). A great way to keep up with forthcoming grant opportunities is to watch your state's current legislative activities. If your state has a State Register, announcements for Requests for Proposal are published on a weekly basis (in Texas). I'd like to thank Nancy Salmon, Arts in Education Associate at the Maine Arts Commission for bringing my attention to the Arts in Education programs offered through many of the state arts councils. Links to each state's art council/commission have now been added to this page of the site.
Chiropractic: Educational Agencies And Schools agencies and Organizations. 15/04; Doctors for Excellence in Chiropractic education (CCE opponents Cleveland Chiropractic College kansas City, Missouri 3/6/04
Extractions: and Continuing Education Seminars These sites illustrate the diversity of chiropractic beliefs and practices. Listing on this page should not be interpreted as an endorsement. It simply means that the site contains information that we think is interesting and reflects what chiropractors do . The bracketed dates indicate when we last checked the link. If you find one that isn't working our would like to suggest additional sites, please notify us Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City, Missouri [3/6/04] Cleveland Chiropractic College - Los Angeles, California [3/6/04] Life University College of Chiropractic - Marietta, Georgia [3/6/04] Life Chiropractic College - West - San Lorenzo, California [3/6/04] Logan College of Chiropractic - Chesterfield, Missouri [[3/6/04]
RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices Affairs (BIA), Colorado, kansas, Montana, Nebraska
Extractions: The six Regional Resource Centers (RRCs) are specifically funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices, and policies that affect children and youth with disabilities. The RRCs help states and U.S. jurisdictions find integrated solutions for systemic reform, offering consultation, information services, technical assistance, training, and product development. The beneficiaries of the RRCs' work are children and youth with disabilities, and the families and professionals associated with them.
Regional Technology In Education Consortia (RTECs) RTECs help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school Regional Technology in education Consortium (HPR*TEC) Colorado, kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Extractions: Home Funded by the Technology for Education Act of 1994, the RTECs help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school library and media personnel, administrators, and other education entities integrate technologies into K-12 classrooms, and library media centers, adult literacy centers, and other educational settings. (Regional Map) Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
State Agencies PTA. kansas. Department of education. kansas Board of Regents. PTA. Kentucky. Board of Regents. PTA Email Tennessee. PTA. Texas. education Agency.
State Profiles : Introduction based groups, schools, and local agencies, these citizens 290 individuals are serving in kansas communities as AmeriCorps members receive an education award of
Extractions: Jessica Seeley, Ex Officio Meeting community needs in Kansas. More than people of all ages and backgrounds are helping to solve problems and strengthen communities through national service projects across Kansas. Serving with national and community nonprofit organizations, faith-based groups, schools, and local agencies, these citizens tutor and mentor children, coordinate after-school programs, build homes, conduct neighborhood patrols, organize local homeland security efforts, respond to disasters, and recruit and manage volunteers. This year, the Corporation for National and Community Service will provide more than to support Kansas communities through three through three major programs: Senior Corps: More than 10,000 seniors
Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Kansas State Resources Technology STATE GOVERNMENT agencies State Department of education Special education Team Leader Student Support Services kansas State Department of education
Extractions: To find other help resources select a topic from the list and click GO Select a Topic US - National Organizations US - Federal Agencies US - State By State Resource Guides Canadian Resources Information By Phone International Links LD Schools On-line Resources Parent Advocacy US State Departments of Education If you are a professional interested in listing your services, sign-up online now! Select a State Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Island Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Com. North. Mariana Island
Extractions: This is a good starting point to search for state government resources, including links to Web sites for state agencies, the legislature, courts and local governments; business resources; employment and regulatory information; and state government telephone directory. Online services include Information Network of Kansas services available for free and premium services that require an annual subscription and transaction charges. Premium services include Kansas Administrative Regulations, the Kansas Register, court records, Department of Motor Vehicles records, UCC searches and filing, full text of Kansas Annotated Statutes, and county property valuation data. Free services include property tax payment, trucking permits, and corporate annual report forms.
K-12 Standards Fact Sheet school districts and intermediate education agencies establish and implement standardsbased education. of California, Hawaii, Florida, kansas, Iowa, Idaho
Extractions: 3rd edition 4th edition home page 3rd edition search Activities ... Economics - 4th Ed. McREL's Contributions to K-12 Standards Published a database of K-12 content standards, entitled Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education online and in print Posted standards-based resources on McREL's website where anyone who has Internet access may examine and use the material Developed with Achieve, Inc. the Achieve+McREL standards database, an on-line tool that enables content providers to align their contentoncewith the McREL standards database and that content will be aligned automatically and instantly with 40+ states' standards in the Achieve+McREL standards database. Posted in 1999 Standards for Career Education Helped over 150 school districts and intermediate education agencies establish and implement standards-based education Developed a comprehensive standards-based vocabulary list derived from an analysis of McREL's standards database that may be used for instructional, organizational, and key word search purposes by teachers, curriculum administrators, students, parents, and content providers. Helped the states of California, Hawaii, Florida, Kansas, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Washington with various aspects of standards-based education (e.g., standards drafting, reviewing, evaluating, and analyzing)
McREL: Regional Educational Laboratory - REL comprised of Colorado, kansas, Missouri, Nebraska education Service agencies Initiating, Sustaining, and As part of the regional educational laboratory network
Extractions: McREL currently holds one of ten regional educational laboratory contracts that together make up the Regional Educational Laboratory System , which serves education agencies and schools across the nation. This system represents the U.S. Department of Education's largest research and development investment, designed to help educators, policymakers, and communities improve schools. As is true of all of the regional educational laboratories, McREL is guided by a governing board The focus of the current five-year contract is to help transform low-performing schools into high-performing learning communities and to capture the procedural knowledge necessary to make it happen. To meet this goal, McREL McREL's educational laboratory work in the Central Region is shaped by the common concerns, issues, and special attributes of the seven states that make up the region. To address these problems, McREL has integrated technical assistance, research, and practical guidance into a scope of work that focuses on four areas:
Workforce Network Of Kansas to the Governor and to state agencies to drive programs, or secondary and postsecondary technical education. Workforce Network of kansas 401 SW Topeka Blvd
Extractions: Who We Are Workforce Network of Kansas - Design Components The Workforce Network of Kansas consists of several components with clear and distinct responsibilities. Its structure is driven by federal legislation, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 plain language version ), even though appropriations for that program are not the largest source of revenue for employment and training services in Kansas. Advisory Responsibilities By Executive Order 01-06 , Governor Bill Graves designated the Workforce Network of Kansas Board as the state workforce investment board. By design, the Board is an advisory body consisting of 35 members appointed by the Governor. WIA mandates the ideal state workforce investment board membership structure. Over fifty percent of the membership of the Board must come from private industry. The balance of the board members represent government, education, community based organizations and labor. The Board meets five times each year, rotating the location of their meetings between the five Local Workforce Investment Areas Much of the work of the Board is accomplished through task forces. Task force membership typically consists of Board members and representatives from state and local agencies. Currently, the
RESOURCES of education TAKE (Technology Assistance for kansas Educators) Team http//; State education agencies links for all 50 States http//www.ed
Extractions: Jonathan Loppnow, Government Agencies Kansas State Department of Education Kansas State Department of Education TAKE (Technology Assistance for Kansas Educators) Team K-12 Practitioner’s Circle – National Center for Educational Statistics website for educational practitioners. National Center for Educational Statistics Online Catalog State Education Agencies - links for all 50 States U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology United States Government Electronic Commerce Policy
Executive Offices 4300 Drury Lane Topeka industry, government organizations and other agencies within the Provide education to the general public in pulmonary of kansas, contact the kansas State Board
Extractions: Click here for renewal information. Purpose Statement The Kansas Respiratory Care Society is formed to: Encourage and develop, on a state wide basis, educational programs for those persons interested in the field of Respiratory Care. Advance the science, technology, ethics, practice, and art of Respiratory Care through seminars, meetings, lectures, publications and other methods. Facilitate cooperation and understanding among Respiratory Care personnel and the medical profession, allied health professions, hospitals, service companies, industry, government organizations and other agencies within the state interested in Respiratory Care. Provide education to the general public in pulmonary health promotion and disease prevention.
MCCTES for Annual Conference Participation 67th Annual Conference kansas City, Missouri to provide leadership and support to local education agencies, educators and
Extractions: Technology Education Studies Registration and Advisement Registration for the summer session will take place on-line through the UMES website. You must have an email account from UMES to do this. To obtain an email account contact Bob Gray (410-685-1648) Registration and Advisement for the Summer Session courses will be held at the Baltimore Museum of Industry on March 30 to April 1 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. The Summer Session will begin on May 31 and end on July 2. Classes will meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings from 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Application for Annual Conference Participation Preparing the Next Generation for Technological Literacy The mission of the Maryland Center for Career and Technology Education Studies is to provide leadership and support to local education agencies, educators and community organizations in the development of competent and appropriately educated and certified Career and Technology Education teachers and administrators. The Maryland Center serves to facilitate cooperation among and between local education agencies, the Maryland State Department of Education, the University of Maryland System, community organizations and businesses. The Center develops, organizes and conducts activities meeting teacher education needs, and promotes the growth of Career and Technology Education in Maryland.
Extractions: KANSAS ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS " Establishing High Ethical Standards To Promote Excellent Professional Services To The Public. " Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the Great Plains? The Wheat Stalkers know! ...Call a Wheat Stalker; a member of the Kansas Association of Private Investigators seek out the evil troubling you. Listed by Name Private Detective Fact Sheet for Law Enforcement KAPI, The Kansas Association of Private Investigators, is a Kansas non-profit corporation which is registered in Missouri as a foreign, non-profit, mutual benefit corporation. KAPI was formed to establish and perpetuate high ethical and professional standards and excellence of professional service in the private investigative industry in accordance with the association's Code of Ethics. Members are required to follow this Code of Ethics:
ENC Online: Education Headlines BROWN Progress Made in Topeka, kansas City s Schools education groups and government agencies to improve mathematics and science education at all
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home Education Headlines Search the Site More Options Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. Create your learning plan, read the standards, and find tips for getting grants. Direct links to education and math- and science-related articles from newspapers and other sources around the nation. Brought to you by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) in Columbus, Ohio, Monday through Friday. Education Week, June 09
KACAP Information Page Services, and scholarships for lowincome individuals seeking higher education. one key staff member from each of kansas Community Action agencies.
Extractions: What is KACAP? KACAP is the state association for Community Action Agencies in Kansas. Initially formed in 1968, KACAP has long been a forum for Kansas CAAs to work together on issues of concern to low-income people in our State. Examples of the Association's previous accomplishments include statewide poverty-focused conferences, a Housing and Homelessness Directory of Services, a Nutrition Directory of Services, and scholarships for low-income individuals seeking higher education. KACAP's eligible membership currently includes the Executive Directors and one key staff member from each of Kansas' Community Action Agencies. Together, these individuals comprise the KACAP volunteer Board of Directors. The KACAP Executive Director is Tawny Stottlemire (Email tawny at this address, but remove the "2004" from the address line: Ms. Stottlemire has been a non-profit manager for over fourteen years, and spent nine years as the Deputy Director of the Community Action Agency in Topeka. She has served as the Secretary for the Region VII Association of Community Action Agencies, is a Certified Community Action Professional, and has worked closely with our National lobbying organization, the National Community Action Foundation. What is a Community Action Agency?
State Archives - Kansas State Historical Society and annual budget requests of all state agencies, and correspondence of materials; and records of the 1960 comprehensive education survey for kansas.
Extractions: Since 1905 the Kansas State Historical Society has served as the state archives. State archives holdings include the inactive unpublished records of state government with enduring value. These records document the workings of state government. The state archives also has a limited number of local records from Kansas counties and towns and is cooperating with the Genealogical Society of Utah in filming local government records. This microfilm is available in the research room and through the LDS Family History Center system. Archives records are available in original form or on microfilm. Microfilm is self-serve, and records not on microfilm should be requested at the retrieval desk in the research room. Finding aids are available for some record series, and an inventory of archives holdings to the "series" level is on-line at the reference desk. The reference staff is happy to help patrons locate archives holdings and fill out call slips. Patrons may also be referred to the state archivist or other staff members for assistance. Territorial Records, 1854-1861
Language, Speech And Hearing Contacts In State Education Agencies Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State education agencies. kansas Basil Kessler kansas State Board of education Special Outcomes Team 120 East
Extractions: @import url( /styles/importmenuA.css ); Skip to: content navigation Our site's pages are optimized for Web browsing software that supports current Web standards, as established by the World Wide Web Consortium ( . Content is accessible from older or less standards-compliant technologies, but its presentation will not be identical to visitors with standards-compliant software. Read more on our site's changes and accessiblity. My Account Find a Professional Shop Logged in as: Guest Login Search for: ADVANCED SEARCH Home About ASHA State Policy Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State Education Agencies Alaska