NM's Creative Impulse.. Industry pictures and recommendations for related books etc. general Technology Timeline from Pottery in 7000 BC to 70 images of American inventors with links to bios. ( they're working on http://history.evansville.net/industry.html
Extractions: NM's Creative Impulse The Development of Western Civilization World History Age of Industry Enter the Machines, with all their blessings and curses. Great Britain was the birth place of the Industrial Revolution because the economic and political conditions were ideal. They had the.... Minds - gifted men with ideas and vision Manpower - workers leaving the rural areas to come to the cities for jobs Managers - leadership to manage factories and shops Materials - coal, iron ore and other natural resources Money - capital made on wars and trade ventures available for investment Markets - a large colonial empire and established trade agreements Modes of transportation - roads, rail and shipping facilities The consumer may have benefited from industrialization, but in most cases the worker did not. More goods were available and usually at lower prices but at what cost to the worker. Factory conditions deteriorated making them unsafe and unhealthy with low pay and long hours. Government usually favored the factory owners, therefore reform and protective legislation was a long time in coming. Freed of the bonds of patronage and crowded by the invention of the camera, the artist had to redefine his role in a rapidly changing society. Stepping outside the establishment gave him the freedom to comment, protest or simply portray his impressions. Art was dynamic, experimental and often times rebellious. The Romantic artists perused beauty in nature and the splendors of past ages. Realists attempted the truthful portrayal of the real world, objective and unprejudiced. Impressionists were more interested in perception while Post-Impressionist artists gave personal significance to their subject matter.
Homework Center - Biographies aaid/index.asp List of some famous African American inventors. D. http//quest.arc.nasa.gov/people/bios/women/pc ofartists as well as general information about http://www.multcolib.org/homework/biohc.html
Bios - RIC a director, general counsel and secretary to various businesses. James R. Powellis RIC s Vice President and Chief Scientist. He is one of the inventors of the http://www.ricllc.com/bios.htm
Extractions: Documents of Interest 708 East Broad Street Falls Church, VA 22046-3610 Tel: (703) 241-8711 Fax: (703) 241-8714 www.ricllc.com BIOGRAPHIES OF KEY PERSONNEL James C. Jordan is RIC's President and Chief Executive Officer. In this post, he provides policy and management direction for the company. Mr. Jordan earned a Bachelor of Arts in 1959 from the University of North Carolina, and a Master in Business Administration in1970 from Harvard University. As a naval officer, he was a distinguished graduate in 1977 from the National Defense University. Mr. Jordan had a distinguished Naval career from 1959 to 1979 during which time he directed U.S. Navy energy research program; conceived and directed computer-based world-wide performance monitoring system for logistics; directed Navy public affairs program; developed and implemented executive planning system for Navy headquarters command; planned and implemented a post graduate military educational program; taught behavioral science at post graduate level; managed operations of primary logistics facility in Vietnam; and directed ship and shore Navy organizations in Vietnam. From 1979 to 1986, Mr. Jordan was a senior policy advisor to Senator John C. Stennis, President Pro-Tempore and Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Afterwards, he directed the Center for Preservation Policy Studies at the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In the late 1980's, Mr. Jordan founded and since headed James Jordan Associates, Inc., a company providing strategic advice in the advancement of private sector businesses seeking development and utilization of advanced technologies. He is also a founder and the president of the Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Inc., a non profit organization conducting policy research on matters involving science and technology.
Inventors by the Illinois Innovators and inventors, Inc., an Illinois notfor general Information. US Congressional Legislation business method patents Will It Sell Famous Inventor bios http://members.tripod.com/burdicklawfirm/inventor.htm
Extractions: burdlaw.com Links For The Independent Inventor T his page is provided as a public service for the benefit of Independent Inventors, who are the source of many of the most important inventions in history, so that they might avoid scams and have a better chance to profit from their inventions and thus encourage others to do the same. Let us know how we can make it even more useful to you. For our more robust parent site , click here Bruce E. Burdick , webmaster www.burdlaw.com Articles What is a Patent Foreign Patent Protection Handling Conf. Info. Pat. Infring. 101 ... SCORE Reference Materials - Great business start up materials Featured Site: How Stuff Works United States Patent and Trademark Office www.uspto.gov
IPL General/Reference Collection: Scientists & Inventors science, engineering, medicine, and general inventors are just some scientists, withminibios for over BiographiesScientists inventors Keywords Scientists http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/ref15.75.00.html
Extractions: Reference Biographies No further Subcategories About.Com: Inventors http://inventors.about.com/ Author: Mary Bellis (inventors.guide@about.com) Subjects: Keywords: Biographies of Women Mathematicians http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm "These pages are part of an on-going project by students in mathematics classes at Agnes Scott College, in Atlanta, Georgia, to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics. There are brief comments on many of the women mathematicians and some photos (which look best at more than 256 colors). Our goal is for this list to continue to expand, and for more biographies to be completed." Not all entries are complete, but the ones that are include references. There are also links to excellent resources on the topic of women and mathematics. Author: Larry Riddle (LRiddle@AgnesScott.edu) Subjects: Keywords: Female; Woman; Biography Catalog of the Scientific Community in the 16th and 17th Centuries http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/catalog.html "This catalog is a collection of 631 detailed biographies on members of the scientific community during the 16th and 17th centuries with vital facts about each individual and their contributions to science."
IPL Ready Reference Collection: Scientists & Inventors science, engineering, medicine, and general inventors are just Astronomy ReferenceBiographiesScientists inventors. scientists, with minibios for over a http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/ref1080.html
Extractions: Reference Biographies No further Subcategories The Ada Project http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/tap.html "The Ada Project (TAP) is a WWW site designed to serve as a clearinghouse for information and resources relating to women in computing... TAP includes information on conferences, projects, discussion groups and organizations, fellowships and grants, notable women in Computer Science, and other electronically accessible information sites. TAP also maintains a substantive bibliography of references." Author: Elisabeth Freeman and Susanne Hupfer (tap-comments@cs.yale.edu) Subjects: Keywords: Women Biographies of Women Mathematicians http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm "These pages are part of an on-going project by students in mathematics classes at Agnes Scott College, in Atlanta, Georgia, to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics. There are brief comments on many of the women mathematicians and some photos (which look best at more than 256 colors). Our goal is for this list to continue to expand, and for more biographies to be completed." Not all entries are complete, but the ones that are include references. There are also links to excellent resources on the topic of women and mathematics. Author: Larry Riddle (LRiddle@AgnesScott.edu)
Elk Grove Village Public Library - Kids' Korner SCIENCE. general Sites inventors/ Inventions Natural Sciences Physical Sciences Spotlight Biographyshort bios of famous inventors. Toys Were UsHow our Favorite Toys Came to Be http://www.egvpl.org/kidskorner/science.html
Extractions: General Sites Amateur Science Bill Nye, Science Guy Black Hole Gang Brainpop ... Why Files Inventors and Inventions American Technology Timeline The Computer Chronicles Forgotten Inventors Invention Dimension ... Ippy Online (Australian, very fun) Museum of Ancient Inventions Smithsonian Institution Inventors and Innovations Spotlight Biography-short bios of famous inventors ... What In The World Natural Sciences
GRIN STS-107 General on Earth; knowledge gained from this experiment will help firefighters and inventors. pleasesee http//www.jsc.nasa.gov/bios/PS/ramon general John Barry, Maj. http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/ABSTRACTS/GRINColumbiaGenExpl.html
Extractions: STS-107 was launched on January 16, 2003 at 10:39 EST with Astronauts Rick D Husband, William C. McCool, David Brown, Laurel Blair Salton Clark, Michael P. Anderson, Ilan Ramon, and Kalpana Chawla aboard. After being in orbit for 16 days, the orbiter was reentering the atmosphere normally when JSC Mission Control loss communication with Columbia at approximately 9:00 EST February 1, 2003, 16 minutes from the scheduled landing. Contact and tracking of the Shuttle was lost when the Shuttle was at an altitude of 203,000 feet in the area above north-central Texas. The Shuttle was traveling approximately 12,500 miles per hour (Mach 18). Flight controllers in Mission Control had secured all information, notes, and data pertinent to entry and landing by Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107 was a multidisciplinary microgravity and Earth science research mission with a multitude of international scientific investigations conducted continuously during the sixteen days in orbit. The breadth of science conducted on this mission as meant to have widespread benefits to life on Earth and our continued exploration of space. Columbia was named for the sloop captained by Robert Gray who, on May 11, 1792, maneuvered his ship through dangerous inland waters to explore British Columbia and what are now the states of Washington and Oregon. Space Shuttle mission STS-107, the 28
Wadleigh Memorial Library Links To Science Resources Science general Anthropology Astronomy Chemistry Mining Company inventors - links to sites about inventors Biography Web - links to bios. of famous anthropologists http://www.wadleigh.lib.nh.us/science.htm
Ms. Haggerty's Webliographer/Advanced Search Science Environment Science general Science inventors and Inventions Science inventors and Inventions Social Studies President bios Social Studies U.S. Geography Arizona http://www.webliographer.com/Kerry/advanced.php3
Biographies general Biography Resources, Lives, the Biography Resource of NASA Astronomers short bios of astronomers Leon Goldman All About inventors - historical, black http://teachers.westport.k12.ct.us/resource/biographies.htm
Extractions: Spectrum Biography Library - "Biographies of people throughout history and people in the news." Includes: Clara Barton, the Bronte Sisters, Elizabeth Browning, Julius Caesar, Cesar Chavez, Aaron Copeland, Jacques Cousteau,Charles Dickens, Wyatt Earp, Thomas Edison, King Edward VIII, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Harry Houdini, Scott Joplin,Abraham Lincoln, Wolfgang Mozart, Pocahontas, Sitting Bull, Georges Seurat, Jonathan Swift, Harriet Tubman, Oscar Wilde.
Ms. Haggerty's Webliographer/Main Science Environment Science general Science inventors and Inventions Science inventors and Inventions Social Studies President bios Social Studies U.S. Geography Arizona http://www.webliographer.com/Kerry
GENERAL SCIENCE RESOURCES general SCIENCE RESOURCES. Dictionary of Science and Technology 1992 edition;130,000+ terms ; National inventors Hall of Fame - brief bios info on http://www.aloha.net/~davidht/koloa/gensci.htm
Biographical Resources Selected Links to general Collections of Biographical Resources. Organized into categories(AfricanAmerican, Women, Colonial inventors, et al bios of 265 popes. http://www.farmlib.org/bios.html
Extractions: Best of the Web Resources Our Online Catalog (Telnet): Login as "Library" Encyclopedias Online Our E-Books Instant Answers Lookup Directories Quick Reference Tools Search the Web Tech Support Metro Net Home Page http://www.farmlib.org/bios.html Recommended by Annette Weiss, Adult Services Librarian Biography Resource Center This biographical database is available only from within the Library, or to Metro Net account holders who dial in to the Library's modem pool. The Biography Resource Center is a comprehensive database of biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas. It combines approximately 250,000 biographies from respected Gale Group sources with nearly one million biographies from The Complete Marquis Who's Who®. The database also includes full-text articles from nearly 250 periodicals. Search for people based on one or more personal facts such as birth and death years and places, nationality, ethnicity, occupation or gender, or combine criteria to create a highly-targeted custom search path. Biography.com
WebQuest WebQuest an inquiryoriented learning environment that makes good use of the Web. http//www.treasure-troves.com/bios/ National inventors Hall of Fame great deal about scientists and inventors in general and in depth information on the scientists/inventors they http://www.mcs.k12.nc.us/wq/tucker/sbiography
Extractions: The photographs above depict George Washington Carver, Joann Burkholder, Archimedes of Syracuse, Mae Jemison, and Claude Shannon. These scientists and inventors are representatives of the past and present. Read the introduction to find out more about them and the mission should you choose to accept it! Introduction Scientists and inventors are as much a part of the accomplishments of history, if not more, as politicians, famous actors and actresses, war heroes, or other rich and famous people. All students of science or invention, and that includes everyone that has ever existed, stand on the accomplishments of previous investigators of natural phenomena of the world. This was probably best said in a quote by Sir Isaac Newton. "If I can see farther, it is because I stand on the shoulder of giants." It is with this in mind, that as scientists or inventors, whether professional or amateur, that we should endeavor to become familiar with the scientists and inventors of the past and their work. Many begin this pursuit naturally through human nature's greatest attribute that being curiosity and interest in the world around us. Others go beyond these innate characteristics, and pursue them in professional ventures as part of the scientific method. The interest in science and invention can make us more rounded if we take the time to investigate the work of scientists and inventors of the past and present.
The DaVinci Institute Freelancer Boot Camp Team bios. David served as parttime general counsel for USMedical DaVinci Institute he has helped dozens of inventors and entrepreneurs http://www.davinciinstitute.com/freelancer-boot-camp-team-bios.php
Extractions: Humor Columnist W. Bruce Cameron will be the MC for the Freelancer Boot Camp. Mr. Cameron spent 15 years working for GM before he struck off on my own. He's been a freelance writer, computer programmer, business consultant, and career coach. Bruce worked as a humor columnist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News and appeared in newspapers and at the bottom of bird cages worldwide! His Internet-based humor column—imaginatively titled "The Cameron Column"— is the most popular single-sourced humor newsletter of its kind. Over 40,000 people in 52 countries—if you count Texas as a country—read The Cameron Column, and over a dozen of them enjoy it!
People: Biographies DAY For more, please visit my general USA History The National inventors Hall ofFame inventors Indexed by The Nobel Channel The Pulitzer Prizes bios of the http://www.teacheroz.com/biographies.htm
BIOS 484X / GEOL 475 /PHYS 490X AfricanAmerican inventors Engineers, http//www.uwm Native American, Alaskan, Hawaiian Scientists - bios. www.distinguishedwomen.com/ general, but includes http://jove.geol.niu.edu/programs/teach_cert/programinfo/courses/NatureofScience
Extractions: Compiled Fall, 2003 Instructor: C. Patrick Ervin Davis Rm. 06 / 753-1942 pervin@niu.edu Resource File This list of sites that address non-traditional figures in science (e.g., non-white, non-male, non-western, etc.) was compiled as part of a class project for students preparing to teach science at the middle and high school levels. Links were operable at the time they were entered. You are welcome to reproduce this page. Name or Subject Addressed Citation / Web Site Entry submitted by 4000 Years of Women in Science http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000ws/ Ervin African-Americans in Science http://www.princeton.edu/~mcbrown/display/faces.html Ervin Latino Scientists, Historical http://coloquio.com/famosos/science.html Roth Rosalind Franklin's unacknowledged, but vital, contribution to understanding DNA http://www.npr.org/programs/atc/features/2002/oct/darklady/ Dvorkin History of Indian Mathematics http://members.tripod.com/~INDIA_RESOURCE/mathematics.htm Dvorkin Teaching Science to English Language Learners http://home.triad.rr.com/mythak/links/mainstre.html
Air Force Link - MAJOR GENERAL FRANKLIN O. CARROLL at Wright Field as assistant to the deputy commanding general for engineering. Healso served as Army Air Corps representative on the National inventors Council http://www.af.mil/bios/bio.asp?bioID=4934