XCP:links and political realities of indigenous nations. fosters better understanding betweenpeoples through the Lists, Publishers, Newsgroups/ listservs, General Links http://bfn.org/~xcp/links.html
GST Gateway Biodiversity - Policy indigenous peoples, indigenous Knowledge and Innovations and the Convention onBiological Diversity by the indigenous People s Biodiversity Network (IPBN). http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/policy.html
Extractions: FAO Updated Special on Biological diversity for food and agriculture including information on The Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which makes decisions of relevance to food and agriculture in areas such as inland water, marine and coastal environment, forestry, drylands and agricultural biodiversity. Through its work as a specialised UN organisation, FAO assists in the implementation of biodiversity-related conventions of relevance to food and agriculture, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
GST Gateway Biodiversity - Issues World Wildlife Fund publications on indigenous peoples and conservation; HarvardScience, Technology and Innovation Program Background Papers, Biodiversity and http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/issues.html
Extractions: Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Protected AReas: Principles, Guidelines and Case Studies Beltr.n, J. (ed), International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) / World Conservation Union (2000). This book is divided into two sections: the first discusses principles and guidelines for indigenous/traditional peoples and protected areas and the second provides case studies. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada Guidelines for Integrating Gender into Biodiversity Research Focuses on an understanding of biodiversity management based on diverse experiences and the distinct knowledges of both women and men. The document provides a step by step guide for incorporating gender analysis into all stages of a biodiversity research project. Gender and Biodiversity Management in India In 1997, the Indian NGO, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), conducted a research project on "Gender Dimensions in Biodiversity Management: India" in different locations throughout the country. One of the principal findings of the MSSRF project in India was that gender roles are socially constructed rather than biologically determined. The research clearly pointed out that there is a simple or uniform division of labour, skills and knowledge by sex. Secondly, the research demonstrated that age and education are increasingly important factors in determining gender roles and knowledge of the natural and ecological resources. Read the full report on-line.
GM Websites Since indigenous populations represent a significant percentage of desire held bya growing number of people. World Wide Web Sites, listservs, online databases http://www.dhushara.com/book/genes/gmwww.htm
Extractions: Return to Genesis of Eden? Relevant Websites About Genetic Engineering Genesis of Eden Saving the evolutionary future through gnostic consciousness Australian GeneEthics Network acfgenet@peg.apc.org Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG), founded in 1983, is a national nonprofit organization of scientists, public health advocates, and others which promotes a comprehensive public interest agenda for biotechnology. Advocacy and coalition building form the core of the CRG's work in our program areas of genetic discrimination, patenting of life forms, and food safety and environmental quality. In keeping with our education mission, we provide information to the general pubic, the media, policy makers, and other non-profit organizations through GeneWATCH, the only national bulletin dedicated to the social implications of biotechnology; and by producing and distributing educational materials that raise awareness about the social and environmental effects of new genetic technologies. crg@essential.org Declaration of Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere Regarding the Human Genome Diversity Project. South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC)saiic@igc.apc.org
Heritage Institute - Continuing Education For Teachers place to browse for K12 teachers (and others) interested in subscribing to education-relatedlistservs (see below K12 Education and indigenous peoples group. http://www.hol.edu/listsrvs.htm
Extractions: From the page: "Looking for an e-mail discussion group? Enter any word or phrase to search a really big directory of mailing lists 65,174 listserv, listproc, majordomo and independently managed lists from 513 sites (entire catalog updated on November 22, 1996): " The other big comprehensive reference for listserv lists.
Latin America South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC) Exists to ensure that thestruggles of Latin America s indigenous peoples for self determination and http://www.worldrevolution.org/RegionResources.asp?RegionName=Latin America & Ca
Western Europe of human rights, environment, agrarian reform, sustainable development, genderequality, migrant rights, trade unions, urban poor, indigenous peoples, etc. http://www.worldrevolution.org/RegionResources.asp?RegionName=Western Europe
Electronic Mailing Lists IKS under provisions contained in Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Convention, and otherinternational agreements and conventions applying to indigenous peoples;; http://www.sdgateway.net/mailinglists/list9.htm
Extractions: Indigenous Knowledge Systems Back to Mailing Lists INDKNOW is a forum for discussing issues associated with indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). It will: Appropriate topics include: the scope of intellectual property rights or other property rights regimes concerning the protection of traditional knowledge, methods for compensating peoples for sharing their knowledge and for protecting them against unfair exploitation
Links To Other Sites list of links to many treaties, listservs, journals and Project The Center for WorldIndigenous Studies Fourth record and preserve our peoples struggles to http://www.usd.edu/iais/baggsites.html
ENVIS Homepage WWW additions IIFB2 indigenous people and CBD BIOD Brazil Allows indigenous SustainableLogging Re Biodiversity and Ornithology listservs Botanical Society
Cyberactivism, Sociology 4JJ3 - Group 9 The Zapatistas themselves are a poor indigenous people, who do not even know whatthe seemed to be developing on the Net involving email listservs and many http://socserv2.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/soc4jj3_99/stuweb/gp9/indigenous.html
Extractions: Activist groups who may not be directly related to the cause for which they are fighting also use the Internet. As shown by various websites and the article written by O. Froehling, "The Cyberspace 'War of Ink and Internet' in Chiapas, Mexico", the Zapatistas prove to be an example of this phenomenon. Supporters of the Zapatistas ironically used the Internet, a child of the military (as the Internet was first invented so that military would have a communication net invulnerable to strikes against a central location) (Froehling, 1997), to stop military advancement in Chiapas. They did so by sending information on the situation in Chiapas to pre-existing e-mail lists concerned with indigenous rights, discussion groups on Central America, anti-NAFTA networks and visions in non-governmental organizations of peasant self-determination struggles. The outcomes of this campaign both helped and hampered the Zapatistas cause. The Zapatistas are mainly composed of Mayan Indians (Froehling, 1997). The demands of the Zapatistas which caused this revolt were quite basic, "housing, land, health care, work, bread, education, information, culture, independence, democracy, justice, liberty and peace" (Froehling, 1997). In order to have these demands heard and hopefully met, the Zapatistas occupied much of the state of Chiapa in January of 1994. This date was chosen with purpose, for it was the same time that NAFTA was to go through in Mexico. They would therefore move the focus from the NAFTA agreement to the problems that they and other indigenous people were facing. The Zapatistas hoped to cause a large-scale war, therefore gaining National attention, yet this was neither necessary nor possible. Twelve days into the conflict with 145 dead, the Mexican government called for a cease-fire due to the publicity this event had gained over the Internet. (Froehling, 1997)
PROJECT NEWS AND UPDATE Committee, PCC) kan daglig kommunisere gjennom to email listservs . the High LatitudesArctic colleges band together to serve indigenous people and preserve http://www.ulapland.fi/home/renman/nor/news_2003.htm
Extractions: Nyheter og oppdatering om prosjektet Den 31. januar 2003 fylte RENMAN prosjektet sitt andre år. Den andre årlige rapporten som skal sendes til EU ble utarbeidet og omfatter opplysninger om både den tekniske utviklingen og den økonomiske situasjonen. Mye ble gjennomført i det andre året og vi er veldig bra i rute. Prosjektet er fortsatt veldig bra mottatt av forskerne og reindrifts utøvere. Informasjonsflyt innen prosjektet ble organisert av koordinatoren gjennom regelmessige møter og et aktivt e-mail forum. Prosjektmedarbeider og medlemmer av prosjektstyret (Project Coordination Committee, PCC) kan daglig kommunisere gjennom to e-mail 'listservs'. Desto videre spres informasjoner via websiden http://www.urova.fi/home/renman. To PCC og to gruppe møter ble organisert: den første i måned 17 i Vuotso hos "Lappi reindeer herding cooperative, og den andre i måned 19 i Hætta hos Näkkälä reindeer herding cooperative. Forskerne presenterte RENMAN prosjektet ved flere nasjonale og internasjonale møter og gjennom intervju i forskjellige media. I måned 13 (februar 2002) ble Heidi Kitti (WP7) intervjuet om hennes del av prosjektet av den regionale samiske avisen Ássu. I måned 14 (mars 2002) deltok flere forskere fra WP`s 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 og 10 ved den 12. nordiske forskningskonferansen om rein og reindrift i Kiruna, Sverige. Prosjekt koordinator
Humanities Links the Web. Native Web Native Web has links to good resources concerningnative/indigenous peoples from all over the world. http//h http://avconline.avc.edu/avcoll/olhuman.html
UF Web Resources For Multicultural Studies CLNET s Chicana Studies Home Page provides profiles of Chicana resources, listservs,organizations, and networks; Native or indigenous People top. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/ref/webminstudies.html
Extractions: This page provides selected web resources to begin research in the interdisciplinary field of Multicultural Studies, which covers many subjects including history, literature, music, art, political science, and sociology. You can access these websites by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink below. Additionally, library staff are available to assist you at the reference desk, and a Resource Guide for Research in Multicultural Studies is available at http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/ref/minstudies.html General Multicultural Studies Directories and Associations Bibliographies and Research Guides top Directories and Associations Associations on the Net : Ethnicity, Culture, and Race Associations Directory is provided by the Internet Public Library CLNet Diversity CWIS Listings Index of Campus Wide Information Servers in American Literature and Related Fields , Georgetown University, provides links for several minority group studies from various University websites Glass Ceiling Commission works to identify barriers and expand practices and policies which promote employment opportunities for the advancement of minorities and women into positions of responsibility in the private sector. Site contains studies and reports
Zapatista Peace Talks Gains Come Slowly As Indigenous Rebel S Many people believe that the National Consultations will to permit the reforms itsindigenous bases are the real revolution. Also check the listservs for the http://ladb.unm.edu/retanet/plans/search/attachments/zapatista_peace_talks.html
Extractions: by Chris Balletto June 20, 1995 SAN CRISTOBAL, MEXICOAfter almost a year since the first dialogue between the government and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN), a new round of negotiations started on April 9. This first preliminary meeting took place in the Ejido San Miguel, Ocosingo, with the goal of determining a site and date for the resumption of peace talks. While the Zapatistas had been seeking a site in Mexico City where the mobilization of thousands of supporters would have been assured and the nationwide nature of the uprising could have been more easily presented, it was decided that the permanent site would be San Andres Larrainzar, an indigenous Tzotzil village of declared Zapatista supporters, 40 km north of San Cristóbal in Chiapas. On February 9 President Zedillo put out an arrest warrant for the Zapatista leadership and ordered an Army offensive into the eastern jungle of Chiapas. He charged that the Zapatistas were planning a new offensive and claimed its leadership "is neither popular, nor indigenous, nor Chiapanecan." After three long dialogue sessions in San Andres this claim can now be put to rest. Government negotiators have been made well aware that the Zapatista representatives are indeed the same indigenous people who make up one-third of Chiapas's population. Five of the nine representatives at the negotiating table came dressed in their traditional Mayan costumes. Furthermore, a close look at each of the EZLN delegates, from their well-worn huaraches (typical sandals) to their thick calloused hands, demonstrates that any one of them could remove their ski mask and instantly blend into the population of indigenous farmers that surround the negotiating site.
Oceana Welcomes You including global transport patterns of these chemicals and a heavy reliance on seafood,the Arctic ecosystems and their indigenous peoples are suffering the http://www.oceana.org/index.cfm?sectionID=11&fuseaction=3&pageID=113
Australian K-12 Resources Includes, Victorian Koori Information, Australian Aboriginal Information, WorldwideAboriginal and indigenous peoples sites and Newsgroups and Mailing Lists. http://www.myinternet.com.au/education/ausk_12.html
Extractions: GLOBE is an initiative of the US Government and stands for Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment. It creates an international network of students in primary and secondary schools, studying environmental issues, making environmental measurements, and sharing useful environmental data with the international environmental science community.
Multi-cultural Resources And K-12 Project Sites Home of the First Peoples Art Project Internet Strategies for Empowering IndigenousCommunities in organization offering conferences, listservs and resources http://lone-eagles.com/multicultural.htm
OneWorld Radio Africa - Newsletters and listservs are also available and some of them are free. IndigenousPeoples funders. 09.07.2002. This site contains funders and resources of http://radioafrica.oneworld.net/section/radioafrica/funding/funders
Extractions: You are here: RadioAfricaHome Our Community funders Our Community ... - tips - funders job opportunities OneWorld Radio... by language english francais espanol Shqip ... romani by region South East Europe by topic HIV/AIDS Part of the OneWorld network possible sources of funding Allavida Charity Know How is the funding arm of this new partnership with Alliance Magazine. They fund capacity-building and development for civil society. Grants are for skill-sharing partnerships between NGO's and the web site has links to other funders as well. Allavida website from OneWorld Radio Common Ground Media Fellowships The fellowships seek to highlight techniques that re-enforce journalistic independence and also simultaneously promote public discussion on the search for common ground. Media Fellows will receive a stipend of US$300 - US$1,000 to research stories that bring new perspectives "on polarising issues or on the concept of common ground" for broadcast or publication anywhere in the world. The fellowship is open to working journalists from print or radio from anywhere in the world...
Lawlists.txt ADMLPROF is available for sharing tips and resources for study, teaching, or research, sharing recent developments, engaging in friendly debate, meeting new friends and keeping up with old ones. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/lawlists/lawlists.txt
Extractions: with the one-line message: subscribe mf-global MF-POVERTY@undp.org (United Nations Millenium Forum, May 2000; international law) To join the working group on Poverty Eradication, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-psd MF-RIGHTS@undp.org (United Nations Millenium Forum, May 2000; international law; international human rights law) To join the working group on Human Rights, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-sde MF-SDUNGI@undp.org (United Nations Millenium Forum, May 2000; international law) To join the working group on Strengthening the United Nations and global institutions, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-psd To join the working group on Poverty Eradication, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-poverty To join the working group on Human Rights, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-sde To join the working group on Facing the Challenge of Globalization, send an email message to with the one-line message: subscribe mf-global To join the working group on Strengthening the United Nations and global institutions, send an email message to