Extractions: Congratulations to the Class of 2004 and our Valedictorians - Anthony Gardner (Rice University), Andrew Lawrence (Illinois State), Lindsey Titus (Tulane University) and Sarah DeMeritt (Rice University). Our Valedictorians represent four District 87 elementary schools: Sheridan, Stevenson, Oakland and Washington.
West Central Illinois Special Education Cooperative A decentralized special education cooperative serving children ages three to twentyone with low incidence disabilities. Overview of services, staff directory, list of participating schools, and event information. http://www.wcisec.org/
Elementary Education Class Schedule @ Eastern Illinois University ARRG0001 02 003 0497 staff ARR MTWRF Course satisfies EIU generaleducation cultural-diversity statewidearticulation under the illinois Articulate Initiative http://www.eiu.edu/schedule/summer2004/course/ELE/
Extractions: breadCrumbs("www.eiu.edu",">>",""); COURSE TITLE SECT CALL# INSTRUCTOR MEETING TIME BLDG/ROOM CR ELE 2321 CHILD GRWTH/DEV 051 0445 BENNETT T 1015-1245MTWR BUZZ1441 03 ARR MTWRF ARRG0001 *ELE 3290 SCI/ELEM SCH 051 0454 REID D 1300-1530MTWR BUZZ2430 03 *ELE 4000 PRACTICUM IN ELE 051 0463 FLOOD A 0730-0900MTWRF BUZZ1441 01 ARR MTWRF ARRG0001 Note: ELE 2321.051 and ELE 4000.051 have an arranged lab. COURSE TITLE SECT CALL# INSTRUCTOR MEETING TIME BLDG/ROOM CR *ELE 3340 SOC ST ELEM SCH 011 0457 FERO M 1030-1300 TWR BUZZ2439 03 *ELE 4880 DIAG-PRESC RDG 011 0471 CROY T 0730-1000MTWR BUZZ1302 03 ELE 5000 RESEARCH IN ELE 011 0474 LISOWSKI M 1330-1600MTWR BUZZ2439 03 *ELE 5260 ADV DEV READ 001 0477 LOCKART G 1330-1600MTWR BUZZ2441 03 *ELE 5600 DIAG READ PROB 011 0480 VARBLE M 0730-1230 T R BUZZ2160 03 *ELE 5610 REM READ PROB 011 0483 REVEN L 1030-1230MTWR BUZZ1302 03 *ELE 5660 SCI CURR/EL SCH 011 0489 NESMITH R 1330-1600MTWR BUZZ2430 03 Courses with a : Course fee applies Course satisfies EIU general-education cultural-diversity requirement
Northern Illinois Fertility, SC - Home An ob/gyn practice in DeKalb, led by Dr. Joseph Baumgart MD, FACOG. Includes profiles of clinicians and staff, patient education and services, hospital affiliations, news and resources. http://www.stork11.com/
Extractions: We know there are times you have questions about your body and need a reliable reference. As your health care provider, we want you to have the comfort accessing that kind of information 24 hours a day. We have provided this Web site as an easy-to-use medical reference and home medical companion. You will find many of the answers regarding women's issues, as well as useful information for the rest of the family. To learn more about us, please see our About Our Practice page. For detailed information on our doctor and staff, please see our Meet Our Doctor and Meet Our Staff pages. And for that final moment of truth, we provide the information you need to choose the best hospital for the birth of your baby on our Affiliated Hospitals page.
Biotechnology And Pharmaceuticals Director Pharmaceutical Dev [2762] Illinois Careers Front Page Careers in Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical Advertising, and Medical Communications staff RepresentativeTim Jadwin. Position Director Pharmaceutical dev. Location illinois and direct a core staff of professionals who ensure as a role model for staff and peers http://www.shsinc.com/jobs/biotech_2762.htm
Extractions: Provide inspired, mature, credible Chemistry Manufacturing Controls (CMC) leadership for all products. Provide a positive leadership model for scientists within the Pharmaceutical Development Department. Maintain and direct a core staff of professionals who ensure that all issues related to bulk drug substance, formulation/dosage and testing are completed on time and meet highest scientific, regulatory, quality, marketing and commercial standards. Provide rapid evaluation of new opportunistic compounds. Develop and communicate timelines and contingency plans. Identify and recruit resources to meet timelines. Plan and maintain a budget. Ensure all appropriate documents are obtained and/or generated to support the activities within the department. Ensure clinical supplies are available to meet clinical timelines.
Northern Illinois Fertility, SC - Home An ob/gyn practice in DeKalb, Rochelle and Sandwich, led by Dr. Joseph Baumgart MD, FACOG. Includes profiles of clinicians and staff, patient education and services, hospital affiliations, news and resources. http://www.stork11.com/home
Extractions: We know there are times you have questions about your body and need a reliable reference. As your health care provider, we want you to have the comfort accessing that kind of information 24 hours a day. We have provided this Web site as an easy-to-use medical reference and home medical companion. You will find many of the answers regarding women's issues, as well as useful information for the rest of the family. To learn more about us, please see our About Our Practice page. For detailed information on our doctor and staff, please see our Meet Our Doctor and Meet Our Staff pages. And for that final moment of truth, we provide the information you need to choose the best hospital for the birth of your baby on our Affiliated Hospitals page.
Staff Development - Adult Characteristics Need for a staff development plan for a local National Commission on Higher education and the Adult Learner of Energy, illinois State Board of education, North Central Regional http://www-ed.fnal.gov/lincon/staff_adult.shtml
Extractions: Table of Contents Site Map End Products Suggestions ... Search Prerequisites: Need for a staff development plan for a local site To support the development of a local staff in-service plan Are you interested in what the experts have to say about the adult learner? Mostly, they are very divided. Much of the controversy seems to be about the definition of "adult learner." A widely accepted definition comes from Arthur Chickering, from the National Commission on Higher Education and the Adult Learner, which defines "Adult Learner" as an individual whose major role in life is something other than full-time student. Here are some general characteristics of adult learners as compared to children: CHILDHOOD ADULTHOOD Children depend upon adults for material support, psychological support, and life management. They are other-directed. Adults depend upon themselves for material support and life management. Although they must still meet many psychological needs through others, they are largely self-directed.
IASA - Illinois Education Job Bank⢠Salary/Benefits Commensurate with education and experience. evaluate staff, scheduling,staff development, supervise Court Round Lake, illinois 60073 cbraun http://www.iasaedu.org/IASAScripts/IASA.dll/JobSearchDetails?Number=18038
First Lutheran Church Homepage ELCA Church, in Galesburg, illinois. Information about their Christian education, church pictures, worship schedule, staff and contact numbers are included. http://www.galesburg.com/~firstlut
Extractions: This website will be moving to a new location in 2001! Stay tuned for further details. First Lutheran Church Galesburg, IL Come Share the Spirit Working Together...Making Christ Known...Alive in Our Heritage and Hope for 150 Years Visit the ELCA's New 10th Anniversary Site You may contact First Lutheran's webmaster for comments: Phil Chadderdon
IASA - Illinois Education Job Bank⢠Provide professional development for all staff. Type 10 or Type 73 Special Educationcertificate required 316 S. Rosedale Court Round Lake, illinois 60012 cbraun http://www.iasaedu.org/IASAScripts/IASA.dll/JobSearchDetails?Number=17941
Our Savior Lutheran Church Worship, education, and event schedules, staff, children and youth resources, location and map, daily Bible reading, devotions for college students, contact information, and links. http://members.aol.com/oursavior/
LInC Staff Development Plan: Your School Or District Name Here is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL brjhelder@aol.com)Braidwood Elementary School, Braidwood, illinois. URL staff dev.Projects. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w98/projects/route66/staffdev.html
Extractions: Braidwood Elementary School Vision: The teachers and staff at BES will learn and update their computer literacy skills in programs offered at their job and background levels. A cadre of technology mentors will assist in encouraging staff members in their learning endeavors. Both formal in-service days and informal peer to peer learning will continue. Current Situation: Our school board and administration are behind the technology movement. Every staff member has at his/her workstation, a computer with inter-building and district e-mail via a program called Snap Mail. All staff personnel, from administrators to custodians and bus drivers, make good use of this service. There are two (2) computer labs at BES for the use of the students, staff and the community. Each year there are four days allotted for staff development. Staff members have a choice of programs to attend. Technology always has been offered as a choice. A tech-mentor cadre helps any staff person with tech problems, resources and ideas. Many informal sessions are held before and after school on a peer to peer or learn alike group basis. At present each staff member is entering into a district data base, the skills he/she has mastered and his/her individual areas of growth intent.
Newman Central Catholic High School - Sterling Illinois Sterling, illinois. Seeks to provide students with a firm education in the Catholic faith and an emphasis on college preparatory curriculum. Lunch menu, school calendar, parents association, and faculty and staff photos. http://www.newmancchs.org/
Extractions: Mission Statement The Mission of the Catholic School is to be an extension of Christ and His Church. Newman High School seeks to provide students with a firm education in the Catholic faith and an emphasis on college preparatory curriculum. Newman strives to develop students spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically. This is facilitated in an environment of faith and Christian service in the Church and society. Newman Central
Extractions: Assessment ... Grouping - Scheduling School Issues Article S C H O O L I S S U E S A R T I C L E The U.S. Department of Education's Smaller Learning Communities program provides funds for large high schools to break down into smaller units. About 354 schools nationwide received $42.3 million in federal grant money this year. Educators will use the funds to create small learning communities within their buildings, helping students feel more connected to schools, classmates, and teachers. The U.S. Department of Education funds the initiative, called the Smaller Learning Communities Program . Recipients can use the one-year allocation to establish mentoring and teacher-advisory programs, career units, and schools within schools. Only schools with more than 1,000 students are eligible.
Extractions: Professional Development Center Professional Development Opportunity Center Archives: VIEW ALL ARTICLES ... Interdisciplinary Curriculum Article C U R R I C U L U M A R T I C L E As the amount of physical activity children get in and out of school has declined in recent years, youngsters have become more overweight and less fit. To help reverse that trend, some fitness experts say, physical education classes should be revamped so there is less emphasis on team sports and more on lifelong fitness activities. Included: Descriptions of physical education programs that stress fitness, health awareness, and lifelong exercise habits. PE Resources from
Pro Dev. Course Descriptions staff will select various layouts, edit text, use Technology Standards Learn aboutIllinois State Standards, National education Technology Standards http://www.syc.dekalb.k12.il.us/District/pdDescriptions.htm
Extractions: Learn basic database fundamentals such as database terms and how to create and save a table. Also covered are these topics: setting primary and multiple keys, adding records to a new table, adding, changing and deleting records in an existing table, creating a form, creating and editing queries and creating and printing reports. Access is part of the Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Suite, which has been adopted as the District standard. Access 2000II In the advanced Access class, the follow topics will be covered: importing and exporting of Word and Excel documents, sorting and filtering in table view, sorting and filtering in form view, working with calculations, summarizing and grouping values in a query, enhancing forms using combo boxes, creating option group boxes, and forms and subforms and enhancing reports using sorting and grouping.
ALLIANCE LEGISLATIVE REPORT (92-46) its budget plan for the illinois State Board Charter Schools, $3.2 million, VocationalStaff dev. Vocational education, $2 million, Scientific Literacy, $1 million. http://www.iasb.com/files/alr-9246.htm
Extractions: Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance ALLIANCE LEGISLATIVE REPORT (92-46) HOUSE ISBE BUDGET PROPOSAL EMERGES A committee in the House of Representatives this week unveiled its budget plan for the Illinois State Board of Education for the coming fiscal year (FY '03). The House Appropriations Elementary and Secondary Education Committee met Tuesday to discuss the ISBE appropriation bill but no vote was taken. The committee will meet again next week to approve an amendment to HB 6159, the bill intended to carry the House budget proposal. Though the entire budget proposal pushed by Governor Ryan will not be put on the table for a vote, elements of his plan is evident in the House amendment. The Governor had proposed to eliminate 20 specific grant programs and roll those funds into the general State aid (GSA) formula (see Alliance Legislative Report 92-44). The plan from the House of Representatives would also eliminate some specific grant programs and significantly reduce others. This is still an early step in the budget process. If approved by the House committee, the full House will debate the proposal on the floor. The Senate may have its own budget proposal as part of a Senate bill. The House, Senate and Governor will negotiate a final budget package, including education spending, later in the spring.