Extractions: Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Skip to content Today is Portugal Day, Camões Day and Day of Portuguese Communities Australia's relations with Iceland are friendly, though relatively insubstantial at a bilateral level. Australia enjoys close cooperation with Iceland on climate change and other environment issues. Whaling has been the only major issue of disagreement. Although all forms of whaling in Iceland were discontinued in 1990, the Government of Iceland announced in August 2003 that Iceland would resume whaling for scientific purposes. Iceland's first whaling season in 14 years came to a close in October 2003 with a take of 36 minke whales. The Australian Ambassador to Iceland, HE Mr Matthew Peek, is accredited from Copenhagen, Denmark. Iceland has Honorary Consulates in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. The Honorary Consul General, who resides in Canberra, is Mr Ross Gibson.
"For Sale: Iceland's Genetic History" By Oksana Hlodan The government of iceland has passed a law enacting the creation ofa national health database. As first proposed, the bill required http://www.actionbioscience.org/genomic/hlodan.html
Extractions: Island er inndelt i 8 regioner (landshluta) og 105 kommuner (sveitarfélag). Subnasjonalt selvstyre utøves lokalt av 105 kommuner (22 kaupstaður + bæjar og 83 hreppur). Sysselmannen (sýslumaðurinn) representerer regjeringen i hver region og fører tilsyn med kommunene på regjeringens vegne. Iceland is divided into 8 regions (landshluta) and 105 municipalities (sveitarfélag). Subnational self-government is exercised by 105 municipalities (22 cities and 83 rural municipalities) at the local level. The prefect (sýslumaðurinn) represents national government in each region and supervises the municipalities on the governments behalf. Landshluta Höfuðborgarsvæðið
Extractions: The Avalon Project at Yale Law School Defense of Iceland: Agreement Between the United States and the Republic of Iceland, May 5, 1951 Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 ... Art 8 Having regard to the fact that the people of Iceland cannot themselves adequately secure their own defenses, and whereas experience has shown that a country's lack of defenses greatly endangers its security and that of its peaceful neighbors, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has requested, because of the unsettled state of world affairs, that the United States and Iceland in view of the collective efforts of the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty to preserve peace and security in the North Atlantic Treaty area, make arrangements for the use of facilities in Iceland in defense of Iceland and thus also the North Atlantic Treaty area. In conformity with this proposal the following Agreement has been entered into. The United States on behalf of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in accordance with its responsibilities under the North Atlantic Treaty will make arrangements regarding the defense of Iceland subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement. For this purpose and in view of the defense of the North Atlantic Treaty area, Iceland will provide such facilities in Iceland as are mutually agreed to be necessary.
Extractions: a Brief history Climate and Terrain Elevation extremes Natural hazards Population HIV Prevalance Ethnic Groups Spoken Languages Literacy National Holiday Legal System Economy Poverty level Currency Telelphone System Radio Stations Internet service providers Military Transnational Issues For more information on Iceland and its cities, check out our Iceland Tourism Guide , found in the Destination Guides section of MyTravelGuide. If you have a question about Iceland, you can ask it in the " Ask a Question " section of MyTravelGuide. We also have a Iceland Tourism Guide Country List World Factbook Home The World Factbook Iceland Introduction Iceland Background: Settled by Norwegian and Celtic (Scottish and Irish) immigrants during the late 9th and 10th centuries A.D., Iceland boasts the world's oldest functioning legislative assembly, the Althing, established in 930. Independent for over 300 years, Iceland was subsequently ruled by Norway and Denmark. Fallout from the Askja volcano of 1875 devastated the Icelandic economy and caused widespread famine. Over the next quarter century, 20% of the island's population emigrated, mostly to Canada and the US. Limited home rule from Denmark was granted in 1874 and complete independence attained in 1944. Literacy, longevity, income, and social cohesion are first-rate by world standards.
Iceland.org Enter iceland's diplomatic missions' websites above or go to iceland.is, the offical gateway to iceland, where you will find a wealth of information on iceland its nature, society and people - and http://www.iceland.org/
Extractions: Welcome to Iceland.org, your offical gateway to Iceland and the Icelandic Foreign Service. Enter Iceland's diplomatic missions' websites above or go to Iceland.is , the offical gateway to Iceland, where you will find a wealth of information on Iceland - its nature, society and people - and links to hundreds of related websites.
Governments On The WWW: Iceland Links to websites of governmental institutions and political parties in iceland. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/is.html
Extractions: Home Table of Contents List of Countries Signs and Symbols ... Feedback Official language: Icelandic [Ministry of Agriculture] [Ministry of Communications] [Ministry of Culture and Education] additional site [Ministry of Finance] [Ministry of Fisheries] [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] [Ministry of Health and Social Security] [Ministry of Industry and Commerce] [Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs] [Ministry of Social Affairs] [Statistics Iceland] Einkaleyfastofan (ELS) [Icelandic Meteorological Office] [Public Roads Administration] Civil Aviation Administration [Icelandic Fire Authority] [Icelandic Tourist Board] [Forest Service] [National Broadcasting Service] [Central Bank of Iceland] [Supreme Court of Iceland] Embassy of Iceland in Brussels, Belgium
Nordic Institute Of Asian Studies An international research institute funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, iceland, Norway and Sweden. Features current research, publications, links to related sites, and contact details. http://nias.ku.dk
North Atlantic University Alliance Alliance of universities, the private sector and governments from Canada, Denmark, Finland, iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom on the North Atlantic Rim. http://www.siu.no/inst.nsf/0/e57fb10028e59b224125683b00665aa4?OpenDocument
Responsible Fisheries - Stocks - Whales Sightings surveys indicate that there are around 16,000 fin whales in the area betweenEast Greenland and iceland and about 18,900 in the wider area of East http://www.fisheries.is/stocks/whales.htm
Extractions: WHALES There has been no whaling in Icelandic waters since 1989 but prior to that whaling had been conducted intermittently from shore-based stations for over a century. From 1948 the whaling operations were limited to one station in Hvalfjordur except for minke whaling. During the period 1948-1985 the average catch was 234 fin whales, 68 sei whales and in the period 1948-1982 also 82 sperm whales. In 1986, the International Whaling Commission's resolution on temporary halt in commercial whaling came into effect. Whaling for scientific purposes under a special permit in accordance with the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling took place in 1986-89 and in those years a limited number of fin and sei whales were harvested. FIN WHALE Balaenoptera physalus Sightings surveys indicate that there are around 16,000 fin whales in the area between East Greenland and Iceland and about 18,900 in the wider area of East Greenland-Iceland-Jan Mayen (EGI stock area) north of 50°N. Based on recent assessment by the Scientific Committee of NAMMCO the Marine Research Institute of Iceland recommends an annual TAC of 200 fin whales provided that the catch be spread within the EGI area in defined proportions. SEI WHALE
NIH: IC Directors' Meeting Highlights July 26, 2001 to questions about whether our scientists will be allowed access to this material,Dr. Skirboll said, first, that the Icelandic government owns the data. http://www.nih.gov/icd/od/foia/icdirminutes/icdir072601.htm
Extractions: Back to: Office of the Director FOIA August 16, 2001 To: IC Directors From: Director, Executive Secretariat Subject: IC Directors' Meeting Highlights July 26, 2001 I. Findings Regarding the Use of Icelandic Biobanks and Databases by NIH Intramural and Extramural Investigators http://www.decode.com/resources/ihd/ Unlike the Health Sector Database, the biobanks will not be maintained as one centralized bank. In addition, individual consent will be required for inclusion of each sample obtained specifically for a biobank. Dr. Skirboll said the Icelandic Health Delegation indicated that human biological material maintained in the biobanks will not be linked to the Health Sector Database. She explained how researchers will be able to access materials in the biobanks; specifically, consent will be required and collaboration with an Icelandic scientist may be required. The rules governing researchers' access to the biobanks are in an early stage of development. The Icelandic government has indicated that it welcomes NIH input. Iceland has invited us to continue the dialogue at a meeting in Iceland in September. FIC intends to send a representative, and Dr. Kirschstein will determine whether NIH should send additional representatives. Dr. Freire said this was a very contentious topic at a recent meeting of the European Union. She believes we should pursue the dialogue.
Iceland - Countrywatch.com News iceland Review Politics The Constitution Politics The icelandic GovernmentPolitics The Parliament Stock Market iceland Stock Exchange Travel icelandair http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vCOUNTRY=77
The Icelandic Government The official English language home page of the government of Icelandhas been moved. A click here will bring you to the current page. http://eldur.stjr.is/en/stjren01.htm
Stjórnarráð Íslands Stjórnarráð Íslands. Vísar á vefi ráðuneytanna og almenn atriði varðandi opinbera stjórnsýslu. http://www.stjr.is/
Extractions: Beina leið á efnisyfirlit þessarar síðu Halldór Ásgrímsson, utanríkisráðherra, lýsir fyrir hönd íslenskra stjórnvalda ánægju með samþykkt ályktunar öryggisráðs Sameinuðu þjóðanna nr. 1546 um ráðstafanir í Írak í kjölfar valdatöku írösku bráðabirgðastjórnarinnar. Lesa meira Haldin á Grand Hótel, fimmtudaginn 10. júní kl. 09:00-16:30. Lesa meira Ársfundur Ráðgjafarstofu um fjármál heimilanna var haldinn föstudaginn 4. júní sl. Til fundarins voru boðaðir fulltrúar þeirra 13 aðila sem koma að rekstri stofunnar. Lesa meira Ræða Gunnars Pálssonar, sendiherra, á milliríkjaráðstefnu SÞ í New York (á ensku). Lesa meira Undirbúningur að tilhögun þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu um frambúðargildi laga um breytingu á útvarpslögum nr. 53/2000 og samkeppnislögum nr. 8/1993. Lesa meira Niðurstaða júníútboðs í tollkvóta vegna innflutnings á nautgripa-, alifugla- og hreindýrakjöti, ostum og unnum kjötvörum sem leyft verður að flytja inn til landsins á lægri gjöldum fyrri tímabilið 1. júlí 2004 til 30. júní 2005.
Ãtflutningsráð Ãslands - Íslensk hönnun sænsk framleiðsla. Útflutningsráð, í samvinnuvið sendiráð Íslands í Svíþjóð, boðar til kynningarfundar http://www.icetrade.is/