K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook Learning resources for teachers, students, and enthusiasts interested in aeronautics including an online textbook, lesson plans, and interactive activities. http://muttley.ucdavis.edu/
The WhyTry Organization Provides character education lesson plans for all youth including those with behavioral disorders or learning disabilities. Program addresses peer pressure, anger management and social and emotional intelligence. http://www.whytry.org
Teach-ER.com - Making Time For Education Online resources for teachers including lesson plans, standards, national messaging, news and information. http://www.teach-er.com
RESEARCH ETHICS Intended for high school biology classes. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEPC/WWC/1992/research_ethics.html
Extractions: 1992 Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute We hope to teach science as a process; to accomplish this we use experimental labs and independent research projects. When we discuss science as a process, we usually present an idealized view which holds that honesty is a necessary basis for scientific endeavor. Recently, the media have reported misconduct and fraud by scientists. A possible consequence is the inference by students that cheating is common among scientists and that there is little connection between what is taught in the classroom and what happens in the "real world." By extension, the body of knowledge developed by honest scientists is also suspect. By evaluating historical instances of misconduct and exploring the ethics involved in honest data analysis, it is hoped that students will begin to understand the consequences of scientific misconduct and the importance of self-regulation within the scientific community. Grades 9 - 12; Biology and/or Student Research
Holiday Lesson Plans & Activities site address from http//members.aol.com/Donnpages/Holidays.html to http//members.aol.com/MrDonnLessons/Holidays.html http://members.aol.com/MrDonnLessons/Holidays.html
Extractions: CHRISTMAS December 25 The ancient Romans loved celebrations. They especially enjoyed a holiday they celebrated around the 25th of December. The Romans feasted, gave gifts, were merry, and decorated their homes with greenery , customs they borrowed from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks! Reindeer: Mrs Santa Claus has her own site on the web, thanks to Karen Slaven's 2nd-grade class! This site has a most useful book list for K-3 teachers to use as a reference guide. Plus, the student section is all about reindeer! Take the reindeer quiz! Learn how Christmas is celebrated in many different places via letters to Mrs Santa Claus! This site also shares family cookie recipes! Customs: KidsLink has a wonderful site, full of Christmas customs around the world!
Extractions: Affordable Safety Training Lesson Plans We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau Who Needs these Safety Lesson Plans YOU DO! OSHA requires Businesses and Organizations to: 1) Train their Employees Regularly , and 2) Keep Records of this Training Failure to do either of these two items may be viewed by OSHA as a "Violation" and could cost the employer thousands of dollars! These Lessons are written in Microsoft WORD and are EDITABLE! We now have PowerPoint presentations for all of the lessons! Your Search is OVER! You can have these Safety Lesson Plans Tomorrow Easy to Follow, "Step-by-Step" Safety Lesson Plans. It's EASY to present a 30 minute Safety Lesson. Just " Follow the Script " that we will provide you! Give each Employee the Safety Lesson Plan for their records! Each Safety Lesson Plan is arranged with the following sections: Preparation - What you need to do before presenting the lesson Make Handouts Notify Employees and Management of Meeting Reserve Meeting Room, Overhead Projector, Extension Cords, etc. Transparencies Coffee and Doughnuts, etc.
Lesson Plan - April Fools' Day lesson plans for grades 3 and 4 developed as a student project at Utah State University. http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/april.html
Extractions: Grade Level 3-4 Background Information The origin of April Fools' Day is not known exactly. There have been many guesses and explanations for its origin. Some believe the celebration of April Fool's Day began many years ago in France. People believe that this day perhaps relates back to an ancient New Year's festival held on the vernal Equinox, March 21. This was the beginning of the new year according to the pre-Gregorian calendar. In France when the implementation of the Gregorian calendar was changed, by Charles IX in 1564, the beginning of the new year was changed and celebrated on January first, those people who still celebrated the day on the first of April were know as April Fools'. Prior to the change of the date it was customary to give gifts on the first day of the year therefore when the date was changed people began sending mock gifts to other people on April first making them April fools. In France a person who resisted in changing the date of the new year was victimized by pranksters who played practical jokes on him, this person became to be
Thanksgiving Lesson Plans lesson contains crossword puzzles and songs that feature Thanksgiving customs and links to other Thanksgiving sites. http://www.etc.sccoe.k12.ca.us/i98/ii98Units/SocStd/ESLNet/TEXT/Thanksg.htm
Extractions: Lesson PlansThanksgiving Description This lesson contains crossword puzzles and songs that feature Thanksgiving customs and links to other Thanksgiving sites. Outcomes The students will be able to complete the puzzles and learn at least one song. They will make a report on other Thanksgiving information found by searching the links. On-lineand Off-line Students will explore one other web site and choose an activity from that site. Students will prepare a project to show their understanding of several Thanksgiving customs. Assessment Students will be assessed according to the rubric. http://www.newsword.com/cc/holidays/h01grid.html http://www.night.net/thanksgiving/s-over-river.html-ssi http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/cw/1/af-thanks.html
Extractions: Paul Burchard Dept. of Math. University of Utah The reviews are personal opinions, and do not represent the official position of the reviewers' institutions. The inclusion of commercial products likewise does not represent any sort of endorsement by these institutions. The following lists are particularly rich and/or well-maintained starting places for your search. In the typical fashion of the Web, they contain ever more pointers to ever more lists. However, they are not necessarily focussed on mathematics. Department of Mathematics
Extractions: and for Children Who Need to be More Active LESSON PLANS Colors Dolch Sight Word Fables Dolch Sight Word Puzzles Sight Word Recognition and Mental Images Literacy Memory Motivation Reversals: Digit - Word - Letter Rhymes (Musical) Right - Left Directions Similarities - Differences Training Spelling Visual Impairment Vocabulary andMore
Lookstein Center Lesson Plans Grades 9-12 Hebrew Language Bar Ilan University webserver. 15 Online lesson plans in Hebrew for use with advanced students article and text analysis; with assignments and links, such as writing a CV and news articles. http://www.lookstein.org/lessonplans_9-12_hebrew.htm
Education Planet - Earth Day Resources Provides annotated links to web sites, lesson plans, and articles. Also offers reviews of books, videos, and software. http://www.educationplanet.com/articles/earthday.html
Extractions: - American Heritage Magazine, October 1993 Earth Day was born out of former Senator, Gaylord Nelson's conviction that the declining state of our environment had for too long been a non-issue on our national political stage. He believed that a dramatic event was necessary to focus national attention and dialogue on the environment. Thirty years ago he envisioned a nation-wide "teach-in" on the environment and announced that it would take place in the Spring of 1970. That teach-in became the first Earth Day and an estimated 20 million people from 140 countries participated. The event was pivotal in making the environment a permanent issue in American politics and culture. Over the past thirty years, the observance of Earth Day has grown steadily with more and more people the world over joining together to increase awareness of the Earth and environmental responsibility. In fact, it is estimated that over a half a billion people will participate in the Earth Day celebration. Earth Day also presents an ideal opportunity for educators to increase students' awareness of environmental issues and to teach them ways to protect and conserve our natural resources. There is a vast array of Earth Day resources available on the Internet; however, finding the specific teaching resources you need can be extremely time consuming. Education Planet wants to make it quick and easy for busy educators to find the best of these resources so they can plan a meaningful Earth Day for their students.
Casa De Porvin: Día De Los Muertos 2003 lesson plans, vocabulary, and reproducible materials for use in the elementary classroom. Also includes photographs. http://members.aol.com/jporvin/cs_muer.htm
Welcome To Virtual Explorers An extensive, well presented study on Amazon River Dolphins in the northern Peruvian Amazon, incorporating background information, field notes, graphics, maps and scientific research. Prepared by educators, students and grad students. lesson plans available. http://www.virtualexplorers.org/
Extractions: This year Katherine and Caryn returned to the Cayes to continue their research. They have had a very busy research season! This fall we will be posting highlights, images and data from their time in the field. Help Katherine and Caryn make comparisons between this year and last year's manatee data. Spring 2004 we will be announcing our next research expedition. Watch our web site as we make plans. Researcher Updates! Find out what Tamara and Lindsay have been doing since we last saw them. You Too Can Help!
Extractions: This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. ORB Education offers printable lesson plans, worksheets, learning activities and other professional teacher resources for Science and Computing education. We are presently seeking Mathematics, English and Technology resources to expand our selection. Our priced products are supplemented by a range of quality free materials.
Extractions: History: A cornucopia, also called a horn of plenty, is a symbol of abundance taken from an ancient legend. Thousands of years ago, the people of Greece believed that their god, Zeus, was reared by a beautiful maiden. As the story goes, she fed the infant Zeus an endless supply of goat's milk from a cornucopia, or goat's horn. As centuries passed, most people forgot this ancient legend, but the cornucopia remained a symbol of an endless supply of food or drink. As the history of the United States unfolded, the cornucopia became a symbol for Thanksgiving, the day set aside in thanks for abundance.