Early Learning Online Catalog Improve your curriculum; Increase the effectiveness of your teachers; Communicate more effectively with families. Work Sampling for head start is designed to help http://www.pearsonearlylearning.com/catalog/index.cfm?action=viewprogram&sub_id=
Refocus Head Start On Its Mission: Education head start has no standard curriculum for school readiness, and the centers receive no guidance about which skills and knowledge to teach. http://www.brook.edu/views/op-ed/ravitch/20030117.htm
Extractions: Diane Ravitch When I was a young parent, I read to my children every day. When walking in the neighborhood, we read shop signs. They quickly learned letters and new words, and they were good readers by the time they started school. The children of parents who read with them regularly begin school with larger vocabularies than those children whose parents do not have the time or education to introduce them to literacy. The Head Start program was created in 1964 to give poor children the same kinds of educational opportunities that their more-advantaged peers get informally at home. Unfortunately, over the years, the program has abandoned its focus on education in favor of an array of social services, nutrition and counseling. After nearly 40 years and many billions of dollars, Head Start children still begin kindergarten far behind children from middle-class homes on measures of school readiness. Most Head Start teachers do not have a college degree and are poorly paid. A large proportion of them are parents of Head Start students. As if to echo the program's isolation from educational goals, it is located in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, not in the Department of Education.
Conference Presentations ResearchBased curriculum-Embedded Assessment of Children in a State-Wide Child Development System Kimberly Boller Key Findings from Early head start Father http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/about us/presentations1.asp
Extractions: Home About Us Employment Contact ... Surveys Search Publications Site Conference and Meeting Presentations 2004 John Love : "Findings from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project: Environments of Low-Income Children from Birth to Prekindergarten and Effects on Development," "Update on the Head Start National Reporting System," and "Early Head Start Research and School Readiness" Ellen Eliason Kisker : "Understanding Experiences and Outcomes for High Risk Families in Early Head Start," "Promoting Development in Children with Disabilities: Identification, Experiences, and Outcomes," and "How Do Implementation and Service Use Shape Experimental Impacts of Policies and Programs on Families in Poverty?"
IMLS: A Closer Look: Highlights Of The Month County head start education coordinator, says the teachers liked MESS so much that head start has made it an integral part of their curriculum, using it to http://www.imls.gov/closer/archive/hlt_m0902.htm
Extractions: What's the Buzz? Imagine a classroom full of preschool children wild about insects. A few students are studying an insect collection with a magnifying glass; others are buzzing like bees and hopping like grasshoppers. In one corner a teacher reads about insects to a rapt audience. This Head Start classroom in Alachua County, Florida, has been excited by a unique science and literature project called Marvelous Explorations through Science and Stories-MESS. With an IMLS National Leadership Grant, the Florida Museum of Natural History at Gainesville, the Alachua County Library District, and the School Board of Alachua County partnered to develop a series of theme-based kits containing science objects, books, inquiry-based activities, and resources for Head Start teachers. The project's "MESS Kits" and other offerings result from a strong partnership and thoughtful planning about the project's goals and expected outcomes. Kits for Kids The kits are available to 45 county Head Start classrooms serving more than 1,000 preschoolers (ages 3-5) from low-income, predominantly African-American families. They cover such topics as reptiles, insects, dinosaurs, sound, water, and sea life. Each fills a rolling suitcase and includes take-home packs with science objects, library books, and activities to involve families. The MESS kit on plant life includes insect finger puppets, garden tools, seed packets, a poster of the parts of a flowering plant, plastic fruits and vegetables, a CD for sing-alongs, and a collection of books on the subject. (Click to view larger image.)
Home School Curriculum By Joyoflearning.us Look for home school curriculum on Joyoflearning.us. How to help your preschool child get a head start with Preschool Readiness Kit. http://www.joyoflearning.us/home_school_curriculum_k.html
Extractions: Home School Curriculum Information Available by Joyoflearning.us Home school curriculum sources presented at Joyoflearning.us. Home school curriculum information available by clicking above. Find home school curriculum define phonic approach spelling face homeschool support group sc america home school chicago illinois ... homeschooling ontario , and home school technology survey . Used as unit studies, as supplementary electives, or for meeting various school and state requirements How to help your preschool child get a head start with Preschool Readiness Kit. A broad scope of topics is studied from principles of color, styles of art, and perspective.
Alpha Omega Curriculum By Joyoflearning.us Look for alpha omega curriculum on Joyoflearning.us. How to help your preschool child get a head start with Preschool Readiness Kit. http://www.joyoflearning.us/alpha_omega_curriculum_k.html
Extractions: Alpha Omega Curriculum Information Available by Joyoflearning.us Alpha omega curriculum sources presented at Joyoflearning.us. Alpha omega curriculum information available by clicking above. Find alpha omega curriculum explicit phonics lesson short i joyful homeschooling free printable calendars for homeschooling ... neurosmith phonics tiles and challenge , and phonics and learning disabled students . Consultant available to help you with all your home school needs. We have a wide variety of positive, educational activities for children of all ages! Sing-along and learn the Preamble Song and the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution.
The Parenting Clinic Problem Solving curriculum in the classroom for all children. Parents of some children will be offered the parent program in the schools. head start teachers http://www.son.washington.edu/centers/parenting-clinic/grants.asp
Extractions: GRANTS Teasing Shields Grant #1 : Currently we are funded by the National Center for Nursing Research and a Head Start Partnership Grant to evaluate our parent, teacher, and child training prevention programs in Head Start centers. In this grant Head Start classrooms are randomly assigned to receive either the intervention programs or the usual Head Start services. The intervention consists of training for all teachers and implementation of the classroom version of the Dinosaur Social Skills and Problem Solving Curriculum in the classroom for all children. Parents of some children will be offered the parent program in the schools. Head Start teachers and family service workers will be trained to deliver these programs in partnership with Parenting Clinic staff. Credits are offered for participating in the training workshops. The intervention will last throughout the Head Start school year.
West Berkeley YMCA/Head Start Home Staff Karen Gong t Karen provides age appropriate curriculum for preschool age children. With a BA in Child and Adolescent Development, she finds head start to be http://www.baymca.org/index.php/h_staff.html
Extractions: Pamm Shaw is the Executive Director of the Berkeley-Albany YMCA Head Start program. Prior to this, Pamm directed several statewide training and technical assistance projects. Ms. Shaw has a Masters Degree in special education and has completed doctoral coursework in early childhood special education, administration and policy. She has extensive experience in successfully implementing programs, curriculum development and adaptation, training, and managing multiple funding sources. She has developed and contributed to numerous articles and curricula specifically to improve the skills of child care providers to meet the needs of all children and families and regularly presents at local, state, and national conferences. Pamm is very excited to be part of the West Berkeley YMCA Head Start family.
Head Start High Scope Curriculum Map head start High Scope curriculum Map. Month, Key Experience, Content, Child Outcome, January, Literacy, Letter Recognition, Name Writing, Letter Sounds, http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/ES/Laburnum/Faculty/hshighscope.html
Extractions: Head Start High Scope Curriculum Map Month Key Experience Content Child Outcome January Literacy Letter Recognition Name Writing Letter Sounds Beginning letter sound Number Counting February Literacy Letter Recognition Name Writing Letter Sounds Beginning letter sound Rhyme Number Counting Measurement Graphing More, less, same Puzzles Physical Health Development Dental March Literacy Letter Recognition Name Writing (last) Letter Sounds Beginning letter sound Rhyme Word Processing Number Counting Measurement Graphing Graduated Order Compare Objects in 2 Groups Sorting Science Simple Investigations April Literacy Letter Recognition Name Writing (last) Letter Sounds Beginning letter sound Rhyme Word Processing Book Knowledge Verbal Memory Concept of Word Number Counting Measurement Graphing Patterning Spacial Relations Comparison Words Science Simple Investigations May Literacy Letter Recognition Name Writing (last) Letter Sounds
Position Paper #1 - Curriculum And Design the Wyoming head start Association (WHSA) believes it must be an active resource for planning and implementing state guidelines that direct curriculum and http://wind.uwyo.edu/headstart/whsa/pos1.asp
Extractions: Position Papers Based on Head Start's 36 years of documented record of quality, the Wyoming Head Start Association (WHSA) believes it must be an active resource for planning and implementing state guidelines that direct curriculum and design. Therefore, it is the position of the WHSA that we will support any quality preschool program in Wyoming when the following criteria are met: Programs reflect developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) as supported by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation standards that may include but are not limited to: A curriculum that supports and encourages development of the whole child, (socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually), is child directed and teacher facilitated, interdisciplinary, individualized for each child including those with disabilities, and encourages a natural progression to allow children to learn at their own style and pace; Classroom strategies that use a variety of activities to stimulate a child's natural learning process, including large and small groups, quiet and active times, with hands-on learning, promoting self discovery;
Curriculum Vitae 1999presentFCR Director Search Committee. 1992-1995 COA curriculum Committee. National head start Association Dialog (1999). Reviewer (Scholarly Journals) http://ag.arizona.edu/fcs/fshd/administration/taylor2.htm
Extractions: Angela R. Taylor Chronology of Education Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1984 Advisor: Dr. Steven R. Asher M.S. Psychology, San Jose State University, 1975 Thesis Advisor: Dr. John S. Kelly A.B. Psychology, Stanford University, 1971 Chronology of Employment 1991-presentAssociate Professor, Division of Family Studies, University of Arizona 1989-91Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, California State University, Chico, CA 1984-89Assistant Professor, Institute for Child Study/ Department of Human Development, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 1983-84Lecturer, Institute for Child Study/Department of Human Development, University of Maryland, College Park, MD Honors and Awards 1994 Gamma Sigma Delta, Honorary Society of Agriculture 1991Nominated for Professional Achievement Honors, California State University, Chico. 1986 Nominated for Boyd R. McCandless Young Scientist Award (American Psychological Association, Division 7, Developmental Psychology)
ECASD - Departments - C&I - Headstart - Curriculum Statement You Are Here ECASD Home Departments C I head start curriculum Statement. Eau Claire Area Schools head start Program curriculum Statement. http://www.ecasd.k12.wi.us/departments/ci/headstart/curriculum.html
Extractions: Curriculum Statement The Curriculum of the ECASD Head Start Program is rooted in sound child development principles and practices. We believe that it is important to support each individual child in realizing his or her fullest potential. We believe in inclusive practices that allow each childregardless of abilityto maximize his or her potential. We believe that it is important for each child to be an active participant in the learning process, to make choices and to experience success. We believe that it is vital for parents/guardians to be involved in their childs education and that curriculum is best implemented in partnership with the family. To facilitate this curriculum we hire teachers who have bachelors or masters degrees in early childhood education. We work in partnership with the ECASD to support all Head Start staff in their professional development by implementing a strong staff development program. It is the expectation of the ECASD that each employee will continue in the process of life-long learning. Assessment data and child goals are plotted on a classroom map. Teachers use this map as they write lesson plans and individualize activities for children. Assessment data is also collected and aggregated three times per year. The results of this aggregated data are used for program improvement activities that may include staff development activities, material purchases, implementation plans and program goals. This data is available to Head Start staff, Policy Committee/Council, Head Start Advisory Committees, ECASD School Board and the ECASD Curriculum Department.
HSIPC--Head Start Publications See the publications distributed by the head start Bureau. of materials for your head start program. Resources for head start Directors, Early head start Resources, Resources locate easily head start, Early head start, American IndianAlaska http://www.headstartinfo.org/publications/publicat.htm
Extractions: Search our catalog for publications, videotapes, and other items which will provide a full and rich variety of materials for your Head Start program. Specialty catalogs: Resources for Head Start Directors Early Head Start Resources Resources for STEP Early Literacy Mentor-Coaches Health Services Resources are convenient time savers. These succinct compilations save searching and selecting from multiple sources. Head Start Publications by Subject/Format
Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program Hilton/Early head start Training Program California Institute on Human Services Sonoma State University 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Phone http://www.specialquest.org/extendedEd.htm