Ancient Greece, Unplugged! Oak View Elementary Join Mr Smith's 6thgraders as they explore ancient greek architecture, mythology, Culture, Theatre, Letters, Olympics, Peloponnesian Wars.
Greek And Roman Mythology List of names from greek and Roman mythology, from
Extractions: Arts and Entertainment Mythology Most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, although in many cases there was a change of name. In the list below, information is given under the Greek name; the name in parentheses is the Roman equivalent. However, all Latin names are listed with cross-references to the Greek ones. In addition, there are several deities that are exclusively Roman. Bold words within entries indicate cross references. Achelous: River god; son of Oceanus and Tethys and said to be the father of the Sirens Acheron: One of several Rivers of Underworld. Achilles: Greek warrior; slew Hector at Troy; slain by Paris, who wounded him in his vulnerable heel. Actaeon: Hunter; surprised Artemis bathing; changed by her to stag; and killed by his dogs. Admetus: King of Thessaly; his wife, Alcestis, offered to die in his place.
Male Love In Ancient Greece A detailed overview of greek homosexuality Its history, mythology, and practice. Illustrated with ancient art.
The Mythology Of The Constellations Classical greek and Roman myths associated with the stars and constellations.
Extractions: Most ancient cultures saw pictures in the stars of the night sky. The earliest known efforts to catalogue the stars date to cuneiform texts and artifacts dating back roughly 6000 years. These remnants, found in the valley of the Euphrates River, suggest that the ancients observing the heavens saw the lion, the bull, and the scorpion in the stars. The constellations as we know them today are undoubtedly very different from those first fewour night sky is a compendium of images from a number of different societies, both ancient and modern. By far, though, we owe the greatest debt to the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The earliest references to the mythological significance of the Greek constellations may be found in the works of Homer, which probably date to the 7th century B.C. In the Iliad , for instance, Homer describes the creation of Achilleus's shield by the craftsman god Hephaistos: On it he made the earth, and sky, and sea, the weariless sun and the moon waxing full, and all the constellations that crown the heavens, Pleiades and Hyades, the mighty Orion and the Bear, which men also call by the name of Wain: she wheels round in the same place and watches for Orion, and is the only one not to bathe in Ocean Iliad XVIII 486-490) At the time of Homer, however, most of the constellations were not associated with any particular myth, hero, or god. They were instead known simply as the objects or animals which they representedthe Lyre, for instance, or the Ram. By the 5th century B.C., however, most of the constellations had come to be associated with myths, and the
Greek And Roman Mythology Guide Anchored guide to greek and Roman mythological characters and locations.
Myths Of Pagan Goddesses Goddess Myths Stories from the mythology of the ancient pagan greek and celtic goddesses Aphrodite, Artemis, Atalanta, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Psyche, Persephone, Rhiannon.
Ancient Greek Religion & Mythology k12 Student webpage on greek religion and mythology.
Extractions: The Greeks were polytheistic people. Meaning they believed in more than one god. Its impossible to say exactly how many gods there were because different Greeks worshiped different gods and some small villages worshiped the main gods and their own village gods. There are hundreds of Greek gods, perhaps around 1,000. Some of the most famous gods were Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Athena, Demeter, Hermes, Ares, and Hades. Many Greek people worshipped foreign gods, if for some reason they thought this might help them Zeus was allotted the dominion of the sky after having waged war against Cronos and the Titans. Zeus surpasses all others in spirit, wisdom and justice. Some say that Zeus caused the Trojan War, so that the load of death might empty the world. Zeus got the thunderbolt, his ultimate weapon, from the Cyclopes and an eagle brings back the thunderbolts which Zeus has flung. Zeus loved women so he had several offspring (children) with several different women other than his wife Hera. He has a total of 84 known children. Some of the more well know ones are Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, Apollo, and Artimus. Hera is the Queen of Heaven. She is always a virgin, for she recovers her maidenhood every year by bathing in a spring called Canathus in Argolis. She walks in golden sandals. Hera has many children. They are Ares, Ilithyia, Hephaestus, Typhon, and Pasithea 2.
Greek-o-File Home Page Providing information, links and offers for greek travel and greek interest subjects including history, mythology, cooking and language.
ELLAS greek culture, travel, history, and mythology from this Barry University student.
Mythology-Greek & Roman List of names of famous and notso-famous characters from greek and Roman mythology.
Extractions: HOME Mythological and Religious Names Rare Names alphabetically Add a Name ... Mail Us Rare Names from Greek Mythology and Roman Mythology Rare Names from Greek Mythology and Roman Mythology are listed Alphabetically in the following Sections:- [Rare Greek and Roman Names from A to D] [Rare Greek and Roman Names from E to J] [Rare Greek and Roman Names from K to P] [Rare Greek and Roman Names from Q to Z] A Substantial Portion of Mythological Greek and Roman Names is an Extract from Kids Almanac on Infoplease TOP HOME Scroll down to see names from another Alphabet: Choose A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Index Scroll Down to Go to another page on GoTo Home Alphabetical Names Mythological and Religious Names Facts about Names Add a Name Mail Us
Extractions: The MALDON MARBLES COLLECTION Designed by Mount Hawke Michel Dubey uses "Vivian's House" as a gallery for his remarkably beautiful bas-relief sculptures. The current collection is comprised of fifteen mythological scenes, with each piece sculpted from selected Italian Carrara marble. Michel believes the beauty of the stories and characters from Greek mythology are intertwined with life in present times. Michel Dubey is willing to take commissions. If you would like to own an original sculpture, created in beautiful Italian Carrara marble, please contact him to discuss details.
Mythologies of greek and Egyptian deities and their attributes, and their place in mystery religions.
Untitled Document Serves primary, secondary, and postsecondary educators in the fields of Classical greek and Roman language and literature, culture, history, and mythology in Colorado. Newsletter, pedagogical tools, background, and links offered online.
Forum Romanum Crossreferenced dictionary of greek and Roman deities, with images.
Mythological Studies. Ancient European mythology and history with art work.
Extractions: This site contains texts about images of Indo-European (Greek, Celtic, Scandinavian, Balt, Slav, Italic, Etruscan, Hittite, Persian, Scythian, Indian, Thracian, Armenian) gods in history, literature and art, influence on destinies of peoples and civilisations, their dying in c onsciousness of people and new revival, relationship with images of world religions. This family of peoples is similar great tree with a mighty root. The Indo-Europeans have appeared on historical arena as warriors on fighting chariots and continue to play a great role for life of modern mankind. Having settled on extensive spaces of Europe and Asia the Indo-Europeans were divided into set of peoples. Each of these peoples has left the unique trace in a history and culture of mankind. What unites them? It is Mythology. Ancient Indo-European gods, having received new sounding, in accordance with various historical ways of the admirers, have kept deeply related fig. Therefore we have the right, speaking about Scandinavian Odin, for example, to compare to him Greek Hermes, Roman Mercury, Celt Lugh
Index Official site of the Louisiana JCL. Includes news, upcoming events, JCL Handbook and stories from greek and Roman mythology.
Extractions: PASSING THE TORCH Please check back later to see a new LJCL website. The Junior Classical League is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures by middle and high school students. Only through the passing down of this knowledge can we understand and appreciate the significance of these cultures to our present day society.
I've Moved! A household dedicated to studying and recreating domestic life in the Middle Ages. Pictures, persona story. Links misc. A S, bardic resources, AngloSaxon history, greek/Roman mythology, and clip art.
KalypsoStore Traditional greek artwork. Sculptures from mythology and mycenian works. Lifefragments in cylcadic sculptures, traditional dolls, silver jewelry, ceramics, toys and paintings.
OI 147 POLEIS THS ARXAIAS KRHTHS-THE 147 CITIES OF ANCIENT CRETE A list of 147 cities of ancient Crete, with short descriptions for each one, based on mythology and history. The site contains both English and greek language descriptions.
Extractions: ÊÍÙÓÏÓ ÊÑÇÔÇ - KNOSSOS CRETE THE 147 CITIES OF ANCIENT CRETE history-mythology-Archaeology e-mail: THE ANCIENTS CITIES OF CRETE Acharna-AgiaTriada-Agneion-Aina-Aitteia-Akytos-Alba-Albe-Allaria- Ambelos-Amnisos-Amphimalion-Amyklaion-Anopolis-Aoros-Apollonia-Apollonias-Aptera-Araden-Arados- Arbis-Arkades-Arsinoe-Asos-Astale-Asterousia-Atrikos-Axos-Aylon-Bene-Biannos-Biennos-Bionnos-Boiai- Boibe-Boion-Chalketorion-Cherronesos-Chersonesos-Cydonia-Daidala-Dia-Diatonion-Diktaion Andron THE ANCIENTS CITIES OF CRETE Dion-Doulopolis-Dragmos-Dreros-Eileithyias cave-Einatos-Elaia- Eleftherai-Eleftherna-Ellotis-Eltynia-Elyros-Eronos-Ertaia-Glamia-Glenos-Gortyn-Goyrnia- Grammion THE ANCIENTS CITIES OF CRETE Herakleia-Herakleion-Hetis-Hydramia-Idaion-Ieranesos-Ierapolis- Ierapytna-Illatia-Inachorion-Ippokoronion-Istoi-Istros-Itanos-Kaino-Kairatos-Kalamyde-Kaloi Limenes- Kamara-Kantanos-Karnessopolis-Katre-Kaudo-Kaunos-Keraia-Kisamos-Kisamos THE ANCIENTS CITIES OF CRETE Knossos-Korion-Korykos-Kremnia-Kyta-Kytaion-Lambe-Lamon- Lappa Larisa-Lasaia-Lasos-Lato he Hetera-Lato prosKamaran-Leben-Letoa-Lipara-Lisos-Lykastos-Lyktos-Malia- Malla-Marathousa-Maroneia-Matallon-Miletos-Minoa-Modaioi-Mycenae-Myrina-Naxia-Oaxos-Ogylos-Oios THE ANCIENTS CITIES OF CRETE Oleros-Olopyxos-Olous-Onychion-Orion-Osmida-Pandomatrion- Pannona-Panormos-Paraisos-Pelkin-Pergamos-Petra-Phaistos-Phalannai-Phalannaia-Phalasarna-Pharai-Phelaia Phoinikous-PhoinixLambaion-Poikilasos-Polichna-Polyrrenia-Praisos-Prespidai-Priaisos-Priansos-Pronos- Psychion-Pyloros-Pyranthos-Rhamnous-Raukos-Rhithymna-Rhithymna-Rhizenia-Rhytion-Saoros-Satra- Sikinos-Sipilen-Sisaia-Sosandra-Soulena-Soulia-Stalai-Stelai-Strenos-Sybrita-Sybritos-Syia-Syrinthos-Tanos- Tarra-Tegea-Thebe-Thenai-Therapnai-Tripodos-Trita-Tylis(s)os-Yrsos-Yrtakos-Zakros