Project 34 Writing Process Form and Conventions Student performance demonstrates proficiency in grammar, usage, mechanics, and vocabulary Fan Fiction lesson plan from Sarah Bristow
Extractions: As writers progress through the four global stages of the writing process - prewriting, in which ideas are formulated; drafting, in which ideas are put on paper and structured; revising, in which idea structures are clarified and improved; and editing, in which expression is fine-tuned - they will inevitably find that their thinking is sharpened as well. At its best, this process is a recursive one because writers move back and forth among the stages, considering, reconsidering, and revising their work until they are satisfied. "Why School Administrators Should Be Model Writers," Arthur E. Lehr: Phi Delta Kappan June 2001 pp. 762-64. Adler on Marking a book Perhaps the foundation of the writing process is the essay. You have already written many essays in your life and you will be writing many essays in your life. The essay is made of paragraphs, so let's start there. You will need to take a look at chapter 21 in the white grammar book sitting next to your computer called Warriner's English Grammar and Composition Takes notes on what a paragraph is. Then take a look at
NTeQ--Lesson Plan Builder: ViewLesson Learning Objectives and Computer Functions This lesson plan uses Behavioral of jobs C. Use Word Processing to grammar, spelling, mechanics D. Use Word
Extractions: b. Demonstrate, in the context of their own writing, proficient use of the conventions of standard English, including, but not limited to, the following: complete sentences, subject-verb agreement, plurals, spellings, homophones, possessives, verb forms, punctuation, capitalization, pronouns, pronoun-antecedent agreement, parallel structure, and dangling and misplaced modifiers. Chaucer's Wife of Bath
Extractions: b. Demonstrate, in the context of their own writing, proficient use of the conventions of standard English, including but not limited to, the following, complete sentences, subject-verb agreement, plurals, spelling, possessives, verb forms, punctuation, capitalization, pronouns, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and parallel structure. Chaucer's Wife of Bath Classroom -- Focus Lesson Focus lesson Should the US Attack Iraq creativity, storytelling technique and clarity) and style (including structure, organization, grammar and mechanics).,12422,349178,00.html
Extractions: Page 20 Making His Case Page 26 What Does Saddam Have? Curriculum Standard: Global Connections In a special report, TIME focuses on President Bush's plan for a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. "Making His Case" explores Bush's rationale for targeting Saddam Hussein in this post-9/11, pre-election period, while "What Does Saddam Have?" examines the evidence of Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal. The latter article draws a comparison to President John F. Kennedy's handling of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962; an excerpt from TIME's coverage of that crisis appears on page 4 of this guide. Before Reading 1. Survey class opinion: How much of a threat do students believe Iraq poses to the United States? What is a "pre-emptive strike"? Should the U.S. invade Iraq pre-emptively? Why or why not? What kind of precedent would this action set internationally? List pros and cons. 2. Discuss: When is a country justified in declaring war on another country? Must it have the support of its allies? According to the U.S. Constitution, what is the process for declaring war?
Hog Woods Lesson Plan lesson Plan for Hog Woods Lucky or Greedy four sentences of support, correct mechanics (grammar and punctuation personal response to the lesson, and changes
Extractions: Language Arts: The learner will IA. 1. Expand vocabulary through word study, the reading of literature, and class discussion. I.B.1. Read and comprehend both the fiction and nonfiction that is appropriately designed for the second half of grade four. II. B. Identify with the characters actions, traits, feelings, and motives Social Studies: The learner will I.B.1 Locate, describe, and compare the human characteristics and early settlement patterns of regions in the United States and Oklahoma (locations of ethnic group concentrations, the impact of the westward movement, languages, economic activities, and cultural patterns). B. Teacher's purposes for the lesson
Lesson Plan: United We Stand: The Strength Of Alloys lesson Culminating Project Editor Must be good with grammar, spelling, etc Is responsible for editing copy for errors in grammar, mechanics, spelling, and
Extractions: World Lit News Teacher : Melanie Weaver Course : Eng III World Literature (AP prep and Honors level) NCSCS Goals and/or Objectives Length of Implementation: End of semester culminating activity; time frame depends on access to computers. My students spend ~ 6 hrs. total in class, but they do outside work also. Integrated Workforce Development Course : Graphic Applications III; Computer Applications II Integrated Workforce Development Topics and/or Course Goals and Objectives Lesson - Culminating Project: Before: Students are given a project description (see below) for a WORLD LIT NEWSPAPER. Students choose their own group or teacher can assign based on abilities. Following the project description each group divides the responsibilities/roles of each group member. Most group members will wear more than one hat. Students will spend one day discussing possible ideas for their newspapers.
Class Online Newsletter lesson Plan Class Online Newsletter. Students will use their grammar books and writing resources for spelling, grammar and mechanics.
Extractions: TITLE SUBJECT: GRADE LEVEL: OBJECTIVES: Each student will join the online class project "The Contemporary," a global electronic news magazine project Each student will, using research obtained online, contribute at least one article on issues of world importance to "The Contemporary.". Each student will prepare and deliver a presentation of his or her contributions to the online project. The presentation must include an "offline" related project such as a written poem, a song, a collage, a mobile, photos, original art, which will express the reaction of the student to the project and the cultural understanding and involvement with topics that affect his or her life. Each student will write a personal reaction paper to his or her experiences online, (the articles written, the meaning of the "offline" project, problems encountered, research done, likes, dislikes, etc.,).
519 Webquest Task 2 Scoring on the FINAL lesson plan and paper will include grammar/mechanics. Type in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, double
Extractions: Initial Lesson Plan, Revised Lesson Plan, and Reflection Paper (75 points) Students will submit a lesson plan that they have taught or will design one for use with students (preferably in the content areas of language arts, science, or social studies - math allowed with prior permission from instructor). No particular format is required, but the plan should include common elements of a formal lesson plan (KY standards being addressed, materials, procedures, methods, assessment, etc.). The instructor will review this lesson plan and will ask students to review the lesson plan for comment and comparison at the END of the semester. Students will revise the lesson plan to demonstrate learned content from this course and will submit the revised lesson plan and a response paper which includes explanations of changes made in the lesson plan, pedagogy changes, etc. Instructor will provide comments on the REVISED lesson plan and response paper, but not on the initial lesson plan - that plan is submitted for comparison purposes only.
Wordsmith It includes a course overview and then a 36 week lesson plan schedule, with daily Students need a solid understanding of grammar and mechanics to use this
Family Financial Literacy lesson plan topic is not on one of the following areas savings is clearly written with very few errors in mechanics, punctuation, and grammar.
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan Insufficient tall tale content. grammar, Usage, mechanics, Spelling, Virtually perfect GUMS. Some errors, but mostly in areas not emphasized in class lessons.
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan grammar, Usage, mechanics, Spelling, Virtually materials from EDSITEment have been identified for you, and are listed within each relevant lesson plan.
Modern English Grammar And Usage week of class, we will compile a list of grammar and mechanics topics to will collaborate and be responsible for developing a lesson plan, an instructional
Extractions: 898-2585 (office); 849-8369 (home; no calls after 10:00 p.m., please) You may leave a message on my voice mail or answering machine, but you must try to catch me at another time to insure I receive the information. E-mail address; as rule, I do not respond to student email over the weekend. I invite you to access the About the Instructor segment at Office Hours: MWF 9:00-11:00 a.m.; MW 12:30-3:30 p.m.; other times by appointment Be sure to let me know you need to see me so your trip is not wasted. Please Note: Students with disabilities that may require assistance or who have questions related to any accommodations for testing, note takers, readers, etc., must inform the instructor and provide certification from the Office of Disabled Student Services (898-2783) , so arrangements can be made as soon as possible to accommodate their difficulties.
Lesson Plan but also freshens their knowledge on their every day grammar usage and mechanics. Incorporating the lesson on the Internet also helps their everyday use lesson 1 kap.htm
Extractions: Lesson Plan ACT Practice Kaplan Test Erika Simonsen Content: The students are preparing for the ACT through an online/CD-Rom practice test. Objectives: Given the practice Kaplan test, the learners will be able to become familiar with test questions by taking the practice tests appropriately. Given the practice Kaplan test, the learners will be able to judge their abilities and mistakes by completing all 75 questions and then seeing what they did wrong and right according to stated criteria. Given the Internet / CD-Rom program, the learners will be able to see which colleges they can get into with the scores they obtained on the practice tests by clicking on the CD-Rom icon which is linked to the colleges homepage appropriately. Given the CD-Rom, the learners will become familiar with the secrets of the ACT by taking the tour on the CD-Rom as an entire class on the computer that is connected to the projector appropriately. Materials: Computer lab with Internet, Kaplan CD-Rom Procedure: This lesson follows three days of in class instruction of the ACT and the best ways to prepare and take the test.
Lesson Exchange If you have a lesson plan or approach you d like to share with us Larson. Can be used for extra credit or in conjunction with grammar/ mechanics lessons.
Extractions: Instructors Computer Ideas Links Web Board ... Home Looking for a few new ideas for lesson plans? Wondering how others used a thematic collection or personal narrative in their 102P and 103P classes? You've come to the right place. We could all use a little help every now and again. On this site you will find a data base of lesson plans, ideas, and suggestions. Please feel free to read through them all. There are also ideas and plans for many other class assignments on the NIU English Home Page. Click HERE to see The Sourcebook. If you have a lesson plan or approach you'd like to share with us, please e-mail the me , and it too will be posted. Special thanks to all of the contributors! Genre Title Instructor Notes Narrative and Analysis Bonnie Amesquita Uses computer lab. Month long project. Very interactive. Good final, first semester paper. Narrative Personal Narrative The Engl. Dept.'s Sourcebook Very basic, no trills personal essay. Good to begin with, easily tailored. Description and Argument Alien Report Meredith Larson Good for common culture theme.
Content Index Expository Writing. grammar and mechanics. Narrative Writing
Web English Teacher Web English Teacher presents the best of K12 English/Language Arts teaching resources lesson plans, WebQuests, videos, biography, e-texts, criticism, jokes
Lesson Spac. Air Quality lesson plans. Amateur Science Honey Bee lesson plans. Columbia Education Science lesson plans. Earth Science The Weather Unit. Volcano lesson plans. Welcome to the
Extractions: Lesson Plan Links Social Studies English /Language Arts Science ... Lesson Plan - Welcome to the fastest growing lesson plan search engine on the internet! Lesson Plans Lesson Plans - by David Darling Lesson Plans Lesson Plans from National Core Knowledge Lesson Plans from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Lesson Plans from the Teacher's Desk ... Lesson Plans Page - 200 lesson plans in math, science, social studies, music, art, language arts, and PE. Lesson Plans! 6243 Lesson Plans! Library in the Sky Lesson Plans Marc's Lesson Plans Page McGraw-Hill School Division ... Wright Flyer Online - Aerospace Team Online Big Sky Mathematics Lesson Plans Columbia Education Mathematics Lesson Plans Encarta Mathematics Lesson Plans ... Math - Awesome Library Math - California State University, Northridge Math Archives -Calculus Resources On-line Math Lesson Plans and Activities McGraw-Hill's Web-Linked Activities and Lesson Plans Mega Math ... KinderCastles - Medieval times lesson plans Lesson Plans and Projects (Annenberg) Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Library in the Sky Social Studies Lesson Plans McGraw Hill's Web-Linked Activities ... National Geographic. Geography Lesson Plans, K1
Content Index Emergent Reading. Emergent Writing. Expository Writing. grammar and mechanics. Narrative Writing. Organizing Information. Persuasive Writing. Phonics and Decoding.