LEARNS The Tutor Newsletter Winter 1998 Issue It s been said, The thing that makes a great teacher is that he/she is alwayslearning new things to teach. . getting parents involved. by Gale Greenlee. http://www.nwrel.org/learns/tutor/win1998/win1998.html
Extractions: Developmental Considerations in Selecting Books for Children by Gale Greenlee and Heidi Pfunder Laws What is your earliest memory of reading? Do you remember being read to by your mother, father or an older sibling? Did you long to hear stories of times "long past" told with enthusiasm and passion by a grandparent, aunt, or uncle? Did your mother or father sing songs while doing household chores? Were you encouraged to create and tell stories of your own? For most children, the first experiences with reading and writing are in the home. No matter what their education level, native language, or culture, parents are generally regarded as a child's first and most important teachers. Numerous studies attest to the importance of reading to and with young children. What are the benefits? Children who are read to, and who grow up in homes rich in literacy activities (like reading, writing, storytelling, singing, and lively conversation) are more likely to value and develop a love of reading. Not only that, children raised in literacy-rich environments often become successful readers and writers.
Archived: Get Involved! How Parents And Families Can Help Their Children Do Bett This page describes steps parents and families can take to help their children do better in school. preschool child checking homework every night getting involved in PTA discussing your children's progress and teach their kids right from wrong these parents can make all http://www.ed.gov/pubs/PFIE/families.html
Extractions: A r c h i v e d I n f o r m a t i o n Partnership for Family Involvement in Education Children who read at home with their parents perform better in school. Show your kids how much you value reading by keeping good books, magazine, and newspapers in the house. Let them see you read. Take them on trips to the library and encourage them to get library cards. Let children read to you, and talk about the books. What was the book about? Why did a character act that way? What will he or she do next? Look for other ways to teach children the magic of language, words, and stories. Tell stories to your children about their families and their culture. Point out words to children wherever you go to the grocery, to the pharmacy, to the gas station. Encourage your children to write notes to grandparents and other relatives. Academic achievement drops sharply for children who watch more than 10 hours of television a week, or an average of more than two hours a day. Parents can limit the amount of viewing and help children select educational programs. Parents can also watch and discuss shows with their kids. This will help children understand how stories are structured.
Classroom Resources For Teachers getting parents involved Everyone loves getting postcards, which makes Postcardsfrom America a wonderful way to get parents involved in their child s lessons http://www.postcardsfrom.com/teach/teach.html
Extractions: We tour a state a week and send two " Live-at-the-Scene TM " postcards each week. The first postcard features a scenic view, the other a view of native wildlife, such as an animal, bird, fish, insect, or plant that is either unique to that state, or prevalent in that area. Classroom Activity: The scenic photograph and the accompanying photo caption on the postcard, as well as our hand-written personal message on the reverse side, can be used as a launching off point for further classroom discussions. For example, you may ask your class to locate the State-of-the-Week on a map and find clues as to why that area of the country would have that type of scenery and support that kind of wildlife. "STAMPS"
Getting Parents Involved getting parents involved. Key Words Instructional Strategies, General Information, K6. A few months ago there was a segment on a national news program about the problems with American public schools. You can teach and discipline until you are blue in the face, but without parental support much http://www.deafed.net/PublishedDocs/sub/970314b.htm
Extractions: Deaf Education Home Page Key Words: Instructional Strategies, General Information, K-6 A few months ago there was a segment on a national news program about the problems with American public schools. The show seemed to point its finger at the teachers for their lack of discipline as being the cause for many of our school systems' troubles. Teachers, however, saw a different origin for many of their problems: lack of parental involvement. You can teach and discipline until you are blue in the face, but without parental support much of your effort will go to waste. So how can you get parents - who are not only preoccupied with parenting, but with their jobs as well - to devote time to their student's classroom and school? First and foremost, the iniative must be put forth by you. Create an interest about your classroom. Get to know the parents by sending out a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter that includes samples of the children's work, a letter from you, and upcoming events and subjects the class will be covering. Also, don't let parents operate under the pretense that the only time they should visit you is during parent-teacher conferences. You may want to create "office hours" much like a college professor to allow parents to visit with you. And never hesitate to call home when a student's behavior is exceptional, not just poor. Some other ideas are to: * Have a "morning tea". Invite parents to come in one morning for coffee, tea, and cookies. Have it in the cafeteria. The principal could greet them and take them throughout the school, maybe even stopping into selected classes.
PARENTS CAN TEACH KIDS GIVING IS BETTER THAN GETTING If parents focus on the opportunity to give and serve during the holidays, thenthe getting will take a back seat We were involved in a food drive for http://www.napa.ufl.edu/98news/give.htm
Extractions: Sources: Dan Perkins, (352) 392-2201; John Rutledge, (352) 846-1003 GAINESVILLE "Getting" isn't the top priority for a lot of kids this holiday season. "Everyone worries about what they will get for Christmas, but I've learned that giving is sometimes better than getting," said Amanda Barnard, 12, of Gainesville. "You realize through service projects that some people don't have things and you appreciate what you have." And Barnard's not alone. "I clean out my toy box before Christmas and we give the toys to kids who don't have any," said Brandy Draper, 12, of Bunnell. With her sister Dezerea, 11, and brother Austin, 7, Draper gives toys to needy children through the United Way. A lot of parents worry about the commercialization of the holidays. "If parents focus on the opportunity to give and serve during the holidays, then the getting will take a back seat," said Dan Perkins, a youth development researcher at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Brandy's mom, Nicole, says they've cleaned out their toy boxes for a few years. "I try to teach them to give instead of worrying about what they are going to get for Christmas." Draper says she wants her children to understand how those in need feel, so they adopted an "angel" this year, a needy child, and her children helped pick out a present.
Drug Testing Kits From Home Health Testing® parents Home Drug Testing assists parents with drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse by their children. getting involved. The most promising drug prevention programs are those in which parents, students, schools and the faculty members trained to teach about alcohol and other drug use http://www.home-drugtest.com/link05.htm
Extractions: Immunoassay drug testing is often considered to be the first step in a two step process analyzing urine for drugs of abuse. If the initial immunoassay is positive, the urine sample can be sent to a GC/MS certified laboratory for a confirmation test. A GC/MS confirmation is considered to be the "gold standard" in the drug testing industry and is virtually 100% accurate (also much more expensive). Home Health Testing now offers a 2 step home drug testing kit to individuals for use in the privacy of their home - an immunoassay home drug test bundled with a GC/MS laboratory confirmation drug test PRODUCT FEATURES WE OFFER 3 DIFFERENT DRUG TESTING KITS BUNDLED WITH THE PREPAID GC/MS CONFIRMATION
Getting Involved At Eastside Alternative School getting involved. Parental involvement is central to taught by parents. If you would like to propose a topic for a Wednesday Workshop and/or offer to teach it, contact http://schools.4j.lane.edu/eastside/GetInvolved.html
Extractions: Parental involvement is central to what Eastside Alternative School is all about. There are many different ways to get involved. Eastside teachers are happy to have the help of parent volunteers who can volunteer on a regular schedule in the classroom. Contact a teacher to discuss current needs, your interests, and the time you can commit to regular classroom visits. Wednesday Workshops are short, one-hour classes taught by parents. If you would like to propose a topic for a Wednesday Workshop and/or offer to teach it, contact the Eastside office, 687-3303. Eastside parents help raise funds in several ways to support educational programs at Eastside, and help is always needed to organize fund-raising activities. Contact us at 687-3303 for information on ways you can become involved. [ More Each year, Eastside helps a homeless family obtain housing. [
Chapter 2 Parents Getting Involved 21 Chapter 2 parents getting involved Introduction This section provides information about after school paid positions, . teach an after school enrichment session for pay, or http://www.ackviking.com/CPSHandbook/Chapter 2.pdf
Chapter 2 Parents Getting Involved 21 Chapter 2 parents getting involved Introduction This section provides information about or after school paid positions, . teach an after-school enrichment session, for pay or http://www.nantucket.k12.ma.us/nhs/handbook/chapter2.pdf
Want To Teach Children About Money? were horrible, and the scores are getting progressively worse. Ric The obvious answeris for parents and teachers to become more involved, but as you http://www.ricedelman.com/planning/kidsncash/teachkids.asp
Extractions: From Inside Personal Finance I have bad news and worse news. The bad news is that thousands of high school seniors recently flunked a test on personal finance, with an average score of just 50%; only 4% of the students passed. The worse news yeah, it gets worse is that these scores are actually lower than they were six years ago. Thats right: In the 1997 study, seniors scored 57%, and they scored 52% in 2000. The tests were administered nationwide by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. To learn more about this, I visited last month with Dara Duguay, the coalitions executive director. Ric: Dara, what on earth is going on? Dara: Ric, this years results were horrible, and the scores are getting progressively worse. The problem is that only 15% of the students in our survey reported learning anything about personal finance in school. That means the number one teacher is the parent. But in many cases, the parent doesnt know how to teach about money. Thus, we often find the blind leading the blind. Ric: The obvious answer is for parents and teachers to become more involved, but as you said, they often know little about personal finance themselves. So, what can they do to learn how to teach money to kids?
Folio BOOMER PARENTS STILL PROTESTING ON CAMPUS KeepMedia KeepMedia Free Trial. Steve Peri, the executive editor College Parent , believes most colleges treat parents as adversaries. baby boomer offspring are often overly involved in every detail of their kids right balance between getting parents involved in college life and helping them teach their kids to http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.keepmedia.com/ShowItemDetails.do?ite
Extractions: Inviting parents and pre-kindergartners to meet teachers and see their schools six months before school opens can noticeably reduce first-day jitters for everyone. Called kindergarten round-ups, these events also let teachers meet their incoming charges. Morning Sing: School's Weekly Tradition Is Music to the Ears
Helping Children Succeed In School - Additional Resources Cost $16.95. The Way They Learn How to discover and teach to your child sstrengths. 55415 1-800-888-7828. getting parents involved in Schools. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/succeed/11-resources.html
Extractions: Parental Involvement in School Instill a Love in Learning School Stress Learning Styles ... Additional Resources Building Family Strengths . (1995). A family 4-H project in which all members of the family participate. The life-skills projects are done in the home. Written by Illinois Extension educators. The information is available through your local Illinois Extension county offices Celebrate Your Family - A Learn-At-Home Series . This is a general program for all families that gives them a chance to understand and explore the strengths of their family. Two six-issue newsletters have been developed by Pennsylvania State University to help all types of families learn to have fun together, identify their strengths and develop ways of communicating better. Written by Illinois Extension Family Life educators. The information is available through your local Illinois Extension county offices Effective Black Parenting Family 4-H (available in English and Spanish) (1996). Family 4-H provides six weekly meeting trainings to explore six topics. It reinforces the opportunity for adults to become important for their children and encourages the inclusion of relatives, neighbors and other community members. Written by Illinois Extension educators. The information is available through
Extractions: Columbus, OH. Filling the absence of sports instructional materials for children 4-8 years of age, NuWay Products today announced the Getting Started Sports Books series and their new web site, http://www.youth-sports.com/ . While children will enjoy coloring the large pictures and letters, parents will enjoy watching their kids learn all about sports and what fun it is to be part of a team. Using these books, children will know the rules, equipment and basic plays before they even set foot on the playing field. The web site describes the Getting Started Sports Books overall objectives and format. Each available team sport book is reviewed in detail and the coming soon page reviews the soon to be released books. All children and parents will enjoy the exciting multi-media color online page that highlights sportsmanship, plus the printable free pages, available from each book, for coloring offline. The Getting Started Sports Books are a series of educationally oriented coloring books that entertain, involve and teach children about various sports. The format of each book provides pictures (for coloring) and captions that outline and teach the basic rules of the game, equipment involved, scoring and most importantly, help instill a foundation for sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork.
How Does One Teach What One Does Not Know? students will have a hard time getting into college Older children imitate their parents,younger children imitate are more likely to be involved in government http://www.tumon.com/porchswing/myths.html
Extractions: Fact: In states where all homeschoolers are required to be tested, homeschooled students average 80% for their grade and age level whereas public schooled students average a 50% score. When parental education levels are recorded, no appreciable difference can be found between homeschooling parents who did not complete high school and those who have college degrees. Fact: The only qualification parents need to teach their children is a commitment to do whatever it takes to ensure their children get a good education. Homeschooling parents typically learn right along with their children. There are ample resources from which parents can learn what they need to teach their children, teachers manuals, Internet sites and homeschool support groups are just a few.
ROBOLAB @ TUFTS - K-12 a fairly new idea, and like parents, teachers are getting involved in your child sschool curriculum is another Using Legos and RobLAB to teach engineering and http://www.ceeo.tufts.edu/robolabatceeo/parents/
Extractions: HOME K-12 COLLEGE PARENTS ... KNOWLEDGE BASE Activities for Home Using Legos and RoboLAB at home Getting Involved in Schools Using Legos to promote engineering concepts in schools is a fairly new idea, and like parents, teachers are also just starting to get the hang of it. Getting involved in your child's school curriculum is another good way to help your child become more familiar with Legos. Introduce Legos to teachers and see what they think! You could work together to start an after-school program or even integrate Legos into the class schedule. Remember, the CEEO web site ( http://ceeo.tufts.edu/robolabatceeo ) is a great place to come to for help and ideas! Documents: Using Legos and RobLAB to teach engineering and technology ( Word PDF Bringing engineering education to your school ( Word PDF
Da Goddess: Teach...Your Children Well could tend to the business of getting well I agree that the parents should be commendedwhenever such commendation within the hearing of the children involved. http://dagoddess.com/archives/001284.php
Extractions: Friends are like bras, a good one never lets you down! Main I get to see a lot of families come through the hospital. We have all kinds. All mixes, ages, and ethnicities. I love the diversity of our patient population. What I enjoy most about the families is seeing how they interact and how some of the "big" brothers and sisters are toward others. In my career as a nurse, and as a medical assistant before that, I have learned from watching families. Once...there was a family who had a big brother whose little sister was ill....Big brother took the time to read books to his little sister. He was the one to ask for more juice, ran to get coffee for his parent, took care of all the little details so his family could tend to the business of getting well. I had to stop and compliment the parent on how sweet, kind, and genuinely wonderful this child was. And, I asked how they did it. The parent replied that this young man was born that way. That his heart is just "good" and that the parent hoped he'd always remain a kind person. I told the parent I believed that their love and attention was a major factor in the equation. Nurturing the good in a child takes time and hard work. I believed then, and I do now, that the young man will always be one of the good guys. And, I pray that my son possesses even a fraction of the heart that young man had. If so, I'll consider myself a lucky mom.
Teachers.Net Meeting - Job Hunting Tips she could tell that I was very eager to teach and that was nervous, I never mentionedanything about parent communication, getting parents involved with their http://teachers.net/archive/job_hunting3.html
Extractions: Dear Reader, Following is advice received by a teacher who was interviewed by a panel of 5 people for a teaching position but was not hired. She initiated a post-interview discussion with one of the interviewers. When Lauri asked what she might have done better during the interview, the interviewer (an assistant principal) offered the tips included in the message copied below. We thank Lauri for sharing this helpful information! Kathleen First of all, [apparently] the main reason I wasn't hired was the fact that I verbalized that I was VERY nervous ... she told me, "NEVER verbalize your nervousness, that's expected, especially in front of a panel of five! ...and we understand that people are nervous." Apparently, that shows them a lack of self-confidence.... Secondly, "Because you were nervous, your voice softened too much, and it gave us the impression that you had a quiet disposition. We were under the impression that you would be like that in the classroom, and might have been 'eaten alive' by the kids." She stated, in my next interview, to be MORE assertive and to use a strong voice ... as if I were in front of a class ... nice and strong. The bottom line here was the fact that she could tell that I was very eager to teach and that I truly cared about the outcome of my future students!
Extractions: JS Online Features List Main Page News Packer Plus Online Badger Plus Online Sports Entertainment Dining Lifestyle Real Estate Wheels Travel Weather Traffic Chat Obituaries Search JS Online Forums AP - The WIRE Yellow Pages Classifieds OnWisconsin Cars General Employment Real Estate Renting Choices Personals Subscribe to paper Lottery Results Service Desk Contact Us
LHS GEMS Spark Your Child's Success In Math And Science book is found in the titleit is meant to teach caretakers how to will want iton their shelves to provide ideas for getting parents involved with their http://www.lhsgems.org/GEMSpark.html
Extractions: Written by Jacqueline Barber, Nicole Parizeau, Lincoln Bergman Spark Your Child's Success in Math and Science, winner of a Parent's Guide Award , is an innovative book that describes how and why even the smallest actions taken by parents can make the world of difference in their children's schooling and overall education. important? Because: "Being involved" doesn’t require knowledge of math or science, a college education, or any extensive preparation. An involved parent contributes dramatically to a child’s quality of schoolwork, likelihood of graduation, and desire to enroll in higher education. Organized to be accessible and useful, is full of immediately usable ideas and background information for all parents.