Food Safety/Preservation University of georgia Extension food safety and preservation Publications. University of Florida Extension UW-Extension programs are open to all persons without regard to race
Food Preservation Links A Kansas State University Extension Agent resource for food Science, Textiles, Human Nutrition, food Service and more programs Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Access Conversion Page. Clemson University. Common Canning Problems. food preservation and safety georgia Cooperative Extension Service. food
Ionia County MSU Extension | Family And Consumer Sciences | Food Safety food safety information from Ionia County Extension educational programs, information and materials. For more information on food safety or food preservation, contact food So Easy To Preserve University of georgia - Federal, State, And Local Government Agencies With Food Saf The Government Agencies. The food safety Network. Many federal, state, and local agencies work together to monitor food safety. Division of food safety. georgia. georgia Cooperative Extension food safety and preservation Publications Department of Health food safety and Shellfish programs. Wisconsin. Agriculture
Extractions: The Government Agencies The Food Safety Network Many federal, state, and local agencies work together to monitor food safety. The responsibilities of each of the agencies are described in Food Safety: A Team Approach and in the U.S. Food Safety System Country Report Federal Government Agencies Food and Drug Administration Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Environmental Protection Agency For additional federal agencies, see Food Safety: A Team Approach Federal Government/Private Sector Partnerships National Food Safety Education Month Partnership for Food Safety Education (Fight BAC!)
Extractions: Degrees: Ph.D. Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, 1993. M.S. Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, 1989. B.S. Chemistry and Biology, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand, 1984. Years on this faculty: Areas of Responsibilities Extension: Developing and delivering statewide Extension education programs to educate consumers, food handlers, and policymakers on current major issues in food safety and preservation; responsible for food safety training programs for food handler. Research: Consumer acceptance and preferences for nontraditional and traditional foods; consumer attitudes and knowledge toward new technologies and current major issues in food safety; effects of novel technologies on food safety and quality; stability of phytochemicals and micro-nutrients in foods. Professional Experiences: University of Florida, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Assistant Professor, Food Safety and Quality (Sept. 29, 2000 - present) Auburn University Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Research Assistant Professor (October, 1999 - August, 2000).
Extractions: Georgia's Child and Family Services Federal Review and Evaluation Statewide Assessment, Narrative Responses: May 2001 In 1999 the data indicates a significant increase (42%) from 1997 in the number of children discharged out of foster care. The state attributes this increase to ASFA implementation. In September of 1998, Georgia initiated a "desk review" of all children in foster care as of July 1998 and began the process of applying/expediting the termination of parental rights provision in ASFA. The data in 2000 shows a slight decrease in the number of discharges during the year. Georgia has very specific policy regarding the removal of children from their homes. Section 2101.3 of the Social Services Manual, addresses "Good Practice Principles" regarding the safety and removal of children from their homes, as well as the rights of parents to responsibly rear their children. Social Services Manual Sections 2102.3 and 2102.4 delineate reasonable efforts (as defined in P.L. 96-272) to prevent a child's placement. A Reasonable Efforts CheckList (Safety Assessment) documents the efforts made to prevent removal of a child. A copy of this checklist is provided to the court to meet requirements of P.L. 96-272. Every deprivation case requires a judicial determination that reasonable efforts were made to prevent or eliminate the need to place the child in foster care and to make it possible for the child to return home.
Georgia State University: Department Of Nutrition functions of food additives, packaging, and preservation techniques are NUTR 3170, food safety and Sanitation Testing of chemicals added to foods is also included
Extractions: Through class discussion, visits from practitioners, and faculty lectures, students are introduced to the present and projected roles of dietitians and nutritionists. Medical terminology, professional organization membership, and ethical behavior in nutrition and dietetics are discussed. NUTR 3100 Nutrition And Health. (3) Students obtain basic knowledge about nutrients and energy, selecting foods of high nutrient density, and identifying truths and untruths among advertised claims for food products. Current controversial issues, such as supplementation, popular diets, and nutrition related diseases are also examined. NUTR 3150 Food Science I. (4) Prerequisites: Chem 1152K, Nutr 3100.
Food Safety And Preservation National Center for Home food preservation Gateway to Statistics FDA s Center for food safety and Applied Public Information Campaign georgia Division of
Extension Food Publications Children Families. food Nutrition. Diabetes. Economics. Housing. Health safety. Special programs. Program Results. Publications. Slide Shows. Internal. Links. Staff. food safety and preservation. preservation. Safe food Handling
Extractions: Home Diabetes Economics Housing ... Staff Food Safety and Preservation Preservation Safe Food Handling Order Form. Preservation Canning Pumpkin Butter and Mashed or Pureed Squashes online Critical Review of Home Preservation Literature and Current Research online How to Get A Copy of the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning online Making Apple Cider PDF POD Preserving Food: Flavored Vinegars online PDF POD Preserving Food: Processing Jams and Jellies online Preserving Food: Using Boiling Water Canners online Preserving Food: Using Pressure Canners online Preserving Food: Canning Fruit PDF POD Preserving Food: Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Canning Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Fruit PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: What To Do If The Freezer Stops PDF POD Preserving Food: Pickled Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Jams and Jellies PDF POD Preserving Food: Uncooked Jams and Jellies PDF POD Preserving Food: Drying Fruits and Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Animal Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Prepared Foods PDF POD Preserving Food: Jellied Products without Added Sugar PDF POD Preserving Food: Preparing Safer Jerky PDF POD Should I Vacuum Package Food at Home?
Extractions: The Government Agencies The Food Safety Network Many federal, state, and local agencies work together to monitor food safety. The responsibilities of each of the agencies are described in Food Safety: A Team Approach and in the U.S. Food Safety System Country Report Federal Government Agencies Food and Drug Administration Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Environmental Protection Agency For additional federal agencies, see Food Safety: A Team Approach Federal Government/Private Sector Partnerships National Food Safety Education Month Partnership for Food Safety Education (Fight BAC!)
A REVIEW OF FAMILY PRESERVATION AND FAMILY REUNIFICATION PROGRAMS preservation programs first safety is too great, many programs also have criteria for excluding cases that they believe are not likely to benefit from family preservation georgia was the
Extractions: By Westat, Inc. in association with James Bell Associates, Inc., and The Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago May 30, 1995 For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services A. Background B. Purpose of This Report C. Approach D. Relationship of Program Characteristics and Study Criteria Placement Prevention Programs Reunification Programs A. Overview B. Analysis of Family Preservation Program Characteristics Program Models Referral Sources Referral Practices Program Maturity Service Providers Program Statistics A.Overview B.Analysis of Reunification Programs Relationship to Placement Prevention Programs Program Models/Caseload Size and Duration 3Program Maturity 4.Program Size 5.Status of Child's Return Home 6.Referral Criteria 7.Service Providers APPENDIX A:DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED PLACEMENT PREVENTION PROGRAMS APPENDIX B:DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED REUNIFICATION PROGRAMS A.Background
Food Preservation of professionals has as a goal to deliver food safety and quality The programs teach clientele to minimize potential food hazards throughout food preservation.
Extractions: home page Foodborne illness is a major health issue facing Americans. Between 6.5 million and 81 million cases of foodborne illness and as many 9,100 related deaths occur annually. Millions of illnesses and thousands of deaths in the United States can be traced to contaminated food. Illnesses from pathogenic bacteria appear to be increasing each year. The economic devastation of this disease is considerable, with an estimated $420 spent on direct medical costs and $7.3 billion attributed to lost productivity annually. Americans expect many things from their food supply. They want variety and quality; and they want nutritious, safe foods at a reasonable cost. The definition of good quality can be varied depending upon the type of food and the individual's food preference. Some of the important characteristics of quality include wholesomeness, freshness, nutritional value, texture, color, aroma and flavor. To many consumers, safe food means that there will be no danger from pathogenic microorganisms, naturally occurring toxins and other potentially harmful chemicals which may be deliberately added to foods. However, scientists generally agree that microorganisms pose a greater threat to human health than other sources of foodborne illnesses. Foods don't cause illness; bacteria and other pathogens do. However, raw foods of animal origin - meat, poultry, eggs, fish, shellfish - frequently are contaminated with bacteria common in the food chain. In other cases, healthy food handlers may contaminate food with bacteria common in the human body, or diseased food handlers may contaminate food with lesser common pathogens.
Georgia Extension Tele-tips Food Safety Information food Buying. food Preparation. food preservation Storage. food safety. Fruits Nuts Home Economics, Allied programs. Fort Valley State University. Fort Valley, georgia 31030
Extractions: Academics Cooperative Extension Agricultural Research Faculty/Staff ... Other Resources georgia extension tele-tips food safety Botulism, Preventing Formats Available: HTML PDF Feeding a Crowd Safety Formats Available: HTML PDF Food, Cooling Large Quantities of Formats Available: HTML PDF Food Poisoning, Grows in Warm temperatures Formats Available: HTML PDF Food Poisoning, Often Called Virus Formats Available: HTML PDF Records 1 to 5 of 15 Next Last Home Academics ... Search Georgia Extension Teletips for reprints or other information, write to us at:
Food And Nutrition text articles on many current topics of food, food safety and nutrition National Center for Home food preservation Hosted at University of georgia, full text
Extractions: MSUE Educational Materials Food and Nutrition Educational materials that can be ordered from MSU Extension Extension Food Safety Education Database National database of curriculum and resource materials on food safety topics. Reviewed by a national committee. Preserving Food Safely Database Information on food preservation topics. Keyword searchable on full text articles. MSU Extension Food and Nutrition Bulletins Full text bulletins written by MSU Extension staff on food and nutrition topics. This is not a complete listing. Breast Feeding Initiative Information on the breast feeding initiative program in Michigan. Team Nutrition Information on the statewide Team Nutrition program sponsored by MSU Extension. Food, Nutrition and Health Program Materials Information on the food, nutrition and health program materials available from MSU Extension. Michigan Hunger Web Site Information on the hunger, support materials, links to agencies, etc. in Michigan. Operation Risk Details of a nutrition program curriculum developed by MSU Extension. Includes a handwashing rap, etc. aimed at youth.
Project Title: Food Editor's Food Safety Tours The University of georgia Cooperative Extension considerations food preparation - home, institutional - food preservation. or the food safety and Quality
Extractions: Extension Food Safety Education - FSQ96002 Materials Title: Food Editor's Food Safety Tours Project Number: 91-EFSQ-1-4002 Materials Format: Notebook Date Materials Produced: 1992 University: University of Georgia Project Director: Janet Rodekohr The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Hoke Smith Annex Athens, GA 30602-4356 This project has been completed. I. Content: A. Main emphasis of the materials: Microbiological issues, Risk Communication B. Content related to risk communication - Consumer perception and outrage factors -Understanding risks and issues related to bacteria, pesticides, biotechnology, food irradiation, environmental concerns - Risk reduction strategies - Regulatory Issues C. Content related to microbiological issues - Scientific principles of food safety - Foodborne illness - Food purchasing considerations - Food preparation - home, institutional - Food preservation
Food Safety Links - and Preparation, food preservation, food safety and Storage University of georgia food Science Articles; Minnesota Extension Service - food safety Publications;
Extractions: Recipe Links A-Z Index Boards Clippings Home Page Search DAILYS: Food Columns Today's Swap Today's Menu TOPICS: Baking Barbecue Beginners Breadmaker Brunch Cakes Cards Chefs Chocolate Companies Cookbooks Copycat Crock Pot Databases Diabetic Diets Ethnic Gingerbread Ham Health Holidays Kid's Low Fat Magazines Meal Plans Mixes Net Search Newspapers Nutrient Data Parties Picnics Preserving Restaurants Software Schools Turkey TV Chefs MORE... Board Topics COOKING: Cooking Club Daily Swap Baking Copycat Dinner Ethnic Foodservice Frugal Heirloom Holidays Low Fat Lunch Make Ahead One or Two Outdoor Parties Preserving Quantity Vegetarian OTHER: Chat-Books Chat-Misc Collectibles Contests Gadgets Gardening Groceries Hobbies LIST ALL Shopping Kitchen Link Cookbooks Amazon Free Offers
Family Development Food Safety with your questions about food safety and food or beginner in home food preservation, it s important to The University of georgia Cooperative Extension Service
Extractions: From farm to table, food safety is a shared responsibility among each sector of the food system - food production, processing, food service and consumers. UNH Cooperative Extension's food safety education programs target each sector of the food system with research based publications, programs, and links to help you make more informed decisions about food safety. Food Preservation Food Safety for Community Meals Food Safety for Food Service Workers Food Safety for Food Producers and Food Processors Keeping Food Safe at Home On the Home Front: Emerging Food Safety Issues This interesting and interactive program will help you identify the common causes of foodborne illness in the home kitchen. You will learn four simple steps to food safety and identify at least one change for handling food which will reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Food Safety Main Information Page - AgMRC a complete range of food preservation topics and is food Irradiation, University of georgia College of food Irradiation Information, food safety Project, Iowa
Extractions: University Food Safety Centers Bio-terrorism Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - This site provides descriptions for various biological agents that pose a risk to national security. Bioterrorism - A Threat to Agriculture and the Food Supply. U.S. General Accounting Office. This document summarizes four GAO reports regarding the U.S. food supply. Nov. 19, 2003 Center for the Study of Bioterrorism and Emerging Infections , Saint Louis University School of Public Health - This Web site offers a variety of resources and links. Countering Bioterror, Bioterrorism and Your Food
CSU SafeFood Web Links Menu food preservation from the University of georgia. who practice and teach home food preservation and processing education on nutrition and food safety, and many
Extractions: SafeFood Rapid Response Network This page provides links to other food safety sites, including Cooperative Extension government HACCP , and organizations Colorado State University Cooperative Extension fact sheets on food safety . Also Nutrition News and Consumer Connection weeky columns, Healthy Aging monthly column. The National Center for Home Food Preservation from the University of Georgia. This is a source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation. The Center was established with funding from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (CSREES-USDA) to address food safety concerns for those who practice and teach home food preservation and processing methods. Many state Cooperative Extension Web sites have food safety publications available online. State of Colorado National Food Safety Information Network The National Food Safety Information Network brings together the Federal Government's primary mechanisms for providing food safety information to the public. The "Network's" goal is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the government's food safety information dissemination activities.
The University Of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Nutrition and food safety Topics National Home food preservation at the University of georgia. a searchable database of common food preservation questions from
Extractions: Obesity Publications Faculty and Staff ... Nutrition and Food Safety Topics Food Preservation Caution: Use only USDA tested recipes for home food preservation. These have been shown to be safe. Never taste a home canned product unless you know it has been preserved using recommended methods. National Center for Home Food Preservation source for current research-based recommendations and recipes for home food preservation. Types of Home Food Preservation Drying Freezing Water-Bath Canning Pressure Canning Recipes for Home Food Preservation USDA's Complete Guide to Home Canning The National Center for Home Food Preservation The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service - So Easy to Preserve Penn State University Let's Preserve The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service - Contact your local Extension office for a copy.