- Syllabus of a course of ten lectures on historical geology by William Berryman Scott, 1897
- Principles and theories of geology;: Course 60, University of Chicago by Thomas C Chamberlin, 1916
- Yukon field course: Geology 104 by Michael L Porter, 1985
- Degree Course Guides 1992-93: Geology and Environmental Sciences
- Student handbook for Geology 128-129, field course in geology: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill & East Carolina University, summer, 1983 by John M Bartley, 1983
- Applications of engineering-geological maps and guiding principles of mapping (International post-graduate course on the principles and methods of engineering geology) by György Gabos, 1975
- Guide to tertiary field geology: Course 661 by Samuel P Ellison, 1950
- Geology and petroleum field courses (Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines) by William P Huleatt, 1935
- Principles of geology (International post-graduate course on the principles and methods of engineering geology) by GyoÌrgy BaÌrdossy, 1975
- The science of revealed truth impregnable as shown by the argumentative failures of infidelity and theoretical geology: A course of lectures delivered ... Brunswick, New Jersey (The Vedder Lectures) by William R Gordon, 1878
- Geology (Course S260)
- Geology 4 and 5: Syllabus for the courses in field geology, June 1921 by Cyrus F Tolman, 1921
- Bibliography of selected articles pertinent to introductory geology courses, published in Mineral information service and California geology, January 1951--June 1977 by N. A Gruver, 1978
- Degree Course Guides 1994-95: Geology and Environmental Sciences (CRAC Degree Course Guides)