Extractions: [Use these sites for answers to Take Home Test 1.] What are fractals? New Layout of Fractal Images What is the Mandelbrot Set? The Mandelbrot Set - Where does it come from? ... Making a Serpinski Triangle - self-similarity Devaney-dancing triangles and zooming Serpinski-animated Lauren's Dancing Serpinski 3-dimensional Serpinski pyramid Koch Snowflake - Geometric Iteration ... top of the page
Fractal Animations of the animations now include music. This music was created with a program calleda Music Generator, which creates music and MIDI files from fractals, pictures http://www.fractal-recursions.com/anim.html
Extractions: These UF animations were created using Ultra Fractal and a custom animation program. One was made using Apophysys , which is now able to create animations itself. Each animation is around two to five minutes long and took anywhere from several days to several weeks to render using 4 computers. To encode the frames into animations I used MainActor . The files are encoded using MPEG-1 (for the 320x240) and MPEG-2 (for the 720x480). To view the MPEG-2 files you will need the proper codec. If your PC has a DVD player, you probably have that codec already. Otherwise, try a google search for "free mpeg2 codec". Some of the animations now include music. This music was created with a program called a Music Generator , which "creates music and MIDI files from fractals, pictures, text and numbers." It's fun to use and really flexible. I exported MIDI files from it and used Reason to create the final versions. It seems browsers may have problems opening these files, so you might want to right click, then select "Save as" to save the files instead of opening them directly. Then launch them locally on your system with your viewer.
Authorization Failure... ArtByMath Gallery features amazing 3dRaytrace art images and Ultra fractals designs. ArtByMath offers exclusive fine-art Posters, Screensavers, online Puzzles and much more. Over 60 Awards. gallery museum exhibits artist fractal fractals fractint ultrafractal 3d 3-d raytrace http://www.artbymath.com/
Dynamical Systems And Technology Project Dancing Triangles. The Dynamical Systems. and. Technology Project. at. Boston University. Zooming Sierpinski in mathematics (chaos, fractals, dynamics) into the classroom teaching ideas concerning chaos and fractals. There are topics as iteration, fractals, iterated function systems (the http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS
Extractions: Boston University Zooming Sierpinski This project is a National Science Foundation sponsored project designed to help secondary school and college teachers of mathematics bring contemporary topics in mathematics (chaos, fractals, dynamics) into the classroom, and to show them how to use technology effectively in this process. At this point, there are a number of Java applets available at this site for use in teaching ideas concerning chaos and fractals. There are also several interactive papers designed to help teachers and students understand the mathematics behind such topics as iteration, fractals, iterated function systems (the chaos game), and the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. This is an interactive site designed to teach the mathematics behind the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It consists of a series of tours in which you will discover some of the incredibly interesting and beautiful mathematics behind these images. The site is designed to be used by readers of
Fractals Fractal Movie Archive Enjoy this online biggest collection of fractal animations(191 at this time, 675Mb). fractals infi.net Randy s Icon and Image Bazaar. http://www.desktoppublishing.com/fractals.html
Extractions: Choose Another Area Add URL Altman@Large ArtLinx Awards Backgrounds BookStore Bright Ideas Cool Stuff Design dtpLinks dtpServices dtpSoftware dtpStore Exit Fonts Free Stuff Graphics Sites Graphics Utilities Home Icons Java Job Bank Macintosh Magazines Message Boards News Photoshop Press Releases Printers - Service Bureaus Reviews Scanning Search Showcase SiteKits Sponsorship Stock Photos Templates Tips Training Vendors Web Designer's Paradise Windows
Fractal Animation If you find this closeup of the chaos mathematics exciting, download Fractal Animation(free) and watch it animated in colour. Download Fractal Animation. http://www.melin.nu/fractale.html
Extractions: Fractal Animation is an MS-DOS based program. It is used for displaying fractals from the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Fractal Animation has mouse support and is easy to use To run this program, you will need at least a i386 processor or better (486 is recommended), 1 MB RAM, MS-DOS 3.2 and a VGA-compatible display. The program uses standard VGA 320x200 resolution with 256 colours. Higher resolution modes are not available in this version (1.01). Please read the readme file in fractal.zip for more information. This is a screenshot from Fractal Animation, and the Mandelbrots set. If you find this close-up of the chaos mathematics exciting, download Fractal Animation (free) and watch it animated in colour. It is amazing... Download Fractal Animation Fractal Animation 1.01 is freeware, i.e. free. You won't have to pay any registration fee. Please read the readme-file (is to be found in fractal.zip) before using this program. Fractal Animation. (49 kb)
Products Fractal Animation is an MSDOS based program. If you find these fractalsenthralling now, wait until you see them animated in colour http://www.melin.nu/eproduct.html
Extractions: Products Here is a list of our products available in English Oriantica . The successor of WinOL. New graphics and new prospects. Play against your friends over the net or challenge you computer. Import maps from OCAD. WinOL is real-time orienteering simulation software for Windows. Here, you can find information on the game, updates, extra maps and more. Fractal Animation is an MS-DOS based program. It can be used to view fractals from the Mandelbrot and Julia set. Fractal Animation has mouse support, and is able to zoom the fractals with the precision of 19 digits! Furthermore, Fractal Animation, not completely unexpected, animates the fractals. If you find these fractals enthralling now, wait until you see them animated in colour... Modified December 2, 2002
Fractals By Jos Leys-Gallery Animations of 3D Curves and Surfaces. and a few images. Animation Java appletby Stig Christensen. Toroidal helix ( 1300k ), Toroidal helix 2 ( 1800k ). http://www.josleys.com/animationsindex6.htm
Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames Or you can use the Electric Sheep distributed screen saver to join the collectiveevolution of animated fractal flames. donate, here be gnarl, buy prints/video. http://flam3.com/
Extractions: about galleries animation children ... press Fractal Flames are algorithmically generated images and animations. The software was written in 1992 and released as open source, aka free software. It has been incorporated into many graphics programs and ported to most operating systems. The shape of each image is specified by a long string of numbers - a genetic code of sorts. You can create your own flames with the Apophysis interactive designer (for windows) or with the gimp's flame plug-in (for linux and OSX ). Or you can use the Electric Sheep distributed screen saver to join the collective evolution of animated fractal flames. donate here be gnarl buy prints/video
Mark's Animation Gallery This area now has *4* animation categories The Cybermenagery, Of This World, Notof This World, and fractals In Motion. Most animations are in GIF89 format http://hometown.aol.com/newimage9/animate/animate.htm
Extractions: Main Graphics htmlAdWH('7002588', '234', '60'); Click these links for other areas of interest: Home Page 3D Graphics Photogallery Fractals Welcome to my Animation Gallery, a world of movement! This area now has animation categories: The Cybermenagery Of This World Not of This World , and Fractals In Motion
The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals World of fractals Adam Lerer A general site about fractals, including image galleries,animations, descriptions of different types of animations, explanations http://mathforum.org/library/browse/static/topic/fractals.html
Extractions: An interactive tool for exploring the Mandelbrot set and other fractal patterns. With the Fractal Microscope students can enjoy the art as they master the science of mathematics, and can address a variety of topics in the K-12 curriculum including scientific notation, coordinate systems and graphing, number systems, convergence, divergence, and self-similarity. The program is designed to run in conjunction with NCSA imaging tools such as DataScope and Collage. more>> Fractals - Cynthia Lanius This lesson plan for exploring fractals is designed so 4th through 8th grade students can work independently and be assessed innovatively. It conforms to the 1989 NCTM standards, and provides links to other fractal sites. Contents: Why study fractals? Making fractals: Sierpinski Triangle, Sierpinski Meets Pascal, Jurassic Park Fractal, Koch Snowflake. Fractal Properties: Self-similarity, Fractional dimension, Formation by iteration. Teacher-to-Teacher notes; Fractals on the Web. more>> Fractals (Mathematics Archives) - University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)
Spanky Whats-new Domains Gallery. Scott Draves has a collection of animated flame fractalsin mpeg format that are extremely fascinating. Rumi Humphrey http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/whats-new.html
Extractions: An interesting mandelbrot. It can get confusing browsing these fractal pages in their semi-organized state brought on by my random updating. All the links can be a little overwhelming so I'm going to make an attempt to filter all the new links through this page before moving them to their appropriate index page. If you're just looking for recent developments in the Fractal Community, then this is the page for you. I'll form a small set of links under each of the main information catagories I maintain and just keep pointers to recent additions here. I'll try and keep the number of links low and reasonably up-to-date. This page will have a very simple format, within each catagory, new things will be added to the bottom of the list, and moved to the related index page when they get to the top. This is also one page where the header image may change from time to time. I'll use this page to introduce any current favourite or recent image that I've created. Other Images directory Les St Clair's les_stclair@compuserve.com
Archived Pictures one of the largest collections ( = 820MB) is Frank Roussel s at http//www.cnam.fr/fractals.htmlFractal animations in MPEG and FLI format are in http//www http://fractals.iut.u-bordeaux1.fr/sci-faq/archivepictures.html
Extractions: : Where are fractal pictures archived? : Fractal images (GIFs, JPGs...) are posted to alt.binaries.pictures.fractals (also known as abpf); this newsgroup has replaced alt.fractals.pictures . However, several alt.binaries.pictures groups being badly reputed, alt.fractals.pictures seems to have some new activity. The following lists are scanty and will evolve soon. Many Mandelbrot set images are available via ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/graphic/fractals Pictures from 1990 and 1991 are available via anonymous ftp at ftp://csus.edu/pub/alt.fractals.pictures Fractal images including some recent alt.binaries.pictures.fractals images are archived at ftp://spanky.triumf.ca/fractals
Animation Matrix QUICK, Information At NO CHARGE On Animation Matrix abstract.cs.washington.edu. Fractal Animation and Video 2 hour video, Mathematicsfor Lovers, 46 scenes with music ART MATRIX fractals. http://www.askwhatever.co.uk/whatsearch/whatsearch.cgi?keywords= animation matri
V.Kritchallo: Artistic Resume super slideshow of the Medici family treasures guided by an ever-changing fractal agent , called Treasures of the Medici , the biggest animated effort so http://www.synthart.com/artresume.htm
Extractions: summary of the artistic experience The artist's creative direction can be defined as a seamless synthesis of the algorithmic, computer-generated patterns and textures with fragments of the captured 'real-life' imagery, such as photos, or elements extracted from the traditional paintings, sculptures or drawings. The artist had coined himself this unique and not yet approached by anybody else in such consistent manner direction, as 'Synth Art'. He believes that such seamless and organic integration of different graphical sources in the art, augmented by the innovative digital interpretation, can result not only in striking visual effects, but also in some radically new graphical creations that weren't possible to achieve previously, without the aid of computers and sophisticated software. Besides working in the main Synth Art direction, which results in making of series of still digital collages, compositions and animated clips, the author also likes to explore the two opposite limits of this self-defined field of art: more-or-less 'traditional' digital interpretations and stylizations of the people's portraits and still life scenes, on one end, as well as purely synthetic, math-driven creations, featuring objects 'living' in any of the 2D, 3D or 4D (time-controlled) space, on another. With the art creations leaning toward the second end of this spectrum, it becomes increasingly difficult to represent them faithfully on such traditional media as the prints, so the author chooses largely to employ the CD-ROM, Internet and other advanced media as the end means to represent his art for the publics.
Fractal Software team. HOP fractals in Motion (DOS) Shareware A screensaver whichdraws beautiful abstract images and real-time animations. IFS4 http://thinks.com/software/fractals.htm
Extractions: A Mathematica-based application for creating mathematical and algorithmic art, including fractal art. In addition to traditional graphic design tools (such as graphics transformations or utilities for creating wallpaper patterns), Artlandia features the built-in artificial intelligence algorithms that enhance the attractiveness of images and make the images more pleasing to human eye. As an example, simple commands exist for creating and applying natural color combinations or adding a carefully weighted, spatially correlated randomness into an algorithmic image. Artlandia is a professional-grade tool that has been extensively used for surface design, particularly textile design. The software is also geared to the needs of mathematical hobbyists and educator's communities. (Windows) Shareware