Threadsafe library of fortran 90 packages for solving nonlinear optimization problems, covering unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization, quadratic programming, nonlinear programming, systems of nonlinear equations and inequalities, and nonlinear least squares problems.
Extractions: Camelot News Download GALAHAD Documentation Contribute ... Authors of GALAHAD elcome! ALAHAD is a thread-safe library of Fortran 90 packages for solving nonlinear optimization problems. At present, the areas covered by the library are unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization, quadratic programming, nonlinear programming, systems of nonlinear equations and inequalities, and nonlinear least squares problems. GALAHAD contains the following major packages: solves quadratic programs using a primal-dual interior-point method globalized by means of a trust region. The method works in two phases, the first finding a feasible point for the set of constraints, while the second maintaining feasibility while iterating towards optimality. Once again, core linear algebraic requirements are handled by an adaptive preconditioned CG/Lanczos iteration.
Stanford Business Software Sells fortran 77 optimization codes MINOS (linear programming and nonlinear optimization), SNOPT (largescale quadratic and nonlinear programming), NPSOL (nonlinear programming), LSSOL (Linearly constrained linear least squares problems and convex quadratic programmmin), and QPOPT (linear and quadratic programming).
Extractions: Welcome to Stanford Business Software's site for distribution of SOL/UCSD Optimization Software;a suite of packages for solving linear, quadratic, and nonlinear programs. The algorithms and software are produced by researchers Walter Murray and Michael Saunders at the Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL) , Stanford University, and researcher Philip Gill at the Department of Mathematics, UC San Diego.
F Programming Books Titles include Key Features of F , Programmer's Guide to F , Algorithms and Data Structures in F and fortran , The F programming Language , and F Tutorial . Sold by The fortran Company.
Extractions: F Programming Books Several books on the F programming language are now available. You may order all of the books here Key Features of F by Adams, Brainerd, Martin, and Smith. ISBN 0-9640135-2-5, approximately 250 pages, published by Unicomp, US$20. This is a reference work with two opposing pages devoted to each of the major features of F, with examples, syntax, and the basic rules to use the feature. It is similar in style to Fortran Top 90Ninety Key Features of Fortran 90 by the same authors. Programmer's Guide to F by Walt Brainerd, Charlie Goldberg, and Jeanne Adams, ISBN 0-9640135-1-7, approximately 400 pages, published by The Fortran Company, US$33. This is a tutorial introduction suitable for a beginner with many complete example programs. It is similar in style to Programmer's Guide to Fortran 90 by the same authors. by Loren Meissner, ISBN 0-9640135-3-3, published by Unicomp, US$39. This is a textbook designed with emphasis on numerical computing in science and engineering. Here is a list of contents . It is based on Meissner's book Fortran 90 We have a few copies with marred covers that are available at a discounted price of $25. See the order form to obtain one of these copies.
Algorithms And Data Structures In F And Fortran By Robin Vowels (Unicomp). Emphasizes fundamentals of structured programming through study of F and fortran 90/95. It is designed for a reader's second exposure to computer programming, whether it be through selfstudy or a course in computer science. Site describes book, lists contents, and provides code examples.
Extractions: ISBN 0-9640135-4-1 Algorithms and Data Structures in F and Fortran emphasizes fundamentals of structured programming through study of F and Fortran 90/95. It is designed for a reader's second exposure to computer programming, whether it be through self-study or a course in computer science. The book is not just algorithms. Additional F/Fortran topics are included: separate theme chapter are devoted to complex arithmetic, file processing, list processing (the extensive chapter includes binary search trees), text processing including string searching, and recursion. Chapters can be studied in any order, as they are mostly independent; They can be selected at will according the reader's interests. The book is backed up by comprehensive appendices on the built-in procedures and summaries of the F and Fortran statements. It is recommended, although not essential, that the reader be familiar with the F or Fortrran 90/95 programming language, prior to using this text. One excellent introduction to F is Programmer's Guide to F The programs in the book are available here in zip format The programs in the book are available here in tar format A detailed table of contents is here The chapters are: Sorting Recursion Linked Lists and Trees Complex Arithmetic Using Published Algorithms Text Processing Files Solving Simultaneous Equations Graphics Searching Numerical Methods Whole Array Operations
Extractions: Structured Programmer's Soliloquy SP or not SP that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The rules and exceptions of outrageous FORTRAN Or to take arms against a sea of transfers And by structuring end them. To code to test No more; and by a test to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural mistakes That FORTRAN is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To code to test. To test perchance to bomb: aye, there's the rub! For in that test of code what bugs may come When we have shuffled of this FORTRAN code, Must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of so long lists. [] For who would bear the whips and scorns of time-sharing Th' operating systems wrong, the computer's crash, The pangs of despis'd code, the turnaround's delay, The insolence of compilers, and the spurns That patient coding of FORTRAN takes When he himself might his quietus make with PL/I? Who would this FORTRAN Bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary language, But that the dread of something after FORTRAN The undiscover'd country, from whose bourne No programmer returns puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn away And lose the name of action. - Henry Kleine and Philip H. Roberts April DATAMATION
Fortran Programmers Club Site was moved to http//
Structure Of A Fortran Program Structure of a fortran Program. {executable statements} . END PROGRAM {name}. As another example, consider the simple fortran program PROGRAM SIMPLE !
Extractions: Next: Errors in Programs Up: Introduction to Fortran Previous: Basic Fortran statements A program consists of a number of lines of Fortran statements (some statements are executable and some are descriptive). The program is executed sequentially, starting at the first executable statement. The overall structure of a main program unit is: As another example, consider the simple Fortran program: PROGRAM SIMPLE ! THIS IS A SIMPLE SAMPLE PROGRAM IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: A,B,C,TOTAL A = 1.0 B = 2.0 C = 3.0 TOTAL = A + B + C PRINT *,'TOTAL IS',TOTAL END PROGRAM SIMPLE
Index Of /Science-Subjects/Fortran Parent Directory 11-Nov-2003 1516 - fortran90/ 03-Nov-1998Index of /ScienceSubjects/fortran. Name Last modified Size
HPTC Solutions - HPF Tutorial Top . July 1998. This tutorial describes how to write HPF programs for the Compaq fortran compiler from HewlettPackard. Revision
Extractions: printable version site information using this site what's new on this site send us your comments solutions ... Top July 1998 This tutorial describes how to write HPF programs for the Compaq Fortran compiler from Hewlett-Packard. Revision/Update Information: July 1998, minor edits October 2002 Operating System and Version: Tru64 UNIX, Version 4.0 and higher Software Versions: Compaq Fortran Version 5.1 About This Tutorial What is HPF? Why Parallel Processing? Parallel Programming Models ... Extrinsic Procedures A Example Programs A.1 lu.f90 A.2 A.3 Mandelbrot Example Program A.3.1 mandelbrot.f90 A.3.2 simpleX.c A.3.3 simpleX.h A.3.4 dope.h A.4 Index Iteration of the Function z*z+c Using a DO Loop to Compute the Grid Using a FORALL structure to Compute the Grid ... Code Fragment for Mapping Illustrations Distributing an Array (*, BLOCK)
7.1.1 EXAMPLE FORTRAN PROGRAM 7.1.1 EXAMPLE fortran PROGRAM. Column Format. From the time fortran was invented until the mid 1970 s, most fortran programs were punched on 80column cards.
Extractions: A program is a sequence of instructions that enables the computer to solve a problem. Writing a program to solve the problem can be a formidable task if the problem is complex. The overall programming process can often be simplified by using a top-down approach. The process is called a top-down design because the programmer starts with the original problem and breaks it down into smaller tasks which can be addressed separately. First, the large tasks are identified and then each of these tasks is refined filling in more details. This process allows the programmer to initially concentrate on the overall steps without getting bogged down in the details of the program, thus making the programming task more manageable. Another advantage of breaking a program down into tasks is that each task can be checked for correctness apart from the other tasks. An algorithm or plan, in the form of a flowchart or pseudocode (English-like statements), can be used to describe the problem solving process. Problem Statement Find the surface area and volume of a sphere with a given radius.
Task Parallelism And Fortran fortran M. fortran~M is a small set of extensions to fortran that supports a modular approach to the construction of sequential and parallel programs.
Extractions: The task parallelism group at Argonne National Laboratory investigates applications, language constructs, compilation, and runtime system issues associated with the use of task parallelism, and mixed task/data parallelism. Much of this work is performed in the context of Fortran, but many of the techniques apply equally to other languages. High Performance Fortran (HPF) provides a convenient syntax for specifying data-parallel execution, but does not at present allow programmers to write task-parallel programs in which different tasks perform different activities at the same time. As a solution to this problem, we advocate the development of an HPF binding for the Message Passing Interface (``HPF/MPI''). This provides a standard set of functions for coupling multiple HPF tasks to form task-parallel computations. Working with Rakesh Krishnaiyer and Alok Choudhary at Syracuse University, we have developed a prototype implementation of an HPF/MPI library. This is a nontrivial exercise because (for example) sending and receiving tasks may employ different data distributions, and execute on different numbers of processors. Our prototype uses the HPF compiler produced by the Portland Group, Inc., and was demonstrated at the Supercomputing 95 conference. In future work, we plan to use the HPF/MPI prototype to investigate algorithms for high-performance communication in mixed task/data-parallel computations. We also plan to investigate other libraries that implement other communication mechanisms, such as Fortran M channels, and to compare library-based and language-based approaches to task-parallel computation.
Lame Industries - Tutorials the 10 first square numbers in the array sq integer i, sq(10) do 100 i = 1, 10 sq(i) = i**2 100 continue A common bug in fortran is that the program tries to
Fortran Programs fortran Programs. Before doing the text. In this lesson we will look in more detail at fortran programs and the process of writing them.
Calling C And Fortran Programs From MATLAB (External Interfaces) Calling C and fortran Programs from MATLAB. MATLAB provides an interface to external programs written in the C and fortran languages.
Extractions: External Interfaces Although MATLAB is a complete, self-contained environment for programming and manipulating data, it is often useful to interact with data and programs external to the MATLAB environment. MATLAB provides an interface to external programs written in the C and Fortran languages. Introducing MEX-Files
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