The Miami Herald 03/01/2004 FCAT Scores Up At Schools With half of the books in florida media centers are more than 15 years old; in Broward, it s about 46 percent. And, according to the school district s electronic
Follett Software Company - Press Releases school library media centers support the curriculum, and SUNLINK is there to support media centers, says Dr. Donna Baumbach, Director of the florida SUNLINK
Extractions: Back to List Follett Software Company Gives Florida K-12 Students A Better Read On Incentive Reading Program Materials Florida Governor Jeb Bush has made improving literacy one of the key initiatives of his administration. The state, which ranked 43rd in the U.S. in reading proficiency in the Measuring Up 2000 study from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, is expending huge efforts to encourage K-12 students as well as adults to improve their reading ability. Once Find-A-Book data is added to the records, SUNLINK allows students and teachers to search not only by reading level, interest level and reading program features, but by title, author, subject, format, language, date, location and keyword. It provides information about the school(s) and district(s) holding the item and the call number. Students and teachers may then contact their media specialist to borrow the book from another member's library through SUNLINK's established interlibrary loan protocols. About Follett Software Company Since 1985, Follett Software Company has provided school, public and special libraries with leading-edge library automation, Internet and curriculum resource software and services. Its Circulation Plus software, with more than 30,000 installations worldwide, is the number one selling library automation system in the K-12 marketplace. The company also has the largest base of installed Windows customers, with 15,000 users. Follett Software Company is a division of Follett Corporation, and is headquartered in McHenry, IL. In 1999, the company was ranked among the top ten largest software companies in Chicago. For additional information, call (800) 323-3397 or go to
Dr. Pat Bauer Dr. Bauer is presently serving as the section leader for the school Libraries and media centers Section of the florida Library Association.
Extractions: Bauer, Patricia: Visiting Assistant Professor Patricia Bauer, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida School of Library and Information Science; Administrator of Cohort Programs for USF LIS students in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Pinellas and Brevard Counties; teaching Foundations of Library and Information Science, Materials for Children, Materials for Young Adults, Organization and Administration of the School Media Center; and supervising fieldwork. Academic service includes: chair of scholarship committee, comprehensive exams committee, long range scheduling committee . Community service includes service on the Tampa Bay Library Consortium Long Range Planning Committee and the Library Advisory Board of the city of Dunedin. Dr. Bauer is an educator with ten years experience as a classroom teacher and 14 years as a school library media specialist with certifications in elementary education, school media, and educational leadership. A Florida native with degrees from Stetson University (B.A., 1965), the University of South Florida (M.A., 1982), Nova Southeastern University (Ed.D., 1989), and Florida State University (Ph.D., 1995), she has been active in community and professional organizations which offered opportunities to serve as an advocate for quality library services for children in both public library and school library settings. Recent professional activities include serving on a research committee for the Young Adult Library Services Association, investigating the professional development needs of librarians who serve young adults. Awarded the Frances Henne Research Grant by YALSA in 2000, she and Dr. Kay Bishop conducted a research study of programs and strategies for attracting young adults to public libraries in Florida. Findings from this study were presented at the 2001 Florida Library Association Conference. Dr. Bauer is presently serving as the section leader for the School Libraries and Media Centers Section of the Florida Library Association.
ECSD - Schools And Centers Tate High. BT Washington High. West florida High school of Advanced Technology. Woodham High. centers. Brentwood Liberal Arts Magnet school. District media Center.
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY. The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement. ERIC Digest. THIS DIGEST WAS CREATED BY ERIC, THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ERIC, CONTACT ACCESS ERIC 1-800-LET-ERIC INTRODUCTION Advocates of school library media programs have long been convinced of the relationship between quality library media programs and academic achievement. Most studies of this relationship were conducted between 1959 and 1979, were limited in scope, and usually used a small number of subjects in a limited geographical area. This study was designed both to update the existing research and to examine the relationship between library media programs and student achievement. METHODOLOGY Ideally, schools included in the sample for a study such as this would be selected on a random, stratified, or quota basis. None of these sampling designs was possible, because schools included in the sample had to have library media centers that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in Colorado and had to use the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) or Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP). These data were available for only 221 of 1,331 public elementary and secondary schools in Colorado during the 1988-89 school year. The study relied entirely upon available data about school library media centers and their school and community contexts to predict norm-referenced test scores.
Extractions: site index 1997 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures ... Current Issue of the Digest Table 413. Selected statistics on public school library/media centers, by state: 1993-94 NOTE.Percentages are based on schools that have library/media centers. In school year 1990-91, 96 percent of public and 87 percent of private schools had library/media centers. Standard errors appear in parentheses. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94, unpublished data. (This table was prepared August 1997.) Download this table as a Lotus WK1 file. back to top NCES Headlines JUST RELEASED! Condition of Education 2004 NEW! Search for Public Libraries College Opportunities On-Line (COOL) Adds Admissions Information NCES Home ... Site Index National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences U.S. Dept. of Education map 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA, Phone: (202) 502-7300
Extractions: NOTE: Percentages are based on schools that have library/media centers. In school year 1990-91, 96 percent of public schools had library/media centers. Data have been revised from previously published figures. Standard errors appear in parentheses. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94, unpublished data. (This table was prepared November 2001.) back to top NCES
New Media On The Web: Communications Programs InFlux InFlux is the online version of the school s awardwinning South florida. Information Technology Computer Learning centers, The New media Consortium, and
South Carolina School Library Media Centers THE CRUCIAL YEARS school LIBRARY media centers. that only 15 states had school library supervisors. including North Carolina, Georgia, florida and Tennessee.
Extractions: The Development of School Libraries in South Carolina The following speech was delivered by Margaret Ehrhardt on March 31, 1988 as the Third Annual Deans' Lecture of the University of South Carolina College of Library and Information Science. Ms. Ehrhardt was Supervisor of School Library Services for the South Carolina State Department of Education from 1970 until the early 1980s. THE CRUCIAL YEARS: SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTERS The years 1945-1985 were crucial years for school library programs, not only in South Carolina, but for the nation as well. The ALA Handbook for 1944 showed that only 15 states had school library supervisors. It was interesting to note that seven of these were Southern states, including North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Tennessee. Tonight I should like to explore with you some of the significant events that have helped to shape the development of school library media programs in our state. The first significant factor was the employment by the State Department of Education of the first Supervisor of Library Services. It is seldom that one can pinpoint the beginning of a library media program, but this is not true of school library media services in South Carolina. The date was March 29, 1946, and the time was 11:00. It was then that an announcement was made to the School Library Section of the South Carolina Education Association which was in session at University High School here in Columbia that the State Department of Education had received a grant from the General Education Board (of the Rockefeller Foundation) to employ a Library Supervisor. This was the first attempt to bring structure into what had been haphazard library development in the schools.
PCRM >> News And Media Center >> Health News Release Archive The centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently lunch menus for 18 school districts in the County (Virginia), Pinellas County (florida), Broward County
Extractions: report card Background The NSLP was established in 1946 with the goal of reducing malnutrition caused by a shortage of food. The program now operates in nearly 100,000 schools and residential childcare institutions and serves almost 27 million lunches a day. Schools participating in the NSLP receive cash subsidies, donated commodities, and free bonus shipments for each meal served. In return, they must serve lunches that meet federal nutrition requirements, as well as offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. In response to these serious health concerns, PCRM, a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine through healthy nutrition, has encouraged lawmakers, the USDA, and school districts to achieve the PCRM Healthy School Lunch Campaign goal of assuring that foods served at school promote the health of all children.
Naples High School Library Media Center Catalog for Naples High school Library media Center and all school libraries in florida. This site does not need a password to enter.
Extractions: The password to access this file may be obtained from the Naples High School Library Media Center staff. SOME INTERESTING AND HELPFUL SITES FOR STUDENTS SITES THAT WILL MAKE YOUR INTERNET SEARCHING EASIER SITES BELOW NEED ID AND PASSWORD SITES BELOW NEED ID AND PASSWORD Search our web site! Powered by
Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) XU9. school District of Lee County. LCOSD. Seminole Tribe of florida Libraries. S8N. Skyline Elementary school media Center. F@S. Southwest florida College. S2T.
Extractions: resources interlibrary loan mentor reciprocal borrowing union periodical catalog regional ... Download this document LIBRARY NAME OCLC SYMBOL Ave Maria University AVMAR Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum Library B$H Barron Collier High School N/A Blessed Edmund Rice School for Pastoral Ministry RIE Bonita Springs Elementary School NEBLC C. H. Motorcars, LLC FLCAR Caloosa Middle School Media Center F@C Central Elementary Media Center Charlotte County Public Schools Special Projects Center F@Z Charlotte-Glades Library System FMO Collier County Public Library FNO Community School of Naples Media Center ZAK Crestwell School Media Center DeSoto County Library Dunbar High School Media Center DUNBA Eastside Elementary Media Center F@E ECHO E@L Edison Community College FHF Estero High School ESTER Florida Gulf Coast University FGA Florida Keys Community College FCK Fort Myers Beach Public Library MV$ Fort Myers High School FTMYE Golden Gate Elementary GOLDG Gulf Middle School Media Center G@F Hendry County Library System ZAJ Holy Theotokos Monastery International College - Fort Myers International College - Naples LaBelle Elementary School Media Center LF$ Lee County Division of Planning LCDOP Lee County Library System FFL Lee Memorial Health System - Cape Coral L$C Lee Memorial Health System - Fort Myers LMH Lehigh Acres Middle School Media Center L$H Lehigh Senior High School LEHIG Lely High School Media Center L@H Mariner High School Media Center F@A Naples Community Hospital Library LB$ North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts NFMAA Parker Environmental Resource Library at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
UFLaw | Levin College Of Law At The University Of Florida The University of florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law in Gainesville, FL centers, Institutes Clinics, Library, Student Affairs, More Faculty, Staff, Visiting Faculty/Staff, media Box
Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) 33919. Kathy Goldman, media Specialist ESTERO HIGH school media CENTER 21900 River Ranch Road Estero, florida 33928. Kathleen Hoeth
Gulf High School Media And Technology and information system from for the state of florida. Students are welcome to come to the media center before school, after school, during
Extractions: MagillOnLiterature is the definitive online source for editorially reviewed critical analyses and brief plot summaries of the most studied works in the history of literature. This database, which is compiled by Salem Press, contains all of Masterplots and Masterplots II, Cyclopedia of World Authors, Cyclopedia of Literary Characters, and Magill's Literary Annual.
Extractions: Find a topic Check these out! Senior Picks! Book reviews Library hours and services ... MHS home page The mission of the Marathon Middle/High SchoolLibrary Media Center is to reflect the schools curriculum and serve the school community. The Media Specialist encourages and supports academic excellence and cultural development by providing an environment conducive to quiet study, instilling sound research methods and strategies through library instruction, developing a rich array of print and electronic resources, and readily assisting patrons in finding the information they seek. Information gathering is enhanced by interlibrary loan through Sunlink and a variety of electronic databases. The Library Media Center is also fully engaged in efforts to upgrade the collection and to improve access to information by keeping abreast of and implementing new practices in library and information science. (with assistance from Franklin Pierce College in Rindge, New Hampshire.)
Libray/Media Resources - Hillsborough County, Florida HASLMS Hillsborough Association of school Library media Specialists. FACE-It - florida Association for Computers in Education in Tampa.
Extractions: Media Services Grades 6-12 The media supervisors work with the media specialists in planning, implementing, and managing the educational media program. They provide assistance with development of the media collection, facilities utilization, technology planning, program development and management. Congratulations to these media specialists who were voted Teacher of the Year at their schools, Brenda Breeden , Greco Middle, Susan Defant , Ruskin Elem., Nancy Elliott , Muller Elem. and Patricia Muehl , Miles Elem. Cybercat - Hillsborough County Schools Online Catalog Online Databases - Grolier, Gale, Proquest (password required-provided by Media Specialist) Sunlink The SUNLINK database now has over 1.4 million titles from 2,242 schools (K-12) in the state of Florida, nearly 15,000 web sites and over 260,000 book jacket cover images! Tampa Public Library - excellent resources to use with your public library barcode number Sunshine State Young Readers Award - Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8 Approved Vendor List (meet Hillsborough County processing specifications)- Books and AV materials Media/Library Handbook designed to assist media specialists who have the responsibility for selection, acquisition, and utilization of educational media
Lincoln High School - Tallahassee, Florida Last Day of school; 6th 7th period exams given; Graduation rehearsal 2 PM Lincoln LSAC Information; Alumni Information; LHS Phone List; media Center Resources;
Extractions: Quick Link Departments Admin English ESE Fine Arts Foreign Lang Guidance Math Media Center Physical Ed Science Social St. Special Support Athletics Baseball Basketball Calendar Cheerleading Crew Crosscountry Dance Team Football Golf Soccer-Boys Soccer-Girls Softball Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball Wrestling Clubs Civinettes FCA MAO SGA SHS Trojan Talk SchoolInfo Alumni Info FCAT Map to LHS Media Phone List SIP Vision Classes Band Chorus Credits Drama NJROTC Trojan Talk
Extractions: We are very proud of our Reading Counts "Magical Bean Stalk". Students can read and take Reading Counts tests on a wide variety of titles. Each book has a point value assigned to it based on its readability level. After a student passes a test, points for that book are awarded and recorded in his or her online file. Students accumulate points and earn a different leaf for each point level. The point levels for each grade are listed below in a chart for your convenience. The color of the leaf changes as the student's point level increases. Students then get to have their picture placed on the media center wall in the colored leaf. At the end of the year, students get to "spend" the points they earned on various fun prizes. Every student that participates in the Reading Counts program gets to shop. How you can help?
Media Center Brentwood Elementary School Sarasota Florida Brentwood Elementary school 2500 Vinson Ave. Sarasota, FL 34232 phone (941)3616230 Fax 941-361-6381 Where teaching and learning are top priorities .
Extractions: click here to view "Magical Bean Stalk" Reading Wall of Fame Reading Counts Leaf Point Levels Leaf Colors Green Red Yellow Orange Brown Gold Blue Grey White Black Silver Pink Teal Purple Goldenrod Lime Zebra Leopard Psychedelic Patriotic Funfetti Tropical Dinomite Camouflage WHAT LEAF IS NEXT? Home Administration Instruction Parent Involvement ... Points of Pride