The Page Cannot Be Found A language service in Finland which compiles vocabularies of specialized terminology for various technical fields.
Usein Kysyttyä Suomalais-ugrilaisista Kielistä by Johanna Laakso. Is finnish the most ancient language in the world? Where do finnish words come from? A FinnoUgric linguist answers these and other common questions.
Extractions: We consider it to be the major goal of our program to have you use Finnish in as large a variety of real-life situations as possible. To that end, our Finnish courses have been designed to build fluency in both the spoken and the written language. Please note that unless we have the minimum enrollment of four students at the beginning of each of our four main sessions (consisting of eight weeks), we are not able to offer a regularly scheduled group class. Students have the choice of either placing their names on a waiting list for a possible group class or making arrangements for private instruction Introductory Finnish Introduces both the spoken and the written language, with conversational proficiency as the primary goal. The course emphasizes grammar, oral expression, and listening comprehension, and is designed to give beginning students a practical command of the language. Upon completion of this course, you can expect to be able to speak in a present and a future tense, to have enough vocabulary (500 to 1,000 words) to participate in basic everyday conversation, and to be able to read and write a simple letter. Since communication in a foreign language requires an understanding of the cultural context, our aim is to teach you the living language through carefully selected textbooks, newspaper and magazine articles and other relevant materials, rather than have you repeat and memorize tourist phrases.
Central Eurasian Studies Offers courses on the Balticfinnish region and language courses in finnish and Estonian.
Department Of Germanic Languages And Literatures Offers elementary and intermediate language courses in finnish and courses (in English) in finnish culture and society.
Virtuaalikirjasto - Uutisia List of links to internet resources on the Saami language and culture. Some of the annotations are in English, the rest in finnish.
Extractions: The Finnish Virtual Library will change in 2004! Palvelulle tulee uusi käyttöliittymä. VK asetetaan myös haettavaksi palveluksi Nelli-portaaliin , yhdeksi tiedonlähteeksi muiden korkealaatuisten palvelujen rinnalla. Teknisellä tasolla VK muutetaan usean tietokannan järjestelmästä enemmän keskitetymmäksi, yhden tietokannan varassa toimivaksi järjestelmäksi. Uusittu palvelu avataan uuden nimisenä vuoden lopulla. Vanha VK on siihen asti käytössä entisenlaisena lukuunottamatta seuraavia muutoksia: etusivulla ollut monihaku loppuu 31.3.2004 ja Oulun yliopiston virtuaalikirjaston ao. aihealueet ovat haettavissa Renardus -palvelun monihausta Aate- ja oppihistoria
How Similar Are Estonian And Finnish? 1995 contribution to soc.culture.baltics by Eugene Holman from the University of Helsinki.
HENINEN.NET Collection of links related to Karelia, its culture and history, and including links to linguistic material related to the Karelain language. Trilingual site (English, Russian and finnish).
Helsinki Education Department - Contact Info finnishlanguage schools. Ala-Malmi Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages. Foreign-language instruction at finnish-language schools.
Helsinki Education Department - Contact Info finnishlanguage schools. Focus programmes at regular upper secondary schools. Foreign-language instruction at finnish-language schools. Eiran aikuislukio.
Verbix -- Ugric Languages: Conjugate Finnish Verbs Ugric languages finnish. finnish is the national language of Finland. It s a Ugric language spoken by 6 million native speakers.
Finno-Ugric Languages And Peoples Survey of the Uralic languages, with map of their distribution (labeled in finnish) and number of speakers. Some historical information as well.
International Schooling In Finland An article about education given in other languages than finnish or Swedish.
Extractions: Photo: Tero Pajukallio If Helsinki, the capital, is their destination they would have a wide choice of schools where the language of teaching is not Finnish or Swedish. For teaching in English at all age-levels there are the International School of Helsinki and the English School . In addition, a number of other schools that offer instruction in English at the upper secondary level, enable pupils to study, for example, for the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination, the Advanced International Certificate of Education or (at the English School) the American Advanced Placement program. The Deutsche Schule Helsinki The Ecole francaise Jules Verne consists of a preschool and grades 1 to 9 and the language of instruction is French. The school follows the French curriculum and the lesson quota of the French education system. The teachers are native French speakers.
Betlehemskyrkan The languages used in the church are Swedish, English, finnish, Russian and Vietnamese. Events and links.
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Betlehemskyrkan Finland. The languages used in the church are Swedish, English, finnish, Russian and Vietnamese. Overview, programme, prayer, events and links.
Admark - Velkommen Translation agency, specialising in the four Scandinavian languages Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and finnish.
Extractions: Profil Services Nyheder Referencer ... Links Admark har specialiseret sig i oversættelse af kreative tekster mellem engelsk og de nordiske sprog samt engelsk tekstforfatning på højt niveau. Vi er hurtige, fleksible og kvalitetsbevidste med omfattende erfaringer, ekspertise og en imponerende referenceliste Noget gør vi rigtigt - Hurtig levering de fire hjørnesten i Admarks oversættelsesservice. Vi har med fuldt overlæg valgt at fokusere på disse fire aspekter en god direkte dialog med vore kunder og overraske kunderne ved 9 ud af 10 gange at levere oversatte opgaver før deadline (den 10. gang ....mere Admark, PO Box 2034, 8900 Randers - Tlf: (+45) 22 34 20 30 - E-mail:
Scandinavian Studies Offers beginning and intermediate finnish, finnish literature, and culture, as well as courses in Scandinavian and Balticarea languages and culture. Syllabi for several courses are available online.
Extractions: Three Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, entered the European Union and the NATO Alliance in 2004. Do external threats to political security exist? Will there be economic growth? What are the destabilizing factors as European borders disappear? See it now via streaming video , and for more information visit the Baltic Studies Program Swedish Program Receives Top International Honors Particularly cited were UW Associate Professor Lotta Gavel Adams and Senior Lecturer , both Swedish specialists on the faculty. Press Release [44kb PDF] Tiina Nunnally, affiliate member of the faculty, wins prestigious Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for translation. Nunnally was awarded Britain's leading award for novels translated into English, for her superb translation of Per Olov Enquist 's
The Origin Of Finnish And Related Languages Virtual Finland's introduction to presentday Finno-Ugric languages and their territories.
Extractions: The ancient Finno-Ugrian word stock contains words referring to water, but they all concern inland waterways and freshwater fauna. Rivers, inland waterfowl and freshwater fish constitute the most typical Finno-Ugrian word stock. F innish belongs to the Baltic-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugrian or Uralic language family. It is the largest language in its group, the next largest being Estonian. The Baltic-Finnic language group is one of the westernmost branches of the Finno-Ugrian language family; only the Sámi territory in western and northern Norway extends further west. In the east, the domain of the language family extends to the Yenisey river and the Taimyr peninsula, and the farthest outpost to the south comprises the Hungarians, in the Carpathian basin of Central Europe. I n all, about 23 million people speak the languages of the Finno-Ugrian language family. However, many of the languages are tiny: apart from Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, they are all threatened minority tongues whose territories lie within the Russian Federation.